When the Main Protagonists Broke Up




“How have you been?”

“Yes. Really nice here! They give you delicious food every day, and you have your own bed. And the teachers are kind and nice too!”

“Sister! sister!”

When I think of the first time I met them, the children who are smiling so brightly now are very strange and even dizzy.

It is because of the thought that if I had not rescued the children at that time, I would not have seen such a dazzling appearance.

It was then.



The blue-haired child tilted his head at Lian, who was next to me.

“Are you a brother?”

“Brother number 5?”

“What are you talking about? How did brother number 5…uh?”

As the children said that, they quickly moved their bodies to take a closer look at Lian’s face.

And the expression of the children who saw Lian’s face from the front changed from doubt to confidence without Lian’s time to escape.

“You’re number 5 right?”

“Is that brother number 5?”

In the end, it was caught by the astute children.

I nodded at Ryan with an awkward smile.

I meant to say hello.

“Me…that’s right.”

“Are you really number 5?”



“Sobbing. Brother!”

When it was revealed that he was the older brother they had been waiting for all along, the children rushed at Lian as a group.

Some of them were even showing tears.

Watching that, I could see how well these kids got along with Lian in a short amount of time.

“Brother, where have you been? Black.”

“Hyung, I missed you!”

“Your brother didn’t want to see us?”


I stepped back and watched the happy reunion for a moment.

“Sorry. Sorry.”

Ryan apologized to the children.

“But hyung, why have you grown so much?”

“So, you almost didn’t know.”

“Brother Brother. Are you living with us now?”

“Brother…Are you going to live with us?”

Every time Lian said a word, each of the children also said one word, so they were distracted.

However, Lian made eye contact with the children one by one and answered them.

‘I must have missed it a lot.’

It was Lian who chose to follow me leaving behind the children he missed so much.

When I thought that, I felt happy and thought that I should be better for Lian.

“Sorry. I can’t live here with you guys.”


“Brother, do you hate us?”

“Can’t you play with us now?”

Ah, in the end, the expected reaction came out of the children.

This must have been why Rian only wanted to see the children from a distance….

“Sorry. Instead, if I have time, I will come more often in the future.”

“No. Come stay with us.”

“I want to live with you too….”

“You stop. This will make it difficult for you.”

The child who recognized Lian for the first time yelled at the three children to stop.



Noticing that Lian was in trouble, the children became less and less talkative.

Then, not knowing what to do, I kept my eyes peeled.

When I saw such a scene, I felt pathetic and sorry for the children.

So instead of being silent, I intervened among the children and opened my mouth.

“Come on, boys. Brother number 5, did you become a knight? Do you guys know what an article is?”

“Yes. I know.”

“I know.”

“But when you become a knight, there is a lot of training. You have to train in the morning, train at lunch, and train before bed.”

I tried to explain step by step from the child’s eye level.

“Is it that hard to become a knight?”

“Huh. That way you can become a cool and great article.”

“Wow, brother number 5 must be really hard.”

“Your brother is great.”

“And to be a knight, you have to live somewhere other than here.

That’s why brother number 5 and older brother can’t stay together here.”

Perhaps because of the environment in which they lived, the children were quick-witted and clever.

They immediately understood what I was saying and were even exchanging glances with each other.

“I will come often…?”

“Brother, promise me that you will come to see us often.”

Then he changed his posture and was even trying to get a promise from Lian.

“I will come often. Please.”

Rian replied as she bent down to keep her eyes on the children who were one head smaller than her.

“You promised!”

The child with black hair, who had been particularly teary-eyed since earlier, was deliberately opening her eyes.

It was a struggle not to cry anymore.

“Huh. Okay.”

I smiled in relief.

It was fortunate that the children were not seriously hurt and were able to resolve it well.

After a while, the children sat down with Lian in the middle and started asking questions to Lian.

After all, children were children.

The atmosphere has completely changed, as if I had already forgotten the situation from earlier.

The children laughed and chatted.

And I was just watching the kids from the side.

“Right. Oppa, we have a name!”


“Huh. I’m no longer number 3, I’m Lucy, Lucy!”

It was a name that went very well with a cute and lovable child.

“Me too! I have a name too!”

“Me too!”

Each of the children boasted their names to Lian.

I felt the excitement of the children who had a name rather than a number so well that I smiled spontaneously.

“So let’s see. You mean Lucy, Noah, Adrian and Dominic?”

I was bored to stay still, so I gradually joined the children’s conversation.

“Yes. That’s right!”

