When the Main Protagonists Broke Up

WMPBU 16.2

It was an unexpected word that I hadn’t even thought of being connected to Adela.

“Yes, so when my sister’s body suddenly deteriorates or she collapses, the shock comes to me as well.”

“Ah, then then….”

Belita remembered Aiden suddenly collapsing during an equestrian competition.

“Is it because Princess Adela Bayon collapsed in a carriage accident when she fell during the equestrian competition?”

“You’re right. And….”

Aiden paused for a moment.

It was to gauge whether it was right to tell her this far.

But the hesitation did not last long.

I didn’t want to hide anything from her anymore.

“Is that so?”

“If my sister dies, I will die too.”

“I beg your pardon?”

So startled by Aiden’s words, Belita’s body swayed in an attempt to get up without realizing it.

But Aiden was holding her tight, so she only took her butt off for a moment.

“How can such a thing happen….”

Of course, it wouldn’t matter as long as Adela didn’t die, but the fact that Aiden could die had planted fear in Belita’s heart.


When Aiden called out to him, Belita barely made eye contact with him.

Looking at Aiden’s amethyst-like eyes, my trembling body miraculously stopped.

And the solution to it came to her mind at once.

“Necklace! We need to neutralize the necklace!”

“You mean the necklace?”

“Yes, my powers must be keeping the necklace from exerting its power on Aiden. Aiden knows what I’m talking about, right?”

“But if you use too much force….”

“Are you okay. It wasn’t that hard.”

“What do you mean, it wasn’t hard?”

“Before I came here, I tried it on Owen Est, just in case, but the color of the necklace faded quickly. It’s like you’ve lost your power. Of course, what Aiden is doing is due to the Duke of Bayern, so it seems to have more power, but I still want to do it. Let me do it.”

Saying that, Belita freed herself from Aiden’s arms.

“Owen Est?”


Not wanting to delay even a little bit, Belita started preparing quickly while answering.

I couldn’t stop Belita any longer because of her so determined and determined attitude.

And honestly, if Belita can really disable his necklace, he won’t have to run away from her anymore.

If it can be….

“If it’s too hard, you should stop.”

But I didn’t want her to be sick or in pain.

So he asked Belita once again.

“Yes I will.”

Belita reassured him with an answer he didn’t like.

Belita gathered strong heat in her palms, vowing that she would definitely neutralize this necklace even if she poured all her strength into it.

I knew how to do it because I had done it once before.

Aiden lowered his coat slightly and unbuttoned his shirt.

Then, a light purple necklace was revealed.

Belita put her hands on the necklace as it was.

Then, he applied force with the momentum to explode the necklace.

It was definitely on a different level from Owen Est’s time.

Even though I put my strength into it for quite a long time, the color did not change easily unlike then.


Aiden called out to Belita in a worried voice.

Belita didn’t even look at him and focused only on the necklace.


Through strength, I hope he will live his life according to his will in the future.

Belita thought so and poured out all her strength until the very end.

Not only did he summon the Guardians, but he also gathered the power of the ring.

But again, the necklace was tough.

Is it impossible for her to defy the power of the Duke of Bayon?

It was about the time the thought was about to pop into their heads. “Uh? It has changed!”

The color of the necklace Aiden was wearing changed from light purple to gray in an instant, similar to Owen Est.

When Belita said that the color had changed, Aiden looked down at the necklace.

Indeed, the color of the necklace that had strangled him so far had changed.

“How is it?”

“Well…I do not know.”

“Is it unknown if the necklace still has the power?”

“Yes, just….”


“I don’t know what it is, but I feel very relieved.”

“Then did it succeed?”

“I hope so.”

So that I can be by your side

Aiden swallowed quietly. “Necklace, take off the necklace.”

Belita told him urgently.


“If you lost your strength, wouldn’t it be possible to remove the necklace?”

“…I guess so.”

Belita told me that I had wanted to remove the necklace all my life, but I couldn’t, so I hadn’t even thought about it.

Aiden carefully touched the necklace and dismantled the link.


He was finally free from the Bayern family.

* * *

After that, we shared stories that we hadn’t had before.

There were things I wanted to tell him and things he wanted to tell me.

“Then what is your original name? Since you were in the circus, was Aiden called by your number?”

“No. My name is…It was Eden.”

“Eden? If this is….”

Eden was the name he gave me when I first got to know him.

“You’re right. That is my real name.”


I unconsciously mumbled his name.

“This is the first time.”


“Belita was the first person to tell me my real name.”

