When the Main Protagonists Broke Up


“That…I’m not sure either.”


“And I want to go back.”

“Why are you like that? Is the princess also sick?”

“No. It’s just that I’m a little tired after coming to a banquet for a long time.”

“Is that so? Oh, wait a minute then. Duke Maxius.”

What is it, why is Kane calling me all of a sudden?

Before I had time to say anything at the prince’s sudden action, Kane immediately came and stood by my side.

“Yes, Your Highness the Crown Prince.”

“Since Princess Heitz wants to go back, why don’t the duke bring it to you?”

What is this now?

“It’s okay. You can go alone.”

Since it was in front of the crown prince, I thought it would be the the right thing to decline, so I replied with an awkward smile.

“No. Isn’t it polite to send a lady alone?”

“Then I will take you there.”

“You do that.”

I was at a loss for words as to what the two of them were up to, so I stayed still, and concluded that Kane was taking me.

‘Ha, really.’

It was weird from the start.

Suddenly, out of nowhere, the prince held a banquet.

Doesn’t that also require you to attend?

It was clear now that there was some deal between the two.

“Then let’s go.”

“Go carefully, Princess.”

It seemed that it would be better to drop at least one of them first than to deal with two stubborn men.

Now, getting out of the banquet hall was an urgent priority.

After greeting the prince, I left the banquet hall without even looking at Kane.

And as soon as the door closed, I turned around and glared at him as hard as I could.

“Don’t follow me. I will go alone.”

“His Highness, the Crown Prince, asked me to take the princess to her, so I must follow that order.”

“If you ask me later, I will say yes. So let’s break up here.”

“It’s not possible.”


Is this human testing my patience?

I wanted to hit him once if I could.

Kane was insisting on taking me there, and I said I didn’t like it, and we were looking at each other like having a snowball fight.

“All right. I lost.”

I was confronting Kane in silence for a long time, but suddenly he backed off first.

“So please stop hating me.”

He, who had been stubborn and stubborn until now, spoke as if Kane begged me with a sad expression like an abandoned puppy.

“I don’t know what to do since the princess is acting so hostile to me.”


This person was not the Kane I knew.

He was not one to speak softly like a spring breeze blowing in this way.

He wasn’t the kind of person who bowed down to someone first and came in, claiming to be emotionally upset.

It seemed that if I had pushed it recklessly like before, I wouldn’t have felt this embarrassed.

“Let’s go.”

I hurriedly left the place without answering him.

I wondered if they would follow me, but I couldn’t hear them following me, as if I was keeping my word.

I quickly arrived at the wagon at a quick pace.


“My lady, why did you come back so soon?”

When I arrived in front of the carriage it looked like I was being chased by something, Ryan and Mary, who were waiting, asked me with question marks on their faces.

“Let’s go.”

But I’m too overwhelmed with everything right now to answer their questions.

I had to go home quickly and clear my complicated mind.

“Yes? Oh, I see.”

“My lady, please get on.”

Fortunately, neither Ryan nor Mary asked me anymore if they had read my frozen expression.

And the banquet attended by the prince’s invitation ended like that.

* * *

As the carriage left the imperial palace, Adela gently opened her closed eyes.

Then, he raised his body upright and sat down.

Adela and Aiden were the only two in the carriage.

Aiden just watched the scene and quietly opened his mouth.

“Why did you do that?”

“…I don’t know.”

Adela muttered as she gazed into the invisible distance.

“At first I thought I was down. But no matter how much time passed, there was no problem with my body, so I knew it was acting.”

“I’m glad. Did it look like….”


“Why did I do that? Aiden, I must have been crazy for a second.”

Adela responded with a self-deprecating smile.

“I envy the princess so much. I am going crazy with envy.”


“The Duke is not looking at me at all. The fact that the eyes that used to look at me warmly and look at someone else makes me crazy.

Aiden, what should I do? How can I get the duke’s mind back to the the way it was before?”

Aiden frowned slightly.

It was not like his sister.

Acting this way wasn’t the way he knew her.

