When the Main Protagonists Broke Up


When I looked up after greeting, the duke was staring at me with fierce eyes.

For some reason, it felt like my family would lose if I averted my eyes here, so I met his gaze with a confident look.

“The princess looks more like a duchess than a duke. Sit down here.”

Then, words that were hard to understand came out of the duke’s mouth.

I put on a questioning expression and immediately erased it.

“Thank you.”

And moved to the sofa.

He took the seat of honor, and I took a seat on the sofa to the right of the Duke.

“Are the Duke and Duchess of Haight all right?”

“Yes, both of you are fine.”

“Right. I heard that Adela’s visit to the hospital is the second.”

“Yes, I couldn’t say hello the first time I visited. Sorry.”

“At that time, I was away because I had work. Yes, I heard you correspond with our daughter.”

It was a common question.

Parents who are curious about who their children get along with and how they get along are likely to ask.

But just as my father didn’t like me hanging out with the Bayern family, the Duke of Bayern didn’t look very good at me either.

I was very careful not to get caught in the pod.

“I witnessed Princess Bayern collapse at the last banquet, so I couldn’t help but visit her in the hospital out of concern. After that, when I came to visit the hospital and had a conversation with the princess, we became friends through good communication.

“Right. But then.”


“The day our Adela fell.”

When the duke mentioned that day, I was suddenly nervous, even though I hadn’t done anything wrong.

“Ah yes.”

“Do you know why Adela collapsed that day? Even if I ask, they say that he suddenly fell dizzy, but I was wondering if there was another reason.”

The duke doesn’t know what happened that day.

I pondered for a moment what to answer.

Of course, I had no intention of telling the truth.

There was no reason or need for me to lightly tease my mouth when the person concerned was silent.

“I was also nearby, but it is true that he suddenly collapsed as the princess said.”


Looking at the peacock’s eyes, it was clear that he didn’t believe it at all, even as he said that.

However, since this was a problem that Adela had to solve, it was useless to worry about it.

“Okay. It’s good to see you go out.”

“Okay, then let’s go out.”


After leaving the duke’s office, he let out a sigh of relief.

I’m glad it went without incident.

“Then, Princess Heitz, I will take you to the lady’s room.”

As I followed the butler, I saw Adela’s room, which I had seen before.

At the word that I had come, Adela’s voice full of joy was heard through the door.

And when I went into the room, Adela was sitting back on the back of the bed with a pretty smile on her pretty face.



“Long time no see. Thank you for coming to see me again.”

“No. It’s right that someone who can move comes.”

“I am so touched that you say that.”

The maid placed a chair near Adela’s bed.

I sat there and handed Adela the flowers I had brought as a gift.

“Here you go.”

“Oh! Are you giving it to me?”

Adela looked at the bouquet and was thrilled with an ecstatic expression.

“Yes that’s right.”

“So pretty. What if I always receive it?”

“No. Are you okay.”

“Thank you very much. I will keep it carefully so that it will never wither.”

It was a word I could never keep, but I nodded with a satisfied smile as I thought I knew how Adela felt when she received the gift.

“How are you feeling?”

“It has improved a lot.”

He said that he had improved, but as Aiden had said, Adela’s complexion did not look very good to me.

Rather, the disease seemed deeper than last time.

Perhaps noticing my expression, Adela hurriedly changed her words.

“There will be a harvest festival and a horseback riding competition soon, right?”

“Yes that’s right.”

“Does Belita also compete in equestrian competitions?”

“Yes, I think I will go as the representative of the Heitz family.”

“Belita seems to be able to speak well.”

There was a clear look of envy in her eyes.

“I would have been able to if I had been a little bit healthier, but at times like this, I am so sad that my body is weak.”

“Get well soon, so let’s go horseback riding together. OK?”

Seeing Adela answer with a sullen expression, her shoulders drooping, I wanted to encourage her.

So, the words to turn around to Aiden and go riding the horse that he had refused came naturally in front of Adela like water.