“Here, brother number 5, the older brother also has a name.”

“Really? what?”

“Lian, it’s Lian.”

“Wow, that’s a pretty name.”

“Right? Then shall we say goodbye again?”

It’s been a while since we met, but when I said hello again, the kids looked at me with bewildered expressions.

“Hi? I am Belita Nice to meet you.”

I reached out my hand while facing such children.

Then, to the children who hesitated about what to do, I held Lian’s hand and explained to the children again.

“When you meet someone for the first time, you just introduce yourself like this and shake hands. Now, who will do it first?”

“I-I’ll do it first!”

“I want to do it too!”

“I am Lucy.”

Lucy held my hand first.

“My name is Adrian.”

A boy with blue, curly hair who recognized Lian first and had good eyesight came out next to say hello.

“I am Noah! I am Noah.”

And I shook hands with the frail dark-haired boy who wept all the time.

“I am…This is Dominic.”

Lastly, a blond-haired boy, who was quiet compared to the other children, hesitated.

The child didn’t even think about holding my hand.

So I grabbed the child’s small hand first.

“Nice to meet you, Dominic. Now, let’s try it with Lian.”

At my words, Ryan and the children greeted each other by introducing their names.

When I saw it, I couldn’t contain my joy.

They were children who were given their identity only by numbers.

But now they have names.

I was a little thrilled because I knew all too well what that meant.

“Sister! Sister, then is your brother a knight who protects you?”

Adrian asked me.

“That’s right. He is the knight who protects me.”

“Wow, cool! I want to write articles too! I will protect my sister too!”

It was so cute to talk, I gently stroked Adrian’s head.

“If you eat well and sleep well, you can join the knights if you are as big as your brother.”



“Then, starting today, I will eat this much and sleep for a very long time.”

Adrian answered with an exaggerated arc of his arm.

“Okay. Are you making a promise from today?”

“Yes! promise!”

“Nuna, I want to be a knight too.”

I was making a promise with Adrian on the pinky finger, but Noah interrupted and said,

“Okay. Promise Noah.”

“Sister, me too!”

“…me too.”

Eventually, without hesitation, I also made an appointment with Lucy and Dominic.

Quite a bit of time passed while I was talking to the children like that.

The sky was turning red as the sunset was about to set.

“Now, we must go. Next time I come, I’ll buy you a nice present.

You’re doing fine until then. Got it?”

“A gift?!”

“Wow, they say it’s a gift!”

The words that we were leaving were overshadowed by the sound of a gift.

I feel it again, but the kids were kids.

“Sister, you must come next time.”

“Huh. You guys should be doing well, eating well, and getting along well with your friends. Understand?”


It was only after the meeting with the children was over that Rian and I were able to leave the orphanage.

Before leaving the village completely, I stopped the wagon.

Then I went outside and looked around the town for a while.

I came to see the children and felt like the village was friendly as if I had lived here from the beginning.


Ryan got off his horse and came towards me.

I looked at Lian’s appearance and opened my mouth a moment later.

“Rian, how was your day?”

“…It was good.”

“Do you think you did well to meet your younger siblings?”

“Yes. Thank you, lady.”

I didn’t intend to face the children from the beginning, but the result was very good anyway.

“If you want to see your younger siblings in the future, tell me.


“Yes. I will. Thank you.”

“What is gratitude between us. Let’s hurry up and go back. It’s too late.”

“Yes. All right.”

So we left Hemoa after a satisfying and pleasant time.

* * *

Time passed and passed, and about two weeks after I came home,

Mary returned to my side.

“No more coming.”

I gave her a month off, but Mary came back after only 15 days.

I looked at her disapprovingly and said.

“I have had enough rest.”

“You missed your family.”

“I’ll see you more often, what? How have you been without me, lady?”

In fact, it was quite uncomfortable not having Mary.

I was scolded because I felt uncomfortable, putting my body second, since there was no one by my side who knew everything like my limbs.

“As expected, I can’t be without you.”

I hugged Mary tightly.

Then, Mary said she knew that and hugged me as well.

We sat down on the sofa again.

It was because she had something to say.

“About your marriage….”

“My marriage?”

“Yeah, you should get married now too.”

“I still….”

Mary paused with a hesitant expression on her face.

I figured out what that meant and said it right away.

“You still think Sir William has a different opinion?”


Mary looked up at me with rabbit-like startled eyes.

“Did you think I wouldn’t know?”

I smiled sinisterly and said with the meaning that I had known for a long time.

“But…I am….”