“Not long ago, I was the happiest person in the world, but I was the the main character of this world, but that seems to have changed.

Nobody cares about me anymore. I’m so sad. Unhappy. I want to die.”

And you too….

Adela answered, trying to hide her backstory.

Aiden was the younger brother who would do whatever he said.

Of course, it was only possible because she had made it so far.

When his father scolded Aiden, he always embraced him.

If he cried in the corner, he brought him to his room and comforted him.

Although all of this was for herself, she was different from her father.

They were family, so I didn’t neglect them.

Acting like that, Aiden followed himself well.

In particular, this hideous body, which often hurts, was optimized to buy people’s sympathy.

Aiden also listened to her better.

And in the future, if she hides this impure heart well, there will be no better words to move her words.

‘So not yet.’

I couldn’t let go of Aiden until I put everything back.

“Please don’t tell anyone. Please.”

“Who am I talking to?”

“Are you sure you’re not going to tell Princess Heitz or anyone else?”

Adela deliberately referred to Belita.

“…I won’t tell you.”

Fortunately, the words she wanted came out of Aiden’s mouth.

“Thank you, my brother. After all, my brother is the best.”

“What do you plan to do next?”

“I thought that if I became like the princess, the duke would like me again, so I wanted to be her friend, but I was rejected. I guess Princess Heitz can’t forgive me.”

It was natural.

Aiden found out what had happened immediately after the meeting Belita.

I learned everything about how much Belita loved Kane and why the two broke up.

Perhaps no normal person can forgive those who made him that way.

That’s why Aiden was able to understand Belita.

So he did not respond to Adela’s words.

“But I won’t give up until I have a chance to get to know you.”

I have a goal, so I have to get close to Belita no matter what.

I had a lot of time.

So, despair is still early.

“Will you help me? Will you?”

“…All right.”

After hearing Aiden’s answer, Adela smiled invisibly.

Afterward, the carriage arrived at the Duke of Bayern’s residence.

Aiden got off the carriage with Adela in his arms.

It was Adela’s request.

And she was still in Aiden’s arms, her eyes closed like someone who had passed out.

* * *

As soon as he returned to the duke’s residence, he washed up,

changed into pajamas, and bit everyone.

And as I carefully recalled the events of the day, I agonized over what to do in the future.

‘Cain Maxius.’

Where the hell did his change of heart come from?

Seeing how he had changed even though I hadn’t done anything made it all the more difficult to predict the future.


My stomach felt stuffy as if a stone had landed in my chest.

‘And Adela Bayon.’

My feelings about Adela were pretty complicated.

As for Kane, my definition of him has never changed since he treated me badly from the first time we met.

A man with a heart colder than ice and more desolate than the desert.

A bastard who left his fiance and took another woman in his heart.

But Adela was a little different.

She, too, must have known that Kane had a fiancé named Belita.

Because of that, Adela didn’t open her heart to Kane at first, but eventually, she accepted his heart.

That’s why, in the original Belita, not only Kane but also Adela shouldn’t have had a relationship.

That was right and natural.

But I don’t know.

Adela, who had her nose pierced by such a man and was eventually kicked out, felt a little sorry for Kane because she looked at Kane so badly.

I shouldn’t feel sorry for her, but seeing Adela collapse in shock like today, I couldn’t help but feel pity for her.

But when I think about it, the reason I was able to get away from shit like Kane was because there was a person named Adela.

Of course, the two of them broke up and the shit truck came out to the roadside again.

If Adela hadn’t been there, she might soon have become the Duchess of Maxius, let alone a diamond mine.

‘Oh, that’s terrible.’

At the thought of that, my whole body trembled to the point of chills.

‘Am I looking too good for Adela?’

To be honest, I was a bit annoyed.

Maybe it was because he was so bothered by Kane that he felt bad just by looking at her face.

On top of that, he even said things he didn’t want to hear, such as asking if Kane had feelings for him.

‘Lastly, Aiden Bayern.’

The person I had to care about the most was this man.