“Then I’m the only one who knows the name Aiden besides Aiden’s brother, right?” “That’s right.”

As soon as I heard that, I felt like I became a very special person to him.

“Then should I call you Eden when we’re alone?”

“…great. May I also call you Belle?”


Unlike him, the name Bell had no special meaning.

It was because it was the name I used to avoid exposing my identity throughout the trip.

My real name is….

I probably won’t be able to teach him for the rest of my life.

The fact that I wasn’t Belita was a secret that only I had to know that I couldn’t tell anyone.

“Great. Eden.”

I deliberately smiled wider as I looked at him to erase the useless thoughts that I didn’t even need to think about anymore.

Then he looked at me and smiled softly.

We had conversations that allowed us to get to know each other and observed the dynamics of the outside world whenever we had a chance.

But the heavy snow didn’t stop, so I couldn’t move.

“Eden, is it cold?”

Now we are nestled in a corner inside the cave.

The fire made the inside of the cave warm to some extent, but it was not enough to overcome the extreme cold of the north.

“Fine…It is.”

“It’s not okay. While trembling like this.”

Contrary to what he said, seeing him trembling, I sat close to him.

Then he held his icy-cold hands.

I felt Aiden flinch slightly.

“Relax. It’s not like I’m eating it.”

He spoke in a playful voice as if teasing him.

“It’s not like that…Ha ha, I can’t help it.”


“Being with Bell made me nervous and nervous…Of course.”

“Hmm, is that so?”

Hearing his confession that he trembles when he sees me, my heart started beating too.

However, I deliberately raised my body halfway, my eyes shining mischievously so as not to show off.

Then, unexpectedly, she hugged his large body tightly and buried her face in his shoulder.

Of course, it was not enough for me to fully confine him in my arms, so my fingertips did not touch each other.

Aiden’s body trembled more than before at my sudden action.

“What if?”


“Are you more nervous when you’re like this? Is it warm because of my body temperature?”


But Aiden didn’t answer my question.

I let go of the arm that was holding him, and only raised my head buried in my shoulder and looked at him.

“Yes? how is it?”

I didn’t necessarily want to hear his answer, but it was quite enjoyable to see his bewilderment.

So when I fixed my gaze on him, demanding an answer.

“I like.”


“I love Bell. So yes.”


When he said he liked me, I was speechless for a moment.

And my heart started beating like crazy, like someone who had sprinted.

“Uh, so….”

I was taking my time not knowing what to say, but Aiden immediately added the following words.

“Can I have Belle? How dare someone like me….”

“Don’t talk like that!”

However, I hurriedly cut off his words and became very excited at his words that seemed to humble and self-tort.

“Why do you say that? Don’t talk like that.”

My heart ached.

It was so pitiful and sad that he thought of himself as insignificant.

So I hugged him even tighter and muttered.

“Don’t think so, please.”

“Then…Can I like Belle?”

You didn’t need their permission to like someone.

But given the situation we were in, he wanted to get my permission.

I wanted to hear that he could like me to his heart’s content.

Fully aware of that feeling, I gently nodded my head.


As soon as permission was granted, this time, on the contrary, he held me in his arms.

And he kept repeating my name over and over again.

After hugging each other for a while, we separated for a while and then our eyes met.



“Do you like me?”

“Yes. That will be fine.”

“Me too…I like Eden too.”

Aiden put on a dumbfounded expression as if he hadn’t expected to hear my answer to his confession.

But for a while, he smiled the brightest smile I’ve ever seen before and called me with an ecstatic voice.



And we found each other’s lips, no matter who came first.

Even as we kissed each other, this moment felt like a dream.

After hearing his confession, I couldn’t believe that I was kissing him, so I hugged his neck more deeply.

* * *

The heavy snow stopped only after spending two nights in the cave.

We melted the entrance with fire and came out.

After staying in a dark place for the first time in a long time, I couldn’t adapt when the bright light came into my eyes.

So I closed my eyes for a while and waited for them to adjust to the bright light.

After a while, I slowly opened my eyes and the world was filled with white snow.

The world after the heavy snowfall was like a white drawing paper on which no pictures were drawn.

“And…The snow has accumulated tremendously.”

As I carefully stepped out of the cave, my eyes reached mid-thigh.

“I think I can go comfortably if I melt it a little.”

“I think so.”

“Would you like to step back for a moment?”

“All right.”


As Aiden stepped behind me, I summoned the power of fire in my


I felt a little sad at the thought of leaving our traces in the pure white space, but it was too far to go to hesitate.

