When You Turned Your Back On Me, We Became Strangers

WYTYBMWBS I Chapter 24

“Did you see the duke?”

Harvey swallowed dryly, studying Carver’s face carefully.

He had a slight change in expression as he looked into the store. It was like a small wave, and then he gave a little smile.

“Hey, you go in first. Something came up that I need to check out. Let’s make today the day we talked about doing that thing.”

Harvey couldn’t help but nod at the anticipation and expression that flashed across Carver’s face. Of course, he didn’t think to say no.

He knew this would happen, and he had already drawn up the paperwork the next day. Knowing Carver’s personality, he was always prepared to deal with unexpected situations.

“I don’t know when you’ll ask, but I’m ready.”

He pulled out a document from his pocket. It was a fake identity card with Carver’s face on it.

“But you seemed a little uneasy earlier.”

Harvey’s fingertips trembled slightly as he handed over the papers. At the same time, a cold sweat trickled down his spine, making him feel damp. He forced himself to straighten his expression.

“You should do well, but I’m worried you might make a mistake.”

Harvey glanced quickly around the shop and shrugged. Carver patted him on the shoulder, his expression regal.

“You do not need to worry about that. You are, after all, an excellent aide.”

Fortunately, he didn’t seem to notice. Harvey shrugged and smiled nervously, deflecting the situation.

It was fortunate for him. He breathed a sigh of relief.

“I’ve saved them all today.”

He looked at the knights and grinned proudly. Since they have less to do, they can leave early today. He didn’t manage to finish any of his own work because he had been with Carver all day, from morning till night, for the past few days.

“You shouldn’t come back so late.”

“Don’t worry, I’ll be there for exactly the right amount of time.”

With a nod, Harvey quickly disappeared. Only when he was sure he was gone did Carver slow his steps toward the shop.

His heart was pounding so hard he could hear it in his ears. He took a deep breath to calm himself, but to no avail. As he stopped in front of the store, his heart pounded even harder in anticipation.

His hands were sweaty and his mouth was burning. Carver opened the door and stepped inside.

A click.


The soft voice rang in his ears, and he felt Ren’s eyes on him warily.

“Huh? That’s when…….”

Riley’s eyes widened as if she remembered who he was.

“You’re back.

Since Riley didn’t have regular customers, their visits were a one-time occurrence. As a result, seeing the same customer again was rare. Riley, interpreting that the recommended gift pleased him, smiled even brighter with joy.

For a moment, Carver froze, He locked his eyes on her.

“…I wonder if you remembered.”

Tears of relief welled up in his eyes at this unbelievable realization, realizing that what he had hoped and expected might have happened.

Ren rested his chin and stared at Carver. He looked at him with narrowed eyes and taunted him as if telling him to wake up from a dream. Carver was filled with anger at Ren’s attitude, but he suppressed it.

Riley, who was quietly watching Carver, took out a handkerchief and handed it to Carver.

He wordlessly took the handkerchief Riley gave him in his hand. He couldn’t even wipe his tears. Carver’s eyes were fixed on her hairpin.

Her well-tied hair was pinned up with bobby pins.

“The butterfly pin suits you very well.”

“yes? ah… … .”

Riley reached out and fiddled with the hairpin and smiled awkwardly.

It was a pin She found while organizing gemstones and drawers. A precious pin that her younger sister gave her. In her hazy memories, Riley occasionally remembered memories from her past. Although it was hidden since when Ren had been secretly putting it in her box.


“is that so?”

It was a pin that I couldn’t bear to do because it reminded me of Leta. Nevertheless, she often lost Leta’s memories and would look at her every day out of anxiety.

‘I don’t know why my memories are so jumbled, but I guess this was the path I chose.’

Afraid that she might forget Leta, she tried it on for the first time when Ren wasn’t looking.

‘But who did I get it from?’

‘I couldn’t quite remember who I got it from, but seeing as I don’t remember it, it probably wasn’t a good memory.’

Ren always made a subtle expression as he looked at me staring at the butterfly pin. The reason was probably similar to what I guess.

“What are you here to buy?”

Ren asked, stepping between Riley and Carver.

Riley blinked as if puzzled by Ren’s actions. It was he who had never once intercepted when she was dealing with guests.

Strangely, it felt like Ren got especially angry whenever this person came.

