When Reader and Author Transmigrate Inside the Book at the Same Time

“What chat? I’m going to the airport soon.”

Gu Jinmian was inexplicably nervous. Realizing this, he immediately raised his head to meet Yin Moshu, as if to prove that he was not nervous at all, and asked him coldly.

“Chat about the me you saw in the fight club last night, about how the attitude just changed.” Yin Moshu cut to the chase.

Gu Jinmian was silent.

Yin Moshu stood there staring at him, with a look of not letting go without getting an answer.

“You, you shouldn’t be like that.” Gu Jinmian said.

Yin Moshu laughed, “Then what should I be like?”

“Where did you define a ‘should’ for me?”

Gu Jinmian froze for a moment.

“When we first met, you said you were my fan. What you liked was Yin Moshu created by me and the economic team online.” Yin Moshu’s mouth slightly raised, and a cold and sarcastic curve was made. “When you saw my real other side, you ran, isn’t that right?”

Gu Jinmian subconsciously shook his head, he opened his mouth but he couldn’t speak.

It’s not what he said.

However, pushing aside the appearances, what he said was not entirely wrong.

His understanding of Yin Moshu was not online but in books. He did define a “should” for Yin Moshu based on “Entertainment First”.

Yin Moshu should not be like that, based on his understanding of Yin Moshu in the book.

He didn’t know where the problem was, he couldn’t figure it out last night, and even wondered if his own appearance caused Yin Moshu’s change.

Gu Jinmian didn’t know how to explain to Yin Moshu.

He was just a one-track minded person, if he couldn’t figure it out, he wouldn’t be able to get along with Yin Moshu as usual.

“Young Master, it’s time to go.” The butler knocked on the door twice outside.

Gu Jinmian looked at Yin Moshu, Yin Moshu had no expression on his face, he took a step away, with a slight indifference on his clear eyes and brows.

Gu Jinmian pursed his lower lip and pulled up the suitcase.

When he opened the door, he felt his pocket sink. After walking out the door, he looked down and found an egg in his pocket.

Gu Jinmian froze for a moment, unable to explain what he was feeling.

After getting in the car, he was still looking at the egg that had been living in his pocket.

The car started to move slowly.

Gu Jinmian took out the egg, peeled the shell, and ate it by himself.

Somewhat choked and flustered.

But nutritious.

And eat with peace of mind.

Gu Jinmian’s statement that he wanted to visit his grandparents was not a lie.

His grandparents were already over eighty years old, and they were at the age that should be frequently visited. Shi Yi would go abroad again tomorrow, thus they should come and visit them while they were still in the country.

His elder brother called him to go and see the two elders too. “Spend more time with them. If you didn’t have a grandmother, do you think you could go to such a good university?”

Gu Jinmian: “…..”

The grandparents were healthy and strong. After the two retired, they lived in a Chinese-style villa in the south of S City. They planted flowers and raised birds every day. Grandpa wrote and grandma composed poems. They lived a very leisurely life.

Shi Yi left early the next morning, Gu Jinmian took her to the airport, looked at the plane flying into the sky, and wondered if Yin Moshu had also boarded the plane.

After seeing off Shi Yi, Gu Jinmian went back to his grandparents.

This place was leisurely and comfortable, which was very suitable for him who currently had messy thoughts.

He looked really pleasing to the elders, he was unwilling to go out before, rarely came here, and even when he came, he was sullen and silent, but coming this time, he was so much more cheerful. The two old people very rarely wished he could live here right now.

Gu Jinmian also liked them, and did what he could to help them.

Grandma liked to grow flowers. Roses were the most common in the yard, and her favorite was Archangel Gabriel. However, this kind of flower was delicate and difficult to grow. That day, it was discovered that two of them had spider mites.

She didn’t like the maid touching her Gabriel, and Gu Jinmian didn’t want her to touch the medicine either, so he helped her apply the medicine himself.

In the afternoon when the sun was not that hot, Gu Jinmian held a shower head and washed every leaf clean, when he suddenly heard someone say “Hello”.

He wiped his sweat and turned his head, seeing the person outside the fence in a daze.

