When the Stars Tremble

The Fifty-Third Star

The Fifty-Third Star

The group in the private room finished their meal, but after waiting for Zong Ye in vain, they could only move on to 23Epoch first.

Wang Tan sent Zong Ye a WeChat message. It wasn’t until around eleven o’clock that the couple finally arrived.

23Epoch was the underground club Jiang Chuyi had visited before. It was spacious, with two floors. Only a few people were practicing singing on the performance stage.

Jiang Chuyi followed Zong Ye upstairs to the second floor.

Today, the club wasn’t open to the public, so the standing area was empty. The whole place was quiet, with only two tables of people, both men and women, occupying the sofas and round tables in the seating area.

Seeing them approach from afar, someone called out loudly: “Who’s this? Zong Ye? Finally decided to show up? Come on, move in, make some space for them.”

Under everyone’s gaze, Zong Ye held Jiang Chuyi’s hand as they walked closer. He said with a smile, “Let me introduce you, this is my girlfriend.”

“Oh~ Girlfriend.”

The group deliberately teased them.

Although in the adult world, dating wasn’t particularly extraordinary, especially in their chaotic circle where some of the guys present had juggled multiple relationships at their peak, Zong Ye was known for his self-discipline. He had been single for so many years, never getting close to women. Who knew he’d make such a grand entrance, conducting a relationship that shocked even his friends.

Ji Kai couldn’t help but mock: “Do you need to introduce her? Who doesn’t know that Teacher Jiang is your girlfriend now?”

Except for the BloodxGentle members and Xin He, this was Jiang Chuyi’s first formal meeting with Zong Ye’s friends. She sat beside Zong Ye, politely greeting the group.

“Hello, I’m Romeo, you can call me Xiao Ou.” (tl: Xiao as in Little)

The speaker was a man with tattooed arms.

Jiang Chuyi: “Hello, I’m Jiang Chuyi, you can call me Xiao Jiang.”

Xiao Ou couldn’t help but smile: “I’ve known you for a long time, we’ve met here before.”

Jiang Chuyi was surprised: “Really?”

She tried to examine Xiao Ou in the dim light and found that she did have some impression of this person.

At that time, she was watching the performance from below when this person poured water over her head.

Xiao Ou: “You remember now, right?”

When Zong Ye was still an IM trainee, Xiao Ou had just started underground rap. They met at 23 Epoch and occasionally performed together on weekends.

Zong Ye was quite popular at that time, and after each performance, people would come asking for his contact information. But he always maintained an aloof demeanor, seeming to have no desire for the opposite sex, which discouraged several girls who had indirectly asked Xiao Ou about Zong Ye’s sexual orientation.

The longer they knew each other, the more Xiao Ou found Zong Ye’s tastes strange. Apart from being excessively distant from women, whenever everyone got together to have fun and let loose, while others were howling karaoke songs and cuddling intimately, Zong Ye would sit alone in the corner, wearing headphones, watching movies as if no one else was around. Once, Xiao Ou strongly suspected he was secretly watching porn and peeked over when Zong Ye wasn’t paying attention, only to find him watching some incredibly boring art film.

It was then that he first heard about Jiang Chuyi.

Although Zong Ye rarely mentioned Jiang Chuyi and never voluntarily shared his private affairs, he had a low alcohol tolerance. Every time he drank too much, people would manage to pry a few words out of him.

Over time, everyone knew that Zong Ye had an unrequited love, the kind he only dared to admire from afar.

In the summer of 2020, as soon as Jiang Chuyi stepped into 23 Epoch, someone recognized her, and the news spread immediately.

Several people ran out to see the commotion, even causing the ticket-checking queue to pause for a while.

Sitting here were several singers from niche circles in China, ranging from folk to rock and rap. Jiang Chuyi didn’t pay much attention to the music circle and could only barely recognize two of them.

However, after Jin Lianbei introduced himself, she was quite familiar with this name, a famous lyricist in the industry.

Xiao Ou personally went to the bar to mix two drinks for them and brought them over.

Zong Ye asked her, “Have you not eaten yet?”

Jiang Chuyi nodded.

Jin Lianbei had just pulled up the demo of his new song, ready to hand it to Zong Ye, when he suddenly stood up, saying, “Wait a moment, I’ll go get something for my girlfriend to eat first.”

Jin Lianbei: “…”

Jiang Chuyi quickly grabbed the hem of his shirt: “It’s okay, you talk about work with your friends first. I’m not very hungry yet.”

“It won’t take long,” Zong Ye chuckled.


Soon, everyone witnessed just how accurate and vivid Wang Tan’s description of “Zong Ye being a dog for his woman” really was.

