While You're In Love



Aslan rubbed the corners of his eyes.

His condition was very bad because he didn’t sleep, he had been standing and watching her all day.

Pulling his hand away from his bloodshot eyes, he raised his head again.

Lyla’s house was in total darkness, even the faint light streaming through the curtains was now  gone.

No sound could be heard in the dim house, as if everyone had fallen asleep.

Staring at  Lyla’s bedroom window, which revealed nothing, Aslan finally moved.

He turned around and looked at the faces of the attendants guarding his side.


The knights, who had been standing immobile all day, tensed up, their tired bodies suddenly on alert as Aslan’s gaze moved over them.

Aslan stared at his middle-aged knight, a man with a stern expression, and then, as if changing his mind, called out to the rather frail-looking young man next to him.

“Gus Chester.”


“Starting today, stay here. It is important to not get caught, but the priority is to prevent anything from happening in advance and ensure there’s no unnecessary approach.”

There was no need to ask who.

Helena Tordell, the one they’d been observing all day, the woman known as Lyla Violet here.

The one they’d been watching all day.


“Report back to me every day. What time she gets up, what she eats, where she goes, who she sees. Don’t forget even the smallest details.”


Normally, he would have given even more detailed instructions, but he had no energy left for that.

Aslan touched his throbbing forehead and turned around.

Except for Deputy Chief Gus who was staying behind, the rest followed Aslan as he left the place.

Taking the carriage he had hidden, Aslan headed back to Eres Station. It was late, so there were no encounters with other people.

The station was also deserted. Aslan gritted his teeth as he gazed at the empty station.

When he had arrived here at dawn, he had felt lighter and more uplifted. But now, everything felt damp, like a soaked cotton ball. His body and mind.

He had thought he could easily take Lyla with him when he came here, but he couldn’t. That was the reason.

Unable to untangle his thoughts, Aslan boarded the passengerless train.

Aslan settled into a first-class seat and the train soon started moving.

Slicing through the chilly night air, the train swiftly left Eres Station.

Elwood, where Lyla was, grew more distant.

His longing overflowed, urging him to grab her and bring her back immediately. Aslan struggled to suppress the impulse.

‘Not yet’

If he went now and seized her, she would run away.

So he had to endure. He had to wait until he could truly capture her.

It was his specialty to dig the trap, set the snare, wait for the prey, and catch it at the crucial moment.

How many times had he done this before. He thought of the countless problems he’d solved this way.

This time would be no different.


He, who had always been so sure of himself, hesitated this time. As always, when it came to Lyla. Aslan couldn’t act as he normally did.

Aslan let out a long breath, unable to contain his frustration.

Though he had a knight posted there, the reality was he was leaving Lyla alone in Elwood no matter how one looked at it.

It felt horrifyingly unbearable, to the point where he could hardly endure the fact.

Lyla, who had always been within his reach, always in a place where he could quickly take action, had left his side.

His head throbbed. Beneath his tightly closed eyelids, the bright face of Lyla, who  smiled so brightly, flickered.

How much longer could he endure?

Aslan could not fathom the moment of their reunion.

Since his wife’s departure, Aslan had become a mess.

People were astonished to see Aslan deteriorate day by day.

They didn’t suspect that Duke Tordell’s change was due to his absent wife. They speculated about problems with his business or something similar.

Part of it was because Aslan kept Helena’s absence a secret.

But gradually, from his increasingly haggard appearance, everyone could sense that he was merely putting on a façade and that things were not normal.

With business going smoothly and no major problems in the country or his estate, it seemed that the root of the issue lay within the family.

Curious gazes turned towards the Tordell family.

They soon noticed the absence of Duchess Tordell.

Lyla, who seemed to keep a low profile, attended important gatherings and events.

It was her duty to be present, even in the presence of those who did not welcome her.

Aslan never forced her to do anything; rather, he felt reluctant to let her go outside, knowing that she would be distressed if she did, even if she didn’t show it.

Lyla’s delicate and sensitive body couldn’t handle being out for too long.

It was difficult for Aslan to bear. He wanted to provide Lyla only with the best, to protect her carefully so that not even a small discomfort would reach her.

But outside, the same things were hurting Lyla without him even realizing it.

Due to a prior warning the people outside didn’t say or do anything overt to her, Lyla couldn’t help but feel their rejection.

Seeing Lyla’s sad face as she returned, drained of energy, he couldn’t ignore it.

During the night, she would toss and turn, unable to sleep, and in the morning, she’d get up with a fatigued face, skipping meals. It was impossible not to notice how much stress she was under.

But he didn’t do anything about it, because he half-heartedly believed it would be crossing the line for her.

