While You're In Love


[Helena, how…… !]

The noble man who was muttering something looked at me intently for a long time.

I bent my head down and dangled my fingers. Thinking of a way I can get out of here.

The man who looked at me from head to toe slowly opened his mouth.

[……… There are many differences when you look at it closely, not even a single fine gold hair like Helena and her eyes are also darker and dull than Helena’s. She’s not as pretty as her.]

I felt bad because I was suddenly being criticized for my appearance.

If it weren’t for their aristocracy status, and I wasn’t a commoner, I wouldn’t have stayed still.

However, in a class-based society, being in the lower class was an absolute weakness.


There was nothing I could do other than bowing my head to avoid the gazes that judged me.

But the noble man did not even allow me to do that.

[Raise your head.]

I bit my lip and listened to his orders.

The man who was startled when he first saw me disappeared, and there was a nobleman filled with arrogance.

[Turn your head to the side.]


[Good, the other way around]


[Turn around. ]

He ordered me around.

[This time… Say something.]


[Are you a fool?]

[…… No.]

I answered the complaint with patience.

The noble man squinted his eyes as if he was offended by my blunt short answer. But he didn’t get angry.

[At first glance, it sounds like it’s her but your voice will change as you grow up.]

Mumbling, he smiled with satisfaction as he was talking mysterious things.

[Great. This is the most similar thing I’ve ever seen.]

I should have ran right away when I saw his grin that felt creepy.

Not knowing the bleak future to come right after, I stood quietly.

The stories of the commoners who were wrongly caught by the aristocrats and were greatly angered were as many as stones scattered on the road.

I didn’t want to be the main character of this boring story, so I kept my head down.

Fortunately, it seemed that I did not offend the eyes of this noble.

The aristocrat, who had been holding me for a long time, shook his hand stroking his chin.

[Never mind. You can go now.]

[Thank you sir.….]


The man caught me as I was trying to escape quickly.

[Take this.]

What he offered was not a few gold coins. Ordinary people like me will never be able to collect this much money.

When I asked why give it to me with wide eyes, the noble man said.

[Consider it as a gift from my sick wife.]

I didn’t do anything to earn this much money.

Unable to calm down my surprise, I tried to give it back to the man.

However, the noble man refused to accept it back.

His kindness did not stop there.

[You go and take her home safely.]

He even sent the knight next to the coachman.

[I’m okay]

[Don’t mind him and accept the help.]

The noble man spoke with mercy.

[You never know what’s going to happen if you walk around with that much money alone.]

[Thank you]

With the attitude that no further refusal will be accepted, I half-forced accepted his favor.

The noble man was also right. It was easy to be robbed while carrying valuables in your arms on a street with poor security.

Seeing that there were people glancing on the road, it seemed that I would not be able to return home safely by myself.

[Let’s go. I will follow you.]

The knight who faithfully obeyed his master said to me.

I whispered the direction and bowed to the noble man.

The strange smile that the noble man had was suspicious and was on my mind.

I took a step, suppressing the uncomfortable feeling rising from the corner of my chest.

No wonder the gold coins in my hand felt heavy.

All the way home, I tried to think in a good way to relieve my anxiety.

I was just lucky. A nobleman who cares for his sick wife has done me an excessive favor, and this will soon become something that can be laughed at.

I had no idea at that time that everything was actually a plan to dig in my back.

Thanks to the gold coins from the noble man, my family was able to eat properly for the first time in a long time.

Filling my stomach with fresh meat, not potatoes or old barley.

The family members who wiped off the grease or oil around their mouths looked happy, so I was happy, too.

“But can we waste it like this?”

Mother expressed concern about our excessive consumption. I reassured her by showing all the gold coins left behind.

It’s okay. There is still a lot left.”

Looking at the shiny gold coins, the family was in a fun dilemma about how to use them.

“Would you like to take a few days off from work and go on a trip?”

Hey, it’s all Lyla’s money, so we should save it for the kid later.”

“No, Mom. I also want to go on a family trip.”

“Really? Still I feel sorry…”

I’m really fine.”

My parents and brother began to discuss where to travel when I readily agreed.

I couldn’t hide my happy smile and looked at the family who put their heads together.

I did a good job by accepting it.’

I was confused until the very end, but when I saw the happy family, even the slightest reluctance disappeared.

We had a happy evening eating, chatting and laughing.

But this serenity did not last long.


The front door shook violently..

The surprised family jumped up.


Before the bewildered family could figure out what the hell was going on, my younger brother grabbed my wrist and shoved me into the bedroom.

Mom, sister, come and hide!”

In the meantime, bang! thud! The door rattled like it was about to break.



The door shattered with a roaring noise that seemed to shake the whole house.

Before we could hide in the room, the assailants rushed into the house.


I opened my eyes wide. One of the terrorists who invaded the house with mud feet was an acquaintance.

‘That man…’.

It was the knight who walked me home earlier.

He glanced at me and beckoned to his fellow knights next to him.

“That’s her. Take her home safely.”

The knights came up to me. My frightened family surrounded me and tried to protect me, but they couldn’t beat the strength of the disciplined knights.

“Lyla! Lyla!”

Who are you? Why would you kidnap our daughter!”

Hey! Hey, let go of me!” Sister!”

The desperate voices of my family calling me as if vomiting blood resounded loudly.

What’s wrong with you? Let go of me!”

I struggled a lot. However, no matter how hard I tried, I could not escape from the men who held both of my arms and carried me out of the house.


The door closed violently in front of my eyes, I was forced into the carriage parked in front of my house.

Soon after, the carriage departed.

Let go of me! Mom! Dad!”

I tried to open the carriage door to get out of here, but the locked door did not open.

Bang bang! The window that I knocked on was also fine without a small crack.

I screamed and struggled until I was exhausted, but nothing changed.

I sat helplessly in a chair and grabbed my forehead.

‘Who, why, and for what purpose are you kidnapping me?’

I tried to grasp the situation as soon as possible, holding back the tears that were about to burst.

They came home and kidnapped me in front of my family.

Above all, the familiar knight was the one who set foot in our house first.

The man who walked me home earlier was the servant of a nobleman who gave me a huge amount of gold as a reward.

So, was it that nobleman who kidnapped me?

…… Why the hell?

The first thing that came to my mind was maybe I was kidnapped randomly.

However, it was the aristocrats, not the gangsters, who kidnapped me.

Besides, the outfits of the knights who brought me, the appearance of the wagon carrying me, and everywhere I looked, it seemed that there was nothing for them to steal or benefit from a commoner household like us.

If it’s not for money, then why did you kidnap me?

The next thing that came to mind was my body.

I’ve heard that a color-crazy aristocrat kidnaps a pretty commoner woman and forces her to become a concubine.

‘But…… I don’t think that’s the reason.’

There was no ugliness in the eyes of the nobleman who looked at me on the road.

Then why?

The carriage stopped before I could find the answer.

A huge mansion could be seen out the window. I felt overwhelmed by the old-fashioned mansion that was large enough to be described as majestic.

I was dragged down from the carriage by the knights and said nothing until I entered the mansion through a small back door.

There was no one in the dark hallway. Only heavy footsteps and the sound of my frightened breath echoed in the quiet corridor.

The mansion with an eerie aura made me even more scared.

T/N : Thank you for waiting 🙂

Thank you for reading~


  1. romymy1 says:

    Wow you are back, thank you!

    1. Orphic Disha says:

      Yes! <3

      1. Aiza J says:

        Welcome back!

        1. Orphic Disha says:


  2. Iona says:

    Yay!! I’m so glad you are back!!

    1. Orphic Disha says:


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