When Reader and Author Transmigrate Inside the Book at the Same Time

Gu Jinmian fell silent for a moment, contemplating how deep the relationship between his brother and Jiang Xulin was.


After all, he heard that Jiang Xulin was his brother’s longest-standing boyfriend.


If they had a strong bond, comforting would be necessary.


He vaguely thought, perhaps the breakup had its reasons.


“Elder Brother, how do you feel?” Gu Jinmian asked gently.


Gu Qingyang: “I feel really miserable.”


Gu Jinmian sighed, “What should we do then?”


“At least come and give me a hug,” Gu Qingyang said, “Elder Brother is heartbroken!”


Feeling a bit guilty, Gu Jinmian stepped forward and hugged him, patting his back.


Gu Qingyang rested his chin on Gu Jinmian’s shoulder and said gloomily, “I’m going to start a breakup club and then open a singles club.”


Gu Jinmian: “…”


“Sooner or later someone will come and heal!”


Gu Qingyang laughed nonchalantly, “No.”


His mom said that the men in the Gu family were all passionate.


Their dad, the old fox, didn’t need to be mentioned.


His eldest brother, after breaking up with his girlfriend in college, hadn’t been in love for over a decade.


His second brother and the Secretary Gu were living like an old married couple without realizing it.


His youngest brother almost fell for Ji Nan.


He didn’t believe it; he thought he was an exception.


After pushing his elder brother away, Gu Jinmian shared the news with Yin Moshu.


“It can’t be, after all, he knows the original work.”


As the sun set, the crew began serving dinner. Yin Moshu stood in the vast snowy field, facing the orange-red evening glow, holding his phone and speaking gently to Gu Jinmian, “No, the story has deviated from the original for a long time. Haven’t you noticed?”


Gu Jinmian had noticed.


Many parts of the story were different from the original. Bai Xinyu was different, Du Bai’an was different, and there were many things in the story that weren’t in the original. They were surprised or secretly pleased, only to find out after coming to this world that it held romance and complexity beyond the words.


This world had long been different, perhaps for them.


He no longer worried. So what if he knows? In this world, there’s a protagonist and an author who influences the world.


Jiang Xulin couldn’t stir up any waves, maybe he’s currently sulking and doubting everything.


Gu Jinmian chuckled, “I’ll take care of Bai Xinyu.”


“What about me?” Yin Moshu switched the phone to his other hand and asked softly.


Gu Jinmian cleared his throat and said, “Come back, and I’ll tell you.”




After more than a month, Yin Moshu returned, just in time for the New Year.


Gu Jinmian spent a long time picking flowers at the flower shop. In the end, he chose Samantha Red Roses. Just like last time, he squeezed into the front row with roses in hand.


The fans fell silent.


Gu Jinmian still wore a hat and a mask, but he wasn’t the same Gu Jinmian as before. Even the fans could recognize him.


A few fans had also met him at the airport back then. Standing in front of Gu Jinmian, pretended not to know who he was, and then felt a bit dazed.


That time, there was a male fan holding a conspicuous bouquet of red roses. He stood stiffly in the front row, and at that time, they just glanced at him a bit more, not thinking much about it. After all, there were quite a few male fans of Yin Moshu.


Little did they know, when Yin Moshu walked up to them, he handed them his latest signed photo and casually “took” the roses from the male fan.


At that moment, they didn’t think much of it.


They even thought of giving the male fan a photo, but he didn’t want it, which made things a bit strange.


Even more surprising was that after they went back and checked online, they saw Yin Moshu wearing a hat from that male fan, saw him being exposed as Gu Jinmian, and witnessed their official announcement of being in a relationship.


At this moment, they recalled someone asking online why Gu Jinmian risked going to the airport.


The answer: Haven’t you ever been in love? Don’t you understand the feeling of eagerly wanting to see your boyfriend right after being apart?


He urgently wanted to see his boyfriend and wanted his boyfriend to see him at first glance, even if it was just for a few minutes.




