When the Main Protagonists Broke Up


The next morning, Mary and William didn’t seem to know that I was gone that night, just as Ryan had said, since Mary didn’t say anything to me.

“My lady, where are you going today?”

Mary asked me, touching my hair.

“Well. Where to go Where do you want to go?”

“I like wherever the lady wants to go.”

“I want to go to the sea.”

“The sea?!”

Mary’s voice doubled at the sound of going to sea.

“Are you really going to the sea?”

“Huh. I don’t know when I’ll see you again, but I’m going to watch it to my heart’s content. Is not it?”

“That’s right. You are right!”

Mary vehemently agreed with me, unable to hide her excitement.

“Then I’ll tell Sir William and Ryan to get ready and come.”

“Huh. Okay.”

As soon as I finished my dressing, Mary walked out of the room with light steps.

I looked out the window until she came back.

The streets seemed lively from morning.

I quietly closed my eyes and took a deep breath.

A faint smell of the sea filled my nostrils.


As I told Mary, I had a hunch that I would probably never come back here again.

So, keep your eyes full until you get tired of it.

While I was thinking that, Mary came back saying she was ready and left the room together.

* * *

I hadn’t seen Eden since the first day, having stayed in Yullita for several days.

Yullita was a fairly large city and the circus troupe hadn’t been seen since the first day, so I assumed Eden had already left the city.

Since we also decided to leave here tomorrow, today was our last night in Yullita. Coincidentally, today was also the last day of the festival here.

I heard that a grand fireworks display will be held soon to decorate the end of the festival.

So the four of us quickly settled down and stood near the beach after dinner.

“Of course, the end of the festival is the fireworks.”

Mary said in a voice filled with anticipation.

“Fireworks on the beach sounds so romantic, lady.”

“So that’s what I mean.”

Certainly, as Mary said, it was quite a romantic and atmospheric moment.


“What’s the matter?”

“No, no!”

I looked up at Mary’s voice and saw that her face was blushing even in the dark.


And when she lowered her gaze, she saw Mary and William standing next to each other secretly holding hands.


You two are pretty close already.

I noticed right away that the two had feelings for each other, but I didn’t know it was this much.

As their owner, I felt sorry for not being able to properly look after the two of them.

Suddenly, I felt that I wanted to give them some alone time.


I looked back at Lian, who was standing silently behind me, and called out.

“Yes, lady.”

“There are things I forgot to leave at the inn. Let’s go together.”

“All right.”

“What is it? Lady, I’m coming too!”

As I moved, Mary hurriedly called me and tried to follow me.

“No. I’ll be back soon, so I’ll be waiting for you here.”


A look of bewilderment passed over Mary’s face.

“I’ll be back soon.”


Leaving Mary’s voice calling for me behind, I grabbed Lian’s wrist and hurriedly left.

And only when the distance had fallen enough did he stop for a moment and let go of Lian’s hand.

“Let’s stay here for a while.”

“Did you do that on purpose?”

Instead of answering, I put a smile on my lips.

Ryan didn’t say anything more, as if he understood what my expression meant.

“Uh? Start!”

And with good timing, colorful fireworks embroidered the dark night sky.


As foretold in advance, enormous fireworks filled the night sky, and exclamations came out naturally when I saw them.

“Rian! Isn’t it really cool?”

In front of a child who has not yet grown up, I couldn’t hide my excitement as I ran around as if I had become a younger child.

“Porta Devia….”

‘Porta de Via’ came out of Lian’s mouth.

It was a word I hadn’t heard in quite a while.

Perhaps it was the word that best suited the moment, so I smiled broadly and answered Lian with the same words.

“It’s really ‘Porta de Via’. Right?”

That’s how we enjoyed the happiness while watching the fireworks from a little away from where Mary and William were.

After the fireworks display, which lasted longer than expected, Ryan and I went back to where Mary and William were.

And after enjoying the last festival in Yullita, we headed to the inn.

After the festival, the streets were still noisy.

It seemed that people were setting the last night on fire.

However, as soon as I moved away from that place, the surroundings became quiet as if it had never happened.

The inn we stayed in was not on the street along the sea, but on another street.

I was walking down the street enjoying the quiet atmosphere to go to the inn.

But that was then.

Suddenly, a strange sound came to my ears.

“What are you talking about?”


“Can’t you hear anything?”

“No. I don’t know.”

Mary replied with a puzzled expression.

“Kyungeun? How is Kyung?”

I asked William.

Mary was a normal person and could not hear it, but neither William nor I.

Because they were highly trained, their senses were more sensitive than others.

“Something…I can hear it.”

“What about Lian? Can you hear Rihanna?”

Ryan nodded slightly.

Perhaps as a result of the training, Lian also seemed to have become more sensitive.

We approached the sound carefully.

Sounds were coming from where we had passed.

We went back the way we came.

As I got closer, I heard someone gasp for breath.

I quickly ran to the source of the sound.

And there lay a man who was no longer a stranger, clutching his neck.

“My lady, that person…!”

Mary pointed at Eden with a loud voice, as if she recognized the man.

I didn’t even think of responding to Mary and moved closer to Ethan.

Eden continued to moan in pain.

“Are you okay? What happen?!”

