When the Main Protagonists Broke Up


A few days later, it was the day of dinner at the imperial palace.

I was very busy washing and decorating from the morning to prepare for entering the palace.

And just as the sun was about to set, I finished all my preparations and stood in front of the mirror.

“My lady, you are so beautiful.”

Mary complimented my appearance in an admiring voice.

Today I wore a light purple dress that went well with my golden hair.

In addition, with a hair ornament that was much darker than the color of the dress, it looked very pretty and fresh even to me.


When I was in and out of the Maxius family, I was in a position where I had to look good for Kane, so I was forced to dress up, but I wore

minimal makeup while traveling.

So seeing her decorated from head to toe for the first time in a while made me feel unfamiliar and awkward, but quite proud.

“How is it? Do you think I will bounce the most there?”

“Sure. My lady will be the prettiest.”

If I go today, I will meet Kane and Adela, right?

Come to think of it, even after searching through Belita’s memories in the past, the two of them had never been in contact.

And I also never saw Adela because I was possessed before the original story started.

Adela was so ill that she refrained from going out to the extreme.

Then, at the first party she went to, the day Kane and Adela first met, I purposely left the banquet with the excuse that I was sick.

‘But come to think of it, I don’t think I’ve heard that the two got married.’

Even if I had done it, I should have done it sooner, but I couldn’t stop because I thought I would still look like I still have lingering feelings for Kane to ask my parents.

‘If I go today, I’ll understand.’

Anyway, it’s been a while since I’ve seen Kane, so I wanted to show him that I’m living very well without you.

That’s why it was specially decorated.

It’s not that I really want to show him that I’m living well, but it was part of my acting two years ago.

After all, when a person who has suffered a heartbreak reunites with the person he loved after a long time, he will want to show his best

self and build up his pride.

“Let’s go, Mary.”

“Yes, lady.”

When I passed the hall and went out of the mansion, my parents hadn’t come yet.



It was Ryan.

Ryan was standing near the wagon, looking at me.


I smiled broadly and approached him.

It was the first time I had seen Lian since I went to the orphanage that day.

“Long time no see. How have you been doing?”

“Yes, lady. How are you, young lady?”

“Yeah, I was fine. Is the training still worth doing?”

“Yes, it is fine.”

I was going to say something again, but my parents came out just in time.

So in the end, the conversation was cut off without being able to talk to the end.

“Let’s talk again later.”

I waved at him.

Then Ryan bowed his head to me.

I took another look at him and got right into the carriage.

But on the way, my father’s expression was not good.

“Father, where are you sick?”

“No, no….”

But from the restless expression on his face, it was clear that something was going on.


I called out to my father with a worried heart and checked the atmosphere, but somehow not only my father but also my mother

had strange expressions.

“Do you have anything to say to me?”

A few days ago, while eating, I suddenly remembered that I couldn’t say everything.

Then I saw the two of them exchanging glances with each other.

Then, as if she had finally made up her mind, her mother spoke first.

“Belita, I have something to tell you.”

“What do you mean?”

I don’t think there’s anything serious like this among the words I need to hear, but the two people’s faces are so stiff that I was

nervous as well.

“Duke Maxius….”

When it came to Duke Maxius, he meant Kane.

“Are you the duke?”

“Yeah, that…The Duke of Maxius and the Princess of Bayon broke off their engagement.”


Break up?

Did I break off the marriage?

Who else broke up the marriage?

When the unexpected words came out, I couldn’t grasp the situation at all.

I just stared at my parents with my mouth open.

“Are you breaking up your marriage?”

“Yeah, it’s already been close to a year.”

The breakup wasn’t recently, it was almost a year ago.

What’s going on?

What the hell happened while I was gone?

“Two, did you two get married?”

“No, I couldn’t even get married. They said they broke up the engagement right before they got married.”


When I asked my parents why, even though they probably wouldn’t know, the words came out in vain, probably because they were insane.

Suddenly, I felt choked and nervous, as if something had grabbed my breath.

“We don’t know why. I only heard that Princess Bayern became seriously ill because of that, and the relationship between the Maxius

family and the Bayern family was strained again.”


Why did this happen?

I didn’t do anything, so why did the original work change?

Could it be that I broke off the marriage with him and stopped bothering the female lead?

“Belita, are you okay?”

As my face turned white, my mother looked at me with a worried look.


Whether the two of you break up or not doesn’t matter to me.

The original work is already finished.

I have nothing to do with them now.

Whether the two of you talk about love or break up with stupid words, it has nothing to do with me anymore.

“Ah, I was surprised to hear something unexpected.”

I smiled slightly to reassure my parents.

“Belita, are you still….”

My father asked me, hesitant.

I knew what that meant.

