When You Turned Your Back On Me, We Became Strangers

WYTYBMWBS I Chapter 39

。・:*:・゚★ Translated by Gon 。・:*:・゚☆


**Chapter 39**


Carver openly revealed his feelings. But that was as far as he went.


He suddenly worried whether he might be burdening Riley. Glancing at her, he thought, “Did I accidentally say too much?”


Contrary to his anxiety, Riley’s expression was calmer than expected. If he had let all his feelings spill out without restraint… That might have been too greedy of him.


“I’ll go to the imperial palace of my own will.”


After she said it, Riley closed her mouth in surprise. Was it because of a little hope? Or did she say it unconsciously, influenced by Carver’s words?


The imperial palace held a complex meaning for Riley. If she had to categorize it, it would be more on the negative side.


‘Once everything is settled, I’ll have to go there. In one way or another.’


After reclaiming her family, and after inflicting the same despair on Theo and her that she had experienced—there would still be time to think about it.


For Riley, her priorities were clear.


“As long as the emperor doesn’t order me to be dragged there by force.”


There was always the possibility that the Emperor could suddenly change his mind and order her to be brought to the imperial palace immediately. But at least with Carver on her side, she felt confident that wouldn’t happen.


That was all.




Carver swallowed nervously as he looked into Riley’s eyes. He couldn’t predict what she would say next, and he was afraid to speak.


He had thought Riley would never set foot in the imperial palace. Based on the girl he had known since childhood.


“…Why did you make that decision?”

Instead of feeling happy about the situation, Carver was confused and asked Riley.

If she were to go to the imperial palace, she would be safer than she was now. But there were many who doubted Carver’s abilities and were looking for opportunities to oppose the imperial palace.

The moment they discovered Riley’s existence, she would face new trials.


‘It would be different if she became a sword wielder, though.’


If she became bound to the imperial palace, no matter how much others tried to approach her, it would be futile. So, this was the most dangerous time before any contract was made.


“We can’t break the contract anyway.”


Riley was aware. She knew that the contract was unbreakable and that, eventually, she would have to go to the imperial palace.


That unknown force within her had always whispered so.


“The imperial palace itself must be a source of pain for you.”


“Having your life decided for you and being treated as someone’s possession is…”


Riley’s gaze met Carver’s darkened eyes. He, too, had lived that way.


As the Crown Prince, he had led a more restricted life than anyone. He had never once thrown a tantrum, and despite his own will, he had walked only the path laid out for him as the future Emperor.


“…I’m sorry.”


“You have nothing to be sorry for.”


His mouth felt bitter, and he unknowingly lowered his head. While they were similar, Riley’s situation was distinctly different. But somehow, her words had hurt him a little.


“Are you feeling better?”


Carver changed the subject and asked about her health. He had been keeping an eye on her condition, so he knew better than anyone how she was doing.


“I’m fine, thanks to the medicine you sent.”


“Pfft. Ah, so you knew?”


Carver, who had been drinking tea as if nothing was wrong, suddenly sprayed the tea from his mouth. His eyes darted around in embarrassment, and Riley couldn’t help but smile.


‘Was Carver always like this…?’


It was quite different from her memories. Meeting him again brought back childhood memories she had tried not to recall.


Memories she had tried to erase and forget.


“Ren couldn’t have gotten something like that.”


Even though Ren could take form, there were limits. And there was no way he could bring such large quantities every day.


Not to mention, deceiving Theo and sneaking in the supplies required significant amounts of mana from him.


“…I didn’t mean to deceive you. It’s just that… you don’t like me.”


At first, Riley hadn’t known, but eventually, she had sensed that someone was helping her. Though she couldn’t be sure it was Carver.


“I don’t dislike you.”


Riley softly reassured the dejected Carver.


“…That’s a relief.”


Just that single sentence made Carver feel a sense of relief.


“You must be curious why I’m doing all this.”


Carver looked directly into Riley’s eyes and began to speak. At first, it was simply curiosity. Because she had fate similar to his own, and he felt connected to her.


But gradually, that interest grew into something more. Was it after he first saw her smile? Or because the image of her calmly accepting everything kept haunting her?


He couldn’t pinpoint when exactly it started. Perhaps Carver had been drawn to Riley from the moment he first saw her.


“Well, I’m not sure either. It’s just that at some point, you became someone important to me.”


Riley’s eyes widened. It was a strange, unfamiliar trembling sensation.


But she couldn’t say anything. She was afraid that the tremor in her voice would betray her.


“When are you going to stop talking in circles?”


Ren suddenly appeared, thrusting his face towards Carver. Carver frowned, pushing Ren’s face away in irritation.


