When Reader and Author Transmigrate Inside the Book at the Same Time

During his time on Director Lin’s crew, Ji Ming told him twice that Yin Moshu beat him up in a fight club.

And that he approached Yin Moshu because he wanted to fight him.

Gu Jinmian scoffed at this, and didn’t believe it at all.

Of course Yin Moshu was not a pure good person, of course it was impossible for him not to have fought before, no matter in school or in the entertainment industry, he had fought many times, because he wouldn’t be able to survive without fighting.

On the field, Yin Moshu squatted beside Ji Ming, holding his collar, Gu Jinmian felt this unfamiliar aura on his body. The corners of his lips curled up slightly, and he lowered his head to say something. Ji Ming, who could barely move at first, raised his fist in an instant.

Yin Moshu dodged easily, and effortlessly tilted his head. He was supposed to stand up immediately, but his body stiffened.

The madness in his eyes gradually dissipated, as if his soul had returned to his body.

Ji Ming, who was lying on the ground, grasped this gap and kicked Yin Moshu’s leg hard. Yin Moshu, who was momentarily unaware, staggered.

When he looked up again, Gu Jinmian had already turned and left.

Yin Chengzhi chased Gu Jinmian, “Oh, why are you leaving?”

“Is it because you saw Yin Moshu fighting here?”

“Didn’t you say that Yin Moshu is handsome when fighting?”

“Shut up!” Gu Jinmian fiercely turned his head, and looked at him with a sharp gaze.

There were sparks in his eyes, like a volcano about to erupt.

At that moment, Yin Chengzhi seemed to see the Gu Jinmian who had pinned him against the tree that night in the crew.

He immediately shut his mouth and stood still.

“Heh.” Gu Jinmian sneered, “You are so timid and still so afraid of me.”

“Then how dare you ask me to come here to fight?” Gu Jinmian stared at him intently, “You deliberately want me to see it?”

“You didn’t succeed in the Yin family, still continuing today, aren’t you quite persistent?”

The disdain on his face was undisguised, “I didn’t expect people from famous families to be like rats in the gutter.”

Yin Chengzhi grunted, frowned and said, “What did you say?”

“Good.” Gu Jinmian grabbed his collar and walked back, “Then let’s fight, how about unlimited fighting, you can even use weapons.”

Yin Chengzhi felt that Gu Jinmian’s strength had increased a lot in the past half month, and the back collar of his neck dug into his flesh. If he didn’t want to be strangled into bleeding, he had to follow him.

Despite looking thin and weak, his strength was as strong as a bull.

Yin Chengzhi was convinced, he was really afraid that Gu Jinmian would drag him in and beat him to death, “Yes, yes, yes, I admit, I just want you to see Yin Moshu’s true face.”

They all have already given up yesterday. Gu Jinmian was just a love brain, he liked Yin Moshu so much and was very stubborn.

Who knew that today, Yin Moshu and Ji Ming would go to the fighting club.

There were two people in their family who had been wandering around various clubs all year round, and in the city with many friends that only eat, drink and have fun, as soon as Yin Moshu and Ji Ming go, they would know.

Ji Ming was not a simple character either. Rumor had it that he was a violent maniac. If they go together, there would definitely be a good show to watch.

Therefore, they seized this opportunity and wanted to try again, and came to make an appointment with Gu Jinmian.

It seems that…it worked?

After Gu Jinmian pushed Yin Chengzhi away, he got inside the car and left without looking at the fight club again.

In the car, Gu Jinmian didn’t say a word.

The butler looked back at him twice, but he didn’t detect anything, and didn’t know what he was thinking.

When he returned, he encountered Bai Xinyu and Du Bai’an, yet he didn’t say a word as well.

He didn’t pay attention either to Bai Xinyu calling him “home”.

“Suddenly, I found out that home didn’t hate me all day today.” Bai Xinyu said out of habit, “It’s really uncomfortable.”

Du Bai’an: “…?”

Gu Jinmian did not come out after entering the room.

On the other side, after kicking Yin Moshu, Ji Ming noticed his abnormality, he tried his best to suppress the boiling blood and impulse, and followed his line of sight, “That was, Gu Jinmian?”

Yin Moshu walked out to the side while taking off his gloves.

“Ah?” Ji Ming called him, “Don’t go, let’s fight for a while.”

Yin Moshu ignored him, and went straight to the VIP lounge.

Ji Ming had no choice but to keep up with him.

When he was on the stage just now, he could feel that Yin Moshu was just like him, with the madness in his blood and the cruelty in his bones clamoring and burning, which not only stimulated him but also suppressed him.

