When Pride Fell at my Toes

The Closer We Get, The Farther Away We Become

Emilia’s face turned pale. Even though it was hidden by his back, she could see the blood dripping from his arm, falling drop by drop at his fingertips. A bright red stain was beginning to spread across the carpet.




“He-here! It’s the Duke’s room!”


She could hear someone running from a distance. Her whole body was trembling, and she felt her legs going weak, but if she collapsed here, she would only burden Enrico further.


With the thought that she needed to call for help, Emilia moved her trembling legs towards the door, but then she spotted a gun on the floor.


Meanwhile, Enrico was fighting the black-masked man with movements that didn’t seem possible for someone wounded in the arm.


Judging that he wouldn’t be able to continue like this with Enrico’s punches becoming faster and more powerful than before, the black-masked man targeted Emilia who was going towards the door.


However, as if that was the cause of his defeat, the black-masked man, who had been stalling for time, was helplessly hit in the face by Enrico.




It was a tremendous blow. As he tried to steady himself, stumbling to avoid falling, Enrico tripped him up by his leg and pressed his hands and knees down to subdue the struggling masked man.


Click, the sound of a gun being cocked echoed in the room. The trembling barrel touched the back of the masked man’s head. The masked man stopped struggling. Though she was young at the time it was a moment when the things she had learned from her father proved useful.


“…Well done.”


Enrico looked at her and spoke softly. With a face that seemed about to collapse, Emilia clutched the gun tightly. People rushed into the room behind her.


“You can hand it over now.”




“It’s okay.”


At Enrico’s gentle words, Emilia slowly released her grip. He took the gun and handed it to Fabio. She could see the blood flowing from under Enrico’s outstretched arm.


“Your Grace! Your wound…”


“First, let’s lock this guy up.”


As Emilia approached him urgently, Enrico raised a hand to stop her and gave an order to Fabio.


“And you, come here.”


The hand that had been blocking her lowered and took hers. Her hand was cold and still trembling slightly. He held her hand as if to confine it in his own, and they left the noisy room.


“Your Grace, you need to get treated right away. Your arm is bleeding…”


“Yes, it’s bleeding, but I’m fine.”


“How can you be fine? You were cut by a knife.”


“Yes, it’s just a cut. It’s not like I was stabbed.”


Unlike her, who was fretting, he remained calm throughout. She couldn’t understand why someone who cared so much for art was so careless about his own body. Her face contorted in frustration.


“Where are you going?”


“You keep trembling. I was going to take you back to your room.”


His concern for her even in this situation brought tears to her eyes.


“Then let’s go this way.”


“Downstairs? Ah, because of those guys.”


“Let’s just go.”


Emilia tried to recall her childhood memories and headed towards the servants’ quarters. She remembered there was a small infirmary nearby…


“Oh, there it is.”


“What are you looking for?”




“Look for it later. You should rest now. I’ll take care of my treatment.”


“…Why are you doing this! Do you really need to see me cry from guilt?”




Emilia looked up at him, her eyes stubbornly focused straight ahead. Her jade-green eyes were already welling up with tears.


“…Are you saying you’re crying now because of me?”


“Not yet!”


“Then what are these tears for?”


“These, These are…”


She turned her head away and wiped her tears with her other hand. Enrico’s lips curved into a smile. His eyes were slightly dazed, but his slowly emerging smile revealed a strange sense of satisfaction.


Enrico awkwardly covered his mouth with his hand, feeling the upward curve of his lips beneath his fingertips.








“Emilia, look at me.”


“……I don’t want to right now.”


“Why not?”


“Let’s talk after we take care of your wound.”


Thinking he was trying to send her away again, Emilia led him to the infirmary, determined to treat him first.


Seeing Emilia cry for him was something he wanted to observe more closely, but seeing her stubbornly turn her head away, he didn’t want to force her.


