When the Main Protagonists Broke Up


No matter how pitiful she felt, her heart was not wide enough to listen to this.

“I am very envious of the princess’s health. The Princess should be able to do anything without any restrictions.”

“Not necessarily.”

“But you also went on a trip…. Oh, I’m sorry. Without hesitation, I will talk about travel again….”

He brought up the topic of travel the other day, and he seemed envious that I went on a trip.

“Me too, I wish I could go on a trip. If I go on a trip, will all the sadness in my heart be washed away?”

“I guess it depends on how much sadness you have.”

“Then did the gongnyeo come with everything organized?”

I stared at her, suspicious of the intent of the question.

Then Adela sighed and opened her mouth.

“Actually…I saw the two of you together on the terrace earlier. The curtains were drawn, so I only saw people coming in and out.”

Adela’s voice was full of tears as if it was a shock just to see it.

And the purple eyes that were looking at me, a little darker than Aiden was slightly holding back tears.

“Does the princess still have feelings for Duke Maxius?”

Seeing him with Kane on the terrace, Adela seemed to have misunderstood.

“You know how rude you are to me right now?”

“I know. But it’s so important to me… Please answer me. Princess, please.”

Even when I saw her talking with a desperate expression, I almost burst out laughing because I was dumbfounded.

Like Kane and Adela, why are they so shameless?

To be honest, I didn’t have a bad feeling about Adela until now, but it seemed like it would happen from today.

But that doesn’t mean you have to say that you have a heart that doesn’t exist.

I had no reason to complicate things myself.

So I gave her the answer she wanted.

“Doesn’t exist.”


“Yes, so if you want to change the Duke’s heart, stop doing this to me and talk to the Duke. The princess’s behavior towards me is very unpleasant and I feel bad about it.”

“Sorry. Black. I’m stupid….”

Suddenly Adela burst into tears.

No, what did I say?

“Sorry, sorry. Sobbing”

It was impossible to have any further conversation with her, who shed tears at every word.

I approached the crying woman and held out a handkerchief.

“Clean up quickly. It sounds like I made a noise.”

Her actions were frustrating and irritating, so the words didn’t come out well.

“Thank you, princess. Black.”

I don’t know what was so sad about it, but Adela’s tears didn’t stop easily.

However, I thought that something might happen if I left her sick like this alone, I patiently waited for her to stop crying.

And after a while, when I could no longer hear Adela’s cries, I turned around and walked away.

It was to get out of here.

But the words that grabbed my feet came rushing out of her.

“Princess Heitz, can you stay with me a little longer? Please.”

“Do we have anything else to say?”

I turned my head slightly and looked at her with an expressionless face.

“Not that….”


“Since the princess seems to have a kind and warm heart, I wanted to talk to her more….”

Friendly and warm…

The man who was Eden, and now Aiden, said something similar to me.

“It is not so.”

And I gave the same answer to Adela as I had to Aiden.

“No. She treats me kindly, and she is a very kind and gentle person.

So, everyone likes the princess, right?”

Everyone likes me…

He didn’t want his heart from anyone, so he wasn’t happy to hear that.

“As I said earlier, I lived with only my father and Aiden, so I didn’t have any friends. Even though we met with the wrong button at the beginning, if she forgives me, I want to be friends with her.”


I looked at Adela with an absurd expression when she said that I wanted to be friends.

“Will it be difficult….”


After barely coming to my senses, I answered in a firm voice.


“As I said earlier, it is true that I have no feelings for Duke Maxius. And whatever happens between the two of you from now on, that has absolutely nothing to do with me. But apart from that, I don’t want to get involved with either of you privately.”


“If you feel sorry for me, please refrain from this kind of conversation.”


“Then, since the conversation seems to be over, I’ll go first.”

Adela didn’t catch me this time either.

I walked straight along the path in the garden, looking straight ahead.

It was about to leave the garden like that.


You step on all land mines today.

I ran into Aiden just entering the garden.

After dealing with Kane and Adela, it felt like something inside would explode if I dealt with Aiden as well.

So I just nodded my head at him and tried to pass by him, but Aiden called me, not knowing my speed.

“Princess Heitz.”

