When Reader and Author Transmigrate Inside the Book at the Same Time

Gu Jinmian looked at Gu Shen seriously.


The resemblance of both Gou Shen and the other four could be seen. His overall appearance was more like his older brother, exuding a commanding and calm quality that could intimidate. But their personalities were completely different.


They say he’s an old child. He does have a bit of childish stubbornness and arrogance.


Even Yin Moshu couldn’t figure out what kind of person he was. When everyone wasn’t paying attention, what the hell was he doing, and how did he know that Yin Moshu died at 27?


Could it be that he awakened too, and knew about the original story?


Wouldn’t this world become a mess?


Gu Jinmian tentatively asked, “Whom did you hear it from? This is a curse; you can’t just casually talk about it.”


Gu Shen snorted, “I didn’t casually talk about it. Anyway, you can’t marry him. Do you want to be a widow in two years…pooh!”


Gou Jinmian: “…”


Don’t pretend you didn’t hear it for him. Just now mentioning  ‘widow’.


“If you don’t explain clearly, I won’t believe you.” Gu Jinmian acted stubborn, “I think you just don’t want me to marry him, so you made up a story.”


After saying that, Gu Jinmian walked away.


Gu Shen suddenly hugged him fiercely, “Be good, don’t marry him, Dad is begging you.”


Gu Jinmian: “…”


This is just like dealing with his drunken old man.


Gu Jinmian felt a bit soft-hearted but still pulled his hand away with a firm heart. “If you don’t explain clearly, I won’t refuse to marry him just because of some groundless words.”


Gu Jinmian didn’t dare to look at his face, heading straight towards Yin Moshu.


He thought In his heart: Sorry, my father here, between worrying you and Yin Moshu, I chose Yin Moshu.


Gu Jinmian was dragged into the garden by Gu Shen, while Yin Moshu and Shi Yi went to the living room. The living room’s French windows faced the garden. Yin Moshu didn’t look this way, but he didn’t sit either.


Before, Gu Jinmian would never think that Yin Moshu could be uneasy, but now Gou Jinmian didn’t think so.


He quickly ran into the room. Right in front of Shi Yi and Gu Qingyang, he covered Yin Moshu’s ears with his hands and whispered to him, “My dad somehow knows that ‘Yin Moshu’ will die at 27 and doesn’t want me to marry you.”


It’s better to lay out the situation clearly to avoid misunderstandings.


“This is non-existent, so the opposition is unfounded, right?”


Yin Moshu chuckled softly, held his hand, and said, “Right.”


When Gu Shen walked in, he saw this scene, his face turned dark. He sat down next to Shi Yi and grumbled, “Am I still the head of this family?”




Shi Yi set down the tea cups, and Gu Qingyang lifted his head from the group chat. Simultaneously, they both thought: besides being listed on the household register, when did you become official?


Shi Yi and Gu Shen sat on the four-person sofa in the middle, Gu Qingyang sat alone on the single-person sofa on the left, and Gu Jinmian pulled Yin Moshu to sit on the double sofa on the right.


Only Gu Jinmian complied with him, “Yes, yes, yes, Dad is the head of the family.”


“I didn’t realize you treat me as the head of the family!”


Gu Jinmian: “…”


“You don’t know how I’ve raised you since you were a baby. You don’t know how much I’ve sacrificed for you.” Gu Shen said angrily and with a sense of grievance, “Do you know what I’ve been through these years…”


“Shut up!” He was cut off by Shi Yi before he could finish, “Don’t use the identity of parents to morally blackmail your child!”


Gu Shen immediately shut his mouth.




After a while, Gu Xijun and Gu Lifan returned.


Anyway, even if Gu Qingyang and their father were not there, they should come back early to have dinner together as a family.


The family moved to the dining table.


Gu Jinmian glanced at Yin Moshu and said before picking up his chopsticks, “Mom, Dad, brothers, I want to marry Yin Moshu on April 16th!”


Everyone looked at them.


Yin Moshu was taken aback and quickly said, “Sorry, it’s sudden, and I haven’t made any preparations.”


Shi Yi was the first to react, her voice excited, “What preparations? It’s not like we’re in ancient times arranging a marriage! Butler, quickly bring the best wine from the wine cellar!”


“Oh, our family’s bachelor curse is finally broken,” Gu Qingyang said with a cheerful smile.


Gu Xijun raised his glass to Yin Moshu, “Congratulations.”