The woman standing outside looked like she was in her thirties, wearing a taupe-colored shirt and a knee-length skirt, with a slender figure, a very pale complexion, and beautiful and gentle eyes.

She looked at Gu Jinmian’s dull face, and her smile deepened, “Are you Teacher Li’s little grandson?”

His grandmother’s surname was Li, and she was a professor who had cultivated many talents.

Gu Jinmian nodded hurriedly, put down the shower head and stood up, “Are you looking for grandma?”

“No.” She smiled and pointed to the yard next door, “My family lives there, but I haven’t been back for many years.”

“Ah.” Gu Jinmian nodded, “It’s the neighbor elder sister.”

She laughed again, and when she laughed, there was a feeling that life was peaceful, and the years went by with peace and joy. “Don’t call me elder sister, call me aunt, if I have…”

She blinked, and there was a flash of silence in her eyes, “I’m over forty years old.”

“Looks like an elder sister.” Gu Jinmian smiled and said, “I can’t get through the mental hurdle of calling you auntie.”

The smile returned to her face, and she reached out and handed him two ripe pomegranates, “You’re joking, here, this elder sister just picked them.”

Gu Jinmian didn’t refuse, and happily accepted it.

After she left, Gu Jinmian continued to wash off the spider mites for Gabriel. Archangel Gabriel had layers of petals, white on the outside and gray on the inside, gray suffused with purple, like a hazy purple mist, cold and elegant.

Just like that elder sister just now.

Also very much like Yin Moshu.

For some reason, Gu Jinmian always thought of Yin Moshu when he saw the good-looking elder sister.

“Mianmian, who were you talking to just now?” Grandma poked her head out of the window.

“Said to be a fairy elder sister who lives next door.” Gu Jinmian said.

Grandma laughed, “Old Bai’s family, his son and daughter-in-law came back this morning.”

Bai family?

Gu Jinmian glanced over there again.

The Bai family was a very powerful family, but Gu Jinmian was not very clear on how powerful it was.

This was the only big family in the original book that didn’t have many roles. As for the lack of roles, and why readers still think it was very powerful, it’s because He Bujin wrote foreshadowings.

Of course, that dog author may have also forgotten it after writing it. After all, it was already at a later stage, and he hadn’t seen much about the Bai family.

After Gu Jinmian and the others left, he didn’t think much about the Bai family. He didn’t expect his elder brother to call him at night and mention this matter again.

“The people living around grandpa and grandma are either rich or expensive, so don’t make trouble there and be honest.”

Gu Jinmian yelled, “I’m really honest, if you don’t believe me, ask grandma!”

Grandma said cheerfully, “Honestly, Mianmian is so good, he even helped me fertilize the flowers today.”

When grandma said this, Gu Xijun naturally didn’t want to speak harshly of him. He said in an admonishing tone, “Especially the Bai family next door. Today, Bai Qirui brought his wife home. His wife is not in good health. You, be quiet.”

“The Bai family is not the Ji family and the Yin family. You are not allowed to mess around.”

While Gu Jinmian agreed, he thought: Gu Xijun specifically called to remind him that the Bai family is indeed very powerful.

Is the beautiful elder sister whom I saw in the afternoon Mrs. Bai? She said that she is in her forties, which fits the right age, and she does not look in good health as well.

“I understand, big brother, don’t worry.”

Hearing what he said, Gu Xijun’s voice softened a lot, “I heard from my mother that Yin Moshu has gone abroad. Isn’t it hard to be separated during the passionate love period? This concerned brother even found someone to watch over for you, and bought you a ticket to see him off?”

Gu Jinmian: “……”

Gu Jinmian visibly withered.

Grandpa and grandma went to bed at nine o’clock, and Gu Jinmian stayed in the room quietly. Whether it was chatting with the directors or checking Weibo, he felt it was very boring.

He thought for a while, pulled Ji Ming out from WeChat, and sent him a message for the first time after transmigrating.

[In the hospital?]

Ji Ming: “……”

He reasonably suspected that Gu Jinmian was looking for faults, would someone greet with “in the hospital?”

Ji Ming: [Is that how you talk? I’m fine in the store.]

