When the Main Protagonists Broke Up

WMPBU 13.2

“Mother, since you and I have been together until now, we will be together until the end.”

“I’m sorry, my son.”

Clayton shook his head vigorously.

He quickly covered her mouth, anticipating what would come out of his mother’s mouth.

And nothing more was said. Instead, I focused my stamina on climbing the mountain.

However, it was not enough for Clayton to ostracize adult men, and even with a person on his back.

Now they pursued them so closely that they could be fully seen.

“I will never miss this time!”


The pursuers shouted loudly and threatened the two.

“Clayton, leave me!”

“No, I do not want!”

“Clayton! Please, you have to run away too!”

“I am! I could never do that!”

His mother on his back kept begging him to leave him behind, but he could never listen to her.

Whether he left his mother or was captured by them, both meant death to him.

He had neither the will nor the hope to live without his mother.

Everything I have endured until now is because my mother was by my side.

But to leave your mother behind!

I’d rather be caught and die with them.


But my mother thought differently.

It wasn’t that I couldn’t understand it.

My mother reminded me of who Clayton was every day, ever since he was alive.

The Luden family’s only hope, he must never die until the day the Luden family rises again.


But even so, I couldn’t let go of my mother to live alone.

So I squeezed all my strength to run away together somehow.

And the two came to a dead end cliff with a river flowing below.

Realizing that there was nowhere else to go, I tried to turn around, but the pursuer was already approaching right in front of me.

There was nowhere to run now.

“Clayton, come down.”



Startled by the firm voice, he carefully set her mother down on the floor.

She limped and stood in front of Clayton.

From the other side, he seemed obscured by his mother.

And just in time, the pursuers found the two and stopped a few steps ahead.

“I finally found you.”

“Hey, I trusted you, how could you do this to me? How could you abandon the Luden family!”

Unlike the memory of 22 years ago, the mother shouted in an angry voice to the butler, who had clearly aged.

“Madam, I didn’t want to do this either. But shouldn’t I live too?”

The butler who had shown his loyalty 22 years ago was no longer there.

But that wasn’t the man’s fault.

My mother must have known that, and her voice quickly softened.

“But, in this way, how can I….”

“Sorry. I waited too long. And I won’t wait any longer. I have now given up hope that House Luden will return to its former glory.”

Even though he was a traitor, there was sadness in his voice.

“So please give up too, Madam.”

22 years of waiting.

For 22 years, I endured resentment and resentment and waited.

But when he was told to give up now, Clayton burst into tears.

So the moment I was about to scream, my mother was a little faster.

“Hate. I will never give up.”

“You are foolish. By the way, where is Confucius?”

Only then did the butler find out about Clayton.

“Who is the child behind me?”

But the butler had no idea that he was Clayton.

But if you came close and looked closely at his face, you would definitely notice.

Then, suddenly, she wrapped Clayton in her arms.

“If you do one, two, three, you run down that cliff. Understand?”

Clayton’s mind went blank for a moment and he couldn’t answer anything.

Then his mother stroked his head, as if understanding the terror and fear he was feeling.

“You can’t get caught by them. If they catch you…Okay, let’s jump down.”

My mother’s voice was hoarse.

Clayton also nodded slowly.

His thoughts were the same as his mother’s, so there was no further hesitation.

“Who the hell is that kid? Hand it over to me!”

Saying that, the butler gradually approached.

His mother carefully covered his face with a robe so that the butler couldn’t see him.

“Let’s go. One two.”

Clayton closed his eyes.


And the moment my mother called out three, I opened my eyes and jumped down the cliff with her.

“What, what!”


From the top of the cliff came the shouts of the pursuers.

But even that was mixed with the sound of the rain, and the sound became less and less.


With a plop-!

The pitch-black river swallowed the two in an instant.

The water level in the river was quite high because of the heavy rain.

The two held each other’s hands tightly and did not let go.



In order not to die, we called each other and kept checking.

However, at the speed of the river, his body drifted without knowing the end.

I drank too much water and it became increasingly difficult to breathe.

Then I lost my mind.

When he woke up without dying afterwards, he was inside the barracks of the circus troupe.

But he couldn’t remember why he was here.

It was memory loss caused by too much shock.

What followed was a story that even Belita knew.