Gu Lifan took a while to react, then suddenly sniffled and said to Yin Moshu, “It’s really a bargain for you. My brother is so good, but, well, you are indeed the most suitable.”


Suddenly, Gu Shen forcefully placed his chopsticks on the plate, “I disagree! I disagree!”




Gu Xijun said, “Dad, our family has always been democratic and free. You have the right to oppose. Please state your reasons.”


Six pairs of eyes stared straight at him.


Gu Shen: “…..”


“He is a male celebrity, this profession, um, is unstable and unreliable,” Gu Shen forced himself to provide a reason.


Just as Gu Jinmian was about to retort, he was stopped by Yin Moshu.


“This is professional discrimination, opposition is invalid,” Gu Xijun said.


Gu Shen: “…”


He racked his brains again for reasons. Yin Moshu looked good, had a good physique, no scandals, even their families match well. The reasons to oppose were too difficult to find.


Shi Yi snorted coldly, “Can’t think of any, right? I think you’re just seeking attention. Your opposition is useless.”


Shi Yi said to the others, “Come on, let’s vote. Each person has one vote. This is Mian Mian’s lifelong matter, so he gets five votes by default. Those in favor of their marriage, raise your hands.”




Except for Yin Moshu, who didn’t participate, Gu Shen didn’t raise his hand. Everyone else raised their hands without any hesitation.


“Nine to one. Okay, let’s start discussing the wedding preparations.”




Then the family began to discuss.


Shi Yi said, “I will definitely prepare your wedding dresses and the groomsmen’s attire.”


Gu Lifan said, “Then let me find the venue for you.”


Gu Xijun said, “I’ll take care of the guests.”


“Rings, what about the rings?” Shi Yi said excitedly, “This is crucial; it’s something you’ll wear for a lifetime.”


Yin Moshu smiled and said, “I’ll definitely take care of that.”


Gu Jinmian seized the opportunity to express his opinion, “As for the rings, how about this—I’ll have a small lock on one ring and a key on the other.”


The family looked at him in silence.


Gu Qingyang expressed the family’s sentiment, “Why are you so tacky?”


“You don’t understand.” Gu Jinmian teased him, then looked expectantly at Yin Moshu.


Yin Moshu naturally agreed to everything, “Sure.”




“Well, I know some talented designers who can create beautiful designs,” Shi Yi began looking up for her son.


Dinner was lively and joyful, except for one person.


After dinner, Yin Moshu walked up to Gu Shen and asked, “May I know why you oppose?”


Gu Shen snorted, “They’ve all agreed. My opposition is useless. Why bother asking me?”


Yin Moshu said, “We’re getting married, and we naturally hope that our family will be supportive, especially Dad.”


Gu Shen felt a bit more comforted in his heart. He glanced at him, hesitated, and then remained silent.


It seemed a bit too much to say in person that someone was a short-lived ghost.


Yin Moshu seemed to understand his thoughts and spoke frankly, “The most hurtful thing you could say to me is to disagree with me marrying Mian Mian. Anything else doesn’t matter.”


Gu Shen: “…”


At this moment, Shi Yi also approached, “Just say it. In a family, why keep things hidden.”


Gu Shen hesitated for a moment and then spoke, “Jiang Xulin told me that you have a short life, and you’ll die at 27.”


Shi Yi: “…”


“Do you believe that?” She wanted to smack him on the head and check if there’s anything inside.


“Of course, I won’t believe it just because of his words. I even consulted several reputable fortune tellers to check his birth chart. It’s true!”


Shi Yi looked apologetically at Yin Moshu, “Sorry, Moshu. He’s like this, an old-fashioned and superstitious person.”


Yin Moshu nodded, expressing understanding.


Both of them realized that he wasn’t actually upset, and he even seemed quite relaxed. With a dignified smile, he said, “It’s okay, I understand.”


Gu Shen felt a bit embarrassed.


Honestly, Yin Moshu was really flawless in his eyes. Even when he said he was short-lived, he didn’t get upset. Oh, he did also mention the most hurtful words: opposing his marriage to his son.


Shi Yi felt guilty too. She explained to Yin Moshu, “He is really superstitious. Back then, when Mian Mian always followed Ji Nan, he thought Mian Mian was troubled by something bad. He invited many experts to check, and in the end, he even went up to the mountain temple for purification and prayers.”


Shi Yi ruffled Gu Shen’s hair, “If I didn’t bring him out before the New Year, he would still be bald on the top of his head.”


“Why are you talking about this!” Gu Shen said, feeling embarrassed.


