When You Turned Your Back On Me, We Became Strangers

WYTYBMWBS I Chapter 34

**Chapter 34**

“Why don’t you remove those dirty eyes?”

“W-what do you mean?”

“I feel like you’re undressing me with your eyes.”

Ren pointed his finger at Theo’s eyes. His finger gently slid down, tracing Theo’s body.

“You’re not as broad-shouldered as I expected, and your chest is decent, but it seems you haven’t exercised much? Your stomach looks a bit bulging. Your butt is terrible, and you’re much shorter than me. It’s a complete disaster.”

“Are you insulting me right now? How dare you insult a duke like me?”


Ren started laughing, holding his stomach at Theo’s words. Then, suddenly serious, he turned his back to Railey and approached Theo step by step, a smirk on his face.

As he loosely tied his hair back, Ren stood in front of Theo and slightly bent down to adjust Theo’s collar.

“You should avoid using the word ‘dare’ from now on. You might regret it later.”

Theo roughly brushed Ren’s hand away and glared at him, who was taller.

“Do you think you can talk to me like that outside?”

“What did you just say…?!”

“I’m telling you not to make a mistake. I’m giving you a chance.”

Ren adjusted Theo’s collar with a casual pat and flashed a dark smile. Theo couldn’t help but see an image of the crown prince in Len’s demeanor.

‘Since Ren is affiliated with the royal family, that’s not an incorrect statement.’

At Ren’s words, Railly nodded in agreement. After all, Ren was a sword that protected the royal family and an equal being with whom they had a contract, so he was not someone to be treated lightly.

From behind, Railly leaned closer and patted Theo’s shoulder.

“Theo, don’t be too angry. But Ren is not wrong, you know? You seem to have gotten quite lazy.”

Railly gave Theo a disapproving look. Feeling humiliated by her words, Theo quickly tried to leave the annex.

But before he could go, Railly swiftly grabbed his arm gently, smiling as she caressed his face.

“Theo, I want to be by your side starting tomorrow… Can I take care of Anna? I’m bored being alone during the day.”

Her voice was like a sweet temptation, making Theo’s throat tighten. Nodding, he kissed her hand while keeping his eyes on Ren.

‘As expected, she can’t forget me. That guy is worthless except for his looks.’

With Railey’s words, Theo straightened his shoulders and smiled crookedly at Ren.

“Of course, Railey, if you come in, I would welcome you.”

“Wow! Then I’ll see you tomorrow.”

Railey pulled her hand away and smiled brightly at Theo.

As Theo left the annex with Kavan, he immediately wiped his hands with a handkerchief.

“Ren, I think a bug is crawling on the back of my hand.”

“Then who told you to give your hand?”

Ren muttered under his breath, his face scrunched up in annoyance, but he used magic to clean Railly’s hand. He continued to wash her hands until she said it was enough.

* * *

After leaving the annex, Theo tossed the clothes he was holding onto the ground. Kavan, who was beside him, flinched and glanced at Theo.
“If you had brought them faster, I wouldn’t have had to endure that humiliation!”
Theo was venting his rising anger on Kavan.
“And about that strange noise, you mentioned hearing in the dormitory…”

Kavan’s eyes widened in shock. His jaw trembled, and his hands were drenched in sweat. He clearly remembered meeting Anna and sharing love when no one was around.

The fact that Railly had brought it up terrified Kavan.

Anna had come to Kavan when she couldn’t have Theo’s child. He vividly remembered her cursing, “How dare that bastard who couldn’t even have kids?”

With the money she had given him, Kavan had regularly shared love with her. The result was successful. Kavan had nothing to lose. She was beautiful, kind, and lovable.

The only fatal flaw was that it required risking his life, but as long as they were careful, they would both survive.

‘Could it be that she already knows that I’m a father?’

If this fact came to light, he would never escape the duke’s residence alive. The moment they found out that what was in Anna’s belly was his child, both he and Anna would be dead.

Moreover, Caban had committed various forbidden acts for her.

Knowing the details about the duke’s residence, one of the most significant actions he took for Anna was embezzling wealth. Of course, he had received corresponding money as well.

‘What should I do? Should I tell the duke the truth?’

No, that would be the worst move.

Kavan was drenched in cold sweat from anxiety. Theo looked towards the dormitory and spoke to Kavan.

“Find those two brats and bring them to me.”


“Did you not hear? Find the source of that noise immediately!”

“Y-yes! Understood!”

Startled, Kavan blurted out an agreement. His face was pale.

‘I must tell Anna right away.’