“Thank you, Belita.”

Even after that, we talked about many things and made the story blossom.

In the meantime, Adela asked me out of the blue.

“I heard you saw your father?”

“Yes, before coming here, I met the Duke of Bayern. However….” I struggled with whether to say this or not.

I was hesitant because I thought I was reminding a person who was still sick about the events of the day.

On the other hand, I also thought that it would be easier for Adela to respond in the future if I told her that I was suspicious because the Duke of Bayern asked me what had happened.

While I was thinking about what to do for a while, Adela was looking at me with a curious face.

“What happened?”

“No, no.”

Still, I decided to keep my mouth shut because I think recovery comes first.

“Didn’t your father ask about what happened at the banquet?”

However, at Adela’s sudden question, she couldn’t manage her expression for a moment and made a very surprised expression.

And that was enough of my answer.

“…yes that’s right.”

“What did the princess say to my father?”

“Um, I didn’t say anything.”

“Actually, I didn’t properly tell my father what happened that day. I don’t know what will happen if my father finds out….”

It was a wise decision.

From the previous conversation, it seemed that the Duke of Bayern was just as afraid of his daughter as my father was.

However, if he found out that such a daughter suffered a heart attack at a banquet and lost her mind as a result, it was certain that it would take months, as she said.

‘Perhaps my father did the same.’

Especially if Kane was the cause, this wasn’t speculation, it was certainty.

‘Then is Adela hiding it because she wants to protect Kane?’

“I understand. I thought there must be a reason why Adela didn’t say anything, so I didn’t say much either. However, the Duke of Bayern didn’t seem to believe it.”

“Is that so?”



Adela let out a deep sigh.

“Am I too stupid?”


I couldn’t answer no, so I just kept my mouth shut.

“I know. I’m stupid. But I don’t know why I can’t let go of this heart.” Tears welled up in Adela’s eyes.

“Oh, sorry. I told you not to talk like this, I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.”

Remembering what I said the other day, she apologized to me over and over again.

‘Is the mental illness so deep that it can’t be cured?’

It seemed so.

The feeling of not being able to open up to anyone, the frustration I felt with myself, and the helplessness of not being able to do anything, made it seem like my illness was not getting better easily.

“Are you okay. I will listen to you only today.”

Seeing a sick person suffering in front of my eyes made it hard for me to remain calm.


Adela’s eyes widened at my words.

“I’ll listen to Adela’s story just for today, so feel free to say what you want to say.”


So today, for the first and last time, I decided to listen to their stories.

It’s not the novel called ‘Love and War of Three Families’ that I read, but their real story.

“Shall we start from the beginning? Um, where did you meet Duke Maxius? As far as I know….”

Adela seemed hesitant at first, even though I was the first to ask.

But as I continued to encourage her to open her mouth, words began to come out of her mouth in an instant, like something that had been blocked.

Their stories were similar to those I knew.

At a banquet, we fell in love at first sight, fell in love, Kane asked me to break off the engagement, and after I went on a trip after the breakup, the two got engaged.

Yes, it was similar up to that point.

It was after that that the story changed.

The look on Adela’s face wasn’t bad when they first talked about how the two fell in love and had a good time.

It wasn’t bad, but I was filled with ecstasy, like someone who had fallen in love again.

However, by the time she mentioned the change in Kane’s attitude and behavior, her expression began to sink into melancholy.

“I didn’t know the duke would change. I love you, you said you were the only one….”

However, the time when Kane changed was a little earlier than the time I heard from him the other day.

‘Did you lie to me?’

No. Judging by the man’s expression and attitude, it was not a lie.

If so, to guess based on his words, Kane was probably already cooling down before reading my letter.

In the meantime, you read my letter and, as you said, you must have realized something.

When I thought so, I was pretty sure it was right. ‘Well, it’s not easy to love only one person for so long.’

I also felt that Belita was great.

