When You Turned Your Back On Me, We Became Strangers

WYTYBMWBS I Chapter 40

。・:*:・゚★ Translated by Gon 。・:*:・゚☆


**Chapter 40**


Riley absentmindedly touched her neck.


“Am I regretting this now?”


But thinking it over again, it was the right decision. She knew this was the right thing to do. She couldn’t make the contract right now. If she did, she would have to head straight to the royal palace.


Yet, she couldn’t just leave Ren as he was.


Riley sighed, fidgeting with the letter she had received from Carver.


“The sword ‘celátum’ means ‘secret.’ No one truly knows anything about this sword.”


She had planned to learn more about the sword from Ren, but since he had returned to his true form, she couldn’t hear anything from him now.


Ren, having returned to his sword form, was said to be very calm. That calmness was so deep that no one could discern what he was thinking.


“…I didn’t realize it before, but now that he’s gone, it feels empty.”


She hadn’t noticed it while Ren was with her, but now his absence felt significant.


He did seem slightly injured at the time…


Feeling frustrated, Riley opened the window and looked outside. She saw someone moving secretly at the end of the mansion.


“Looks like they’re not from the Duke’s family. Who could it be?”


There were several people leaving with their arms full of something.


She held her breath and quietly watched their actions.


When she finally recognized someone leaving with a box in their arms, her face contorted.


* * *

“Are you really not going to come out?”


Carver tapped the sword with his fingers and asked.


A few days ago, there was some reaction, but today there was nothing. After pondering for a moment, Carver sat down and began sorting through documents.


“It will come out eventually.”


In fact, it was better for him if it didn’t show up. While he had been helping her from behind, Ren had been right by her side.


Carver thought about Riley’s somewhat haggard face and furrowed his brow.


“Now, I’ll guard her.”


He quickly signed the documents and closed his mouth. Harven, who had been quietly observing, shifted his gaze towards the sword.


“Are you feeling jealous of the sword?”


Though Ren could take human form, he was still a sword. However, it wasn’t that the emotions he held didn’t exist.


“What are you planning to do in the future? You can’t keep this sword in the royal family.”


Even though they had taken it under the emperor’s orders, if Duke Veritor raised an issue and took it to court, things would get complicated.


The rumors that had been circulating would only work against Carver, especially when combined with the latest gossip.


“Your Highness, do you have any plans?”


Harven was almost driven to madness by anxiety. He was already unpredictable, but recently, he was impossible to predict.

‘The Emperor won’t let things slide forever.’

If the rumors got too loud and succession became a problem, he would likely intervene personally. The current Emperor had been exceedingly generous to Caver.

“And soon, His Majesty will be involved in the inheritance division trial.”


Everyone’s attention would be focused on him. He would become the front page of the newspapers again, and regardless of the outcome of the trial, it would surely become the topic of discussion.


“Moreover, if His Majesty becomes aware of the involvement in the divorce…”


“My reputation will be in danger.”


“Knowing that, why are you so relaxed?”


Harven couldn’t contain his frustration and asked Carver. However, Carver remained unfazed and smiled.


“Harven, you don’t know Riley.”


“I’d find it strange if I didn’t.”


“She is smarter and stronger than anyone.”


Harven wanted to shout, “Then why did she marry someone like Theo?” but he kept his mouth shut. He knew speaking out could be dangerous.


Yet, judging from her recent demeanor, it was clear she had changed from before. Her unwavering gaze and the hidden strength in her voice indicated as much


“Above all, there’s no way she’ll lose in the trial.”


Carver turned his attention back to the documents and focused on his work. Harven blinked, trying to grasp Carver’s words.


“How is that supposed to work out?”


No matter how much he pondered, he couldn’t find an answer. In the end, he decided to wait until the answer was revealed. Even if Riley couldn’t be trusted, he trusted Carver.


* * *


Railey, having reviewed the Prince’s family ledger, stood up and left the room.

“So this is what they were so busy about?”

As Riley left the room, the attendants greeted her with cautious glances. She responded with her usual bright smile and nodded.


“It’s been nearly a week since the Duke has been confined, so I should check the situation.”


But there was something she needed to resolve first.


She passed by those who watched her and headed towards Anna’s room. Ignoring the wary looks of the maid, she said,


“I need you to deliver a message.”


