When The Male Lead's Obsession Turns To The Villianess


Chapter 15



Not long after Rachel left, Elysia called for Fiona.


A fleeting thought crossed Elysia’s mind that the name ‘Fiona’ sounded quite plausible.


“Yes, Miss.”


From Fiona’s voice and demeanor, it seemed like she perceived Elysia’s uncertainty regarding Isabella.


Confidence was evident in every tone.


“When did I ask for your advice?”




The last time Elysia had a conversation with Fiona. It must have been at least two years since then.


Fiona had intentionally avoided her at times, so it had been at least two years. While they might have exchanged simple greetings, a conversation like this hadn’t happened in almost two years.


It was inevitable.


Elysia vaguely knew that every time Fiona encountered her, she would glare at her with wounded pride.


She tried to hide her feelings in her own way, but to Elysia, it was quite evident.


Initially, Elysia wondered how the users could all ignore the mistress, even though her position was no better than a feather compared to Isabella’s. It seemed like they had lost their fear.


Then, at some point, she realized.


They could ignore Isabella without any consequences, even though they were aware of her situation.


It was because of the Marquess Partin, the most powerful figure in the house, who consistently ignored Isabella’s plight.


“… Since Rachel isn’t properly taking care of Miss, shouldn’t I step in and say something?”




“I was planning to say something eventually. If you keep neglecting your duties like this, you might end up being ignored by your husband even after you get married.”


It seemed Fiona didn’t think Elysia would be the next mistress.


It wasn’t unexpected, as until now, all heirs to the Marquis Partin had been male.


While it wasn’t set in stone, the custom dictated so, and it wasn’t any different for other noble families.


Sometimes females inherited titles, but it was extremely rare.


Moreover, considering there was a male born around the same time as Elysia, Fiona probably thought he would inherit the title.


Of course, Elysia also knew that if she didn’t gain recognition from Marquis Partin, she would eventually be forced into marriage.


Unless Eden brought down the Marquis, Elysia had two worst-case scenarios awaiting her.


Either she became the next mistress in the current situation or married off like some commodity.


Elysia didn’t want either.


“You know as well as I do. Being ignored by a husband is just a momentary thing,”


“Isn’t it you who will be ignored first?”


With a stern expression, Elysia looked up at Fiona and said.


Despite Fiona’s dumbfounded expression, Elysia didn’t stop admonishing her.


“I’m doing this because you all dislike it.”




“Neglect? You were cut because you did wrong, and you call it neglect?”


vAt the tip of Elysia’s gracefully arched eyebrow, the sun still lingered.


“Should I have continued to keep you by my side, even if it meant resorting to coercion every time you misbehaved?”


Other nobles did that.


Compared to them, Elysia was more refined. Moreover, she hadn’t lost her job; her salary had only decreased since she had moved from the Duke’s estate, and she hadn’t been ousted.


The only thing Elysia had done was to get rid of the unpleasant individuals in front of her.


“Are you suggesting that I should have coerced you?”


Fiona retorted without yielding.


“I don’t want to keep you by my side, so why would I resort to coercion?”


If she wanted to dismiss her, she would have.



Elysia opened a drawer and pulled out a stack of papers without a single crease.


As she lightly moistened the end of the paper, they made a rustling sound as they fell onto the desk.


“You cannot treat me like this, even if you are the young miss.”


With her previously relaxed expression erased, Fiona responded, sharpening her tone.


Whether she spoke or not, Elysia’s gaze remained fixed on the documents.


“I haven’t done anything yet.”


A calm response followed.


Elysia had no intention of engaging in a battle of wills with Fiona, contrary to her expectations.


On the other hand, Fiona found Elysia’s relaxed attitude, despite being much younger than her, displeasing.


She felt as though Elysia was disrespecting her, a commoner, so casually.


She’s much younger than me, after all.


Continuously, Fiona internally emphasized Elysia’s age.


Apart from that, she had nothing to counter Elysia with.


“If I have to, I will drive you away.”


Finally finding the document she was looking for, Elysia placed a single sheet of paper on top of the stack.


Addressing Fiona with a composed voice, Elysia spoke again.


“I am the mistress here. You have no authority to speak.”


“Fiona. Are you being foolish, or are you just excessively prideful?”


Having worked in the mansion for so long, she must think she’s something.


Resting her arm on the chair’s armrest, Elysia spoke.


“In the end, you are just an employed servant.”