Yin Moshu’s flight had arrived, and the people from the flight were gradually coming out. After a brief discussion, the fans suddenly collectively took a step back.


Gu Jinmian: “…”


It turned into him standing alone in the front row holding roses.


It looked very awkward and silly.


At that moment, Yin Moshu and assistant Fatty came out.


The fans were excited and covered their mouths, making it hard to say exactly what they were excited about.


Yin Moshu was out for 47 days, and the fans were well aware, even in the CP forum, all were aware that he hadn’t seen Gu Jinmian for 47 days.


Returning from the coldest place, Yin Moshu was dressed in a black wool coat and wrapped in a caramel-colored scarf. His outfit was low-key, but still distinctly set him apart from others, drawing the attention of those around him.


With his hat pressed low, he slightly lowered his head, almost not lifting it at all. As he walked, his footsteps suddenly halted.


Gu Jinmian’s hand gently rubbed the wrapping paper, following his steps, he also paused for a moment.


The fans were getting nervous too.


Last time, Yin Moshu collected flowers by sending pictures. What about this time?


Handing his suitcase to assistant Fatty, Yin Moshu walked straight towards the side. He walked directly to Gu Jinmian’s side, took the roses from his hands, held them against the side of his face, and quickly lowered his head.


“Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah!!!”


Suddenly, there were screams from the fans.


One person triggered even more screams.


The airport in N City often had celebrities landing, and there were frequently fans coming to greet them. Today, besides Yin Moshu, there was also Bai Xinyu and his fans.


They all turned their heads to see the source of the screams.


“What’s going on?”


“It seems like Yin Moshu and Gu Jinmian!”


“Wow, did they just kiss? Officially announcing their relationship is indeed awesome!”


“Ah, ah, ah, Yin Moshu is so bold. Why am I so excited?”


“But they both have masks on, right? It’s just a light kiss.”


“A kiss with masks is still a kiss!”


Indeed, a kiss through masks.


When their lips touched through the masks, breaths could penetrate the fabric, carrying each other’s scent and warmth.


Due to the heavy breathing, they could even feel the moisture building up.


Even though it was just a brief moment.


Gu Jinmian’s whole body felt a tingling sensation.


Yin Moshu lifted his head and said to the fans, “Thank you all for coming to greet us.”


“Not a problem!”


“The young master had a harder time!”




Yin Moshu chuckled softly.


Naturally, he reached for Gu Jinmian’s hand, intending to lead him away, but Gu Jinmian didn’t move.


He took off his mask, revealing a slightly blushing face. The moisture made his thin and translucent face appear even more delicate. Leaning in front of the fans, he said, “Thank you, thank you for accepting me.”


Many fans were momentarily stunned.


For young male celebrities openly announcing their relationships, it often dealt a blow to their popularity. Yin Moshu managed fine, not completely unaffected, but there wasn’t much fan uproar.


Gu Jinmian was accepted smoothly, without much backlash from the fans.


Actually, before, he was quite nervous when he stood waiting with the fans at the airport. However, to his surprise, the fans didn’t resist his presence.


Yin Moshu paused for a moment, and when Gu Jinmian, feeling apologetic, put on his mask, he also said, “Thank you.”


The fans didn’t know what to say, their emotions were complex.


After a brief silence, a petite female fan suddenly shouted, “Get married already!”


“Marriage! As long as you continue acting, as long as it’s always sweet!”


“Get married soon!”


Gu Jinmian: “…”


Fans from other celebrities’ fandoms were left bewildered.


Maybe, after spending so much time in the fandom, it was the first time they heard fans urging a young male celebrity to get married.


Bai Xinyu and his assistant, who were listening from behind, strangely found it quite normal.


After exchanging greetings with the fans, Bai Xinyu naturally walked over to Yin Moshu and Gu Jinmian.


Fans: “…”


Why did he come over, and why so casually?


Bai Xinyu didn’t feel like he was a big third wheel at all. He skillfully followed Gu Jinmian and Yin Moshu.


The fans were left in a state of speechlessness.


It felt like having a silly son.