I took a deep breath and looked at him patiently.

“What do you have to say to me?”

Even when I listened, the tone was quite rough.

But I couldn’t help it because I was patient enough for now.

Aiden seemed a little surprised by my attitude.

“Where are you uncomfortable?”

“No, it’s okay.”

I forcibly raised the corners of my mouth and answered.

“Then why-”

“If you go all the way over there, you will find Confucius’ sister.

Princess Byun seems to be in worse shape than me. Wouldn’t it be better to go quickly?”

It was a word I came up with to break up with him as quickly as possible.

And it worked perfectly for him who thought terribly of his sister.

Aiden stared at me for a moment, puzzled, then ran quickly in the direction I pointed.

I stared at him until his back figure disappeared, then withdrew my gaze.

I walked forward again.


‘Why are you doing this today?’

It was a mountain beyond the mountain, and I had just left the garden and met another huge mountain in front of the banquet hall door.

‘I should have listened to my father.’

When they tell you not to go, you shouldn’t come as if you won’t win.

Looking at the man in front of me, I regretted coming here immensely.

“Princess, where have you been?”

Why should I tell you that

“I don’t think there’s any reason for me to tell the duke.”

With a sharp voice, the words came out exactly as I thought.

“Did you come around the garden?”

He hardly changed his expression despite my attitude.

“Yes, I took a short walk.”

Let’s answer quickly and leave.

It was just when I was about to pass him by with that thought.

I felt a hand gripping my wrist.

Without hiding my displeasure, I threw Kane’s hand straight away.

“Do not touch!”

When Kane touched me, I raised my voice and yelled at him without even thinking about my identity.

At my refusal, Kane’s expression, which had been firm until just now, was distorted for the first time.


“Don’t touch me without my permission. You’re the kind of person who hates even the slightest touch with me.”

“Princess, that’s not it.”

“I still vividly remember how the Duke treated me. So if you have a grain of conscience, don’t say no. And now, this kind of contact is more unpleasant to me, so please don’t touch me without permission.”

It was all because of this man.

It’s all because this guy is like this.

If you knew love, you should have kept that love.

Because that’s the male lead and that’s his role.

If only Kane hadn’t changed, if he had only kept his heart, I wouldn’t have been cornered like this.

But this man couldn’t keep my love and even begged for my love.

I feel so sorry for him now.

“Why- no, that’s fine.”

I tried to ask why he had changed or why he did that, but he realized once again it was useless anyway and kept his mouth shut.

When I first decided to go to a banquet, I was confident that I would be able to act very well.

I intended to show many people that I was doing well, that I had gone on a trip and that I had forgotten everything and was living a good life.

Yeah, it worked fine at first.

Even until I met the prince, my heart was very relaxed.

However, meeting Kane, meeting Adela, meeting Aiden, and meeting Kane again, a strong emotion that was hidden inside me came out.

People here thought of me as Belita.

So I wasn’t Belita, but I was also Belita.

So deep resentment arose at the humans who treated Belita this way.

‘Belita doesn’t deserve to be treated like this.’

But what are they?

Do you mean to treat Belita like this?

But it was not good to show anger here.

It was because I decided that I would not live like Belita in the future.

I had to deal with everything with less emotional agitation, thinking and judging rationally.

‘So let’s calm down.’

Respond calmly and calmly.

“I will go in first.”

“Princess, don’t do that, talk to me.”

But this man didn’t help me do that.

Despite my warning, I backed away quickly as Kane tried to grab my arm again.

And he looked at him coldly with a tired expression.

“I would have told you not to touch it.”

“I’m sorry. But didn’t you go there first? I want you to listen to my words to the end. After Gongnyeo left like that, I realized that my true love was Gongnyeo. Princess Bayern was just a fleeting wish. So please give me one chance. I’ll do my best. I won’t be able to make the wounds the princess received because of me never happen, but I will do my best so that she can forget them. So princess, at least for us again-”


Before Kane could finish his words, he heard a voice calling him.

It was a voice I knew and Kane knew.

It was Adela’s voice.

A moment of silence ensued.


How do I keep things from getting worse?

Kane and I were talking next to a giant pillar, so I didn’t know who was nearby.

