When the Main Protagonists Broke Up

WMPBU 12.2

The monsters plummeted to the floor and roared nervously.

“Help me with this too!”

At the words of the knight asking for help, I approached them.

“Go, princess!”

When I put my hand on the ladder, the knights looked at me with bewildered faces.


“Yes yes!”

I was pushing the ladder as hard as I could along with the slogan, but the monster that came up from the river climbed up the castle wall and showed itself.


Its horns weren’t very big, but it suddenly leaped at me without a second thought.

Then it came right in front of me and tried to ram me with its horns.


I quickly removed my hand from the ladder and stepped back, gathering the fire in my fingertips.

But just as he was about to attack, his neck fell to the floor.

“My lady, are you okay?”

It was Ryan.

As instructed, Lian completely separated Hagus’s head from his body.

“I could have done it.”

“I know. But it is my job to make sure that there is no slightest threat to you.”

“Know. Thank you.”

Ryan nodded slightly and went back to his seat.

Having started a fire in my hand, I approached the ladder to use it.

“Everybody get away.”



“All right!”

After getting the knights off the ladder, I dropped a large fire on it.

And the firepower was adjusted by hand.

In an instant, the entire ladder caught fire.


The monsters hanging from the ladder screamed and fell to the bottom of the river due to the huge flames.

The wooden ladder was also quickly incinerated by the fire, leaving only ashes.

But this wasn’t the end.

Hagus constantly tried to cross the wall and eventually began to come over one by one.


The screams of the knights could be heard from everywhere.

“Die! Die!”

he knights screamed and slashed Hagus’s neck one after another.

“Ouch! No! Sah, save me!”

While I was killing monsters like that, a knight suddenly started running wild with excitement.

“What, what is it?”

“My body, my body is stiff! My fingers won’t move!”


“Oh, no. I can’t die! I can’t die!”

Covered from head to toe in Hagus’ bodily fluids, the knight trembled in fear and began to remove his armor.

However, that didn’t last long, and after a while, the movement of the knight stopped altogether.

The knight, whose whole body stiffened, could not even let out his full scream and froze with his mouth open.

The other knights who saw the article were agitated.

“Uh, how…!”

“Is there really no antidote?”

“Are we all going to die like that!”

Each of the knights let out a terrified scream and began examining their condition.

Some were relieved by the clean state of their armor, while others were shocked as if they had an intuition that they would be next to the knight who had just died.

‘I need an antidote.’


To kill Hagus, one had to slit his head, and the surest way to slash

his head was to slash it with a sword in close proximity.

However, if that happened, it was a fact that the blood that spurted out when the head was cut would splash on the knights.

They risked their lives to fight, but that said, no one could fight a battle where a hundred out of a hundred would die.

It wasn’t good for the morale of the knights at all.

I had to give them the faith that they could return alive.

To do that, an antidote was necessary.


Since Kane was working on an antidote, they had no choice but to wait for him.

But now there was no antidote and we had to fight in this condition.

“Close tightly so that Hagus’ bodily fluids do not enter the armor!”

“Yes! All right!”

“Wear the helmet properly!”


Everyone quickly recovered and faced the monsters again.

However, just as the end of the night sky was invisible, the current situation showed no signs of ending at all.

The monsters kept coming and we had to stop them constantly.

However, it was unclear whether he would be able to stop them all today in this way.

I thought about why I was here.

There was no other reason why the three ducal families were trusted

more than the imperial family.

In a battle like this, he is supported because he saves more allies by reducing damage by using his power.

The worry didn’t last long.

‘At least until an antidote is created….’ Until then, you have to endure it anyway.

I quickly looked around.

More demons and knights were confronting each other than before.

I ran at full speed and climbed to the highest point among the walls, then concentrated the power of the ring and drew it into one place.

A different level of power enveloped his entire body.

It was incredibly hot.

It was so hot that I felt as if my body would burn away.

But I persevered.

Holding back, I gathered my strength until the end and summoned Phinea, the guardian of Heitz, the family of fire.


Then the ring glowed even more red, and something rose vigorously from it.

It was a huge bird whose entire body was covered in fire.

Phineas was stirring in the darkness, fluttering a long tail of flame.

“What, what?”


“It’s fire!”

“It’s Princess! Princess…!”

The knights were greatly surprised by the sudden appearance of a stranger.

Some were frightened thinking that it was a new monster.

But soon, one of the knights belonging to the Heitz family recognized Phinea and shouted.

“The Princess has summoned the Guardian Beast!”