He tried to lift the man who was rolling on the floor, but failed because Eden struggled badly.

I winked at William and Lian.

William, who read my eyes, laid his back in front of Eden, and Rian made Eden sit on William’s back.

And we quickly headed to the inn.

As soon as I entered the inn, I asked the innkeeper to call a doctor and put Eden on the bed in my room.

Eden was still grunting as if the pain was not going away.

“Hey. What the hell is going on? Where are you sick?!”

I was in a state of panic when I couldn’t answer the question asking where it hurts, but Eden suddenly grabbed my wrist and shook his head from side to side.

“What does it mean?”

But still unable to answer, Eden just shook his head.

“When will the doctor come?”

“I will go down and come back.”

When I showed signs of nervousness, William went out of the room to get a doctor.

“Look at the sweat. I’ll get some water in the basin.”

After Mary said that, she left the room.

Now, only Ryan, I, and Eden were left in the room.

I didn’t take my eyes off Eden with a face that didn’t know what to do.

However, Eden’s gestures were strange.

It was as if she had grabbed the necklace I said was pretty and was trying to tear it off.

‘A necklace?’

Just in case, I reached over Eden’s neck to comfort him.

But the moment I lightly touched the necklace, Eden’s pain-filled gestures disappeared like a ghost.

Eden just lost his mind.

‘What, what is it?’

I looked back with puzzled eyes.

Ryan also had his eyes wide open, probably surprised to see the same thing as me.

“I didn’t do anything.”

Just when I was making unnecessary excuses to Lian, the door opened and William entered the room with a middle-aged man.

“I brought the doctor.”

The doctor saw Eden lying unconscious on the bed and immediately began examining her.

I was watching the doctor with a blank expression, still thinking about what had happened earlier.

After a while, the doctor who finished the examination looked at us

and opened his mouth.

“It seems that he has been shocked by something or has lost his mind due to lack of energy.”


“Yes. But I searched the body for what it was, but I couldn’t find it.”

“I kept holding on to that area, probably because of the pain in my neck.”

“But there are no wounds or marks of any kind on the neck.”


At the doctor’s disbelief, I quickly approached Eden who was lying down.

Then I looked carefully around his neck.

Certainly, as the doctor said, there were no symptoms in the neck.

“Did you look inside the neck?”

“Yes. I looked, but again nothing was found.”

It was strange.

I’m sure we’ve all seen Eden suffer and we can’t find the source of the pain.


There were a few oddities, but first I sent the doctor out.

Then he looked back at the three of them and said.

“You all go back to your room and rest. I will watch over this person.”

“But, lady…!”

“There is something suspicious about it.”

“Are you suspicious? Then I will stay with you too.”

Perhaps Mary was worried, she offered to stay by my side.

“This man won’t hurt me, so there’s no need for that. So everyone go back.”

All three of them didn’t say anything at my words, which were firmer than expected, and so they went back to their rooms.

Mary left first, then William, and finally Lian left the room, but Lian did not take her eyes off me until the end, staring at me intently.

I nodded my head slightly to Lian as a sign of reassurance.

I don’t know if Lian felt relieved, but the door closed after quite a while.

Everyone left and only Eden and I were left in the room.

I dragged a chair near the bed and sat down, examining Eden carefully.

‘What was it?’

What the hell just happened?

Is it a coincidence?

Was the timing just right by chance?

Could it be a coincidence that Eden passed out after I touched him?

Or not….

However, unless Eden woke up and asked him directly, there was nothing I could know even if I held my head and worried for a hundred days.

I just decided to do what I am going to do now.

First of all, Eden shed a lot of sweat.

His shirt was drenched in sweat, but I couldn’t take him off and wipe the sweat off.

So I decided to wipe the sweat from my face.

A basin of water and a towel Mary had brought earlier were lying on the table.

I got up quietly and dipped the towel in the basin and soaked it in water.

Then he went to the bed with a wet towel and began to carefully wipe Ethan’s face from his forehead.

‘Because he’s really handsome.’

It was absurd to think this way about a sick person.

But even so, Eden’s appearance was the first thing that struck me.

Starting with the three-dimensional forehead, which is neither wide nor narrow, slightly hidden by the hair, and has an area that fits his face perfectly, purple eyes hidden by long eyelashes that cannot be seen with his eyes closed, and the bridge of his nose that stretches straight from the forehead to the tip of the nose, now firmly Closed moderately thick and reddish lips, but unlike the fine features, the thick angular jawline made his appearance even more attractive.

‘Let’s calm down.’

Even though I was distracted by my appearance, my hands were doing their job properly.

After wiping Eden’s face and the nape of his neck clean, I sat back in the chair and watched him, I thought, but in the end I couldn’t overcome my drowsiness and fell asleep.

He must have been very tired from walking around all day.

I sat in a chair and slept with my head buried in the bed, and although my posture was very uncomfortable, I fell into a deep sleep without dreaming once.

How long has it been As I woke up, my consciousness gradually came into my mind, and immediately I remembered Eden, and I hurriedly opened my eyes.

When I opened my eyes, Eden was still in sight.

However, what is different from before sleeping is that Eden is looking at me with kind eyes.

What’s also strange is that I’m lying on the bed, not him.

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