Even if it was a love with fanatical obsession, it was not easy for her to not change her mind for a long time.

“Oh, I’m sorry, Belita.”

“No, it’s okay. Go on.”

Adela continued by apologizing in the middle of her speech.

And the story ended with Kane’s words to break up the engagement. “He said he didn’t love me anymore. No, he said he didn’t love me in the first place. I was mistaken, I thought it was love, but it wasn’t, this kind of thing could never be love, so I said stop. I thought it was a lie. I thought it was because something was difficult for a while, so I thought I’d give the duke some time…At that banquet, the moment I heard that it was a fleeting affair, I thought it was really over…Black.”

After hearing Adela’s words, I shook my head inwardly.

‘Very varied, really.’

What do you see me Didn’t you say it was the first love you felt?

It’s been a while so I don’t remember exactly, but I remember that Adela was everything in my life and pretended to be a very loving person.

When Adela’s eyes showed no sign of stopping the tears, I took a handkerchief from my pocket and handed it to her.

“Wipe away your tears.”

“Thank you, Belita. Black.”

“There is no need to cry over someone like that. Adela asked me the other day? I mean, did you get everything sorted out? My answer is the same as then. Time has taken care of everything. Adela can do it too.”

“Can I really…?”

“Yes, I loved it for 10 years. And yet, it took me less than a year to forget him.”

What is a year, it took less than a second.

Of course, it was possible because I didn’t like it in the first place.

“But that won’t stop Adela from continuing to love Duke Maxius.

Because that’s only Adela’s heart. No one can invade. However, if it is painful, difficult and unbearably painful to have someone in your heart, letting go is also a way.”

If someone were watching the two of us, would they think it was a really fun spectacle?

The person who was dumped first, and the person who caused it, is the one who is kicked and gives advice.

Even I thought it was pretty funny.

But it didn’t matter.

If I had cared about that in the first place, I wouldn’t have thought of having a relationship with Adela or Aiden.

Of course, I was a little annoyed at what Adela had said at the banquet, but I wasn’t too offended.

Because that’s only Adela’s heart. No one can invade. However, if it is painful, difficult and unbearably painful to have someone in your heart, letting go is also a way.”

If someone were watching the two of us, would they think it was a really fun spectacle?

The person who was dumped first, and the person who caused it, is the one who is kicked and gives advice.

Even I thought it was pretty funny.

But it didn’t matter.

If I had cared about that in the first place, I wouldn’t have thought of having a relationship with Adela or Aiden.

Of course, I was a little annoyed at what Adela had said at the banquet, but I wasn’t too offended.

And I was worried about her with all my heart this time, unlike then.

“Thank you, Belita. Thanks to you, my heart has been greatly relieved.”

Adela was smiling sadly.

“Thank god.”

Still, he definitely looked better than before.

“Belita is really strong. He is a strong and solid person. I want to be that kind of person too. Will I be able to become someone like Belita after I overcome this period?”


“Ah…Also a bit….”

When I answered like a knife, Adela quickly became distraught.

“Adela can be a better person.”

This too was sincere.


Adela was moved and tried to cry again.

“Thank you, thank you.”

And then he just kept saying thank you over and over again.

* * *

Another few days passed.

Today, I planned to take Lian to an orphanage with children from the circus.

It took three hours to get to Hemoa, so it was busy from early morning.

The last time I went, I promised to give gifts to the children.

So yesterday I went to the downtown area and bought gifts for the children, and the presents were filling the wagon now.

“I think the kids will like it a lot!”

Said Mary, looking through the gift boxes.

“I hope so.”

“You seem to have a particular fondness for children.”

“You’re pretty, you’re cute.”

“It is. Are you saying that the orphanage you are going to is the place where the children from the circus where Lian stayed are?”

“That’s right.”

Before leaving for the orphanage, I gave Mary a rough explanation of why I was going and what kind of children there were.

“But at that time, it was clear that Prince Baian…Right?”

“That’s right, it’s an orphanage sponsored by Aiden.”