While the group discussed the prospects of physical album development, the big market of electronic music culture, the standards and characteristics of Asian electronic music, and the sponsors for 23Epoch’s weekly live house events… Zong Ye, as one of the owners, didn’t participate in the conversation at all. He focused entirely on taking care of his girlfriend as she ate, serving tea, water, and napkins, occasionally even feeding her cherry tomatoes from the fruit platter.

It got to the point where even Xin He couldn’t stand watching anymore and forcibly pushed him away, “Go sit over there for a while, I want to talk to Chuyi.”

While Zong Ye was talking business with Jin Lianbei, his gaze still wandered absent-mindedly towards Jiang Chuyi.

Jin Lianbei coughed heavily.

Xin He deliberately moved to block that line of sight.

Jiang Chuyi ate her noodles in small bites, whispering to Xin He, “I just saw you holding hands with Fu Cheng, are you two together now?”

Xin He still had that tsundere expression, “I’m still in the evaluation period.”

“Are you planning to go public?”

Xin He: “We’ll talk about it when things are more stable. Fu Cheng isn’t retiring like Zong Ye. If our relationship gets out, we probably won’t have any peace for half a year.”

Hearing this, Jiang Chuyi lost her appetite, even her chewing slowed down.

Xin He hurriedly said: “You don’t need to feel too bad about it.”

Jiang Chuyi forced a smile: “It’s not that I feel bad, I just feel quite sorry for Zong Ye.”

Xin He comforted her: “What’s there to be sorry about? He can focus on making music and working behind the scenes in the future. That’s pretty good too.”

Those involved in music could be categorized as artistic types. Jiang Chuyi noticed that all of Zong Ye’s friends had very unique appearances. Some had tattooed arms, dreadlocks, or mop-like hairstyles. Others wore fashionable outfits, and some even wore the rapper’s essential woolen hat to look cool in the height of summer. There were those with long hair, mismatched clothes, Buddhist beads on their arms, and beards. There was even a bald, muscular man. As for Wang Tan, he always maintained a cyberpunk style wherever he went.

Zong Ye refused several cigarettes offered to him, occasionally sipping his drink. Among this group, he appeared reserved and restrained, like a college student who hadn’t entered society yet, standing out as particularly well-behaved.

Jiang Chuyi whispered in his ear: “Zong Ye, has anyone ever told you that you sometimes look very pure?”

Zong Ye smiled, “Am I pure? In what way?”

“I can’t quite explain it, it’s just a feeling.”

Xiao Ou, sitting nearby, overheard their conversation and found it amusing: “Zong Ye, pure? You haven’t seen him when he’s dirty, have you?”

Jiang Chuyi asked hesitantly: “What… when he’s dirty?”

Xiao Ou’s tone carried a hint of playfulness: “For example, when he’s talking dirty in bed, don’t you find that filthy?”

Jiang Chuyi: “…”

Zong Ye warned calmly: “Don’t make lewd jokes with my girlfriend.”

“Alright, alright.” Xiao Ou clicked his tongue, “Haven’t you heard the saying, don’t be shy, this is a live house, why not be real, be your true self?”

The self-mixed cocktail tasted quite good, and Jiang Chuyi quickly finished her glass.

Zong Ye: “Want more?”

“Can I have another glass?”

Zong Ye smiled, passing her his own: “This drink has quite a strong aftereffect, drink slowly, be careful not to get dizzy.”

Jiang Chuyi didn’t feel dizzy, sensing she was still just slightly tipsy, she responded “It’s fine.”

She took another sip of the drink and looked around, asking, “Do you come here often?”

“The previous owner of 23 Epoch had some family issues and transferred the club to us a couple of years ago. I occasionally come here to hang out with friends.”

She continued to ask, “I just heard Xin He say there’s a small performance here every week. Will you still go on stage to sing in the future?”

“Do you want to hear me sing?”

Jiang Chuyi nodded.

“I probably won’t perform on stage anymore,” Zong Ye looked at her, “If you want to hear me sing, I can sing for you privately.”

In the booth, under the hourglass-like light, their legs were pressed together as they whispered, their hands secretly intertwined.

Their obliviousness to others and their clinginess became hard to watch. Xiao Ou called out to Zong Ye with a grin, “Hey, big brother, can you stop isolating us? You finally brought your girlfriend to meet us, can you let us chat more with Teacher Jiang?”

Ji Kai chimed in with a sidelong glance, “Exactly.”

Zong Ye responded patiently, “Why don’t you go manage Fu Cheng?”

“Aren’t you the main character today?”

Half of the bottles on the table were empty. Xiao Ou called for more drinks to be brought over.

Zong Ye asked, “When do you need to return to the film set?”