Fortunately, he wasn’t kicked away by the boss.


At that moment, not only did Gu Jinmian not mind him, but he also felt that Bai Xinyu was quite good to have around. Otherwise, he wouldn’t know how to interact with Yin Moshu for a while.


However, after being in the car for a while, Bai Xinyu finally sensed something was off. Yin Moshu was unusually quiet, and Gu Jinmian’s conversation with him seemed a bit absent-minded.


Bai Xinyu: “…”


A thought popped into his head: “Absence makes the heart grow fonder, but what about prolonged separation?”


The atmosphere suddenly fell silent, and the silence felt a bit tense.


Gu Jinmian coughed and took out his phone to check Weibo.


As expected, after he went to pick up Yin Moshu, discussions about them in the CP fan circle were trending. The kiss and what they said became a hot topic.


It was quite a debatable topic. Apart from CP fans discussing it fervently, fans from various circles and even those outside the fandom were talking about celebrity relationships.


Gu Jinmian received many private messages.


After the incident with Han Yuanting last time, he decided to enable private messages again, flipping through them whenever he had the time.


He opened one and saw the profile picture of a fan of Yin Moshu. The fan had sent a lengthy message.


“Hello, Young Master. I’m a loyal fan of Yin Moshu. When I first learned about his relationship with you, it was quite hard for me, but I knew I couldn’t stop it. Over the past few months, whenever I felt uneasy, I would go to our CP discussion forum. Watching it gradually, I’ve come to accept it. It’s not because other fans initially said they supported him or later said that you were a perfect match. As a fan, I genuinely accept it, just because I love him, and for a fan, that’s enough. So, no need to thank us; your happiness is what matters.”


Gu Jinmian blinked and opened another message.


“Little Young Master, unexpectedly he’s the role model sister-in-law in the fan circle!”


Gu Jinmian: “…”


“It hasn’t affected Yin Moshu’s career at all. He’s still working hard in the industry. When we found out he was Bai Qirui’s son, we were worried he might leave the entertainment circle, but he didn’t. He’s still acting and seems very happy. That’s enough satisfaction for us.”


“We’re in a group, and I also went to the support at the Gu Building. We bravely defended him, and we are also fans. We think it’s better to solve issues internally than to let other little seductresses lure him away, hehe.”


As Gu Jinmian scrolled through the private messages, his anxious emotions gradually settled.


He and Yin Moshu got together, seemingly smoothly, with no obstacles from their families, but in fact, there was a stone pressing on Gu Jinmian’s heart.


That stone was Yin Moshu’s fans.


Initially, he deliberately avoided addressing this issue, a form of evasion.


Upon entering this world, he encountered irrational fans of Bai Xinyu, and then got thrown with an egg by Hang Yuanting’s fans. In this world of fan groups, he naturally developed some resistance.


Today, he hadn’t planned to go to the airport to pick him up, but seeing them, he inexplicably wanted to give it a try.


He was once one of them, built on courage and trust.


Summoning courage, he took a step forward, gauging the fans’ reactions.


If any of them had chased him away, he would have left immediately.


Unexpectedly, the fans didn’t chase him away. Instead, they expressed their attitude by stepping back.


Gu Jinmian looked at his phone for most of the journey, feeling a warmth filling him.


It wasn’t until Bai Xinyu was sent away that Yin Moshu spoke heavily, “What are you looking at so intently?”


Yin Moshu was driving, and Gu Jinmian showed him the phone, just as the fan sent another message, “Hurry up and marry him, don’t let those little seductresses outside snatch him away.”


Yin Moshu: “…”


Gu Jinmian noticed him suddenly smiling and looked at him in confusion, with his paralyzed face.


“I’m not pushing for marriage; it’s the fans pushing.” Gu Jinmian explained.


Saying this, he felt a bit awkward. Yin Moshu had mentioned wanting to marry early in front of his elder brother. During the previous phone call, he had said the end of the year was too rushed. What did he really want?