A man who could kill me at any time, if my hatred for Adela caused her even the slightest harm.

That person was Aiden Byron.

Thinking like this makes me angry again.

Why did I go on a trip?

That’s two years at a time.

I thought that if I came back after the original work was neatly finished, I would never be able to get involved with them now.

Even if they did get involved, I thought it would be because of family to family issues, not personal issues.

‘What should I do if I consider this now?’

Anyway, things went completely wrong, and the scenario I had written was completely messed up.

Therefore, it would be much better to think about what to do next than to lament over regret.

Is there any way not to get involved with them again?

No matter how much I thought about it, there was no way.

So what should I do best?

I was immersed in thinking of various plans, not knowing that the the night sky was suddenly brightening.

And fell asleep without even making a decision.

* * *

Time passed quickly.

It was a fairly peaceful and quiet day for a lot of events at the banquet.

Kane, too, was quiet after the banquet, perhaps because he was shocked that I was fed up with his actions.

And today I was preparing to go to the Duke of Bayern.

It was because I heard that Adela passed out at the banquet and was still not recovering well.

It was not my fault for her deteriorating health, so I went to visit Adela not out of guilt or discomfort.

As a result of thinking over and over again for several days about what to do next, I suddenly remembered what Adela had said to me.

Wanting to be friends with me…

Turning around and thinking about it, getting close to Adela wasn’t a bad thing at all.

No matter what Kane did, as long as I got along with Adela, there was a good chance my life would be safe.

Would Aiden have to kill me, who is close to his sister?

It’s what I thought, but no matter how I think about it, it was a very good and brilliant way.

Although they had only briefly met at dinners and banquets with dukes, Adela did not seem to be a bad person by nature.

It seems a little shameless and ignorant, but well, that much didn’t matter.

After becoming close friends like that, it wasn’t bad to instill in Adela how bad Kane was.

But just as I was about to go downstairs to see Adela and pass the hall, I came across a huge wall.


It was my father.

“Are you going out?”

“Yes, I’m going out for a while.”

“Where are you going?”

“That is….”

At the last meal, the relationship between the Duke of Bayon and his father did not look very good.

Most of all, because I knew what kind of situation I was in, the word that I was going to the Duke of Bayern didn’t come easily.

‘I don’t know.’

“I want to visit the Duke of Bayern.”

“What? The Duke of Bayon?!”

As expected, as soon as I said Bayern, my father went into a rage.

“Yes, I heard that Princess Adela Bayen is not feeling well, so I am going to visit her in the hospital.”

“Did you just say you were the Duke of Bayern?”


“Why are you going there? Not.”

I knew this was going to happen and even if I was caught later, I was going to sneak in….

“Dad, it’s just a visit. And it’s because Princess Bayon collapsed in front of me at the banquet, and I’m a little worried.”

“Then why are you worried about Princess Bayon?”

It was.

It will look that way in the eyes of others, not just my father.

If it were known that Belita was worried about Adela and went to visit her in the hospital, maybe everyone would treat me like an idiot and an unworthy hodgepodge.

But I was Belita Heights of the Duke of Heights.

Even though they would talk quietly behind their backs, they could never do that in front of me.

So, no matter what they thought of me, I didn’t have to convince others.

But my father was different.

What others say is that he is trying to put me down, and it’s not because he’s genuinely worried about me, but because he wasn’t my father.

So, since my father found out that I was going to the Duke of Bayern, I had to convince him.

“Father, it has already been two years since I broke up. At that time, it was difficult because I was deeply hurt, but that is a thing of the past. I’ve overcome everything. That’s why I don’t want to restrict my actions with the past.”


There was a coughing sound that came out when something was not to my liking.

It meant that my appeal was still not reaching my father’s heart.

“Father, I am Belita Heights. Right now, I’m still just a princess of the Heitsu family, but I will lead the family as the head of the family. But if I cover people one by one with such personal feelings, am I qualified to be the next head of household? Father, do you  want me to have a complete relationship with the two families, the

Duke of Maxius and the Duke of Bayern?”