So I melted my eyes with fire, leaving behind my regrets.

As the snow melted, the dirt floor was gradually revealed.

I turned around and held out my hand to him.

“Shall we go?”

Aiden nodded and took my hand.

We moved forward quickly without letting go of our clasped hands.

The castle was located at the highest point in the northern part of the country and was visible from anywhere, so there was no need to wander.

He was diligently walking towards Agger Castle.


The sound of horses’ hooves, which had not been heard before, was getting closer and closer.

“Someone is coming.”


“Are they coming to find us?”

“It seems highly likely.”

If so, I was very fortunate.

No matter how much I could see my destination, it was embarrassing to walk the same distance I had come on horseback.

nd we stayed in the cave for three days without eating anything.

No matter how much physical strength is better than ordinary people, it could not be helped that it was difficult.

While we were expecting it, thinking that it might be someone who came to pick us up like that, the words got closer and closer.

After a while, a man on horseback appeared.

Clayton and my escort, William, were also accustomed to the changed appearances.


William called me and got off the horse hastily.

Clayton also got off his horse and approached me, not hiding his nervousness.

“Where the hell have you been! The person who went out late at night did not come back for two days, and we were also very worried because we were also stranded due to heavy snow.”

“I’m sorry, Sir.”

Sorry for worrying him, I replied with an awkward smile.


“Ah, Duke Luden.”

Clayton also tried to keep his mouth shut as to what he was trying to say to me.

So I hit the ball first to not hear any more nagging.

“Sorry. You were very worried because the person you said you were sleeping with disappeared.”

“Ha, so why-”

fter cutting off what he was about to say, Clayton’s gaze suddenly

looked down.

And immediately I felt Aiden next to me staring at him with cold, bitter eyes.

Aiden didn’t look away from Clayton either, and the two stared at each other for quite some time.

No, it was more accurate to say that I was staring.

When the atmosphere was about to get too rough, I couldn’t leave it as it was, so the moment I was about to rectify it, Clayton first looked at me and opened his mouth.

“…Let’s talk about it later, let’s go back soon.”

“Yes, I’d love to.”

I hurriedly responded to Clayton’s words.

“Lady, since Mary found out you had disappeared, she hasn’t eaten or slept since.”

“What? Mary?”

“Yes…That’s right.”

“I’m really sorry. Let’s go.”

I apologized once again to William, who must have been doubly worried that Mary would go wrong as well as me, and decided to hurry back.

“I will serve the princess.”

When Clayton said he would ride with me, I looked at Aiden and nodded.

“Then, Confucius, please ride my horse.”


Said William.

So I rode on Clayton’s horse and Aiden on William’s.

“Oh, but is there a road?”

I was riding on horseback, and the snow had cleared, though not perfectly, enough for people to pass through.

Curious, I glanced back at Clayton and asked, and he fanned his hand.

Then, at once, the wind blew away the snow piled up next to us, not on the road we were on.

Aha, if I melt, he blows away.

I understood immediately, nodding my head and smiling lightly.

“Worry…I did a lot.”

Just then, Clayton’s subdued voice reached my ears.


As I had done with William earlier, I apologized to him over and over again.

“I didn’t say this to get an apology.”


I knew what he meant.

I thought for a moment about what to say to him.

“Confucius Baian….”

“Oh, there it is. I can’t tell you everything right now, but it’s all a misunderstanding. Aiden didn’t mean to hurt me.”

I couldn’t say the reason, so I was worried about how to convince him.

But first, I had to clear up any misunderstandings about Aiden.

“But Prince Baian said it himself.”

“So that is also a misunderstanding. Oh, who did you tell or tell? Aiden hurt me…?”

I asked Clayton, anxious that he had told anyone about Aiden and me.

“…didn’t say Is that more important than the comfort of the princess?”

“That is…It’s more important now. Again, Aiden is not like that. So, I hope the Duke will correct the misunderstanding as well.”

“…All right.”

“When the time comes one day, I will tell the Duke everything. So please don’t reveal what happened at the banquet. Please.”

I spoke to him in a desperate voice.

“…If the princess wants it, I will.”

“Thank you.”

A deep sigh came from behind.

Unlike him, when Clayton told me that he would not tell anyone, a feeling of relief spread throughout my body.

‘Once this is over….’

When Clayton said nothing more, I took a quiet moment to think carefully about what to do next.

After riding a horse, I quickly arrived at Agger Castle.

After that, we took a rest at the castle without doing anything else and prepared to return to the capital.

A few days later, he left the castle, receiving a warm welcome from the people of Agger Castle.