But within two minutes, he became cold and indifferent.

They’re just here to fight casually, unlike other people in the club who changed into shorts specifically worn during combat and wore protective gloves.

He was wearing a T-shirt, and Yin Moshu was even more not gregarious, he was wearing a loose black shirt.

At this moment, taking off his gloves, his fingers that looked like works of art were exposed, his brows and eyes were half-drawn and distant, he didn’t look like he was in a boxing gym, but instead looked like he just came out of a concert hall.

Ji Ming was terribly shocked, he was scratching his head and wanting to fight, he couldn’t understand how Yin Moshu could change into this state in an instant.

Ji Ming followed him into the door, “The person next to Gu Jinmian belongs to the Yin family?”

Yin Moshu gave a “hmm”.

Ji Ming hesitated for a while, “Actually, I’m a little confused. You clearly know that they’ve been trying to catch your flaw in the past few days. Why did you ask me to fight at such a moment?”

It was indeed Ji Ming who wanted to fight Yin Moshu. Last time he said that he wanted to help Gu Jinmian fight back against the rumors, but it couldn’t be said that he did not have the idea of fighting Yin Moshu.

But at that time, Gu Jinmian didn’t let him join the film crew, saying he couldn’t do it before September 4th.

September finally rolled in, when Ji Ming was thinking about whether to come or not, Yin Moshu contacted him first, he was so excited that he drove over overnight.

“You don’t want to hit?” Yin Moshu threw the glove into the trash can, lifted his eyelids and looked at him, “If you want to hit, just hit, why bother with many other things?”

Ji Ming: “…..”

He just watched Yin Moshu leave like this, and he really felt that this person was hard to see through at all.

Either extremely smart, or extremely crazy.

Anyway, it’s simply scary.

He remembered that the same was true when he first met Yin Moshu.

It was in S City that time, and he went to a fight club as usual. The owner of that club was very familiar with him and as soon as he went to the owner, he mysteriously told him that a special person had arrived today.

“How special?”

“Did you look at the Gu’s Building when you went out? That person from Gu’s Building is here.”

Ji Ming was really taken aback at the time. Gu’s Building never gave support to celebrities. He had heard Hang Yuanting complain many times. If someone went up, it’d be enough to surprise him, but he didn’t expect the person to come to such a place that night.

Ji Ming went to see it curiously.

At that time, Yin Moshu was also like this, wearing a big mask and a thin glove. He guessed that the mask was to cover the face, and the glove was not only to cover the marks on his hands, but also because he didn’t want to touch those shirtless people.

The more he watched, the more shocked and itchy he became.

Before, he was very contemptuous of the little fresh meats in the entertainment industry, thinking they were weak and only cry ‘mama’, but this one was like a vicious wolf, after meeting, he would never let go unless he tore a piece of flesh off someone’s throat.

Several people in the club who were usually extremely arrogant were sitting slumped on the sidelines doubting their lives.

He rushed up excitedly.

As a result……


There was no movement when Yin Moshu returned.

Bai Xinyu and Du Bai’an, one was itching with curiosity, while the other was slightly uneasy.

Bai Xinyu sent a message to Yin Moshu: [Home went out alone tonight, and something was wrong when he came back.]

Yin Moshu replied: [En.]

Bai Xinyu scratched his ears and cheeks, and now he couldn’t fall asleep anymore.

At this moment, Gu Jinmian sent a message to Bai Xinyu: [Do you have any ointment there?]

[Have, have, have!] Bai Xinyu didn’t care what kind of ointment, he said ‘have’ first, as long as he had something to say.

Gu Jinmian: “…”

Bai Xinyu thought he was going to be scolded.

Unexpectedly, Gu Jinmian replied: [The kind that is smeared on bruises.]

Bai Xinyu: [Oh, I’ll go downstairs and buy it for you now.]

Gu Jinmian: “…”

Bai Xinyu turned his head and said to Du Bai’an: “It’s a bit strange, Home didn’t hate me, shouldn’t he scold me for saying I have?”

Du Bai’an pursed his lips and said, “Don’t be awkward.”

Gu Jinmian’s message came again: [Then you buy more, you are prone to bumping about when filming, also buy a bottle for Du Bai’an and Yin Moshu as a gift.]

Bai Xinyu: “…”

“You’re right! Just don’t be a little girl!” He suddenly realized.

Both of them were fully armed, and really went downstairs to buy.

In addition to the ointment, there were also pain-relieving and anti-inflammatory sprays and band-aids, etc. Sincerely adhered to the imperial edict and bought four copies, two people, one portion each first, and then gave another one for Yin Moshu.