“You don’t even have to be close.”

“That is what my father said. Because I think so too. But the reason I go to visit Princess Bayen in the hospital is not just to build a friendship with her.”

Half truth and half lie.

He wasn’t lying to his father because he didn’t want to be friendly with Adela because he didn’t like her as a human being.

‘I can’t say that I’m going there to protect my life.’

As soon as I finished speaking, my father stared at me with sharp eyes as if he could read my thoughts.

I opened my eyes even stronger to show my dignity without avoiding the gaze of my father.

“You, Belita, are still my daughter that I want to protect and can protect.”

Fortunately, my father’s voice softened slightly.

“So that means you don’t have to worry and act like that already.”


Was it my mistake that my voice became softer?

I was worried that I would be told not to go right away.

“But if you want to go, I won’t stop you.”


But, unexpectedly, the word of permission fell.

“It’s nice to see you getting stronger. Yes, that is my daughter.”

“Father…. Thank you, father!”

I was put into my father’s arms.

It was not something a 22-year-old daughter would do, but I was so happy at this moment that I had a father who understood and encouraged me.

“Guy, you’re doing something you don’t do well.”

Even so, my father smiled and stroked my hair, as if he was in a the good mood inside.

“I will become a man worthy of the Heitz family name. I will become your proud daughter.”

I wanted to be like that.

And I promised myself in front of my father once again that it would happen.

* * *

Originally, most of the nobles lived in their estates, but the three ducal families were a bit unusual.

He said that he had a lot of work to do on behalf of the Scarecrow Emperor, but that wasn’t the real reason.

It was to eliminate the risk of being narrowed down by other families while not in the capital.

So they stayed in the capital for about ten months out of the year to keep each other in check.

The Duke of Bayern’s residence was located about 30 minutes from our family’s mansion.

The Duchess of Heitz did not have that great character.

It was a typical mansion, no different from other mansions.

But at night, all that was left was to place fires throughout the mansion that did not go out all night so that anyone could see that they were a family of fire in the dark of the night.

By the way, the mansion of Prince Baian was quite unusual.

Iron structures stood out all over the mansion, probably because it was an iron family.

‘It’s amazing to be able to produce such a large amount of iron.’

Building houses using iron, but producing weapons and armor would not be a chore.

I could feel why the Duke of Bayon had the greatest power in the empire.

I sent a letter to the Bayern family in advance that I would be coming, so when the guards at the door saw the mark on the wagon I was riding in, they opened the huge iron door.

As if what Adela had said to me was not empty, the letter she returned as soon as I sent her a letter saying that she wanted to visit I was in the hospital and was full of joy.

After passing through the iron gate and passing through the garden, the carriage stopped in front of the huge mansion.

When the door of the wagon opened, I held out my hand thinking it was a knight of my family.

But it was Aiden who stood with the carriage door open and reached out to me.

“Welcome, Princess Heitz.”


Aiden greeted me with a soft smile.

Even today, he was so handsome that I was distracted by his beauty for a moment.

But while I was absent-mindedly, he suddenly grabbed his hand.

Then, feeling a slight pull on me, I got out of the carriage.

“Ah, thank you for allowing me to visit you.”

I barely came to my senses and answered him.

“My sister wanted to come to meet the princess herself, but as you no, I’m not feeling well, so I apologize for coming instead.”

“No. Never mind.”

“Come in. My sister has been waiting patiently for the princess to come.”

I immediately followed him into the mansion.

“I was a little surprised when the princess said she was coming to visit my sister.”

He looked down at me as he walked beside me and said.

“Because of what you said to me, and every time you ran into me, you tried to avoid me.”

Unlike his older sister, this man was quite discerning.

‘Or did I act too obvious?’

“After thinking about it after the banquet, I realized that, as Confucius said, there is no reason for me to avoid it.”

“You’re right. There is no reason for the princess to do that.”

I looked up at him with surprised eyes at the words that somehow wrapped around me.