It was time to go back to where we were.

* * *

At the news that those who went to subdue monsters were returning, Adela became more and more nervous as the days passed.

To be precise, Belita’s safe return made me extremely anxious.

None of the things you have done so far to turn the situation to your advantage have been successful.

That fact made her very angry and embarrassed.

On the day that Belita found out about everything, Adela couldn’t sleep at all.

It was terrifying to think what people would think of her, especially how Kane would look at her if it were revealed that the carriage incident was her own work.

It was done to change Kane’s heart toward Belita, but if you find out that it was done to frame Belita….

‘No way.’

I couldn’t leave it like that.

This incident had to be made unconditionally by Belita, but it didn’t come out sharp.

But when she heard the news that monsters invaded the north the next day, she thought the sky was on her side.

From that day on, people’s nerves were focused on subjugating monsters, and uncovering the culprit of the wagon incident was postponed.

In addition, when Belita joined the punitive force, Adela sensed that the opportunity for genius had arrived.

After the monster subjugation team left the capital, she started acting in earnest.

The first thing to do was to deal with Owen Est.

I thought it was a very good horse to drive Belita to the culprit of the carriage incident, but it was rather a reverse attack.

So she decided to use the necklace around his neck to deal with Owen Est.

He planned to manipulate his mind, leave a will saying that everything was done by Belita, and then fake it as a suicide.

But it was strange.

Despite his strength, he couldn’t connect with Owen Est’s necklace at all.


What the hell are you doing?

‘I can’t do this…!’

However, no matter how hard he tried, he couldn’t connect with Owen Est, and in the end, manipulating him was in vain.

I thought I had no choice but to use my hands now that it was like this, so a few days later I tried to sneak into the investigation team’s prison late at night.

But even this failed.

The security was tighter than the last time I came, so I couldn’t even go near it.

Belita’s actions were clear.

Adela was about to go mad when everything she was trying to do with Owen Est went awry.

‘Why do I always…!’

It was one day when I was agonizing over the idea that I had no choice but to find another way.

I heard that the monster subjugation team won a great victory and will return soon.

Adela’s heart burned even more when she heard that Belita had done a great job there.

‘What do we do?’

I’ll be back soon, what should I do….

But at that moment, the surest way and the only way to solve all these things flashed into Adela’s mind.

‘Why didn’t I think of that?’

Without her, everything would go back to normal.

Without Belita, Kane would return to me, and the truth of the carriage incident would never be revealed.

Above all, where she was now was in the middle of a battlefield.

Even though people died every day, it wasn’t strange at all.

‘I’ll have to use Aiden.’

I felt a little sorry for using him who had been my younger brother for a long time.

But Aiden wasn’t the one who inherited the blood of the Bayern family, and he wasn’t even her real family.

Adela knew.

The fact that her father uses him to do things he doesn’t want to get directly bloodied for.

So, there was no one better suited for this job.

There was no time.

Before the punitive forces returned, they had to get rid of Belita before she returned to the capital.

Adela tried her best to connect with Aiden, not Owen Est, this time.

The first connection was easy.

Aiden’s resistance was very weak, probably because he had consumed all his stamina in subjugating monsters.

He could see the situation in the North through his eyes.

It seemed to be Aiden’s room, judging from the various pieces of furniture.

‘Find and kill Belita Heights.’

Adela did not hesitate to give Aiden a command through her necklace.

Because it was the power to manipulate the mind of the caster and make the caster do what they wanted, it was easy to achieve its goal if it was well connected.

But after a while, her vision returned to normal.

The connection was lost.

‘I thought I wouldn’t be able to resist because I ran out of stamina….’


dela tried again.

However, unlike the first, the second was not easy.

Aiden’s will was stronger than he thought, preventing her from connecting to him.

The strength struggle with him lasted for hours, but Adela was naturally weak.

She was exhausted first and fell asleep.

But she didn’t give up.

The next day, Adela continued to exert herself on Aiden.

‘Kill Belita Heights!’

But despite her orders, Aiden persevered.

In this way, Adela, who did not know how to resist, decided that her own strength was not enough.

So the next day she borrowed a ring from her father.

It was easy to get the ring because it often made up for the lack of power through the ring.

After putting the ring on her finger, she summoned her strength again.

As soon as I felt an explosive power different from before, I was instantly connected to Aiden.

As soon as I opened my eyes as Aiden, I saw Belita.

After all, the sky was on her side.

Perhaps Belita was looking for Aiden.

