When Pride Fell at my Toes

Estranged Gaze

In the room where darkness settled, moonlight shone. Unlike Emilia’s face, which glowed white under the blue moonlight, Enrico’s face leaning against the window was cast in shadows.


“Where are you going in the middle of the night?”


Emilia slightly stepped back as her body swayed. Unconsciously, she placed both hands on her chest like someone taking a step back, her eyelashes trembling like someone who doesn’t know where to go.


“…What’s happening, Duke?”


She had planned to leave quietly. The contract had ended long ago, and their relationship was unnecessary, so she thought it wouldn’t matter if she left now. Especially since his curiosity towards her had evaporated, if not hit rock bottom, she believed there would be no variables left.


Enrico took another step forward. No, it seemed like he had no intention of stopping as he gradually closed the distance.




Instinctively stepping back, Emilia, who felt the bed behind her, tried to stop and stand still. However, it was too late. With a thud, Emilia, who hesitated on the bed, lost her balance and ended up half-lying on it.


Emilia tried to push herself up with the strength in her arms, but the shadow looming over her was faster. Along with the woody musk scent, a cold breeze accompanied the long arms reaching beside Emilia’s face.




Despite the calm voice, the end of the words trembled.


Emilia blinked anxiously as the hand gently touched the tip of her chin. It wasn’t a strong force, but it was an irresistible touch.


As the gaze turned with the touch, Emilia met eyes with Enrico, who was looking down at her.


It was truly peculiar. Unspoken, unfamiliar emotions were etched on his always leisurely beautiful face. The deep violet eyes seemed like they could swallow her at any moment, yet the prominent blue veins in his neck breathed as if suppressing something, just like someone restraining a deep breath.


“…Please step aside. And now that we’re not in a contractual relationship, please stop showing up like this.”






His narrowed eyes subtly twitched.


“I haven’t ended it yet.”


He felt like an impenetrable wall, with no visible way to escape directly.




Finally, Emilia, her words trailing off, lifted her leg to cross over the bed. A thud was heard as her shoe caught on the bed and fell to the floor. Her bare foot brushed against the cool sheets, and as she quickly tried to retreat while sitting, her movement to cross over the bed was halted by the touch holding her ankle.




Her whole body froze as if bound by shackles. Emilia’s eyes shook widely.


“It’s okay to use it when dancing ballet, but don’t use it when running away from me.”


His hand firmly grabbed her left ankle and slowly released the grip. The teasing touch trailed down to the toes and instep as he leisurely caressed. When she tried to pull away from the persistent touch, the same hand smoothly slid up her calf, pressing firmly against her right thigh.


“I won’t let you go, you know.”


Along with the halted hand, a low and dense voice whispered. And her leg was lifted high.


Why did it turn out like this?


As Emilia’s gaze wandered into the distant past, the shadow began to lengthen.




Layers of mesh skirt fluttered around her calves as if breaking apart. Emilia Este, briskly walking, adjusted the brown shawl draped over her white ballet costume and exhaled uneasily.


“What’s happening all of a sudden?”


It was a day she had been longing for. Enduring the disdain of others, she had lived only for ballet, thinking that proving herself with this would lift the shadow cast over her life. If only that shadow hadn’t come looking for her now.


Giorgio Este.


He appeared as a distant relative after her parents passed away in an unfortunate accident, introducing himself as a relative.


“How did I end up here…?”


She knew that Giorgio, who never hid his lascivious gaze since their first meeting, wouldn’t easily let go. But this stage was supposed to provide Emilia with the foundation to assert her independence as an adult and serve as an opportunity to join a foreign ballet company. It was only natural that a prima ballerina taking a leading role among many dancers on stage would attract attention.


So, deep down, she wanted to ignore Giorgio’s calls and threats. It would have been that way if the servant who came to her dressing room didn’t deliver the message.


“He said if you don’t come willingly, he’ll come and drag you himself.”