“Yeah.” Yin Moshu responded on behalf of his fans, saying, “It feels like the whole world is pushing us to get married. I don’t know if my original idea can hold up.”


“What’s your idea?”


Yin Moshu said, “I want us to get married on April 16th. Is that okay?”


At the red light, Yin Moshu asked while staring at him.


It had been a long time since they met, and Gu Jinmian felt that every time Yin Moshu looked at him, his gaze became much deeper, whether in front of the fans or when Bai Xinyu was around. When they were alone, it became even more unrestrained.


Gu Jinmian jumped slightly and was about to ask him why he chose April 16th.


Then, he suddenly remembered.


April 16th seemed to be the day he transmigrated, and it was also the day Yin Moshu transmigrated—the day they arrived in this world.


Gu Jinmian pursed his lips, and his eyes brightened a bit. “You want to get married on that day. There’s only a month left, and you haven’t proposed to me yet?”


Yin Moshu tightened his grip on the steering wheel and chuckled. “I’ll propose right now.”


Gu Jinmian: “?”


When Gu Jinmian finally tearfully agreed, he understood the smile on Yin Moshu’s face in the car.


In his heart, he scolded Yin Moshu for not being a proper man. What kind of proposal was in bed? He even defied the normal order.


The more Gu Jinmian resisted, the more determined Yin Moshu became. In the first round, he resisted, but in the second round, he collapsed. He didn’t know how many times he had agreed.


On the bed, on the floor, on the sofa, and even in the bathroom.


Gu Jinmian kicked Yin Moshu hard, and Yin Moshu allowed him to kick. His legs were now as weak as noodles, and kicking felt more like a massage to the other.


“Yin Moshu, what kind of proposal is this! Is it a proposal, or is it a forced marriage!”


Yin Moshu bent down, kissing his face repeatedly. “No, isn’t the success rate higher when proposing in bed?”


Gu Jinmian: “?”


Several hours had passed, and the sun outside should have set by now. With the curtains pulled, the room was dimly lit, feigning to conceal the chaos and absurdity.


Yin Moshu leaned down, caressing Gu Jinmian’s face. The light in his eyes flickered, appearing quite serious. “At least in bed, there’s more certainty. There’s always a way to make you agree, and I won’t hear a refusal.”


Gu Jinmian: “??”


Gu Jinmian wasn’t sure if it was some sort of Versailles statement, but he felt a sense of unease.


He pushed Yin Moshu down, skillfully lying on top of him. “Why do you think I might say no? It’s good to have a bit of self-awareness! Go and check your own QQ.”


Yin Moshu gently patted his back without speaking.


Gu Jinmian looked up. “Is it because you still think there’s a problem in reality?”


It was unknown what Yin Moshu was thinking, but after a while, he slowly said, “When my younger sister got married, she saw that my hands were shaking and couldn’t put on the ring. She cried on the spot at the wedding.”


Gu Jinmian: “…….”


“That’s right, want a lot less trouble. One of my cousins ​caused me a lot of trouble.”


Slowly coming over, Gu Jinmian became particularly soft. He lay down on Yin Moshu and hugged his neck, saying, “I’m not afraid. I’ve been brave since I was young, and I’m not afraid of anything.”


“Sitting in a wheelchair and unable to stand up, I flew a plane and took it to the sky. It was terrifying that no one dared to approach, but I happened to be able to hold it so often.”


Yin Moshu’s throat rolled and he lifted his face and kissed him deeply.


Without any sexual desire in the kiss, just to be personally very close. Gu Jinmian felt comfortable being kissed and he called him like he did when he was a child, “Big Brother, I like it.”


It had been four hours since both came out. When Gu Jinmian saw He Zhi as soon as he came out, he blushed.


It was almost New Year, and He Zhi and Bai Qirui were both back.


Although they spent a long time in the room, the sound insulation effect of such a good house must be very good, Gu Jinmian comforted himself.


Gu Jinmian: “Aunt He, we discussed the New Year’s work and some other arrangements in the living room.”