The shouts of the knights full of anticipation rang in my ears.

“Pinia, go!”

I ordered the Guardian.

Then, the huge flames emitted by Finia, which was leisurely circling the night sky, began to attack the monsters.


Hagus’s screams echoed throughout the castle.

The flames that spread everywhere engulfed those on the wall and then engulfed those on the wall at once.

“Don’t leave out a single one, get rid of them!”

At my order to do more, Phinea blinked closer to those on the border.

Those who had been foolishly resisting Phinea turned to ashes in an instant.


Seeing that, they started to run away into the forest, probably deciding that they couldn’t do it on their own.

But I couldn’t stop here.

I was prepared to burn the entire forest and pushed Finia forward.

And after a while, half of the forest was burned.

The forest was burning red, so it was clear all around.

Hagus was no longer visible.

With a sense of relief that it was over, I called Finia back into the ring.

But, perhaps because he released too much power all at once, his body suddenly lost all his strength.

I didn’t know how to properly adjust the enormous power I was using for the first time.

I couldn’t control my body properly because I didn’t know how much I could handle and I tried my best.

My mind went blank.

It looked like it would pass out soon.

That was the moment when I was about to fall to the floor with my eyes closed.

Someone held me

I raised my head and looked at the person.



When I arrived, Aiden was looking at me with wavering eyes.

“Thank you.”

After that, I collapsed into his arms and passed out.


* * *

It seemed like a dream, but I felt very good.

It felt like someone was touching me affectionately.

‘Who is it?’

Who is stroking me so gently?

I wasn’t used to this feeling.

No, it was a feeling I never knew.

But it was good.

I wish I could have stroked it longer.


But, unfortunately, I slowly came to my senses.

I didn’t want to wake up from the dream, but I woke up.


It was so sad that I forced myself to stay in my dream, but it was strange.

Now I know it’s no longer a dream.

But the hand that touched me was also not a dream.

Even now, I could still feel its touch around my hair.

Curious about who it was, I gently opened my eyes.

Then, in front of me was Aiden, just like before collapsing.

“Are you awake?”

When he woke up, he saw a smile of relief on his face.


“Yes, I am.”

After staring at him with a bewildered expression, I pulled my head out and looked around.

It was my room.


I couldn’t see Mary so I looked for her.

“Where is Mary?”

“I said I would stay and sent him back to his room.”

“Oh, so Aiden was with me until I woke up?”

“Yes, it is.”

“I see. However….”

He had been stroking my hair ever since.

I winked and pointed up.

“Don’t you like it?”

Contrary to the expectation that he would withdraw his hand right away, Aiden asked me with a nonchalant expression.

“It’s not that I hate it….”

It was the first time I had such close contact, so I rolled my eyeballs involuntarily, not knowing what to do.

Aiden put on a reluctant expression and withdrew his hand, probably noticing my awkwardness.

But what makes people so cunning is that when they get away from me, I feel sorry for them.

But I didn’t want to get that feeling out.

So I took care of his expression and asked him what he was most curious about.

“How did the battle go?”

I have a vague memory, but I wondered if the ending was good.

“After I was chased by Phinea, Hagus didn’t attack anymore.”

“Ha, I’m glad. What about the knights? How much damage do we do?”

“We have escaped great damage to our allies. Thanks to Belita.”

“I just did what I had to do.”

I didn’t want someone to die in front of my eyes.

It was a fight that had no choice but to die, but I wanted to do anything if I could minimize that futile death.

“How is your body?”

“Well, I woke up and I think I’m fine.”

For a moment, I felt the power within me.

It’s not like the first time, but more than half seemed to have recovered.

“It was too much.”

His brow furrowed slightly.

“But if I hadn’t stepped up, the damage would have been greater.”

Aiden didn’t say anything to me.

“…But from now on-”

“All right. Next time, I will adjust accordingly. It was my first time using this power, so I wasn’t sure how much to control it. So just to the extent that it won’t fall from now on. Is that how it should be?”

I hurriedly cut off his words before he began his sermon.

Now I see that the level of overprotection is higher in Aiden than in Rian.


Even though he nodded, he couldn’t erase his anxious and worried expression.

Seeing him like that, I smiled.

Although it was excessive, it was because he did not hate his concern and protection.

“Oh, but how long has it been?”

Looking out the window, it was a dark night.

The battle with Hagus was also late at night, but seeing that it is still night….

‘How many hours has it been? Could it be that a day has passed….’