Realizing that the person making threats and barging in was her stepbrother, Emilia suppressed a sigh and quickly moved her feet.


Fortunately, she was using the dressing room alone. If there were more people around, she would undoubtedly have received strange glances from the moment the servant appeared.


Mostly composed of commoners or fallen noble families, the ballet world would be surprised if Emilia’s noble status, hidden so far, were revealed. This could lead to unwanted attention and pressure from fellow students and constraints from the teacher who had unknowingly allowed her to participate freely.


Moreover, since finishing the stage safely today was the top priority, she couldn’t afford to provoke Giorgio and cause a disturbance.


Anxious steps turned into a run, and eventually, the emergency exit came into view. Although it was a corridor connecting to the second-floor box seats, it was not a crowded area, so there was no hesitation. As she grabbed the door handle and turned it, her body leaped out.




And at that moment, Emilia’s eyes widened. Contrary to her expectation that there would be no one around, a large figure suddenly appeared. Instinctively raising her arms to stop, she tried to halt belatedly, but there was no way to prevent the collision. In the end, her body recoiled backward as her arms bumped into a sturdy back.




Fortunately, A catastrophic fall didn’t happen. Emilia reflexively exerted force on the hand holding the wall and stabilized her swaying body. Then, she looked up to find the person she collided with.


‘It’s a secluded area, isn’t it? A staff member, perhaps? Ah…’


Emilia’s gaze stopped at one place. A well-dressed man with a shining pair of shoes was walking away as if nothing had happened. She stared absentmindedly at his indifferent back for a moment, holding her breath. The man, wearing a luxurious black coat, not only had a noble appearance but also exuded an aura that made approaching him difficult.


“Lady, are you okay?”




Emilia blinked for a moment before opening her mouth. Fortunately, he didn’t seem like a noble causing a scene, but on the other hand, she wondered how to react to someone treating her as if she didn’t exist.


Should she wait until he leaves first? But perhaps she should at least apologize for accidentally bumping into him. A momentary conflict flashed across Emilia’s face. And just as her lips, which had been sealed for a while, were about to open again, a man suddenly intervened from the side and stood in front of her as if shielding her.




“If there’s anything uncomfortable, please let me know.”


“I’m fine. But…”


“Lady, It’s fortunate that you are okay.”


As Emilia briefly glanced at the distancing nobleman, the man in front of her grinned and interrupted once again. It seemed like a reaction avoiding any mention of nobility itself.


“Ah, just hoping for a quiet passage.”


Emilia nodded slightly with closed lips. She, too, had a busy journey ahead and found it more thankful not to detain or inquire. She gently adjusted her disheveled shawl, stepping aside. As she was about to send a discreet nod as a signal to go ahead, the nobleman in front suddenly spoke at the entrance to the spectator seats.




A voice as low and cool as the dawn sky pierced her ears.


“Yes, Your Grace.”


Emilia’s pupils trembled.


Your Grace? This was an unexpected high noble. Emilia, hands clasped in front of her chest, stepped back hesitantly. Simultaneously, the man turned, politely bowing his head in response. The title of Duke was still visible from his back. However, as he slowly turned his head to the side, his profile was revealed.


“Enrico, Micele?”


She recognized him instantly. Even Emilia, an outsider to nobility, had heard plenty from her colleagues and couldn’t miss the unmistakable presence.


He was the younger brother of the current king and the most prominent figure in the kingdom.


“Fetch a new coat.”


His black coat, which had been draped over his broad shoulders, fell to the ground with a thud. His chiseled nose and deep eyes were revealed, and for a moment, his amethyst eyes briefly glanced at the man named Favio. Even though it was only half-visible, Enrico Michele’s face was strikingly handsome, and as cold as the weather outside



Emilia tried to maintain a calm expression as she gazed at the disappearing man, but her head snapped up at the sound echoing in her ears. Ding-dong. The resonating bell signaling the entrance filled the theater. This was not the time for such a moment.





Hi, I'm J! Hope y'all enjoy reading^^


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