“No. Absolutely not, father. My relationship with the duke is over now. So don’t worry.”

I could see the two of them breathing a sigh of relief at my words.

“Anyway, I’m a bit embarrassed. A lot must have happened in the capital while I was gone.”

“Of course, a lot happened. I’ll tell you that slowly when I get back from the imperial palace today.”

My mother noticed that I deliberately changed my words and accepted my words.

After that, we no longer talked about Kane or Adela and headed to the imperial palace while having other conversations.

* * *

Belita had been to the imperial palace before, but it was the first time for me.

So it was to the extent that he had to stop his eyes from rolling back at the splendid appearance of the palace he saw as soon as he arrived.

‘It’s so gorgeous. I thought there wouldn’t be much use in archery because the imperial authority was weak.’

The exterior of the palace, decorated with all kinds of expensive things, naturally gave me admiration.

“The Duke of Heights, Duchess of Heights, Duchess Reynoa Heights, and Princess Belita Heights eat it.”

After a while, when we arrived at the huge door, the gatekeeper announced our arrival and opened the door.

I went inside with my parents.

No one was inside as we were the first to arrive.

“Sit over here.”

An attendant guided us to our seats.

“His Majesty and the others have yet to arrive.”

“I get it.”

We came early, the others weren’t late.

My parents and I sat and waited for the others to come.

And after a while, the voice of the gatekeeper was heard outside the door.

“Duke Cain Maxius of Duke Maxius eats it.”

Kane had led the family alone since the death of the former duke couple in an accident a few years ago.

So, the Duke of Maxius was coming in alone, a man with brown hair.

It was Kane Maxius.

My parents and I rose from our seats to be polite.

It was only two years.

Of course, I never thought that I would miss him or miss him.

I just looked towards the door to see how much he had changed in two years.

Then a man appeared who hadn’t changed at all, as if he had seen him yesterday.

“Long time no see.”

Maybe because my parents are elders, Kane greeted me first.

“Long time no see.”

“It’s been a while, Duke Maxius.”

After greeting his father and mother in turn, Kane came to me.

I was wondering how to say hello, but I greeted him with the same words as my mother.

“It’s been a while, Duke Maxius.”

“It’s been a while, Princess Heitz.”

“Yes, it’s been a while.”

I showed him the brightest smile to show that I don’t mind seeing you anymore.

Then I saw a slight crack in his expressionless face.

‘What, I must have misunderstood?’

There was no reason for Kane to give me that look.

Or is it that the judges are distorted because they seem to be living well because they abandoned them?

If so, this person is absolutely evil.

I finished my greeting, thinking he wouldn’t be that bad.

“I heard that Princess Heitz has been on a long trip.”

However, someone who had never been interested in me suddenly brought up the story of my trip.

“Yes, I also stopped by the Grace that the Duke gave me as alimony.”

I deliberately mentioned diamond mines.

It was to imprint on him once again that we had broken up.

“Is that so? What did you see there?”

No matter what, I got tired of seeing ‘My diamonds’ piled up like kicks.

“I haven’t been there long, so I haven’t been able to look around in detail. I was just looking around the town for a while. It is a very quiet town.”

“Grences has good air and is quiet, so it is perfect for a vacation. I have been there several times.”

“Yes, I am thinking of staying there for a month or two a year if I meet a sweet person later, get married and have children.”

I deliberately emphasized affection.

It meant meeting someone on a different level from you.

“…Is that so.”

At that moment, I didn’t miss Kane’s slight frown.

What is that human….

While I wondered why Kane kept making such a face, I tried to feel uneasy for some reason.

‘Is it because I feel sorry for Grace?’

However, he soon strengthened his thoughts in a way that made him feel more comfortable and managed his emotions.

Oh, I see.

I almost misunderstood.

Well, since I handed over the entire Grace, my stomach hurts.

So it was like that.

Still, it’s mine now.

Thinking so, I barely held back what I wanted to boast about while dancing in front of Kane, and only laughed tearfully inside.

And after a moment of silence, the doorkeeper’s voice was heard again.

“Duke James of the Bayern duchy, Princess Adela of Bayern, and Princess Aiden of Bayern are eating it.”

‘Ah, Adela had no mother.’

Now, the contents are vague, but it seems that Adela’s mother died shortly after giving birth to her younger brother.

We rose from our seats to greet the people of the Duke of Bayon again.

A man with black hair, about the same age as his father, entered the restaurant.

After that, a woman and a man my age with the same hair color entered.

I glanced at Adela slightly out of the corner of my eye.

‘Wow, it’s really pretty.’

Honestly, ever since Kane said he fell in love with Adela at first sight, I was curious about her beauty.

How beautiful it is to fall in love at first sight.