In fact, it was good that she would rely on him. It was good that she focused all her attention on him.

But now that this had happened, he regretted it.

He should have allowed her to make a few friends here. If he had, her heart might have been attached to this place and she wouldn’t have left so reluctantly.

But regrets came too late.

All that was left were the annoying questions from those who inquired about Lyla’s whereabouts.

When someone asked him where the Duchess of Tordell had gone, Aslan would say with a painted smile.

“My wife is currently staying at our country estate for some recuperation.”

Like someone who never saw the wedding contract she handed him back and the letter that said she was leaving. Like someone who never thought about breaking up.

Aslan explained nonchalantly and people believed his words.

Dalton, the butler who followed his master’s wishes, also strictly monitored the tongues of the mansion’s servants.

“Don’t forget, every one of you agreed to the confidentiality clause when signing the employment contract. You don’t need further explanation about what might happen if you breach the contract with the Tordell family.”

But despite Dalton’s stern warning, there was still some chatter.

Perhaps because there was so much commotion on the day Lyla disappeared, rumors spread outside the high fence.

“I heard Duke Tordell’s wife ran away.”

“Ran away? She didn’t go for recuperation? That woman was already delicate, to begin with.”

“No way. It’s said that the Duke turned his mansion upside down in the middle of the night, and even the knights were let loose in the city. They say she ran away that day.”

The words traveled from mouth to mouth. As rumors spread far and wide, they gradually changed.

Thus, the final version of the story that reached Aslan’s ears was like this.

“She ran away before being discarded, right? They say the Duke is divorcing his wife and planning to remarry the woman he brought here not long ago. It’s better for her to run away than to be here and face humiliation.”

“Who’s the woman? Could it be Rosalyn Peridot?”

“That’s right. The red-haired country girl. She’s already famous in the Duke’s mansion, right? They say Rosalyn Peridot will become the next Duchess.”

“Is that true?”


“Yes, I heard that. The Duchess knew about it and left.”

“That’s a bit pitiful, isn’t it? Didn’t they stay married for quite a while?”

“So what, after all those years of extravagance, what has she done? After all these years of marriage, she still hasn’t produced an heir. She knows she’s flawed, so what can she say?”

Chuckles and sneers followed.

“Her family isn’t well-off, she’s not even attractive and she can’t even have a child. Duke Tordell , really, he’s not good at business.”

“Could the rumors about his business acumen also be false? It might have just been luck until now. What kind of business can someone who can’t even handle a marriage properly…”

The man who had been talking at the top of his lungs took a sharp intake of breath and covered his mouth.

“Huh? What’s wrong, ……?”

Those who didn’t know the reason turned their heads slightly, and were as astonished as the previous one.

“Why are there so many people making fun of us so casually?”

The protagonist of the rumors they had been gossiping about was walking toward them, speaking in a low voice.

Duke Aslan Tordell, his brilliant golden hair swept back neatly, his clothes untidy and his demeanor relaxed.

Even though his pace was unhurried, almost leisurely, they couldn’t escape him.

The people who had been whispering fell silent, watching Aslan’s every move.

Aslan’s face remained composed, showing no sign of disturbance despite having overheard their entire conversation.

Aslan fiddled with the wedding ring on his ring finger out of habit, and when his eyes met theirs, he smiled.

It was a smile that was more chilling than beautiful, as if it was a painting smiling.

But seeing him smile like that, they couldn’t help but feel a bit relieved.

Perhaps he wasn’t as angry as they thought. Isn’t it said that he is negligent with his wife. The man opened his mouth with optimistic hope that he could pass by quietly like this.

“W-Well, we should get going― AAh!”

A ringed fist slammed into the man’s flesh, tearing it open and splattering blood.

The sound of impact followed. Guards who had rushed over in response to the commotion didn’t stop Aslan until several of guards arrived and clung to Aslan, restraining him.

“This is what happens when you run your mouth recklessly. I hope you’ve learned your lesson.”

Speaking elegantly, Aslan brushed off his hands. Drops of splattered blood  were on his fist and fingertips. But there was nothing that could be done about the once-white sleeve now stained red.

Aslan Torrdell, along with the guards, left the scene.

“This is… this is absolutely horrifying!”

The aftermath of the scene where the injured had left for elsewhere was grim.

Small pools of blood here and there, and shards, once white and tough, scattered around.

People were greatly astonished at the sight, even from a distance, their bodies were shuddering.

No one dared to speak of the Duke and Duchess Tordell after that.















Thank you for reading~


  1. Isa says:

    🤣🤣🤣 I kinda like him like this. Aslan just made me proud.

    Thanks for the chapter!

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