“He loves Mian Mian the most. Don’t blame him,” Shi Yi continued to explain to Yin Moshu.


Yin Moshu chuckled and said, “I’d like to go to that temple to pray for blessings, consult a master, maybe it can change my fate.”


Even Gu Shen couldn’t refuse when he put it like that.


He believed that fate was difficult to change, but maybe?


People often say this, and he thought that even if he didn’t believe in it, it wouldn’t hurt to give it a try.


Coincidentally, they had the habit of going to the temple to pray for blessings every Chinese New Year. This year, they brought Yin Moshu and Gu Jinmian along.


After hearing this, Gou Jinmian: “…..”


A certain scene vividly replayed in his mind.


There was once a highly respected master who charged 200,000 yuan per hour, hiding behind a tree and secretly observing Yin Moshu.


The two followed behind their parents, and Gu Shen’s hushed murmurs were audible, “It’s during the New Year; I hope we won’t offend the master.”


Gu Jinmian: “…”


Gu Shen carefully brought them to meet the master, fearing to upset him. He went in first to explain to the master.


“There’s a short-lived ghost who wants you to see if there’s any way to save him.”


“How do you know he’s a short-lived ghost? If he really is, there’s nothing we can do. We’re not gods.”


Gu Shen, thinking of his younger son’s love for Yin Moshu and Yin Moshu’s faultless attitude, plucked up the courage and said, “Please take a look, just in case.”


Gu Shen was wealthy, donating a considerable amount every year for the temple’s upkeep, and the master couldn’t afford to be too firm in his attitude.


Reluctantly, he accompanied Gu Shen to meet the guests.


Upon seeing Gu Jinmian and Yin Moshu.




Both sides exchanged glances, and silence prevailed.


Hmm, this, Gou Jinmian thought, those wealthy young gentlemen and directors recommended and the master their father took them to meet now were indeed the same person. It made sense since they were all wealthy and sought out the best and most renowned masters.


Gu Shen ran to Yin Moshu’s side and sighed, “Master, take a look. It’s him, the short-lived one.”


The master’s lips quivered, “Short-lived? I have never seen someone with such a prosperous fate!”


Gu Shen: “?”


Gu Shen: “Take a look, please.”


What was there to see? It was too hilarious, he dared not look too much.


“Heavenly prodigy, blessed with profound fortune, thriving luck in marriage, family, and career.”


Gu Shen: “…”


After the master finished, he cautiously glanced at Yin Moshu and mustered up the courage to approach, “Can I add you on WeChat?”




When they returned, Gu Shen had a look of disbelief in life.


Shi Yi laughed uncontrollably, “Are you sure you didn’t crawl out of Ji Nan’s pit for Mian Mian because of your deep meditation practice? Is it because of Yin Moshu? Because he saw Yin Moshu and fell in love with him!”


Gu Shen: “…”


Shi Yi wiped away the smile on her face, “I told you before, Jiang Xulin has impure intentions. You actually believed his words.”


“I didn’t fully believe it. When it comes to Mian Mian, I’m not at ease, so I consulted several masters to confirm. Who would have known, who would have known…”


Gu Shen glanced at Yin Moshu through the rearview mirror, and fell silent.


After a while, he said, “I’ll cover all the expenses for your wedding.”


Gu Jinmian: “Uncle Bai said he’ll cover the expenses.”


“No! It must be me!”




After returning, Gu Shen’s attitude did a complete 180-degree turn. He wanted to see Yin Moshu every day. When he couldn’t see him, he would pull over people who came to visit during the New Year, seeking advice on how to plan a wedding, openly asking for advice while subtly showing off.


On New Year’s Eve, he specifically called Yin Moshu over and dragged him in front of Gu Jinmian.


“Yin Moshu, hold Mian Mian’s hand.”


“Yin Moshu, give Mian Mian a kiss.”


“Finally, shake hands with me.”




Even Shi Yi thought he was more enthusiastic than a shipper, and Gu Jinmian blushed from the attention.


After holding hands and giving kisses, Gu Jinmian was pushed onto Yin Moshu again. “Tonight, make sure you sleep together in the same bed, understand?”


Gu Jinmian was amused and couldn’t help but wonder if Yin Moshu was being treated like a lucky red envelope.


They actually spent New Year’s Eve lying in the same bed.


Yin Moshu refused to watch the New Year’s Gala, not participating in any activities these days, choosing to spend a quiet New Year at home.


He had never experienced such a lively New Year.