“You may oversee the maids, but you are still one of them.”


A chilly atmosphere pervaded around Elysia as she leaned on the chair.


Elysia’s smile was merely a formality.


“Just as I can dismiss you, I can also teach you a lesson. Remember earlier today, when you lectured and advised me beyond your station?”




“Which maid acts like this?”


Though evaluating others was far from Elysia’s values, she wanted to break Fiona’s pride once and for all.


Just as her mother had done to her.


From the beginning, the condescending attitude was something Elysia had learned from Fiona and the other maids. So, in a way, she was also at fault.


Just because the Duke fell in love with the Duchess and married her doesn’t mean it was a graceful affair.


Did the Duke really love her?


He was never interested in women, so it’s no surprise. In the end, she became the Duchess, but still served the Lady of the house.


But wasn’t she quite a skilled magician before marriage?


So what? Now she can’t even speak to us commoners and is stuck with a maid brought from the Duke’s estate. Who would think she brought a maid? She even contracted mana sickness and can’t use magic anymore.


Now that you mention it, that’s true. I thought nobles were all amazing, but our mistress shattered that illusion.

The echoing sound of Fiona’s and the maid’s voices, though distant in time, remained vivid in Elysia’s mind.


“You accused us first.”


Elysia, who had been tapping her foot, suddenly stopped.


That’s how people were.


When someone in a position of superiority became the weaker one, they fell into the illusion of being stronger than that person.


Especially in a place deeply rooted in classism like this, it was severe.


In the beginning, Elysia found Isabella’s attitude of enduring the servants’ behavior frustrating.


It felt like seeing herself before possessing her, enduring her stepfather’s violence without resistance.


“And another thing.”


Elysia’s gaze landed on the blue earrings hanging from Fiona’s ears.


As the blue light spread within her red irises, Elysia rose from her seat and approached Fiona.


As the distance closed to the point where their toes almost touched, Fiona instinctively stepped back.


Elysia, now taller than last year, matched Fiona’s eye level perfectly as she belonged to the smaller class among the servants.


“It’s not like your wages are meager…”


Elysia raised her hand and touched the earring on Fiona’s ear.


Fiona’s body froze as she watched Elysia’s actions with her eyes moving.


“Why steal at your age?”


Elysia’s sharp eyes held mischief as her dark hair flowed over her shoulder.


Fiona could only watch without saying a word.


“If you’ve done something wrong, don’t show it.”


Then Elysia handed a paper to Fiona.


While reading the contents of the document, Fiona’s attention was solely focused on Elysia in front of her.


But that didn’t last long.


As time passed, Fiona’s hand holding the paper trembled tenderly.


“You don’t have to repay the money you stole. Instead, you know I won’t write you a recommendation.”


Seeing how Fiona spent the stolen money on jewelry, it was likely she had spent it all.


In truth, whether Fiona had extra money or not was not important to Elysia.


She just wanted Fiona to suffer more than the other servants.


“Wait. Miss, wait.”


Confused, Fiona crumpled the paper she was holding.


The paper detailed the amount Fiona had secretly taken over the past two years.


To her, it must have been a paper she wanted to tear up immediately.


Turning around, Elysia looked back at Fiona, who was urgently calling her.


“It seems like… there’s a misunderstanding…”


Cold sweat trickled down Fiona’s neck behind her neatly tied hair.


Seeing Fiona stuttering and trembling, it seemed like she was going to make futile excuses.




Elysia called Fiona with an impatient expression now.


Fiona didn’t answer.


No, she couldn’t answer.




The dismissal was clear and firm from Elysia.


Once again, tonight’s dinner was not properly served.


The only consolation was that Rachel discreetly brought some late-night snacks so her stomach wouldn’t growl.


Sitting alone in her room, even as she continued her late dinner, Elysia couldn’t stop pondering.


“If the maid’s seat is given to Rachel, it would be better for me and Arielle to stay at the mansion.”


Perhaps Fiona wouldn’t dare to confront Partin Viscount.


The moment Elysia admits with her own mouth that she cut Fiona, she’ll have to confess her misdeeds.


“Would Partin Viscount ask?”


Whether or not the new maid gets Partin Viscount’s attention, in the end, it will come to his ears.


And if Partin Viscount asks first, he might inquire about why Elysia cut Fiona.


If Partin Viscount asks, Elysia would have no hesitation in telling the truth.


There’s no reason for Elysia to show any consideration for Fiona.



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