I couldn’t understand Kane until I saw her face.

‘With that kind of beauty, it’s impossible not to fall in love at first sight.’

Of all the people I have ever seen in this world, my mother was the most beautiful, and Adela was as beautiful as her.

And a tall man came in from behind Adela.

A man named Aiden Byan….

The man….

He was the man I had seen in Peorat and Yullita, but I thought I would never see him again.

How could this be?

The man named Eden is Aiden Byron?

The man who killed Belita in the original story?

As things unfolded before my eyes, I hurriedly turned my head the other way in embarrassment.

It’s an absurd idea, but I hope he won’t recognize me….

But he seemed to already know me.

I could feel his warm gaze staring at me.

“Oh, you arrived late. Sorry.”

The Duke of Bayern greeted us first with a pretentious smile.

“No. It’s not too late, since His Majesty is still here.”

My father also replied with a smile that was as good as the Duke of Bayern.

“Okay. I’m glad it’s not too late. Come on, sit down.”

Afterwards, the conversation between the two dukes seemed to be just a basic conversation on the outside, but somehow I felt a fight.

Looking at it, I was able to confirm that the relationship between my family and the Bayern family was not that good.


I sighed in the moment.

It was because a man named Eden and Aiden Byan happened to be sitting across from me.

In the wind, we sat facing each other.

I didn’t want to show him my shocked face, so I deliberately lowered my gaze so as not to make eye contact with him.

But from earlier, I could clearly sense that he was looking at me.

“This is Princess Belita Heights, right? nice to see you. This is Adela Bayon.”

Then, suddenly, Adela spoke to me.

It was impossible not to see the person I wanted to talk to, so I had no choice but to look up.

Adela was sitting next to Aiden Bayon, whom I thought was Eden, so I couldn’t help but look at Aiden as well as her.

Again, his gaze was fixed on me.

Unlike me, he wasn’t shocked, but the expression on the man’s face, Aiden, wasn’t that different.

No, rather, his expression looked good, as if he had met someone he was happy with.

What, what.

If you knew who I was, there’s no way I’d make a face like that. What is it?

I tilted my head inwardly and questioned myself, but my mind flashed for a moment.

‘What did I say to that man?’

Ignoring whatever his expression was, I quickly went back to the moment I first met Aiden two years ago.

It was to figure out if there were any things that my efforts so far would be in vain.

Fortunately, I didn’t remember saying anything, so I was relieved.

Then, realizing that Adela had greeted me, I managed to calm my mind and greeted Adela while looking at her.

“Nice to meet you, Princess Adela Bayan.”

He greeted Adela and slightly raised the corner of his mouth.

“I heard that Princess has been on a long trip. How was your trip?

Did you enjoy it?”

The fact that I had been on a trip was openly known among the aristocrats in the capital.

On the numerous invitations I received after returning to the capital, the phrase ‘I heard that you have returned from a trip’ was written without fail.

They all knew that I briefly left the capital due to the shock of being kicked by Kane.

Even though that moment took two years.

So Adela must have known that as well.

“Yes, it was a fun and informative time.”

“I think so. Your face looks very good, I envy you. Me too…I would like to come and go if the conditions permit.”

What do you mean?

Why are you talking to me like that?

I’m sure you know why I’ve been on the trip.

Did he want to let me know that he was in the same situation as I was because he broke off his engagement?

So, does that mean you just want to go on a trip like me?

I don’t know why the two broke up, but I had a strong intuition that it was definitely because of Kane.

The man I watched for half a year was a man with no compassion.

He probably did the same as he did with me when he asked Adela to break off the engagement.

It was good to the eye even without looking at it.

I was able to endure the contempt and contempt he gave me because I did not have a single heart for him, and I had a goal of diamond mines.

But if I had really loved Kane, and if that situation had happened to me, it was clear that the despair would have been indescribable.

However, this was just my thoughts, not Belita’s.

I was Belita Heights.

So, no matter what reason or how Adela broke up with Kane, he couldn’t openly show that he felt sorry for her.

And since my affair with Kane was already in the past, I replied with a refreshing smile to show that I had no regrets there.

“If you have time, please come. It will definitely help. It was such a good time that I can’t even remember what happened before I left for the trip.”

“…Is that so? Hearing that makes me think that I must go and come back.”

Adela’s expression as she answered was like that of a person who is still unable to get out of a breakup.

‘I guess I haven’t forgotten yet.’

Cain Maxius doesn’t seem to mind at all.

I glanced at Kane slightly out of the corner of my eye.

Of course, I saw him thinking that he would remain calm after hearing my words.

However, the subtle change in his expression that he had shown me before was now showing on him again.