“I didn’t say the conversation was over.”


“From the looks of it, it seemed like it was.”


Ren responded without backing down. He had said he would step away for a bit, not that he wouldn’t listen to their conversation.


Carver sighed, realizing Ren had probably overheard everything.


‘If it weren’t for the contract…’


He might have broken that sword (Ren) a long time ago. Ren was an annoying creature every time he saw him.


“Ren, sit down.”


Riley spoke to Ren in a soothing tone, as if she was used to this behavior.


‘But surely that guy won’t listen…’


But he did. Ren obediently sat down at Riley’s word. Not only that, he casually picked up the teacup Riley had been drinking from, as if it were his own.




“What do you think you’re doing?”


Carver’s hand stopped him, and Ren smirked, showing off his relaxed attitude.


“I am just thirsty and wanted to drink some water, that’s all.”


“Then drink mine.”


“How can I drink something someone else has already had? That’s disgusting.”




Even thinking about it again, it was absurd. Carver closed his mouth, annoyed by Ren, who not only appeared out of nowhere but also spouted nonsense without a care.


Despite that, he held his ground and didn’t let go. In the end, Riley, who had been watching quietly, took the teacup from Ren’s hand and placed it in front of herself.




“Okay, I’ll stay quiet.”


At the sound of Riley calling his name, Ren propped his chin on his hand and stared intently at Carver.


“Was the matter with my father handled by His Majesty as well?”


“Who knows.”


Carver averted his gaze as if pretending not to know, but that very act seemed like an affirmation.


“Thank you for the information. I wouldn’t have known otherwise.”


Unfortunately, it was the truth. Though she didn’t want any help, the assistance Carver offered wasn’t entirely welcomed.


Perhaps it was because it was clear that Carver had no ulterior motives.


“It’s being kept in the Royal Palace.”


“…In the Royal palace?”


Riley found it hard to believe her father would have willingly given it up. How had they managed to obtain it? She abruptly stopped her train of thought.


‘If he personally got involved, it would be a different story.’


Even if he was her father, it would have been difficult to defy Carver, who represented the royal family.


“Did he hand it over without resistance?”


Could that be why he had clung to her so desperately? Only now did Riley begin to understand her father’s seemingly unhinged behavior.


She had anticipated that he might take some drastic measures, but to think he would have his sword taken away…




Carver hesitated, unable to give a clear answer.


Riley nodded knowingly at Carver’s reluctance to respond. There was no way her father would have given up the sword without any resistance.


“From what I’ve heard lately, aren’t there other matters you should be paying attention to?”


Ren interjected, his voice irritated by the subtle tension between Riley and Carver. Despite the rumors surrounding him, Carver seemed remarkably unconcerned.

“They’re not the kind of rumors that I need to be concerned about.”

“What about the people plotting behind your back?”




Riley, unable to stand it any longer, tried to stop Ren. Though Ren enjoyed a certain level of freedom within the royal family, his true form was still in Carver’s hands.


It wouldn’t do any good to provoke him.


Nevertheless, Ren brazenly brought up sensitive topics in front of Carver. At this point, one could argue that his actions and words were deliberately antagonistic.


‘Why is he acting like this? He never used to be like this.’

Riley sighed as her headache started to throb. She hadn’t wanted it to come to this, but from the looks of things, if she let this go on, there would be trouble.

In the end, Riley decided to use her power to command Ren.


“Ren, enough. Go back for now.”


Ren’s pupils widened in shock. This was the first time Riley had ever given him an order. And for her to tell him to return to his true form…


“…Do you really want me to go back?”




Riley called his name wearily, clearly uncomfortable with what she was saying.


“Just for a while, only for a little while.”




A faint sadness flickered in Ren’s eyes. Did Riley even realize? How significant was it to tell him to return to his true form?


She probably didn’t know, since she hadn’t been fully informed about the sword.


“Riley, remember that words carry responsibility.”


Ren stood up and kissed the back of Riley’s hand. Carver, also startled by Riley’s sudden command, quickly stood and grabbed Ren’s arm.


“No, don’t!”


But before anything more could happen, light began to ripple from Riley’s neck, and Ren’s body dissolved into a blue light and vanished. The event happened so quickly that Carver collapsed back into his seat in shock.


The mark on Riley’s neck, which had been glowing brightly, began to fade. The blue tint in her silver hair seemed to become a little more pronounced.


“Does this mean Ren won’t be in danger for now?”


“…But now, you will be.”


Although they hadn’t fully bonded with the sword, the temporary contract had stabilized Riley’s mana.


This meant that her mana could no longer be suppressed.


In other words, her presence had now been exposed to everyone.



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