When the door was knocked, Yin Moshu was lying on the sofa in the living room with his hands folded behind his head, staring at the direction of the door.

It was the same as when he was staring at the intersection of the flower garden at the Yin family yesterday.

Upon hearing the knock on the door, he fell into a daze for a moment and immediately walked to the door and opened it directly.

Standing at the door were Bai Xinyu and Du Bai’an, who were inexplicably obedient. They stood upright and looked at him cautiously.

After seeing his face, the two seemed a little nervous.

How come he seems a little disappointed?

Should they not have been here?

“What’s the matter?”

Even the tone of voice was so indifferent.

“That,” facing Yin Moshu like this, Bai Xinyu was much more nervous than facing Gu Jinmian. He always felt that it was not good to say something and that tonight, in his dream, there would be the eighteen layers of hell again. “Home asked me if I had any ointment over there.”

Yin Moshu focused his eyes on him.

Bai Xinyu, who was afraid of going to hell, was not afraid of revealing some information, thus he said everything in detail, “I said I have, but in fact I didn’t, so I said I would go downstairs to buy it for him.”

“Home just said that we are prone to bumping about when filming, so he let me buy one for you and Du Bai’an as well and send it over.”

Du Bai’an nodded.

Then, they saw Yin Moshu pursed his lower lip, with a little smile in his eyes.

He didn’t laugh out loud. They had known Yin Moshu for so long, but this smile made them feel that this was Yin Moshu’s happiest smile.

The two were at a loss.

So happy that home showed concern?

It’s just medicine, it’s nothing at all, the ones given before are much better than this.

Half an hour later, Bai Xinyu and Du Bai’an knocked on Gu Jinmian’s door.

Gu Jinmian opened the door relatively quickly, “Did you buy the medicine?”

Bai Xinyu and Du Bai’an stood at the door, their faces were a little dazed, “Oh, en!”

They were holding cups in their hands.

Du Bai’an had one, while Bai Xinyu had two.

“It’s like this.” Bai Xinyu said, “We delivered medicine to Yin Moshu, and Yin Moshu wanted to thank us, so he ordered us a drink. Home, you have a drink too.”

Bai Xinyu handed him two cups, “Coffee in the left hand, milk in the right hand, what do you want to drink home?”

“Of course you can drink both.”

Gu Jinmian stared at the two cups for a long time, finally took the coffee and wanted to enter the room again.

“Ah?” Bai Xinyu reminded him, “Forgot the medicine, didn’t you need it?”

Gu Jinmian froze, turned around and pulled the bag of medicine on Bai Xinyu’s wrist, and then entered the door.

Bai Xinyu and Du Bai’an each held a bag of medicine and a cup of milk, looked at this door and then at that door, with blank faces.

And were simply, a little confused.

The two people in each of their rooms, one was applying ointment to the knee that Ji Ming kicked, while the other was staring at the cup of coffee.

The coffee was still hot, and after opening the lid, there was a latte on it.

The person serving the coffee was very careful that the little plane on the coffee was intact.

Gu Jinmian blinked, and couldn’t help but look twice more.

Then he held the cup and chugged like a cow, drinking it all.

After drinking, he reached out to wipe the milk foam on his mouth, pretending that the little plane never existed.

But coffee insisted on going against him, and kept showing his presence.

What used to not work on him had been bouncing on his nerves tonight.

Gu Jinmian couldn’t sleep no matter what, his eyes and mind were filled with the Yin Moshu he saw in the fight club.

Dark and cruel, the madness in his eyes at that moment seemed to destroy everything in front of him.

The whirlwind kick that fell on the spot on Ji Ming’s neck, which could really make Ji Ming’s neck unable to stand upright forever.

It was different from the original.

Yin Moshu was not like this, it shouldn’t be.

Gu Jinmian was anxious for no reason.

He tossed and turned, wondering if he had fallen asleep, and went to the hotel restaurant to have breakfast in the morning.

The hotel provided a breakfast buffet. Since it was contracted by the crew, the privacy was very good. They had been eating here for half a month, and Gu Jinmian habitually came down to eat again.

As soon as Bai Xinyu saw him, he immediately waved to him, “Home, here!”

Gu Jinmian took two croissants and brought a cup of milk over.

Bai Xinyu sat beside him, looked at him closely, “Home, didn’t you sleep well?”

He was too close, Gu Jinmian was a little annoyed, and was about to reach out to push him, when he suddenly heard him call, “Yin Moshu, come and sit here!”

Gu Jinmian paused and looked towards the door.