Gu Jinmian: [You’re not in the hospital? [Surprised.jpg]

Ji Ming: “……”

Sure enough, he is here to find fault!

He knew that he was here to find fault, but he couldn’t do anything about him. Who made this young master not only have three brothers, but also a boyfriend who completely controlled him.

Ji Ming: [Can’t you just speak well, we have been friends for many years anyway.]

Gu Jinmian did not reply to his message again.

He was really puzzled, Yin Moshu’s kick should have made Ji Ming stay in the hospital for a while, he also fought Yin Moshu before, and knew that Yin Moshu was definitely not an embroidered pillow. (TL:only have looks but no real talent)

Could it be that the effort of that kick was just to scare people?

Scare who?

That violent maniac Ji Ming?

How is it possible, there is no need at all, that person Ji Ming must already be scared of him, otherwise there is no way to get rid of him.

A thought popped into Gu Jinmian’s head, and his bewildered face became more confused and heavy.

The next day, grandma was going to S University, as S University invited her to give a speech.

Gu Jinmian got up early and said he wanted to go with his grandma. Grandma also naturally agreed.

S University was a first-class institution known throughout the country. Grandma had taught here for decades, and Yin Moshu had studied here for four years.

After the speech, many school leaders and teachers wanted to have dinner with grandma. Gu Jinmian secretly asked her, “Isn’t there also from the Mathematics department?”

Grandma laughed and said, “No, there should be.”

Sure enough, there were two teachers from the mathematics department during the meal, one was the head of the department, and the other looked like a young teacher.

After the meal, Gu Jinmian sat next to the two of them, “Do the teachers know about Yin Moshu?”

After a meal, they all knew his identity and did not hide it from him. The young teacher said, “Of course I know. He is the first student I brought under me, and he is very particularly talented and impressive.”

The teacher liked his appearance very much, “Unfortunately, he has gone to the entertainment industry.”

The older teacher also had an impression of him, “I remember that Yin Moshu has always been the number one student, and won the national award every year for both academics and moral excellence. He’s just a bit cold, I don’t know how many girls’ hearts have been hurt.”

Gu Jinmian smiled with his eyes bent.

Feeling honored felt happier than being praised.

Very comfortable, especially the words “excellent in academics and moral excellence“.

Gu Jinmian suddenly despised himself a little, it was really hypocritical and competitive.

It’s not that he didn’t know how many fights Yin Moshu had fought, and it’s not that he was not aware how desperate and world-weary Yin Moshu was for a while. How could it be more serious than seeing Yin Moshu hitting someone.

Even the teacher said that he was excellent in academics and moral excellence.

How many people can be excellent in academics and moral excellence for four years?

Anyway, he can’t.

How could he feel that Yin Moshu was corrupted by darkness?

Yin Moshu was acting for him, just like the last time he frightened himself in the elevator of the Gu’s Building.

Gu Jinmian felt sorry for the insecure cub again.

He thought: even if Yin Moshu is really a bit dark and paranoid, that’s normal. After going through those things, how can he still ask Yin Moshu to be a perfect person?

Suddenly, I wanted to see him very much.

It wasn’t long before he had this thought, when on the car back, Shi Yi sent him a video call.

“Baby, Mommy will show you something nice.” Shi Yi said with a smile while holding the phone, “You will definitely enjoy watching it.”

The mobile phone was turned around, and Gu Jinmian saw the commercial shooting scene.

It was in a greenhouse, the room was filled with extremely saturated red roses, and a man in black was half lying on the ground with his hands in the rose pile.

It was Yin Moshu.

Gu Jinmian’s eyes widened slightly.

Several shots were directed at him, his posture was relaxed and lazy, one leg was bent, and the other stretched leg seemed even longer than the heavens.

Different from his lazy posture, his eyes are extremely sharp. When he looked at the main camera, the red roses at both ends automatically separated, like a bloody path through his eyes.

The photographer walked forward from behind, took a rose with water droplets from the bucket and put it in his hand, stared at him for a while, then reached out and started to unbutton his shirt.

Undid the first one, and the collarbone was exposed.