Kaban watched Theo who was heading towards the duke’s manor, with eyes full of anxiety.


Theo called out to Anna in a loud voice that could be heard from inside. However, Anna did not come out in response to his call.

Suppressing his anger, Theo headed toward the duke’s residence. where Anna was likely to be.

‘How can I be humiliated like this? If only Anna hadn’t made such a fuss! I need to order an examination of the food immediately.’

He figured it would be easy to find out if the poison Anna talked about was really there.

His anger, which was aimed at someone else at first, now had a new target.

He gritted his teeth, vowing not to let Anna go, who had caused this trouble today, unpunished.

* * *

A few days later, the results of the food inspection that Theo had requested came back.

Everyone sat around the table as Theo unfolded the letter. The stark contrast between Railey’s indifferent expression and Anna’s excited demeanor puzzled those watching.

“Please tell me! It was poison, right? Or at least some kind of drug! It says that this woman put something in the food, right?!”

Anna stood up, urging Theo to respond. The result was obvious without even looking.
Without a word, Theo tossed the letter in Anna’s direction, indicating that she should read it herself.
[No poison or drugs were detected in the food. It appears that only herbs beneficial for pregnancy were mixed in, creating a strong odor.]
“This is nonsense! That can’t be! It definitely tasted and smelled the same as the poison from before!”

Anna, surprised by her own words, covered her mouth. Railey propped her chin on her hand and tilted her head.

“It seems Anna knows quite a bit about poison. Which poison are you referring to?”

All suspicious gazes turned toward Anna. She tried to hide her trembling hands in the skirt of her dress and forced a smile.

“I don’t know what you mean. Poison? I must have read too many novels lately. I’ve been bored and often read the popular novels sold in stores.”

Railey clapped her hands to gather attention.

“Ah! I know that one! Are you referring to ‘The Temptation of the Duke by His Mistress’?”

Leaning her chin on her interlaced fingers, she raised her lips in a smile. At her words, Anna nodded in confusion.

Theo cleared his throat and stood up at the title of the book.

“Anna, you should spend your time on something more meaningful than reading those useless books.”

Theo scolded Anna, telling her to focus on prenatal care. From the beginning until now, her manners hadn’t changed at all.

Although they were married, she was not someone worthy of being the duchess. It was his mistake to hastily take her as his wife.

‘I should get rid of Anna as soon as she gives birth.’

After all, her child would be registered under his household, so it wouldn’t matter to him.

“Anna, the tea is getting cold.”

Railey smiled gently at Anna as she lifted her teacup. Railey’s lips twitched at the sight of Anna’s trembling eyelashes.

‘The Temptation of the Duke by His Mistress.’ It was a book that spread rapidly after the scandal involving the Prince family broke out.

It seemed written intentionally to target the Prince family, as it closely resembled their situation.

Railly knew how sensitive Theo was about it. It was a famous novel that anyone with a bit of awareness could easily recognize.

Though he didn’t know who the author was, the anonymity made the work even more talked about.

‘Who could it be? It was quite detailed when I read it.’

As Railey leisurely sipped her tea, she asked Anna.

“Anna, I find human affairs quite fascinating. Don’t you think?”

“…Are you mocking me right now?”

“Don’t get too angry. The child will be scared.”

Railey smiled brightly as she poured warm tea into Anna’s cup.

“The duke said I could take care of Anna, so you all can take your leave now.”

As she smiled at the maids, saying it was okay to go, everyone glanced at Anna.

“Ah! You don’t trust this tea I offered either, do you? Should I take a sip before giving it to you?”

Railey smiled at Anna, holding up her teacup.

“Enough, I have no desire to drink such tea. Why don’t you take it away?”

“What a shame, it’s precious tea. But then again, being born a lowly noble, you wouldn’t know the value of it.”

Railey shook her head with a pitying expression. Provoked by her taunt, Anna shot up from her seat and pointed at Railey.

“Ha! This is your true nature! You pretended to be understanding and refined in front of Theo, but you trample on me with all sorts of words!”

Railly had simply stated the truth. If Anna disliked it, she should have made an effort to change it.

But Anna only seemed interested in the title and power of being the duchess, without considering the responsibilities that came with it.

In any case, she would be nothing but a laughingstock if she tried to enter society, so she had no choice but to stay hidden at home. The world she imagined was far harsher than she realized.

‘Even I, a princess, endured humiliation. Do you really think you, a mere mistress, could handle it?’

Railly was certain.

Theo kept Anna hidden not just to protect the reputation of the Prince family but also to save his own face.

That man was more than capable of such behavior.


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