Enrico glanced down at their joined hands. Had anyone ever been this proactive with him before? It wasn’t the kind of relationship they had.


A flash of light flickered in his jewel-like violet eyes.


“There should be supplies to treat the wound in this room.”


Feeling reassured as Enrico followed her without resistance, Emilia quickly rummaged through the room. Watching her quietly, Enrico felt an odd emptiness where their hands had been joined. He clenched and unclenched his fist, then turned his head toward the door when he sensed someone’s presence.


It was Fabio, who had come looking for Enrico. With a gesture, Enrico signaled him to be quiet and leave. Fabio, looking puzzled, nodded slightly and retreated upon seeing Emilia packing medical supplies. The door closed silently behind him.


Emilia quickly approached with basic first aid supplies.


“Sit down quickly.”




He dragged two nearby stools over, handing one to her and sitting on the other.


“I found some hemostatic agents. Let’s apply these and do a basic treatment. You need to call a doctor right after, though. I don’t know much about this.”


“Why call a doctor after I’ve already been treated?”


“Your Grace…”


Emilia frowned sorrowfully.


“I’m the one injured, so why are you making that face?”


“…Because I’m sorry. If it weren’t for me, you wouldn’t be hurt like this.”


Her face, filled with guilt as she looked at his wound, drew his intense gaze. His eyes meticulously took in her large eyes, soft nose, and finally her delicate lips.


She nervously applied the medicine to his wound. Strangely, it felt more ticklish than painful. His eyes shifted from her trembling lips back to her teary eyes.


There was still a hint of moisture in her eyes. Her wet eyelashes looked like petals covered in dew.




‘Those tears were for me.’


Perhaps because no one had ever cried for him, he felt strange. Enrico had an inexplicable urge to press down on his heart.


“Fortunately, the wound isn’t too deep,” Emilia muttered, looking slightly relieved. Her cheeks, usually soft, seemed hard, but her slightly relaxed mouth showed she felt a bit better.


“Your hands are very cold.”


Enrico slowly grasped her hand that had touched his arm. It felt warmer than before, but still like ice to him.


“Oh, the treatment isn’t finished. I just need to apply this.”


“I’ll hold it for you. Apply it.”




“Here, go ahead.”


“You can just let go of my hand.”


“I’m warm.”


Enrico raised her hand and gently pressed her palm to his cheek.


“Your cold hand feels nice.”


His eyelids slowly closed, his delicate eyelashes casting shadows.


Emilia’s eyes froze. She didn’t blink or breathe, stunned by the situation. Why was he doing this? Many questions rushed through her mind. His cheek, soft to the touch, felt hot.


‘Is he feverish because of the wound? They say people can talk nonsense when they have a high fever…’


Whether it was from the fever or something else, Emilia’s mind was in a daze from the unexpected situation.


As if denying reality, she stared down at him. Her eyes blinked belatedly as his eyelids lifted, revealing his beautiful eyes filled with a mix of unfamiliar excitement and satisfaction.


Time seemed to stop. Neither moved, their gazes locked, until Enrico broke the moment by raising his head. Holding the hand that had touched his cheek, he reached out and gently cupped her face as if touching something precious.




Emilia’s eyes trembled. Normally, she would have pulled away immediately. But his warm hands, his breath getting closer, felt overwhelmingly hot.


Her heart raced as if it would burst. She felt she might faint if this continued. When his nose touched hers, her vision blurred.


She couldn’t endure it anymore. She squeezed her eyes shut and turned her head slightly, causing his nearing lips to graze her cheek instead. Their mingled breaths gradually subsided into silence.




After a moment, Emilia stood up with a confused expression. Her lips moved, and she glanced at him before speaking in a strained voice.


“…I’ll be going now.”


He didn’t spare her a glance. Even as she left, his head remained lowered until the sound of the door closing prompted him to slowly lift his head.


* * * *


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Hi, I'm J! Hope y'all enjoy reading^^


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