I could never miss this great opportunity.

dela added more strength and manipulated Aiden into killing Belita.

Belita disappeared and reappeared in her field of vision.

Aiden was fiercely resisting the power of the ring.

However, since it was the item that contained the most powerful iron power, Aiden was bound to lose to this power in the end.

And, as expected, she succeeded in hurting Belita through Aiden.

‘Little bit more…!’

With a little more effort, she could get what she wanted.

But that was then.

I felt Belita approaching, and in an instant I lost contact with Aiden.

What Adela could see was her room, not Belita.


I couldn’t give up like this.

Adela immediately tried to connect with Aiden again.

But for some reason, her power no longer worked.

It felt as if the necklace was broken and was not listening.

Even so, she did not give up and she poured out her strength several times.

However, all was in vain, and after a while, Adela, who had lost all her stamina, fainted for a moment.

How many hours have passed

When I opened my eyes again, it was still dark at night.

It meant not too long ago.

dela struggled to get herself up.

And again, he tried to connect with Aiden as if he was tenacious.

This time I was able to succeed again.

However, it was not the room I had seen earlier, but outside.

It seemed that Aiden had come out.

‘Kill Belita Heights.’

It was a pity that I blew my earlier chance, but it didn’t matter where he was.

It was enough to go to Belita’s place according to the order.

That was the time when I was struggling with Aiden again.

Belita was approaching from afar.

‘Like an idiot.’

I don’t know what she was thinking about coming to the person who was trying to kill her, but it was another opportunity for her.

Adela squeezed the strength thinking that this was her last chance.

But she failed again before she even started.

Belita came closer, just as before, and soon lost contact with Aiden. ‘What the hell is it?’

Why is it that whenever Belita approaches….

No way?

An assumption came into Adela’s mind.

The force of one side is suppressed by the other side.


If that’s possible….

But by the time I realized that, it was already too late.

After that, Adela was no longer connected to Aiden, and the plan to use Aiden to defeat Belita completely went awry.

‘It can’t end like this.’

When Belita returns, everything is over.

Come to think of it, her powers didn’t work on Owen Est the other day.

Adela was sure that Belita had done something.

‘I have to get rid of Owen Estura too.’

If he couldn’t kill Belita, he had to kill Owen Estman by any means, even with extreme measures, as originally planned.

Adela quickly shook her head.

I thought and thought again about how I could handle the work.

* * *

The day before the monster subjugation team arrived in the capital, the mansion used by the carriage case investigation team was engulfed in flames.

I don’t know where it started, but the huge flames turned the mansion into a sea of fire in an instant.

As bombs exploded all over the mansion, it was not easy for even the knights guarding the place to escape.

So, unfortunately, most of them died in the fire, and the few who survived were so shocked by the sudden fire that they completely forgot the existence of Owen Est in the dungeon.

The next morning, when the Templars entered the prison to search the ashes of the mansion, only the charred corpse of Owen Estre was left on the floor.

* * *

The monster subjugation team returned to the capital.

When news spread that the punitive force had arrived near the capital, the capital was busy preparing from early morning to celebrate the safe return of the punitive force.

In the afternoon, a subjugation party led by the crown prince passed through the entrance of the capital.

Many imperial citizens came out to the streets to greet them.

“Long live Baltheus!”

“Long live His Majesty the Emperor Christian Winston Baltheus!”

“Long live Prince Ediel Winston Baltheus!”


A loud roar filled the place.

Belita rode slowly and savored the moment.

Just like when the punitive force first departed, the disbanding ceremony of the punitive force was also held in the plaza in front of the imperial palace.

“Everybody did a great job. Thanks to your courage and wisdom, the Baltheus Empire will continue to enjoy infinite prosperity.”

The emperor came out on the balcony to congratulate the knights of the monster subjugation team and congratulate them on their victory.

“We will hold a victory festival for a week from today, so please enjoy the festival.”

“Wow! Long live His Majesty the Emperor Christian Winston Baltheus!”

“Long live Baltheus!”

At the end of the emperor’s congratulatory speech, the sound of musical instruments resonated loudly in the plaza.

It was the beginning of the victory festival.

* * *



  1. Mejred says:

    Po pierwsze bardzo się cieszę z powodu Belity i Aidena.
    Po drugie Adela kopie swój własny grób i coraz bardziej się pogrąża.

  2. Legnakra says:

    Maldita vieja desgraciada, después de todo destruyó la evidencia 😖!!!

    1. Legnakra says:

      Y de paso ya es asesina 🔪🔪🔪!!!

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