Originally, I would have felt the presence promptly, but I didn’t realize it because I was very excited about the successive situations.

On the other hand, the two people coming this way must have heard all of our conversations.

‘Driving me crazy.’

I lowered my head slightly and bit my lip.

Adela came closer to the pillar and stood in front of us.

Aiden was also with him.

“Duke, is that true?”

Adela’s voice trembled.

“I am…Was I a fleeting wish to the Duke?”

Standing in front of her, she looked so precarious.

Aiden must have felt that too, and he was supporting Adela’s shoulder.

“Sister, let’s go.”

“Aiden, just a moment, just a moment.”

Even when Aiden told her to let go, Adela persisted.

And he waited with his mouth shut until Kane answered.

“You’re right.”

Oh dear.

“I’m sorry, but the affair with Princess Bayern just passed by me.”

At the words of sticking a dagger into Adela’s chest, I unknowingly spilled Kane.

He was brazen and rude.

Seeing Kane speak without changing the color of his face, it seemed that he would fall to an unprecedented level.

“I believed…I believed you would come back to me… I did….”

However, Adela’s complexion was unusual.

It looked like it was about to collapse at any moment.

“To think that I was only that much to the duke….”

The muttering voice was getting quieter and quieter.

For an instant, Aiden’s eyes met.

I beckoned Aiden to take her with me.

Aiden must have noticed that Adela was in bad condition, and was about to pull her away.

However, Adela collapsed into Aiden’s arms before he could help her, as if he realized her condition too late.



Adela had lost her mind and passed out.

I hurried over to her, but Aiden picked Adela up next to me and immediately ran past me.

I was worried about her, so I followed her, but Kane hurriedly called me from behind.

“Gongnyeo, you don’t have to go all the way to us.”

Maybe people don’t have this kind of empathy.

It seemed that if I stayed in the same space as this man any longer, my hand would go out first.

I frowned and glared at him.

“Then the Duke is here. Because I have to go.”

When I said that, I quickly ran to where Aiden had gone, fearing that he would catch me again.

I heard a voice calling me from behind, but I ignored it.

The place where Aiden carried Adela was where the nobles’ carriages were standing.

Among the wagons engraved with the family’s pattern, when I went near the wagon that seemed to belong to the Bayern family, it was cluttered.

I peeked through the open window of the carriage and saw Aiden’s face.

Judging by the serious expression on his face, it seemed that Adela was not well.

Then he raised his head, perhaps feeling my gaze.

Their eyes met purple eyes.

Just as he was about to disappear, the carriage door opened.

Aiden got off the wagon and came towards me.

“Princess Heitz.”

“Isn’t Princess Byun very bad?”

“That is…I think we should hurry up and go back.”

For a moment, I felt a strange sense of discomfort.

Aiden always made unnerving eye contact when talking to me.

But now I feel like he is avoiding my eyes for some reason.

“Yes, go ahead. I will tell His Highness the Crown Prince.”

However, it could have been because the situation was such that it was in a state of mind.

“Thank you. Then see you next time.”

I nodded slightly at him without saying anything more.

He nodded along with me and quickly got on the carriage.

With the neighing of the horses, the carriage hurriedly departed.

I did not take my eyes off the back of the carriage.

And when the carriage was completely gone, I also wanted to go home.

But I couldn’t just go back because I had a promise to Aiden.

I trudged along and returned to the banquet hall.

Kane was still standing at the door of the banquet hall.

I passed him as if I were a stranger and hurried into the banquet hall.

This time he didn’t catch me either, and I could feel him following me in silence.

Everyone was staring at us, just like when we first entered the banquet hall.

Ignoring their eyes, I walked to the prince in the high seat.

“Your Highness, Crown Prince, I have something to tell you.”

“What do you mean? Take it easy.”

“Princess Adela Bayern suddenly felt unwell, so she returned to the ducal residence with Prince Aiden Bayern.”

“Oh, are you not very good?

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  1. Mejred says:

    Kane to dupek, wie że dziewczyna jest słaba, a i tak jest okrutny.
    Oby dzięki temu przejrzała na oczy

  2. Legnakra says:

    Wow esto se está poniendo angustioso y dramático 😱

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