After meeting her who was like a ray of light who saved him, he became her knight.

And today he regained his memory after 2 years.

* * *

“Then then, mother….”

I carefully asked Ryan.

Ryan shook his head slowly.

“…I haven’t seen you since I woke up.”


A self-sufficient sigh flowed out of sadness.

“But now that I remember everything, I will find it. I will definitely find my mother.”

“Yes, I will help you too. Let’s find it.”

“Thank you, lady.”

When I saw Lian smiling sadly, I unconsciously reached out for his hair, and I managed to get it before I could touch it.

“Oh sorry.”

I quickly apologized to him.

“It’s okay. Haven’t you been nice to me before?”

Then he put his head on me.

“But now….”

I stepped back a little and put on a puzzled expression.

Then, Lian straightened her hair with a hard face.


“Well, my memories are back, so I’m twenty-eight now. And when the family is restored, he will become the Duke of Luden’s duke, no, he will be the Duke now. So, let’s call it properly from now on.”


“It can still be awkward and difficult. But isn’t that what it should have been?”

“…All right.”

The conversation finally worked.

I sighed in relief and held out my hand to him.

“Hello, I am Princess Belita Heights of the Heitz family.”

Ryan, no, Clayton stared intently at the hand he had extended to him for a moment, then grabbed my hand with a hand that was noticeably larger than before.

“…I am Clayton Louden.”

“Nice to meet you. Welcome back.”

Saying that, I smiled broadly at him.

* * *

Since then, we’ve had more detailed discussions about what we’re going to do next.

So I was able to lie down on the bed only after he went back to his room.

The sun rose high in the sky.

Even though I was tired, probably because I had passed the time I should have slept, my mind was clear.


The name Clayton hasn’t caught on well yet, but he has to adapt.

Because he’s not Rihanna anymore, it’s Clayton Louden. ‘No.’

I shook my head and made up my mind again.

Ryan did not disappear.

Lian was still alive inside Clayton.

‘So you don’t have to be sad.’

He was Clayton, but he was still Ryan.

Anyway, today I learned a lot of things that I didn’t know before.

Crest of the wind.

Clayton Louden.


The disappearance of the Duchess.

And you have to work through all of these things one by one.

‘No, but it’s really funny.’

Suddenly, the title of the original work came to my mind, and I got up with a fever.

There are four ducal families, so why is the title ‘Love and War of Three Families’?


I was really dumbfounded and laughed out loud.

No matter how much I thought about it, I was possessed by a novel I read, but I didn’t get any help just because I knew the original.

The two main characters in the novel broke up, not three families, but four families.

‘Could there be something else I don’t know about?’

When I thought of that, a sudden feeling of uneasiness came over me.

‘No, I don’t think so.’

And anyway, like the timing, everything was out of the original.

That’s why it was completely useless to think of the original work and do something now.

Getting angry about not being fit didn’t help me at all.

So I neatly brushed off my thoughts about the original.

As I thought about many things, I fell asleep slowly.

At one point, I fell into a deep sleep, and when I woke up again, it was already midnight.

When I opened my eyes and looked out the window, the moonlight was shining through the window into the room.

‘Couldn’t it have been another day?’

Didn’t seem to have slept that long.

Still, I tried to call Mary and ask her just in case, but I stopped what I was thinking was already asleep.

I got out of bed and looked out the window.

Seeing how quiet it was, it seemed that tonight would pass without incident.

‘If they came in again today….’

I didn’t even want to think about it, so I put the thought of Hagus out of my head.

But now that Lian is there, it will be easier to counter them.

But, as Rian said earlier, he hid the ring somewhere.

That means he doesn’t have a ring right now, and he can’t summon a guardian.

‘Something will work.’

It didn’t matter as long as Hagus didn’t attack in quick succession and I had enough time to recover.

And if Kane creates an antidote before that….

I lay back on the bed and got up right away.

I thought I would go for a walk at night because I couldn’t sleep anymore.


The castle was so quiet that I was a little surprised to hear the door opening loudly.

I didn’t do anything wrong, but I stopped moving and looked around.

Then, making sure no one was there, I closed the door and went out.

As I walked through the castle and breathed in the cold air, I somehow came to my senses.

‘Come to think of it….’