Jiang Chuyi answered, “I can rest for one more day tomorrow.”

“Are you tired now?” Zong Ye pondered, “There are rooms here where you can rest.”

“I’m okay,” Jiang Chuyi squeezed his hand, “Your friends are all here. It would be too impolite for me to go sleep.”

“They don’t mind. Just tell me if you’re tired.”

Jiang Chuyi: “Alright.”

According to usual custom, newcomers, or the “main characters,” would be pressured to drink at their first meeting. But seeing Zong Ye’s cautious demeanor, constantly watching even when others spoke to his girlfriend, the group of men didn’t specifically pressure the young woman.

Although Zong Ye’s friends all looked “unapproachable,” they were actually very easy-going when speaking. None of them put on airs. They weren’t the reclusive artists Jiang Chuyi had imagined, discussing only profound and esoteric topics. On the contrary, they spoke humorously, always ready with witty responses, never leaving her awkward or at a loss.

They also drank with a “I’ll finish mine, you do as you please” attitude. Jiang Chuyi quite liked Zong Ye’s group of friends. As they chatted, she voluntarily joined them for a few drinks.

A bald man spoke up, “By the way, Teacher Jiang, may I ask you something out of curiosity?”

As the alcohol started to take effect, Jiang Chuyi responded hazily, “What?”

“You’ve been to 23 Epoch before, right? Did you see Zong Ye that day?”

“You mean two years ago?”


“I did see him.”

The bald man: “Did you remember him at that time?”

Jiang Chuyi: “I didn’t recognize him at first.”

“And then?”

Jiang Chuyi briefly told them about what happened in the stairwell that day, then said, “My phone was broken, so he gave me his contact information.”

Xiao Ou almost laughed out loud: “Zong Ye was quite smooth, huh? Did you add him?”

Jiang Chuyi shook her head.

“Why not?”

“Um… because…” Jiang Chuyi glanced uncomfortably at Zong Ye, hesitating, “My first impression of him wasn’t very good…”

Zong Ye, who had been listening silently, raised an eyebrow: “What was wrong with me?”

The honest Jiang Chuyi answered, “I just felt you were probably someone who knew how to play around, so I should keep my distance.”

Xiao Ou teased leisurely, “You’re quite resolute, Teacher Jiang, to not be swayed by Zong Ye’s looks.”

Jiang Chuyi followed up, “Is that so? His looks are just that kind of…”

Her voice trailed off.

Zong Ye asked calmly, “What kind?”

Their eyes met, and Jiang Chuyi spoke frankly, “The kind that could play with people without taking responsibility.”

Zong Ye smiled silently, looking at his watch, “You’re drunk, Chuyi.”

She tilted her head, “Not yet…”

Zong Ye methodically opened a box of mints, feeding one into her mouth, “Have some candy.”

The others pretended not to see this scene, continuing to drink and chat, no longer paying attention to them.


Jiang Chuyi was led by Zong Ye, swaying past several bar counters, through corridors, heading deeper inside.

The noise gradually faded.

Entering a room, Zong Ye turned on the light and led her to sit on the bed.

He took a bottle of water from the fridge, opened it, and held it to her lips, “Want some water?”

Jiang Chuyi asked, “Why aren’t we drinking with them anymore?”

“If you drink too much, you’ll feel unwell tomorrow.”

Jiang Chuyi made a sound of acknowledgment, finished the water, then started playing with his hand, pinching each finger one by one, repeating this action tirelessly.

The room was very quiet. Zong Ye crouched by the bed, watching her actions.

After a while, Jiang Chuyi asked curiously, “What are you doing?”

“Waiting for you to sober up.”

“I’m not drunk.”

“Then who am I? Do you still recognize me?”

“You’re Zong Ye.”

Mentioning this name, Jiang Chuyi’s mood lowered again, “Zong Ye, I feel a bit sad.”

“Sad about what?”

She pinched his fingers, not wanting to think, “I don’t know, I just feel upset.”

“Because of me?”

“Seems so.”

“Shall I make you feel better?”

Jiang Chuyi, without any sense of crisis, poked his shoulder, “How will you make me feel better?”

Zong Ye slowly stopped her actions, sighing, “You’re really drunk, Chuyi.”

Hearing this, Jiang Chuyi wasn’t convinced and argued, “I’m still conscious. If I were drunk, how could I be talking to you?”

Whether she was drunk or not seemed to have become the focus of discussion at this moment.

Zong Ye paused, took out the box of mints, and put two in his mouth. Casually tossing the box onto a nearby small sofa, he stood up, turned off the room light, sat beside her, and in the darkness, quietly waited for the cool sensation of the mint to melt on his tongue.