What the hell is a person who can’t get a grip. He was a man who seemed like he wouldn’t bleed even if he stabbed him with a knife….

People with very strange relationships were tangled together in this place.

First of all, as for Kane and I, we had been engaged for over 10 years and broke off the engagement two years ago.

And Kane and Adela got engaged two years ago and broke up about a year ago.

Lastly, Aiden and I met by chance without knowing each other’s identity.

“Since my sister is still not feeling well, it is too much to travel.”

Then Aiden suddenly interrupted my conversation with Adela.

The voice he spoke to his own blood was warm and soft, similar to the way he treated me, or perhaps even more so.

“Then you can go with me.”

“I’ll make time for you if you want.”

Yes, it was

Why did Aiden even kill Belita while getting his hands dirty?

It was because he was very afraid of his sister, Adela.

Every time Belita bullied Adela blinded by jealousy, Kane played the role of the male lead only to that extent, saving Adela from danger.

Now that I think about it, it was a really good move.

But one day, Belita planted a bomb in Adela’s wagon, intending to kill her.

And in the aftermath, an incident occurred in which Adela, who was already weak, was seriously injured.

He couldn’t forgive Belita for making his only sister the way he did.

That’s why he killed Belita with his own hands.

It was a trip I took because I didn’t want to be involved with the original characters anymore, but it got twisted even more strangely.

To think I was hooked up with a man who would kill me, not anyone else.

It can’t be like this without luck. 

I would like to feel at ease that the original work has already ended and the possibility of my death has disappeared, but considering the

situation, I couldn’t possibly do that.

‘Why did you two break up?’


How can the main characters break up?

How did the male lead and female lead break up?

I even broke off the engagement so that I could love you for a thousand years….

Although, of course, 99% of what he did for me did.

Now the story I know is over.

I’ve been completely changed, and now I’ve become a fictional character who doesn’t know the future just like them.

‘I’ll have to keep my mind straight.’

Thinking like that, I clearly drew in front of my eyes what I had to do in the future.

I thought for quite some time, then raised my head slightly.

Aiden and I met eyes again.

‘Why do you keep staring at me?’

It was no longer pleasant to see those eyes looking at me.

But at that time, Aiden, who I thought wouldn’t talk to me first, asked me a question.

“Which of the places you’ve been to, Princess Heitz, left the most impression?”

It was a fairly formal question, but since he was the one asking the question, it was hard to hide his bewildered face.

However, I soon came to my senses and answered his question.

“A place that impresses you?”


I briefly thought about his question for a moment.

What kind of answer did he want and why did he ask me this question?


I shook my head inwardly and tried to come to my senses again.

Whatever this man wanted, what he thought or asked, none of it mattered to me.

He might not even have a clue.

It could have been a meaningless conversation just to fill the time.

Of course, I never really thought that would be the case.

But no matter what he did, all I had to do was keep my head straight,

and thinking that made my head clear.

To that, I deliberately responded with a brighter smile.

“Grences impressed me the most. As you know, it is now my property.”

“…You mean Grence?”

“Yes, the air is nice and quiet in Grens, so it’s perfect for a vacation spot. If I get married and have children later, I even think about staying there for a month or two a year.” 

I did the same thing to Aiden as I said to Kane earlier.

“I see.”


Originally, it was polite for nobles to ask and answer each other, but I didn’t want to exchange words with him anymore, so I deliberately

answered in a short answer.

But he didn’t want to do that, so he talked to me again without stopping.

“I also go out often for work, but the place that impressed me the most was a place called Peoratra near the capital.”

I couldn’t hide my embarrassment at his answer.

However, I tried to keep my composure while hiding my expression as much as possible, thinking about what answer I would give him.

Peorat was where we first met two years ago.

It was clear that the place was named on purpose.

“Ah yes.”

I answered briefly again.

It was a stubborn message that he didn’t want to talk about anymore.

I never wanted to have anything to do with him, no, with everyone in this space besides my parents, for better or for worse.

Kane, Adelado, and Aiden were no longer good to be involved with, so they thought they were people they didn’t care about, so they didn’t

really want to continue talking like this.

A sensible person would have noticed that I didn’t want to talk anymore, but Aiden didn’t break down and continued the conversation. 

“Have you ever been to Peorat, Princess?”

Again, it was a question with some intention.

“No, I have never been.”

And I answered succinctly.

It meant that I didn’t know you from the beginning, and I never wanted to be involved in the future.

His face twisted slightly at my answer.

“…You see.”

It took quite a while for the answer to come out of his mouth.

But this time, he finally shut up, as if my intentional answer had worked for him.

He just stared at me with a hardened expression, probably because He wanted to feel uncomfortable.


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  1. Legnakra says:

    Vibras tóxicas del 2 ML 😮

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