It would be quite troublesome if Anna didn’t hear it.


Riley envisioned Anna, who would be watching from behind the door.


“I need to finish things before the trial.”


This way, she could achieve the most favorable outcome. And Railey had already gathered enough evidence so as not to drag things out.

Now was the only opportunity, considering Theo’s inability to handle the Duke’s affairs properly.

Although Anna had been in charge of the Duke’s household during Theo’s absence, she likely hadn’t managed the Duke’s real business.

“Theo wouldn’t have entrusted Anna with the responsibility.”


If that were the case, Anna wouldn’t have secretly embezzled the Duke’s assets.


Naturally, the maid blocked Riley’s way.


“You need to rest due to the recent shock.”


Anna would likely be pleased with such a maid. However, that would change once Riley spoke her mind.


“Well, I guess I need to say it here.”


Riley took a deep breath and spoke loudly enough for everyone in the room to hear.


“About the child in her womb.”


She paused for a moment, observing the reactions. However, there was no sign of movement in the room.


“Tom told me an interesting story—”


At that moment, the door burst open, and a startled Anna reached out and pulled Riley away.




The flustered maid’s eyes widened in surprise as she took two steps back.


“Leave now. It seems she has something urgent to discuss. Don’t let anyone else in!”


Anna urgently shouted as she closed the door.


“What’s the rush?”


Riley laughed as she freed her arm from Anna’s grip. Anna, who had been nervously watching the door, hurriedly locked it.


“Are you afraid someone might overhear?”


It seemed Anna had been leisurely enjoying tea alone, as there were several pastries and a teacup on the table.


“Why are there two cups, though?”


Anna frowned and stood in front of the table.


“What exactly did you say outside earlier?”


“Anna, you need to start thinking carefully from now on. It wouldn’t be a bad idea to consider what might benefit you.”


Riley smiled as she looked at Anna’s rather prominent belly.


“Do you know what kind of medicine you bought from Tom?”


“I-I don’t understand what you’re talking about!”


Anna tried to hide her confusion and tightly gripped the hem of her dress.


“Isn’t Tom hard to reach these days?”


It was unlikely that anyone would find out, but Anna must have tried to gather news due to her anxiety. Although she might not have heard the details, it was likely that she was aware of being threatened by someone.


“Now, Anna, listen carefully to what I’m about to say.”


Riley crossed her legs and stared intently at Anna. Her lips twitched with a smile as she watched Anna’s eyes dart nervously.


“Before we go to the property division trial, you need to come to an agreement with me. It’s simple—just stamp this document with your seal.”


“You think I’ll agree to that?”


“If you don’t, I’ll reveal that the child in your womb isn’t Theo’s.”


“Do you think he’ll believe you?”


Anna sneered and crossed her arms. She quickly regained her composure and glared at Riley. Though she had anticipated such a reaction, it seemed Anna was even more concerned with her own benefits than she had thought.


“Then let me ask one thing. Why don’t you call for Theo?”


‘Do you think I don’t know your intentions?’


She had likely anticipated the worst-case scenario once Theo was out, given that she had already embezzled the estate’s assets.

But there was one thing that bothered her—Anna’s demeanor. Despite the mention of the child in her womb, Anna remained unmoved. It suggested she had some form of confidence or belief.


“Theo doesn’t trust you anymore. He won’t abandon me.”


Riley kept digging into Anna.  It seemed to be having some effect, as Anna’s brows began to furrow slightly.


“Ha! So, you believe what you say?”


Riley shook her head at Anna’s remark. It was unthinkable that Theo would trust anyone’s word, especially Riley or Anna’s.


“If you let the trial conclude quietly, I won’t reveal what you’ve done.”


Of course, that was a lie.


Riley could bring Theo and Anna down in any way, regardless of whether she stood trial or not. What mattered was how many spectators there were.


‘The imperial palace would probably prefer to end this as quietly as possible.’


Riley was also inclined to handle it quietly if possible, although it seemed it would be difficult given Anna’s demeanor.


“You were curious about whom I was drinking with, right?”

Anna strode over to the wardrobe and opened it.

As the door opened, revealing the curled-up figure of a man, a deep smile spread across Riley’s face.



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