“Two days have passed.”


I was so surprised that I got up from lying down.


“Has it been two days?”

“Yes, it is.”

“Then now, now the boundary is, ah, he said it’s okay.”

“Yes, so you can rest more. We are currently repairing the collapsed walls and the knights are resting.”

“I see.”

I was relieved and lay down again.

Then Aiden supported my head so I wouldn’t fall backward.

“Thank you.”

At my words, he smiled.

“But what happened to the antidote? They will attack again, and then an antidote is absolutely necessary.”

“I heard that Duke Maxius is doing his best.”

“Can the duke make an antidote? You said you’ve never been successful.”

“You have no choice but to believe that you can do it.”

“It is. I hope you succeed.”

“Yes, I will definitely succeed.”

As I thought of the antidote, I remembered a knight whose whole body was stiff during the battle.

‘How so quickly….’

Oh, come to think of it, I hadn’t even thought to ask if he was okay.

I quickly opened up about his physical condition.

“Aiden, Aiden, are you hurt anywhere?”

“I am okay.”

“You always say you’re fine. Are you really okay?”

“…It’s really fine.”

“Move your fingers like this.”

I did believe his words.

Because, on the surface, he was sober.

Still, he always said that it was okay, so he asked me to move my hand just in case.

“You mean this?”

Aiden moved his fingers one by one.

“It moves. What a relief.”

Phew, I exhaled, but I heard a choking laugh.

“Why are you laughing?”

He narrowed his eyes at the sudden smile and shed some light.

“I thought we were pretty close now, so I laughed involuntarily.”

“Oh, no.”

For a moment I thought I wanted to make fun of him.

So I deliberately hardened my face and answered.

“…Was it my own misunderstanding?”

Aiden’s expression and voice instantly subsided.

“Yeah, I guess.”

I nodded my head with the intention of teasing him a little more. “Oh, I see. I’m sorry. I made a big mistake. I’m mistaken that Belita was kind to me-”


I quickly covered his mouth.

I didn’t want to hear anything worse coming out of him.

Guys here don’t know how to joke?

Both Ryan and Aiden took it too seriously when I said something to make fun of them.

‘Or am I so good at acting that everyone is fooled?’

Anyway, if you take it seriously like this, even I, who threw a joke just for fun, didn’t feel comfortable.

“Sorry. It was a joke.”

I immediately apologized to him.


Aiden looked at me with a puzzled expression, as if he hadn’t grasped the situation yet. “It was a joke.”

“You said it was a joke?”

“Yes…I didn’t expect Aiden to take it so seriously. Sorry.”

I apologized to him once again.

“And I think we’ve gotten pretty close. That’s why I’m joking like this.” Come to think of it, the only person I played with was Lian.

Lian didn’t know the real Belita, so I showed Lian myself, not Belita, without hesitation.

But now I was treating Aiden the same way I was treating Lian.

Of course, his feelings toward Rian and Aiden were clearly different.

‘How did you get along with Aiden like this?’

The change in my heart was surprisingly miraculous.

“Were you playing a joke because you were friendly?”

“Oh, yes, that’s right. It’s because we’re close.”

“Because I’m friendly….”


He mumbled the word over and over as if he was stuck in the word ‘Close’.

“I’m glad I wasn’t mistaken.”

Saying that Aiden closed his eyes and smiled comfortably.

At that moment, the pounding in my heart that I sometimes felt when I saw him started again.

* * *

The next day, Hagus invaded the castle again.

We hadn’t been able to create an antidote yet, so we struggled to avoid getting their bodily fluids on us at all costs.

But without an antidote, they couldn’t fight properly.

So, I summoned Phinea, the guardian, again.

Kane was not participating in the battle as he was focusing all his energy on making an antidote.

And because Aiden didn’t have a ring, he couldn’t summon the iron family’s guardian.

However, Aiden could not only summon the guardian, but he was using his abilities to the fullest.

Iron power.

Just as fire gushed out of my body, a member of the family of fire, iron flowed like a liquid from the people of the family of iron.

And they could freely create any shape, such as a spear, sword, or shield.

However, the effect of the attack was localized.

Without a ring, if you couldn’t summon a guardian, no matter how much you used your ability to attack, there was a limit.

A ring was needed for a wide range of attacks.

So now I was the only one.

Fortunately, I was able to control my strength well, perhaps because I experienced it once before.

Finia once again showed off her red light and swept the Hagus. Like the last time, the guys pulled back and withdrew.