Yin Moshu: “…”


He Zhi smiled gently and took Gu Jinmian to the restaurant after changing into a new outfit.


Gu Jinmian saw a table full of sea cucumbers, mountain yams, and other not-so-obvious tonics.




After finishing the meal, Gu Jinmian quickly slipped away.


He didn’t dare to come here again, so Yin Mosu had to come to his small villa.


Gu Jinmian and Yin Moshu were discussing work in the room, when his eldest brother called to pick up Shi Yi.


It was almost New Year, and Shi Yi was back.


And also his cheap dad.


Gu Jinmian and Yin Moshu went to the airport to pick them up.


On the way, Gu Jinmian was very curious about his cheap dad. In the original world, he didn’t have a mother or a brother. Accepting them was smooth, but he had a father.


“What is my father like?” Gu Jinmian curiously asked Yin Moshu, the author.


Yin Mosu was silent for a while, “I don’t remember much, probably similar to the eldest brother?”




Okay, the Gu family was just one of several families. In the Gu family, he focused on his mother and brothers. His father was probably a minor character with around 180 lines. Even the author couldn’t remember that kind of character.


Gu Jinmian started thinking about his real father again. In the real world, he told his father “no,” and now he was meeting his cheap dad.


Compared to his real father, his father here should look much older. After all, his eldest brother was 15 years older than him, and his father here, Gu Shen, was even older than Shi Yi. He was in his sixties, and his hair had turned somewhat white.


He looked a bit like all the four brothers and at first glance, had that fatherly appearance.


Yin Moshu called out, “Uncle,” and reached out to take the bag from him. However, Gu Shen swiftly moved backward, keeping the bag behind him.


Gu Jinmian: “…”


It seemed that only he could go and greet him, but he was still rejected.


Shi Yi became annoyed, “What’s wrong?”


Gu Shen visibly pouted for a moment, snorted, and walked away with the bag.


Okay, he was still a stubborn old man.


“Don’t mind him. He doesn’t know where the car is, and he’ll have to come back to find us later,” Shi Yi said.


Gu Jinmian: “…”


As expected, when they walked out of the airport, they saw Gu Shen looking around, and eventually, he followed them to the car, still carrying his own bag.


Yin Moshu drove, Gu Jinmian sat in the front seat, and the others sat in the back.


Throughout the journey, Shi Yi was very lively and affectionate, greeting everyone warmly.


“I heard from the eldest that you two are about to get married soon?”


They hadn’t even mentioned it yet, and his eldest brother had already blurted it out.


Gu Jinmian was considering whether to take this opportunity to tell them when he heard a stern and excited voice, “No, I don’t agree!”


Gu Jinmian: “…”


He had just been thinking that everything would go smoothly with their families, and now it seemed to be going the opposite way.


The atmosphere of happiness and joy in the car was disrupted. Shi Yi began scolding Gu Shen, who should be quite afraid of his wife, but no matter how Shi Yi scolded him, Gu Shen stubbornly refused to compromise, insisting on opposing their marriage.


After getting out of the car, Gu Shen even called Gu Jinmian aside, expressing his dissatisfaction and urging him not to marry Yin Moshu.


“Why?” Gu Jinmian asked. “Is there anyone better than him in this world?”


Gu Shen gritted his teeth. “Because he’s a short-lived ghost. And he will die at the age of 27!”


Gu Jinmian: “……..”



  1. Emoqe says:

    Oh heavens, again? This is gold, love it!
    Thank you so much for the translation.

    1. BEE says:

      Yes, again. Haha Let’s see how our Little Sweet Bean will react this time.

  2. FireFoxWinterWolf says:

    Thank you for the mass update! 💕

    1. BEE says:

      You’re welcome😊🥰

  3. Octachus says:

    Gu Jinmian: How does it feels when you know that your father also transmigrated with you?

    1. Hpnl says:

      His own dad??? No right.. I mean his dad wouldn’t have read the book after all 🤔

  4. Dftbashleigh says:

    Everyone seems to know….

  5. lovewar66 says:

    Danm this is interesting

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