Undid the second one, and it’s already very ambiguous.

The photographer started to undo the third one, and undid this one very slowly. When his eyes fell on Yin Moshu, he swallowed.


Gu Jinmian: “Too much!”

He didn’t even know that his thoughts were being spoken out. Shi Yi immediately went up to grab the photographer’s hand with a flick of the phone, “My son said you were going too far.”

Gu Jinmian: “…..”

He was taken aback when he saw Yin Moshu, and immediately looked at the phone.

At such a close distance, his face with makeup appeared on the phone unexpectedly.

Gu Jinmian almost threw his phone out.

Yin Moshu pursed his lips and smiled, his deepened eyebrows and eyes were as deep as the universe in the fine flashes and lights.

Beauty critical hit.

In the camera, Yin Moshu stretched out his hand to him, “Aunt Shi, I feel a bit sleepy.”

Gu Jinmian’s ears felt hot, and he scratched his neck uncomfortably.

Shi Yi let out an excited cry, quickly handed him the phone, and said to the others, “Take a break!”

The phone was in Yin Moshu’s hand, he got up from the rose, stood by the French window and looked at him with a smile.

He didn’t know if it’s because of the makeup, but his eyes look extraordinarily deep, comparable to the night sky outside.

It seemed to be able to penetrate the mobile phone and wrap Gu Jinmian with his eyes.

Gu Jinmian also felt the soft night, the hot and humid wind and the aroma of roses.

“Have you eaten that egg?”

“……” Gu Jinmian said awkwardly, “Eat.”

Yin Moshu laughed again, and the laughter that came out of the phone, were deeper and more magnetic than usual.


Yin Moshu stared at him for a while, “Is there anything you want to tell me?”

What to say?

Gu Jinmian looked away from his face and looked elsewhere, “The rose is good-looking.”

Yin Moshu raised his hand and pulled Gu Jinmian’s gaze back. He was still holding the rose that the photographer placed in his hand. He glanced at it, “Not as good-looking as the one you gave me.”

Gu Jinmian: “……”

He felt something was wrong.

“The Samantha red roses on our terrace are really beautiful, so hurry up and take pictures. It’s Mom who wanted to show me, not me peeking at you.” Gu Jinmian started talking nonsense, “If you like it, when coming back after the shoot, I’ll give you a handful.”

After speaking, Gu Jinmian beat himself up in his mind.

What the hell is he talking about!

This shit doesn’t make sense.

Yin Moshu actually listened very seriously, but the smile in his eyes was too bright.

Gu Jinmian looked away at once, and looked out the window, “Well, I’m almost home, I have to get out of the car now.”

The car stopped, and grandma in the back row got out of the car first.

Yin Moshu should have noticed, he then said, “Okay.”

Just as Gu Jinmian breathed a sigh of relief, he heard him say, “You send me.”


The footsteps of getting out of the car froze, and Gu Jinmian almost fell.

Grandma laughed at him with others and said, “Look, he was excited when seeing his boyfriend.”

Beside grandma stood a man and a woman, the woman was the fairy elder sister he saw yesterday.

When she saw the man beside her, Gu Jinmian froze again.

The weather in September was not cool, Gu Jinmian was still wearing short sleeves, while the man was wearing a meticulous suit.

The sharp tailoring of the suit set off his tall and straight figure. His face was serious and noble, and he stood aside with a serious face, like an old-fashioned aristocrat who was difficult to get along with.

When grandma spoke, he would bend slightly to listen, and his pair of vicissitudes of phoenix eyes would bring out a little smile.

Hearing what grandma said, both of them looked at him.

“You have a boyfriend?” Fairy elder sister smiled and said, “He must be very handsome.”

Gu Jinmian immediately looked at the phone.

Yin Moshu must have heard the voice, he said, “Go, let’s talk later.”

Hearing the voice on the mobile phone, the eyes of the two moved to the mobile phone again.

The phone over there was already in Shi Yi’s hands, “Baby, are you happy?”

Gu Jinmian: “…Happy, happy, someone is at the door, let’s not talk for now.”

“Then you go over quickly, and be good.”

