Who is your dad?

“Oh my goodness!”

Cecilia jumped up from her seat. With both hands covering her mouth, her eyes sparkling and her fidgeting form made her look much younger than her fifties. She seemed like a girl shyly but curiously revealing interest in someone’s love affairs.

If it’s Duke Albrecht, it’s very welcome. Of course, news of having a child even before marriage… is not a particularly pleasant content to receive, and public opinion may not be kind either. However, since the deed is done and a child has been born, it’s better to wish for the child’s father to be the most proper person.

In that respect, Duke Albrecht was indeed the best candidate for the father. Not only does he possess exceptional qualities to an overwhelming degree, but he is also the owner of a noble lineage with a spotless private life, free from scandals above all. Cecilia’s heart truly embraced the idea of him being Celeste’s counterpart.

Cecilia covered her blushing face with trembling fingertips. If anyone saw her, they might think it was not Celeste but herself who had found a husband.

“So, is that why you’ve come all the way here? Oh my goodness, Oh God.”

What should be prepared first then? Celeste’s presence with the child was already seen from the train station; rumors were likely spreading like wildfire by now.

Rumors spread rapidly, especially those related to scandals. In that sense, the news of Viscount Louisette becoming an unwed mother would not take too long to spread throughout the capital.

If that’s the case, then they must hurry to have the paternity acknowledged and the wedding held.

To Cecilia, Celeste was as good as a daughter. Where could parents be found who would calmly watch their daughter’s reputation tarnish? She felt anxious.

“I’m just speculating for now, but it seems likely that it’s His Highness Albrecht. The rumors have been circulating for quite some time about strange things between His Highness Toskur and the Viscount, but we know it’s all baseless gossip, don’t we?”

There was a good reason why Franz kept calling Celeste a duchess. It was not for personal reasons but for the profit relationship with the Viscount, which, if known publicly, would cause trouble. They had to handle it discreetly, despite the strange scandal attached. The Viscount’s sotsoll(*rank?*) would know how unfair that was.

But to be able to sever the rumors with Franz through Karl’s connection! It felt refreshing as if a weight had been lifted off her chest. Cecilia’s mind raced.

“Since His Highness Albrecht arrived in Urentum, I felt something was odd from the beginning. Even if they conduct the investigation in an apparent manner, isn’t it strange that the next in line to the Emperor, a powerful duke, would come all the way to the remote village personally? Moreover, the way he looked at the Viscount… I remember when the explosion happened and he protected the Viscount with his whole body.”

“Explosion? What are you talking about?”

“It’s a long story. The Imperial Investigation Department came to ask the Viscount about the Schwaben Marquis case. Then, because of a sudden explosion of a magical stone buried beneath the cabin floor… Well, in any case, the Duke protected the Viscount with his body. He shielded her from the flames with his whole body, even getting injured in the process.”

There was no need to say more. A man risking himself to save a woman he loved? That was the end of the game. It’s an impossible task without love.

In this world, our lord Marquess, is truly remarkable and diligent. Even though it seemed there was no connection at all with Duke Albrecht, somehow they managed to meet somewhere at some point and indulge in an affair… Cecelia’s lips quivered.

“So, currently discussing matters in the study, are you discussing marriage?”


Wasn’t this a development too fast, skipping many steps ahead? Hannah and Leev displayed surprised expressions.

Of course, Celeste was at that age where confusion overflowed, even spilled over. But marriage? So sudden?

“Well, with a child, one must hasten. It’s already late,” Cecelia’s words hinted at agreement from Lady Margaret. What should be prepared first? The two middle-aged ladies began discussing wedding preparations in earnest.

From the abrupt entrance of Karl to the conversation about wedding preparations, although the opinions of the people concerned were absent throughout, it didn’t matter.

When should the date be set, where should the venue be, and how far should the guests be invited – no one could interrupt Cecelia and Margaret’s heated discussion.

As the two protagonists of this fervent discussion, Karl and Celeste were summoned back just as the two ladies were about to finalize their discussion in writing.


It seems there is a corner of intuition that digs this deep into questioning. Even amidst my flustered state of not finding the right answer, Karl focused his gaze on me.

“I… don’t remember…”

But ultimately, the only answer I could give was one. I don’t remember, I don’t know.

He doesn’t know what accident Celeste had two years ago, how she gave birth to the child, or who brought Valeri to me. With no knowledge whatsoever, it was only natural to be extremely cautious with my response to such a single question.

Even if I had seen the solution turning transparent, how would I simply blurt out, “Yes, Valeri seems to be your child,” and then handle the aftermath?

“So in the end, you answer that way, saying you don’t remember, you don’t know. I thought you would do so.”

He leaned forward and rose up. Following Karl’s movements, my eyes moved quickly as well.

Without hesitation, Karl swiftly slipped his hand inside the front of my robe. Watching his actions, I wondered what he was doing.

“If you don’t remember, you can confirm it yourself, right?”

In his hand was a vial that seemed familiar. Carefully cradled in his hand, the item was none other than a potion. It was the same one I saw when confirming Valeri’s blood relationship in Urentum!

How did that potion end up in his hands? It was perplexing.

“Wh-where did you get that?”

“Alphonso. Confiscated it from a detective in Urentum.”


That detective’s help was more of a hindrance.

“After the explosion incident, when we were seizing and searching belongings, multiple similar vials appeared. Just in case, I brought one of them along.”

As he spoke, he shook the vial. The intimidating aura from earlier was nowhere to be found, replaced by a slightly smug expression.

No matter how much you try to escape with the excuse of having no memory, it’s no use, is this the feeling?

“Will you bring the child? Celly.”

Oh boy, now he even calls her by a nickname. Were Karl and Celeste a couple who whispered love to each other using nicknames? My head began to throb.

“Do you not like it? Then let me call her instead.”

I just sat there, unable to find the right words. Unable to say or not to say. But unable to endure even that short moment, Karl rang the handbell on the table.

Within moments, after a knock, Mueller appeared, and Karl whispered something to him in a whisper.

Now, without any choice, I have become involved with Karl as Valeria’s father and mother. I cannot estimate whether this is a good or bad situation for me.

Mueller, the competent butler, moved swiftly in accordance with Karl’s orders, perhaps thinking that he might become the future husband of the unmarried mother. He seemed determined to finish everything before the Duke could change his mind and leave the mansion.

Within precisely five minutes, until everything was in order as the surroundings settled without regard to my feelings or opinions. The library transformed as if it had become an identification office.


Mueller, Lady Margaret, Cecelia, Leev, Hannah, and even Kendrick, all of them poured in as if they had been waiting, through the open library door.

How can those people move together so seamlessly like they are one entity?

“Are you planning to… do an identification test?”

Led by Cecelia, the group started to murmur. Hannah with a face that seemed to have known it, Kendrick looking puzzled, Lady Margaret appearing almost tearful…

I just can’t help but sigh.

How many times is this already? It feels like taking an exam that you already know the answer to, over and over.

I took advantage of the chaotic moment and brought Valeria to the table where Karl and I were just sitting a moment ago, attracting everyone’s attention while holding the baby in my arms, what a situation…

I wondered if Valeria could sense my feelings, but she calmly nestled against me without fussing as usual.

I quietly held the small hand of the little child like a maple leaf. I really didn’t feel like pricking this small finger to draw blood, but there was no way to stop His Grace from confirming whether she is his daughter or not.

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Nothing much , just a guy doing his best to make everyone happy. If you've liked my translation, leave a comment ❤️


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