Yin Moshu was wearing a red shirt today, the color was very close to the red shirt he wore in Director Lin’s movie, it made his face even more flamboyant, and caught people off guard. Under the cruel contrast of the people around, all looked quite bleak.

Bai Xinyu was about to move the seat next to Gu Jinmian, when Gu Jinmian suddenly said, “Sit down!”

He immediately sat down again, feeling a bit lost.

In the past half a month, the four of them often ate together. At a table for four like this, two people face each other on one side, with Yin Moshu and Gu Jinmian sitting on one side, and he and Du Bai’an sitting on the other side.

This, what’s going on?

Yin Moshu also heard Gu Jinmian’s words “sit down”. After he walked over, he took a look at Gu Jinmian, went to get four eggs and a few plates of vegetables, and sat down beside Du Bai’an.

The atmosphere was somewhat silent.

Bai Xinyu looked at this, looked at that, and bit the bullet to enliven the atmosphere, “Ah, four eggs, one for each person.”

With that said, he took out an egg from the plate.

Du Bai’an followed suit and took one.

There were two left.

Gu Jinmian lifted his eyelids and took a look, then continued to gnaw on the croissant.

Bai Xinyu: “Ah, eggs are so nutritious. One egg a day will make you healthier!”

Gu Jinmian took a sip of his milk.

Bai Xinyu: “Eggs and milk are a good partner for nutrition.”

Gu Jinmian didn’t seem to hear, and his croissant was almost finished.

Bai Xinyu: “…”

So tired.

Too difficult.

Why did the two get into an awkward situation? Instead they were the ones experiencing physical and emotional double torture chasing a wife.

Yin Moshu took an egg and began to peel it slowly. He first tapped the corner of the table lightly, then rolled it on the table and easily peeled a smooth white egg.

He put the egg on Gu Jinmian’s plate.

The three looked at him at the same time.

Gu Jinmian glanced at the slippery white egg, and continued to eat the croissant.


The atmosphere fell to the bottom again.

Bai Xinyu couldn’t even open his mouth.

Du Bai’an stumbled and said, “We are leaving this afternoon, and we will be separated tomorrow. I don’t know when the next time we will get together again.”

“Yes.” Bai Xinyu answered.

Cherish the time spent together ah.

Tomorrow he and Du Bai’an will be filming in different groups, and Yin Moshu will be going abroad to shoot commercials, so they won’t be able to get together!

It hurts to think about it.

“Oh.” Gu Jinmian finally spoke.

The two of them were about to breathe a sigh of relief when they suddenly heard him say, “I forgot to tell you, I changed my flight and will leave after this. I’m going to see my grandparents.”


Unexpectedly, the atmosphere plummeted by 10 8000 zhang.

The clear sky suddenly exploded with a thunderbolt, then there was a strong wind outside, and dense clouds, causing even the inside to darken.

Bai Xinyu and Du Bai’an buried their heads in the fight with the vegetables that Yin Moshu brought over, not only did they dare not speak anymore, they didn’t even dare to raise their heads, especially, they didn’t dare to look in Yin Moshu’s direction for no reason.

Bai Xinyu looked calm on the surface, but screamed frantically in his heart.

When his father and his mother fight, the atmosphere at home is not so painful!

Gu Jinmian stood up, “I’m done eating, you guys eat slowly, I’m going to pack my luggage.”


After he was gone, the air became suffocating.

Not long after, Yin Moshu also stood up, and said with a smile, “I’m done eating too.”

The two glanced at his plate and nodded frantically.

After he left, Du Bai’an said, “You can’t waste food.”


The two ate hard, and the two ate breakfast for nearly four people.

Bai Xinyu’s suffering mask was applied layer by layer to his face.

Can’t live this day anymore.

When Gu Jinmian returned to his room, the butler was packing his luggage. He also helped the butler tidy up the bedroom.

When he pushed the suitcase out of the bedroom, it was firmly held down by someone at the door.

Yin Moshu pushed the suitcase in and closed the bedroom door.

This bedroom was quite large, but when the door was slammed shut with a “bang”, Gu Jinmian had the feeling of being locked in a cage, and being aimed by a sharp arrow without escape.

Yin Moshu was smiling, the corners of his mouth were raised, and his looks were also radiant and enchanting.

However, Gu Jinmian clearly felt his displeasure, accompanied by a faint suppressed irritability.

He removed the suitcase separating the two and took a step forward.

“Mianmian, let’s talk.”


  1. Aeanbelle Frost says:

    First fight of our couple

  2. Aeanbelle Frost says:

    Cold war rawr

  3. xiao says:

    ah ah ah so suffocating!! yes yes go and talk and resolve all problems …i want to eat more dog food!!

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