Of course, it was Ren who mercilessly chased men away whenever he saw them making fun of Riley. But Carver felt different from those men.

Because it kept reminding her of one person.

Carver looked at Ren for a moment, then smiled and turned his attention to Riley.

“Ah, I’m here today for something different.”

Carver showed off his resume.

‘As expected, he’s a great aide.’

I disguised myself with a better background and identity than I thought. At this level, they might think he was a talented person.

Carver’s eyes twinkled, believing that he would definitely pass.

Riley pretended to be calm and read the resume.

‘support? Besides, his resume is good.’

She lowered her mouth, which was constantly rising, and steadied her voice.

“Have you ever worked? If you look at it, most people’s working periods are rather short… … .”

Actually, experience wasn’t that important. All I have to do is display the jewelry in the store and be my assistant when Ren is away.

It was a space that wouldn’t be too difficult to clean, so all he needed was good physical strength and meticulousness.

“Just by looking at it, it looks like you’ve never worked before. Is this really your resume?”

Ren sat close to Riley and read the resume.

‘I can’t believe the crown prince of a country is committing career fraud. What is Khan again?’

Ren’s tongue clicked at Carver’s resume.

However, it cannot be said that it is a specialty, and the only parts written about it were abilities that could be related to this work.

[One. Extensive experience in financial management and document organizing and familiar with surrounding geography.

  1. Suitable for security work due to proficient swordsmanship skills.
  2. Perseverance to work without moving all day, whether sitting or standing.
  3. Possession of various intellectual properties.]

etc. His skills were such that he didn’t necessarily need to work at a jewelry shop.

“How is it? “I think this is all-purpose.”

Carver raised one corner of his mouth toward Ren.

It was a condition that could not help but appeal. “How much work can you get done in just one morning?”

Riley turned his head and did the calculations.

‘As expected, he is a talented person.’

Honestly, if there had been more applicants, I would have considered hiring them without hesitation.

However, no one applied for it. That meant Carver was the first applicant.

Although she didn’t know that it was because of Ren.

“If you’re worried, it’s okay to just let me work for one day and then hire you.”

Carver readily set conditions for Reilly. It was a pretty good presentation.

“Okay, let’s see how you work today and then decide.”

She put the resume in the drawer and smiled brightly. Regardless of Ren’s distorted expression, Carver extended his hand to shake his hand.

“I look forward to.”

“Oh, please take care of me too. Mr. Khan.”

The moment Riley reached out to shake hands, Ren quickly grabbed Carver’s hand and shook it up and down.

“It must be quite hard work. “Are you able to do this with your body?”

“You don’t have to worry about that. Even looking at it like this, my body is quite strong.”

Carver smiled at Ren with his eyes closed. The strength in her two opposing hands made their arms tremble.

* * *


“W-what do you mean?”

Riley, who was processing jewels inside, came out in surprise.

Ren, who came back from making a delivery outside, couldn’t even enter the store and made a dumbfounded expression. She had only been away for a moment, but the inside of her store was a mess.

The entrance door was broken so I couldn’t get in.

“no… … . “I didn’t know it was this weak.”

The forearms exposed by the rolled-up sleeves showed strong muscles. Ren frowned at her and looked around her.

After hitting the barrier with my finger without anyone knowing, I quickly restored the window to its original state.

“What on earth did you order this guy to do?”

Ren nervously turned his head and looked at Carver. There was a mop in his hand.

“…I ordered you to mop, but I guess I’ll have to order you to do something else.”

Riley smiled awkwardly and continued talking, avoiding Ren’s gaze.

Ren didn’t see the faint smile on her lips.

It was because someone kept coming to mind.

‘Not being able to work is similar to someone else.’

Carver also smiled awkwardly at Riley’s indifferent attitude and looked at the mop in his hand.

Strange, is glass really this weak?

Since he had never mopped before, he had no idea how much force he should use to wipe it.

Riley eventually thought about it and tried to do something else.

‘But you’ll be good at this.’

Riley pointed to the items piled on one side.

“Well then, shall we stop cleaning the glass and take the items to the warehouse?”

Carver nodded with a drooping face. I wanted to do well, but somehow it wasn’t easy.

He listened obediently and carried boxes one by one towards the warehouse.




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