Rihanna, Mary, and William knew that Aiden was rescuing circus children and sending them to an orphanage.

But why he did that was a secret between the two of us, only the two of us knew.

“It seems that the lady is quite close to the Bayern family. Actually, I didn’t tell the lady, but every time I saw them, I was a little upset and angry. But I was a little confused because the lady was not at all okay.”

Mary was Belita’s closest friend.

So I could understand what she was feeling.

“You know. I am fine now.”

He said with a smile that he really didn’t mind.

“But the reason the lady broke off the engagement was because of Princess Bayon-.”


Almost for the first time, I hardened my face and looked at her with a hard expression.

“The reason I broke off my engagement was not because of Adela, but because of Duke Maxius’s change of heart. If he hadn’t changed, we wouldn’t have broken up. So don’t talk like that.”

If I had to point out what Adela did wrong, it was that she accepted the man she had a fiancée without being able to bear it.

At first, I also thought that Adela was no different from Kane for that reason.

But after experiencing Kane’s mad obsession and behavior, I could see what he would have done to Adela.

In fact, even in the novel, the part where Kane woos Adela was detailed.

But like other readers, I just thought it was ‘Romantic’ when I saw the male lead trying to win the female lead’s heart.

‘Romance is a piece of shit.’

The results were good, but from a rational point of view, the word ‘Romantic’ would never have been possible.

I should have known then.

‘I never thought he would be a person who would not hesitate to do anything for his own purposes.’

It is only now that I know for myself that such a person becomes more terrible when he turns around.

“…Yes, I understand, lady.”

Mary’s voice creeped in slightly.

“And I really just brushed it off now. So let’s stop talking like that.”

“Yes, sorry, miss.”

“I know better how much you think of me. Even now, it’s all because you’re worried about me. So don’t worry about it any longer.”


“Anyway, since the four of us are moving like this today, it feels like we’re going on a trip again. Right?”

I quickly turned around to change the mood.

It was the same member who went on the trip today because Lian and William were with him as an escort.

Two men were on horseback escorting the carriage in which we were riding.

“So. I sometimes dream of that time.”

Mary is also on the sensitive side, so she agreed with my words and replied quickly.

“So do i. Every day was fun and enjoyable.”

“That’s right. Thanks to the lady, I went to many places and saw many things. Thank you for giving me that opportunity.”

“I am more grateful. You were willing to follow me and give it to me.”

“Of course. I am the lady’s exclusive maid. Wherever she goes, I go unconditionally. Wherever you go, you must never leave me. Did you know?”


“The same goes for Sir William. He too would do anything for the lady. So does Ryan.”


“Until the lady becomes a worthy head of the Heitz family, and even after that, we will stand by her side.”

Seeing Mary’s strange appearance speaking so seriously, I just listened to her story.

There were such loyal people by my side.

The area around the heart tickled as if someone was gently scratching it.

It was enough to make my heart thump that the people I care about follow me and send absolute trust to me.

And I had only one thing to say to them.

“Thank you.” That was all.

* * *

After driving three hours, we arrived at the orphanage in Hemoa.

The wagon stopped in front of the orphanage entrance.

As soon as I got off, I could see the children playing in the vacant lot just like that time.

However, among the children, there was one person who stood out because of his height.

“Who are you?”

Mary didn’t recognize me, but I recognized him at a glance.

“Aiden Byron.”

“Yes? You say you’re Prince Baian?”

He was clear

At that time, Aiden, who was playing with the children, stopped and looked in our direction, as if he felt something.

I could feel his eyes met from afar.

He must have recognized me too, so he started jumping at me with a speed as great as his long legs.

And the children who had been buzzing at Aiden running soon followed.



He arrived in front of me in a calm, breathless state.

However, I couldn’t hide my surprised eyes as if I hadn’t thought that I would come.

“How is this…. No, it was so unexpected that I thought I was mistaken.”