When the monsters were nowhere to be seen, they all withdrew leaving only a few knights to watch.

I returned to the room with a tired body.


Mary was looking at me with a worried look.

“Aren’t you overdoing it?”

“I can’t help it.”

I replied with a smile on my lips, meaning not to worry.


“As long as Duke Maxius makes an antidote, it will be all right.”


Still, the worry did not disappear from Mary’s face.

“I need to sleep.”

“Oh, yes, go to sleep. Call me if you need anything.”

“Yeah, I got it. Good night.”

“Good night, lady.”

When Mary left the room, she closed her eyes to sleep.

But because I was so tired, I couldn’t fall asleep easily.

It was then.


Someone knocked on the door of my room.

“Who is this?”

“I am, lady.”

The owner of the voice was Lian.

“Uh? come in.”

Ryan opened the door and came inside.

I got up from lying down and sat down on the bed.

“Sit there in the chair.”

At my words, Ryan sat down on the chair in front of the table.

“What’s the matter?”

I felt it from the moment I entered the room, but Lian’s expression was quite serious.

“Are you worried about me too?”

Lian nodded.

“Don’t worry. Because I am not that weak.”

“But, lady….”

“I told Mary, but just hold on until the antidote is made. So don’t worry too much, okay?”

“Ha, I see.”

“Just as you all worry about me and want to protect me, so do I. I want to return to the duchy with all of you intact.”

“So do I.”

“Yeah, so don’t forget what I said before.”

“All right.”

“I’m tired. Are you tired, too? Go back and rest.”


Ryan rose from his chair.

However, Lian, who seemed to be leaving right away, stared at me with strange eyes.


I spoke to him without making a sound.

“No. Rest, lady.”


It was just when Rian was about to open the door to return.


‘Who else came?’

“Could you open the door for me?”

Ryan carefully opened the door.

Aiden stood at the door.


Aiden smiled lightly as I called him in a friendly voice.

At the same time, a smile spread across my lips.

Rian bowed slightly to Aiden and greeted him.

“…Let’s go.”

“Uh? Okay.”

However, I felt that Lian’s voice was lower than before.

He suddenly wondered why, but that thought was quickly erased from his mind as Aiden entered the room.

Ryan left and the door closed.

I opened my mouth first, smirking at Aiden.

Because I think I know why he came here.

Excluding my parents, I could say with certainty that if I had to pick people who were so worried about me, these were the three.

Mary, Ryan, and… It was this man. “Are you worried about me?”

“You’re right. How is your body?”

“Are you okay? I didn’t fall this time.”

“I know. Aren’t you tired though? I couldn’t stay still because I knew how much my body and mind were pushed to the limit whenever I used that power.”

“Are you okay? I’m really fine.”

It was nice to be worried, but I still wanted people who cared about me to worry a little less.

After that, I continued to talk with Aiden.

Most of the conversation was about my health.

Contrary to what I said, I felt tired after exerting my strength, but somehow I didn’t feel any fatigue at all because I was with him.

Still, I had to take a break for tomorrow.

“Then rest, Belita.”

“Sleep well, Aiden.”

“Okay, then let’s go.”

After Aiden left, I fell into a deep sleep like a ghost.

Contrary to our expectation that they would attack every few days while resting for recovery the next day, Hagus attacked the castle again in one day.

“Girl, not today! Don’t forget that you haven’t fully recovered.”

Mary asked me to trust me while putting on the armor.


When I said nothing, Mary looked at me anxiously and demanded an answer.

“Mary, it’s okay. Everything will be alright.”


“I’ll go.”

Mary kept calling me from behind, but I ignored it and headed for the castle wall.

To defend against their ruthless attacks on the wall, today was uniquely different from other days.

Feeling their strength a little stronger, I quickly ran them over.

‘The horns are big.’

The horns on their heads were bigger than before, much bigger than yesterday.


“The ones over there are qualitatively different from the ones that invaded before. So you have to be alert!”

“Is it qualitatively different?”

“The size of the horns seems to be at least twice as large as those of the others.”

“Yes? then…!”

“Don’t be intimidated. We will win this war!”

“You’re right! We have a princess and a guardian!”

“You’re right! let’s fight!”

All the knights were relying on me and the power of the guardian Phinea, but I knew.

My physical condition right now is not enough to summon Finia.

Even if he summoned it, the same explosive power as before was impossible.

The guys who invaded the castle today were already stronger than yesterday.

Can I deal with them without Finia?

However, I couldn’t be disappointed here.