Jiang Chuyi fumbled, tugging at the hem of his shirt, “Zong Ye, I know you want to kiss me.”


She continued, “You’ve wanted to kiss me since earlier.”

Zong Ye laughed, “You’ve seen through all that, Chuyi is so clever.”

Jiang Chuyi giggled along with him, “Isn’t it obvious?”

He asked with interest, “What else do you know?”

“I also know that you like me very much.”

As soon as she finished speaking, the naive fool was pushed down onto the bed.

Zong Ye raised one arm to turn on the floor lamp beside the bed, his other hand propped beside her ear as he examined her closely, “What else?”

Pinned down, Jiang Chuyi’s eyes remained clear. Not willing to back down, she calmly said, “Also, I know that you’re planning to kiss me now.”

Zong Ye lowered his head, his pupils as dark as a bottomless pool.

Taking advantage of his lowered head, Jiang Chuyi turned her face away, deliberately dodging to the side.

He whispered in her ear, his other movements paused, patiently playing along with her, asking a question he knew the answer to, “Won’t you let me kiss you?”

Jiang Chuyi shook her head, “I’m just teasing you.”

Zong Ye slightly arched his back, placing her softened hand on his lower back, his voice low, “Chuyi, hold me.”

The door was locked, the curtains tightly closed, and the bright orange lamp nearby seemed ready to illuminate clearly all the indecent, intimate acts on the wrinkled bed.

Jiang Chuyi knew she wasn’t completely drunk, at least half of her mind was still clear, but she was timid yet curious. While nervously responding to Zong Ye’s movements, she didn’t dare to open her eyes, afraid to see what Zong Ye looked like now, and what she herself looked like.

Jiang Chuyi originally thought that Zong Ye would be the same as that night in the hotel. She only needed to “passively accept,” willingly sinking into passion with him.

But today, she wasn’t sure if he was genuinely uncertain about whether she was drunk, or if he knew she wasn’t and was deliberately teasing her.

Her ankles were held, but the instigator still asked politely and casually, as if asking for advice: “Chuyi, can I touch you here?”

“Can I kiss you here?”

Caught in this unknown wave of lust, Jiang Chuyi was speechless and felt soaked. She hummed a few times, and rapid, scattered and disordered syllables came out of her throat.

“Chuyi, why are you crying?”

Jiang Chuyi clutched the bedsheet, her eyes unfocused as she opened them. Upon seeing him, she quickly closed them again, speaking incoherently: “No, Zong Ye, we can’t kiss anymore, it feels strange.”

He asked, suppressing his emotions: “Are you uncomfortable?”


“Then why won’t you let me kiss you?”

In fact, she didn’t need to answer. Her uncontrollable trembling body gave him the answer.

“Open your eyes, baby.”

Jiang Chuyi’s eardrums were bulging, and he refused to obey.

“So, do you like me like this?”

After a few minutes, Jiang Chuyi finally opened her eyes, compelled by him.

She turned sideways, curled her toes, kicked her legs in confusion, and tried to shrink into the quilt, but was held in his arms by Zong Ye.

Her earlobe was bitten, and Zongye’s movements did not stop. His grip became stronger and stronger, asking absurd questions one by one, teaching her to explore the unclear secrets of the adult world little by little.

Jiang Chuyi was so embarrassed that she wanted to cover her ears.

She didn’t understand why Zongye looked gentle and not frivolous at all, but spoke like a bad guy, very dirty.

After the wave of passion subsided, Jiang Chuyi took a while to recover, intermittently accusing him: “Zong Ye, you’re so naughty.”

Zong Ye chuckled, naturally responding: “You’re very naughty too, Chuyi.”

“How am I?”

He didn’t answer this question because he didn’t know how to respond.

Jiang Chuyi probably didn’t realize how much he adored her. Many of the ordinary things she did, such as pursing her lips when talking to Xin He, slightly frowning after drinking, swallowing food, playing with his fingers, or looking at him with a smile in her eyes – Zong Ye found all of these sensual.

“You, you’re just very naughty, still trying to argue…”

Exhausted, Jiang Chuyi bit him gently without much force, “Just now, you didn’t let me continue drinking with your friends because you wanted to bring me here to… do naughty things.”

He kissed away the tears at the corner of her eye: “I was afraid you were tired and wanted you to rest early.”

“You’re lying.”

“Mm, I am lying,” Zong Ye chuckled softly.

She was so cute.

So cute that the most outrageous term in her vocabulary was “do naughty things,” blurring all sexual acts related to making love.

“I did want to bring you here to do… naughty things, but not when we were drinking with them.”

“Since when?”

“2020, August 3rd.” Zong Ye turned Jiang Chuyi’s chin towards him, “At 23 Epoch, the second I saw you.”



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