Gu Jinmian praised him in bed, “You did an amazing job with this.”


He felt that such opposition and exclusion would make Yin Moshu uneasy, however Yin Moshu actively went to his father to resolve the issue, maintaining a good attitude throughout.


Yin Moshu patted his head and said, “I will try my best to learn how to handle family relationships.”


Gou Jinmian suggested that if Yin Moshu didn’t like their current family or couldn’t blend in, they could build their own family.


It was his family, and he couldn’t let it fall apart.


Thinking about his crying sister at the wedding, Gu Jinmian couldn’t help but feel he was too fortunate.


He kissed Yin Moshu’s face and said, “Yin Moshu, I really like you.”


He had said it many times, almost every two or three days when they were together, but Yin Moshu rarely said it.


It was Gou Jinmian who asked him, “Do you like me?”




Gu Jinmian was stunned. He asked if Yin Moshu liked him, but the spontaneous response was “love.”


Gu Jinmian: “How to love?”


This question left Yin Moshu puzzled.


Rarely seeing Yin Moshu in this state, Gu Jinmian blinked and assumed the role of a mentor, saying, “Love deeply, love passionately.”


It took a couple of seconds for Yin Moshu to grasp the meaning of Gu Jinmian’s words. Then Gu Jinmian experienced being loved deeply and passionately, to the point where he felt a tingling sensation on his scalp.


It seemed like Yin Moshu didn’t hear Gu Jinmian’s pleas, as he wiped away the tears at the corner of Gu Jinmian’s eyes. His voice was low, hoarse, and scorching, “I remember you still have a box of things under the bed. Want to give it a try?”




Self-inflicted sarcasm ‘suicide’!


The two embraced the new year with heightened emotions.


Unable to successfully tease Gu Jinmian, who turned the tables, Yin Moshu felt completely defeated. With a touch of humor, Gu Jinmian said to Yin Moshu, “Happy New Year! From this year onward, you are not alone.”


Like an octopus, he clung to Yin Moshu, and no one could pry him away.


In the new year, the most significant event for the Gu family was the wedding of Gu Jinmian and Yin Moshu.


The Gu family, from top to bottom, hadn’t experienced such a joyful occasion in decades and was thrilled.


The Bai family wanted to help, but they couldn’t intervene. They realized that focusing on just one industry at home wasn’t enough. It required a family like the Gu family, spanning multiple industries.


From the flowers, desserts, tableware at the wedding to the attire, jewelry, and hotel arrangements, the Gu Group could handle everything internally.


The members of the Bai family could only return with a sense of loss and engage in some logistical support work. For instance, they discovered that Gu Shen, who had initially vehemently opposed the marriage, was now actively involved. He had been influenced by Jiang Xulin and some so-called experts who claimed Yin Moshu had a short life expectancy.


This was like a lively dance on the fragile and sensitive nerves of the couple, Bai Qirui and He Zhi.


One day, when Gu Jinmian, the one with the least to do at home, was idly browsing through finance, entertainment news, and legal reports, he stumbled upon Jiang Xulin’s name.


Jiang Xulin had invested in and participated in a film that was now under investigation for money laundering. The entire creative team of the film was being questioned.


Gu Jinmian envisioned a scenario where his third brother suddenly awakened, realizing the truth about love, and severed ties with him.


He shook his head abruptly, realizing he was probably just too idle.


Planning a wedding was undoubtedly more intricate than imagined, but for them, these complexities were nothing compared to the most crucial and intricate aspect: the guests.


For the Gu family, having a son getting married was a significant event, and for the Bai family, it was their only son’s wedding. The significance of this wedding was self-evident.


Everyone wanted to attend, but deciding who to invite was not a simple task.


This responsibility fell on Gu Xijun. Anyone with opinions or ideas could come and discuss them with him.


One day, Gu Jinmian overheard Yin Moshu saying to Gu Xijun, “Eldest Brother, send an invitation to Ji Nan, and let me write this invitation myself.”


On another day, Gou Jinmian heard Bai Qirui saying to Gu Xijun, “Xijun, send a few more invitations for the Yin family.”


He Zhi added, “Especially for Yuan Manli.”


Gu Jinmian: “…”



  1. Octachus says:

    I aspire to be this petty

  2. Miki Himura says:

    Like mother, like son. 🤣🤣🤣

  3. Aeanbelle Frost says:

    Well, they share the same blood. Haha.

  4. Hpnl says:

    They are indeed his parents 😂

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