Until then, I had no choice but to do my best.

We fought with all our might.

When they climbed the wall, they cut it down, and when they raised the ladder, they pushed it with all their might.

However, the number of Hagus gradually entering the walls was increasing.

It was clearly showing that the saying that the size of the horns was proportional to the size of their strength was true.



The screams of the knights pushed by them could be heard continuously.

‘I can’t do it.’

I couldn’t help it.

I had to add the strength I lacked now.

I once again gathered the power of the ring and summoned Phineas.

As soon as they saw Phinea, a thunderous roar erupted from the knights.

Finia attacked the guys on the wall first.

The bodies of those who were brushed by the red tail burned roaringly and turned to ashes in an instant.

The knights were cheering and screaming, but I watched the scene with a nervous heart.

The power inside me was gradually waning, and as if representing this, Finia’s tail was also getting smaller.

After a while, Finia disappeared smoothly after killing only the Hagus who had invaded the castle wall.

I sat down on the floor feeling all the strength in my body drain.


There are far more enemies beyond the castle walls, but the sudden disappearance of the guardians has made the knights’ faces dyed with bewilderment.

And the surroundings were buzzing.

“What’s going on? How about the number of guardians?”

“Go, princess! The Guardian is gone…!”


Among them, Lian approached me with an urgent expression.

“My lady, are you okay?”

Lian supported me with a distorted face.

I leaned over to him and answered.

“Are you okay?”


“Because it’s okay. I can’t summon Finia anymore, but I have the strength to fight.”

Saying that, he patted Ryan’s head.

“Let’s go.”


Lian reluctantly replied and followed me.

But the knights were looking at me with devastated expressions.

I knew very well what they were thinking.

But it couldn’t collapse here.

I shouted out loud to raise the morale of the knights again.

“I can no longer summon the Guardian Beast. But I will fight to the end to protect my comrades.”

“But how….”

“How can I beat them without a guardian?”

The knights each made a sound of losing their strength.

“Can do. If we have the will to win, we will be able to win. Keep in mind that guardians are just guardians, and the seeds of victory are with us. So let’s fight, for Baltheus.”

A moment of silence ensued.

‘Was it wrong?’

After all, am I no longer able to give any power to my comrades?

While I was thinking about that, Lian suddenly followed my words and shouted along in a loud voice I had never heard before.

“For Baltheus!”

I thanked him for that and smiled softly as I looked at him.

After a while, someone else started shouting the same thing after me and Lian.

“For Baltheus!”

And the other knights started screaming as well.

“For Baltheus!”


It was fortunate.

The morale of the knights rose again.

I sent a message with my eyes, quickly scanning the people who were looking up at me from my side.

‘We will win.’

At the end of my gaze, Aiden was caught.

He smiled at me and nodded his head.

Then he cried out too.

“For Baltheus! let’s go!”

Just in time, Hagus again began attacking from beyond the walls.

We attacked Hagus with all our might.

The attacks continued endlessly.

The number of knights gradually decreased due to the successive attacks of the big-horned ones, and those who were alive were exhausted. “Aww!”


Only screams from both sides filled the castle.

I used the power of fire to burn them and burn and burn again.

‘Ha…Is there an antidote yet?’

If there was an antidote, more people would not die, but every time I saw those weakly collapsing beside me, my heart sank with a thump.

It was so hard to see myself unable to do anything for them.

But I couldn’t give up.

We fought and fought all night in a place where darkness fell like that.

It was slowly dawning.

There was a sense of hope.

Hagus said that the moon is strongest when it rises the highest, so there is an expectation that it may retreat when the sun rises.

So, with the thought that I just had to hold on a little longer, I

gathered all my strength and fought.

But that hope was completely shattered.

Even when the darkness lifted and the sunlight lit up the whole world, their power only slightly weakened and showed no signs of backing down.

No, on the contrary, we started to push harder as if we felt that we were getting pushed back.

“Don’t back down!”


At that time, the knight next to me was attacked by Hagus.

There was a lot of bodily fluid all over his body.

I tried to put my hand to wipe it off without knowing if I was insane in the too-long fight.


But from where it came out, Lian hurriedly approached me and grabbed my wrist to stop it.

“You mustn’t touch it.”

“Oh, yes. You have to come to your senses.”

“My lady told me not to give up.”

“That’s right, I told you not to give up.” I was so ashamed to hear that from Ryan.

I came to my senses again.

And while I was taking care of them one by one, I met Hagus right in front of me with horns of a different size than before.