“As I said before, I came to see if the children are doing well.”

“So do i.”

“How is Adela? How about your health?”

“Mysteriously, things have improved a lot since Belita went.”

“Really? thank god.”

Even in the letters she exchanged with Adela, it was written that she had gained strength lately and that her body was getting better little by little.

But Adela had said it was okay the last time I went, so I thought she was just saying it.

But the good news is that it’s really getting better.


After a brief conversation with Aiden, the children arrived.

Lucy called me and ran to me.

“Sister, I missed you!”

I gently stroked the head of the child who was friendly and hugged my waist tightly.

“Lucy, how are you?”

“Yes! how have you been doing! Where is my brother- uh, there he is!”

As soon as Lucy saw Lian, she went up to him.

The other kids also greeted me and immediately ran to Lian.

As I looked around the children, I also greeted the other children I hadn’t seen before, probably new to them.

“Okay then, now that we’ve done our greetings, I should give you a present.”

“A gift?”

“Did you bring a real present for us?”

“Of course. You promised to bring a present the next time you come.”


“It’s a gift, a gift!”

The children ran around the carriage screaming for joy, probably noticing that the present was in the carriage.

“Come on, let’s stand in a line!”

The children all answered “Yes!” and stood in a line in front of me.

I took each gift box from the wagon and handed it out to the children.

“Thank you!”

“It’s a gift!”

Seeing the children smiling and thanking me made me feel better.

“Be the first to receive a present!”

“Me too! me too!”

At that time, I saw some of the children with thrilled expressions saying that they were receiving gifts for the first time.

“Is this really mine? Who won’t take it?”

And one kid asked me the same question several times.

I was in tears for a moment, so I lowered my head and bit my lip, then I managed to control my emotions, then I raised my head again and smiled at the child.

“Yeah, it’s yours. Don’t worry, no one can take it.”

“Wow! thank you!”

After handing out gifts to the last child, I finally straightened my back and looked around.

The children were each taking their seats and checking their presents.

“Thank you.”

Aiden came closer.

“I just kept my promise. I felt it before, but the children are really bright. I can tell you how well I am living here.”

“I heard that Belita is also pursuing an orphanage project.”

“Did you hear?”

Well, it was a pretty big business, so it was something that people in the know would know.

“I want the children living in the orphanage I am building to grow up well like that. Have fun every day and have a good time.”

“Surely it will.”



When he said it would, it seemed like it would.

So, for some reason, my self-confidence surged.

“Thank you for saying that.”

I was in a good mood, so I smiled at him without realizing it, and he smiled at me too.

Then he felt a tickle near his heart, unlike the one he had felt when talking to Merry in the carriage earlier.

The feeling I felt when I saw him was unfamiliar, so I turned my head unnaturally without realizing it.

But the children had checked all the presents, and now they were running this way.

“Brother! Let’s play with us!”

Adrian grabbed Rian’s arm and pulled him.

“Brother, are you going to play with us? Aren’t you going soon?”

Lucy also grabbed Lian while holding onto the arm on the opposite side of Adrian’s.

Ryan looked at me with a puzzled expression.

“Go and come.”


When the word of permission came out, the children cheered.

“Then I’ll be gone for a while.”

“Spend enough time with the kids, not just for a while. I’ll ride a horse and look around the town for a bit.”

I’ve only been to this town a couple of times now, but I really liked it.

I came here in the mood of a trip, so it would be nice to look around the town.

In addition, the equestrian competition was not far away.

Rather than just sitting and passing the time, it would be more practice to go around on horseback.

“Then I will go with you.”

As soon as I said we were going to see the town, Aiden offered to come with me.

“I can look around by myself. Aren’t you busy?”

He seemed busy almost every day.

So I thought at the same time that I shouldn’t take such a person’s time and that I didn’t have to look around with him.

“No. Today is fine.”

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  1. Legnakra says:

    Realmente quisiera descubrir todos los misterios que siguen apareciendo 🤣

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