Gu Jinmian turned off his cell phone and walked to her grandmother, then glanced at the man in front of him again.

Grandma introduced, “This is Bai Qirui, your Uncle Bai. You met this one yesterday, right? Your Uncle Bai’s wife He Zhi, they just came back from abroad yesterday morning.”

“This is my little grandson, Mianmian.”

“Uncle Bai, Fairy.. Aunt He.” Gu Jinmian called people one by one.

Bai Qirui nodded to him, and He Zhi was more enthusiastic, “I guessed it right, it’s really Teacher Li’s grandson, but I didn’t expect you to have a boyfriend at such a young age.”

Gu Jinmian touched his nose.

Grandma laughed and said, “His boyfriend is a star, he is really handsome, and he likes him very much.”

Seeing him embarrassed, He Zhi smiled again. She seemed to love to laugh, and her smile was very pretty, “It’s a pity that I have been living abroad, and I don’t know many domestic stars.”

“Maybe you’ll get to know each other in the future.” Gu Jinmian said, “He just became the spokesperson of BM, and you can see him even abroad in the future.”

He Zhi laughed again, “I can see how much you like him, he is really a lucky person, there is such a cute boy who likes him so much.”

The four chatted a few more words, and then left.

When Gu Jinmian entered, he couldn’t help but look back at them again.

The two walked slowly in the setting sun, and when Bai Qirui turned his head to speak to He Zhi, the tenderness in his eyes was as soft as the setting sun, so affectionate.

“Grandma, have they been living abroad?”

“Yeah, they left about twenty years ago.” Grandma sighed, “It seems that it’s because of their son, He Zhi was heartbroken excessively, so Bai Qirui took her away. It just so happened that Old Bai married a British noble person. Bai Qirui took her to England, and I heard that they went to the United States later on because of the family’s business, and this journey lasted for twenty years.”

“What happened to their son?” Gu Jinmian asked immediately.

“Should be dead.” Grandma said, “Their family is very secretive about this, and I don’t know much about it either.”

“Oh.” Gu Jinmian’s shoulders relaxed.

Gu Jinmian stayed at his grandparent’s house until the day Yin Moshu returned to the capital.

This morning, Gu Jinmian got up early and saw the Bai family couple again at the door.

He Zhi happily greeted him, “Mianmian!”

“Aunt He.” Gu Jinmian saw their suitcases, “Are you leaving?”

“Yes, we’re going to the airport.”

“I will also go to the airport later, but I have to go home first.” Gu Jinmian said.

“Then goodbye, it was very nice meeting you.” He Zhi said.

Bai Qirui opened the door for her, and nodded to Gu Jinmian, then Gu Jinmian waved to them.

After their car drove away, Gu Jinmian got in the car and went home to cut roses.

During the last call, Yin Moshu said, “Okay, you send me.”

It should be Gu Jinmian’s previous sentence of giving him a handful of roses.

The hole that I dug myself, I can only bite the bullet and jump into it.

Gu Jinmian was still very calm when cutting the roses, but he was already awkward when he went to the flower shop to ask someone to pack them. When he arrived at the airport, it was not as simple as just being awkward.

Yin Moshu went abroad for a week, and when he came back, the BM store at S City airport had already put on his huge poster, and the advertisements began to circulate in the center of the store.

The commercial was shot so well that the fans in the airport pick-up screamed with excitement, and from time to time they glanced at the boy holding a large bouquet of red roses, wearing a mask and a peaked cap.

Their line of sight was either doubtful, strange or excited.

Gu Jinmian: “…..”

So, why is he standing here?




  1. Dftbashleigh says:

    I would put money on He Zhi being Yin Moshu’s biological mother. For one her family name is ‘He’ like ‘He Shumo’ and two, just pure readers instinct.

    1. xiao says:

      damnn i was gonna say that!! the foreshadowing!! tsk tsk

    2. lovewar66 says:

      That’s exactly what’s going to happen bc what else would. Like he said she looks familiar their son had a mysterious accident and the ML always has a powerful family sometimes 2.


  2. Hpnl says:

    They are his bio parents.. aren’t they. Probably lill Moshu was kidnapped.

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