He growled at me.

‘That’s him.’

It was clear that he was the leader of these heinous men.

We need to get rid of that boss.

Soon my head was filled with the words that I had to kill the captain.

I had a strong intuition that this fight would end only then.

He must have felt that too, and he suddenly rushed towards me at high speed.

I continued to attack him with fire in my hand.

However, as expected, he was on a different level from normal Hagus, and he was getting closer and closer while dodging my attacks.

But after that, hundreds of Hagus followed the captain.

And that wasn’t enough, I saw them leaping upwards, taking huge leaps at the same time.

It looked like they were trying to attack us from above.

So I continued to make fireballs as big as possible and poured attacks.


The captain finally got hit by my attack and hesitated for a while, but he didn’t stop.

But then they started tearing his whole body to pieces.

‘What, what is it?’

Why not attack?

But the question was soon resolved.

Their blood splattered everywhere in the air.

It was clear that he would be poisoned and eventually die if he was hit by that cascade of blood.

But there was nowhere to escape.

I don’t know what method they used, but the bodily fluid was spreading widely.


Lian, who was nearby, was approaching to rescue me. “Belita!”

Aiden also saw me from afar and was running at breakneck speed.

Both of them were looking at me with very painful expressions.

But I realized it was already too late.

So I gave them the best smile I could.


…while saying

Still, I wanted to give everything I could until my body hardened.

It was then.

Suddenly, a strong wind blew.

A mighty, powerful wind like a gust of wind blew around, encircling it.

“Ouch, what?!”

“Where is this wind coming from?”

Not only me, but those around me were feeling this wind.

There was a terrible wind that blew away everyone here, but curiously, none of us were blown away.

It was as if we were only flying around it, avoiding being blown away.

As if to protect us, the deflected wind blew toward the Hagus.

Then the wind blew them over the walls in an instant.

Their blood, which was about to be sprayed on our heads, flew away just before it reached us. “It’s the wind….”

“There can be no wind.”

The two middle-aged knights, who were slowly getting older, said as if they knew something.

“The wind…right away…!”

The wind did not stop until all the monsters on the wall were driven out.

After a while, the wind drove all the enemies away and only the allies remained on the wall, and the force of the wind gradually subsided.

However, to prevent Hagus from approaching, the wind, which merged with the river wind and grew larger, continued to stay above the river.

I quickly looked around and traced where this wind had originated.

And that was the moment when I turned my head.

A strangely familiar yet unfamiliar man was standing in front of me.

The man’s hair and eye color were similar to Lian’s.

No, it was the same.

Then, without realizing it, I rolled my eyes and looked for Lian.

I don’t know why, but I felt I had to find Lian.

But no matter where I looked, Lian was nowhere to be seen.


I called out to Lian with the loudest voice I could.


“Yes, lady.”

The man in front of me was answering on behalf of Lian.

Voice is…His voice was much lower than Ryan’s.


I called Lian again in a disbelieving voice.

“Yes, lady, it is me.”

The man with long, waist-length gray hair looked at me with dark green eyes reminiscent of a forest and answered again.


I couldn’t believe it even though I was watching it.

His short hair grew longer, and the man who was a boy suddenly became an adult in an instant.

Is this possible?

Then why?

And what is the wind?

As her mind got complicated, she didn’t know what to say, so she looked at the man she called Lian with trembling eyes.

“It’s really Rian…?”

“Yes, that’s right.”

The knights around were also agitated when they saw Lian.

“Is that man the boy from earlier?”

“How can a person change in an instant?”

“Does that make sense?”

“What the hell was that wind…what?”

What they were curious about, I was also curious about.


I was staring blankly at Ryan when Aiden called me and came up to me.

“Are you okay?”

He was looking at me with trembling hands, unable to reach me.

“It’s okay, Aiden.”

I smiled lightly, meaning reassurance.

“Are you really okay? Are there any blood or injuries anywhere?”

“Yeah, that’s cool. Here, I mean, uh, Lian…I think it saved me.”

Looking at the man who grew up so quickly, the word Lian was not easy to come out.

“Are you Rihanna?”

“Yes, I think so. Yes…Joe?”



  1. Mejred says:

    Dzięki za rozdział
    Liam sprawił im niezłą niespodziankę

  2. Shinaenae says:

    Confused by the last two lines, but awesome chapter!

  3. Legnakra says:

    Hohohoho ya apareció el cuarto duque 🥳

  4. Heta says:

    Спасибо за перевод)

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