Uncharacteristic of Mary, who always had a confident attitude, she hesitated.

“Sir William is half, but he has noble blood, and I am a commoner….”

William was a bastard….

Reflecting on what I hadn’t known, I decided to find out more about William’s family.

“If that’s a problem, don’t worry, I’ll help you. More than that, do you two still like each other?”


Mary’s face was filled with emotion and tears welled up.

“I said last time that Lian is like a younger brother. Neither do you.

You are like my sister So don’t worry any more and let’s start preparing for marriage.”

Mary was two years older than me, turning twenty-four this year.

Mary had been with Belita for over ten years, but I had only been with her for a little over two years.

If we hadn’t gone on the trip together and had just stayed as ladies and maids in the mansion, we wouldn’t have gotten this close.

But we went on a trip together after twists and turns, and it was worth the long time.

“Thank you for your words, but I will never do that until you are married.”


But Mary, who seemed to like it and jumped around, suddenly said something out of the blue.

“After you meet a good man and get married, I will get married too.

So please don’t do anything now.”

Mary’s expression was determined.

“Then maybe not even after a few years!”

I had no intention of getting married yet.

Of course, as a noblewoman, she had an obligation to prosper her family through marriage, but she had no intention of doing it with just anyone.

“Are you okay. I like being with you like this.”


She seemed unwilling to bend her will.

I let out a small sigh and let her go.

“Don’t blame me later. Understand?”

Mary nodded, and with that, we shut up about Mary’s marital problems.

* * *

As news spread that I had returned to the capital, countless invitations arrived to the duke’s family.

I didn’t want to go anywhere yet, so I declined all of them, but there was only one invitation that I couldn’t refuse.

While having breakfast at a restaurant with my parents, my father opened his mouth.

“His Majesty the Emperor has invited the people of the three ducal families to the imperial palace.”

“Your Majesty?”

“Okay. They must be gathering again under the pretext of family harmony.”

Dinner with the emperor was a custom that had been handed down since ancient times.

To express the reason for the existence of the scarecrow emperor, to prevent the balance of power between the three families from tilting to one side and at the same time to prevent clashes between families with mighty military power.

When the emperor became the host and arranged a meal, the invitees had time to explore and check each other, each wearing a friendly mask under the guise of harmony.

“You too have long since become an adult, so you are eligible to attend.”

As my father said, I became an adult soon, but it was a place I had never been to because I was traveling.

I was qualified to go, but I didn’t feel like going, so I looked at my father.

However, my father was sending me a determined look saying that I should never fall into it.

“Should I go?”

“Do you still think it will be difficult to see Duke Maxius?”

It didn’t matter much to see Kane.

I just didn’t want to go to such a heavy seat.

But when I return from the trip, I promised myself that I would accept what was given to me without hesitation.

Now was the time to keep that promise.

“No. I think it will be fine.”

“If it’s still difficult, I won’t force you.”

“Yes, Belita. You don’t have to force yourself to go.”

His eyes were firm, but my father respected my intentions and feelings.

In addition, my mother helped me and gave me freedom of choice.

Thinking of my parents, I never wanted to shirk my duties.

“I’ll go. I am an adult now and I have to fulfill my responsibilities.”

As I answered and smiled, my parents looked at me with proud faces.

“Yeah, well thought out. And….”


“Kuhm…no. Eat yourself.”

‘What? And why suddenly stop talking?’

I looked at my parents with a puzzled expression.

However, they were engrossed in eating while ignoring my gaze.

I wanted to ask what he was trying to say, but he didn’t seem to answer, so I had no choice but to continue eating.

After eating, I returned to my room.

And while eating, I pondered what my parents were hiding from me.

Nothing really came to mind.

‘What is it?’

Like the story of the Bayern family, which was briefly mentioned before going on a trip, my mother always put the brakes on me when

I started talking due to my father’s impatient personality.

I tried to recall the contents of the novel.

However, after breaking up with Kane, I decided that there was nothing to worry about the original work anymore, so I completely forgot about it throughout the trip, and I couldn’t remember the details anymore.

‘Well, it wouldn’t be a big deal.’

And if it had been to my detriment, my parents would have told me right away.

Thinking that way made me feel at ease, so I decided not to think about it any more.

* * *

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  1. Legnakra says:

    Presiento que viene el susto de su vida cuando se enteré de que los ” protagonistas” no se han casado 🤣

  2. Legnakra says:

    Solo espero que el protagonista masculino sea el buen samaritano del orfanato 🙏🏻

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