I thought about it at the time, but the reaction of the prince in front of the traitor was quite peculiar.

In any case, the Luden family was still a rebellious family because they hadn’t cleared their name yet.

But asking Clayton if he could get it back or if he was sure was the look in the eyes of someone who knew something.

Just as I was thinking about the prince, surprisingly, the prince actually appeared in front of me.

“Princess Heitz.”

“Your Highness the Crown Prince?”

No, no.

I lost my mind when the person I was thinking of appeared in front of me.

I quickly bowed my back and greeted the crown prince with respect.

“Meet Your Highness, Crown Prince Ediel Winston Baltheus, the brilliant little sun of Baltheus.”

“Wake up, princess.”

“Thank you, Your Highness.”

I straightened my bowed waist and met the prince’s eyes.

“What were you thinking, so you didn’t even know I was by your side?”

“Oh, sorry. With so many things happening, there was a lot to think about.”

“I guess so.”

“Yes. Me, but….”

I thought for a moment about whether or not to ask if I was curious about the appearance in front of me.

But the trouble didn’t last long.

I immediately opened up to him.

“Can I ask you a question about something?”

“One thing? great. If I can answer, I will.”

The prince readily agreed.

“Thank you, Your Highness.”

I took a moment to clear things up in my head before asking him a question.

And I asked him the most curious question.

“Your Highness, do you think the Luden family did not rebel?”

“Hmm, why does the princess think that way?”

“Because Your Highness’ reaction didn’t seem like you were treating Prince Clayton Luden as the son of a traitor.”

“Is that so?”

“Yes, if treason was certain, I would have put him in prison right away when I found out he was a prince of the Luden family. And sooner or later he will be executed. But His Highness did not.”

“It’s not that I don’t consider him the son of a traitor, it’s that I don’t do it because it’s not my job.”


“And it is not a wartime situation right now. The power of the duke’s family is most needed at this time. As you know, isn’t it because the royal family of an empire is treated worse than the ducal family because they lack power?”

The prince said with a self-deprecating smile

“His Majesty the Emperor will take care of the Luden family once they return to the capital. I just prioritize protecting the North from falling into the hands of monsters.”

As I listened, his words made sense.

Now, this place was a battlefield, and people with power were needed more than ever.

“Now, do you have any more questions?”


Actually, I had one more question.

It was a question about what kind of deal he made with Kane to keep putting him in front of me.

But he wasn’t thoughtless enough to ask such a question on a battlefield like this.

And more than anything else, I kept my mouth shut because it was enough for me to continue ignoring and indifference to Kane.

“Then can I ask a question now?”

“Yes, I will also answer what I can.”

“How did you come to know Prince Luden, Princess Luden?”

“I met Prince Luden in a village when I was traveling two years ago. At that time, I was a child, not what I am now. I was being abused by the circus troupe, so I somehow managed to save the child, and I got it through that relationship.”

“It’s a strange relationship.”

I nodded slightly in agreement.

“The Heets family…Yes, maybe it’s fortunate that I’ve come into contact with the Heitz family.”

When the prince made an incomprehensible noise, I tilted my head and asked him.

“What do you mean?”

“You will find out soon. When we return to the capital, you will know what I mean.”

He just said that and kept his mouth shut.

He meant that he wouldn’t tell me right now.

“It is a very cold day. Shall we stop now?”

“Go in first. I’ll be back in a little while.”

The prince might be cold, but I wasn’t very cold.

I wanted to spend more time outside, so I asked the prince to go in first.

“All right. By the way.”


“After talking with the princess, I think I can understand why Duke

Maxius has a crush on the princess.”

What is he saying now.

I felt dirty for a moment at the words that seemed to evaluate me.

However, since he couldn’t show his displeasure in front of the prince, he just smiled awkwardly.

“Then let’s go in first.”

“Yes, please go in carefully.”

When the back of the prince disappeared, I took my eyes off him and went straight into the room.

Come to think of it, it was because I was worried that the crown prince would tell Cain that I was here.

I barely asked for sleep that wouldn’t come because I didn’t know what else would happen tomorrow.



  1. Mejred says:

    Jeszcze trochę i będzie 4 w haremie. U+1F602

  2. Legnakra says:

    Cada vez se pone más buena la historia, me encanta la intriga 😖!!!

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