He was still looking at me with friendly eyes, with a gentle smile on his lips.

“Because there are other people who do wrong.”


When the unexpected words that seemed unlikely to come out of his mouth came out in a row, I looked at Aiden in a slightly bewildered mood.

It was to find out what meaning was hidden in his words.

However, Aiden’s expression when he said that was rather plain rather than hiding something.

‘Looks like you heard something about the relationship between the three of us.’


But suddenly his expression and voice became quite serious.

I was nervous not knowing what else would come out of his mouth.


“Do you still have Duke Maxius in your heart, Princess?”

Are you thinking of me?

Because I have feelings for Kane and I’m afraid I’ll hurt Adela?

Whatever it was, the answer to the question was clear.

“No. I do not like Duke Cain Maxius.”

So don’t ever think about killing me.

I barely restrained myself from wanting to say this to him.


The expression that had been hardened until just now was relieved in an instant, and Aiden replied with a pleasant smile.

‘Am I relieved that I won’t pose a threat to Adela?’

If you think of it that way, I’m glad I did.

‘I still have to be careful.’

On top of that, if I stayed close to Adela and kept away from Kane like now, I felt like I wouldn’t have to worry about this in the future, so my heart felt refreshed.

Then I remembered what I had to do that I had forgotten for a while.

To be honest, I didn’t want to meet him, but I looked at Aiden who was walking next to me to keep the courtesy of a nobleman, and said.

“Hey, I’d like to greet the Duke of Bayern first.”

“The Duke is not at the mansion right now.”

“Oh, is that so?”

I was glad I didn’t see a face I didn’t want to see.

“Yes, your sister’s room is on the second floor. Come here.”


Didn’t Aiden call his father the duke?

Are you deliberately polite in front of others?

Thinking about it, I thought that might be the case, so I went up the stairs, thinking nothing of it.

“I think so.”

We came up to the second floor and stood in front of a door decorated with colorful flowers and leaves, among many others.

Seeing the delicate scent of flowers spread, it seemed to be a real


“It’s alive. Do you decorate the door like this every day?”

I asked Aiden out of pure curiosity.

“Yes, my sister likes flowers. I tend to like colorful things, vivid, and alive.”

“Oh yeah? Then I should have prepared a gift of flowers.”

As a present for my hospital visit, I prepared a lily-shaped hair ornament that would suit Adela well.

When I saw her at the banquet hall, Adela was wearing an extravagant headdress.

So, knowing that Adela likes hair ornaments, I prepared it as a gift.

It’s not a real flower, but I thought it was fortunate that I prepared a flower-shaped hair ornament.

“No matter what gift the princess prepared, my sister will like it.”

“Then I’m glad.”

“Shall we go in?”

He nodded slightly.

“This is Aiden. I will go in.”

The servant who was guarding the door opened it.

Then, a scent much stronger than the scent of flowers that I had smelled in front of the door penetrated my nostrils.

When I followed Aiden into the room, there were vases everywhere.

‘You like flowers.’

“Princess Heitz!”

Adela, who was lying in bed, saw me and tried to get off the bed.

Her voice calling me was full of joy.

“Sister, please stay still. The princess and I will go there.”

Aiden and I hurried to the bed where Adela lay.

Adela sat back on the bench with the help of a maid nearby.

“Princess Heitz, you came.”

“How are you feeling?”

“As you can see, it is much better. My father and Aiden are overprotective for no reason.”

He says he’s fine, but from my point of view, his face is still sickly.

“Sister, it is said that Princess Heitz brought a present for her.”

“Oh, really?”

“Ah yes. Here you go.”

I handed Adela the small box I was holding.

“And! What a gift! Thank you, Princess!”

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  1. Mejred says:

    Dzięki za rozdział,
    dziwczyna mogłaby dostać Oscara.

  2. Legnakra says:

    Entonces la protagonista finge estar enferma?

  3. pan says:

    I think it’s stupid decision to try to befriend her or even get involve at the slightest with any of them. Ignoring them and minding her own business won’t kill her.

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