What Does That Evil Dragon Live For?

WDEDLF-Chapter 80

[Elaine. You will have to stay at the temple for a while.] 


“Uh? I don’t mind staying at the temple, but why are you suddenly saying that?”


[I guess I need to build up my power, but it’s dangerous to take you out and do activities. until I can build up my power.] 


“Are you very unwell?”


[I didn’t know, but the magic core was a little damaged. Hunting monsters once or twice a week isn’t going to heal it]


At those words, Elaine’s eyes widened as if something big had happened and she held onto Rabes’ front paw tightly.


“And yet you stayed here with me because of me?? Rabes….”


[What’s wrong with you? It’s not because of you, it’s just that I was lazy. Don’t do this.] 


Rabes stepped back in embarrassment and pulled out his buttocks, but did not remove his front paw that Elaine was holding.


[I will take care of stopping your uncle’s family, so don’t be too anxious. However, like yesterday, when you find yourself in the imperial palace, be sure to call me. Understand?] 


“Yes. alright.”


[I’m sorry for not letting you leave sooner. I feel a bit embarrassed by the promise that I could do anything.]


“No! This is something that even Rabes didn’t expect. And now that I have friends, life at the temple is not difficult.”


Elaine, who was planning to stay at the temple for the time being and think about the future, answered lightly.


Although Rabes felt a little bitter about the fact that Elaine had friends other than him, he decided to be thankful that Elaine was not alone in this temple.


[I’ll solve it as quickly as possible.] 


“Rabes, don’t worry about me.”


Elaine smiled and comforted Rabes, who was more anxious than she was.


Rabes was comforted by that warm smile, but at the same time, he felt even more anxious.


‘I will never be defeated by them this time. never!’


The memories of being robbed of his only sanctuary still tangled his entire body.


* * * 


84 Plona Street, Aix District, Lecce City.


It wasn’t long before the front door of the mansion, which had been closed for a long time, was reopened.


The mansion was completely covered with ivy and was so old that it looked as if it would collapse at the slightest touch, but only a year or so ago it had suddenly reappeared in all its glory.


Because the trees around the mansion walls were dense, no one noticed the change.




Sergey walked into the mysterious mansion and looked for the mansion’s butler in a stern voice.


“Welcome, my lord.”


The butler, who appeared to be in his early fifties, greeted the young, no, ‘young-looking’ master politely.


Sergey sat down on the sofa without any hesitation and spoke.


“We need to speed up the process of raising the Lindell family.”


“I think it’s fast enough.”


Hubert responded with a slightly dissatisfied expression.


While his master had been asleep for five hundred years, he and the rest of Sergey’s subjects had been protecting the Lindell family, waiting for their master to return at any time.


Sometimes he pretends to be Count Lindell, and sometimes he pretends to be a vassal of the Lindell family.


So when his master suddenly appeared after five hundred years, he was pleased and nervous, because his master was both incredibly powerful and somewhat temperamental.


Sure enough, his master, who entered this mansion in the form of a young man with black hair and bright blue eyes, ordered them to bring the Count Lindel family back to life and disappeared.


His master doesn’t know how much hardship Hubert and his colleagues have endured since then.


‘I wish he would give me some magic power and make me work, but he always threatened to eat me.’ 


Hubert grumbled his dissatisfaction inside, but it did not affect his arbitrary and powerful master.


“I guess I’m too nice to you, aren’t I?”


“Ah, no, no, that’s not what I meant, our magic power is also limited…”


“Well, I’m going to go hunting for monsters soon. I’ll collect a lot of magic cores, so eat some of them and use your strength.”


It was a welcome sound to hear.


Hubert was unable to hide his joy and revealed the demon’s tail and waved it gently.


“Well, if you say so, I think we can do our best too. Ahaha. however…may I ask why you are suddenly in a hurry?”


Sergey’s eyes darkened at Hubert’s light question.


“The dragon clan has appeared.”


“What? The dragon clan?”


“He must have come to catch me. He might try to seal me again.”




Hubert unconsciously took a couple of steps back.


“a…are you sure?”


“The magic wave is a bit strange, but it’s definitely a dragon. I’ve hidden my magic, so I don’t think he noticed me.”


Sergey gulped down the drink the maid had brought him.


Since it was a drink that dissolved the magic core of a small monster, it was perfect for refreshingly quenching his thirst.


“Then shouldn’t we be preparing to fight rather than raising the Lindell family?”


“Even if he’s a dragon, I don’t think his magic power is as strong as mine, so he shouldn’t be able to attack me carelessly. Well, That’s why he lured my contractor five hundred years ago, sneaky bastards.”


Sergey gritted his teeth.


“It’s still unclear what his purpose is. He doesn’t seem to know that Elaine is my contractor. But the moment he notices my presence, he will definitely target Elaine.”


“Well, I guess so.”


“So, we need to raise the Lindell family, set up a sufficient barrier around this mansion, and then hide Elaine here. Fighting that guy is the next problem.”


Hubert, who knew the full story of how Rabes ended up in the seal, sighed deeply and nodded.


“Contractors are such a troublesome weakness for a master. Don’t other dragons even have contractors?”


“As you say, contractors are a weakness for dragons. Do you think they would just make a contractor like that? It can only be created when something extraordinary happens where a dragon receives favor from a human.”


Sergey also sighed.


Elaine was a very precious and cherished person to him, but at the same time, she was also his greatest weakness.


If the exact same situation occurred as it had five hundred years ago, he would not be able to retrieve the magic core within her body.


“As long as she is hidden within the temple’s barrier, even the dragon clan will not be able to easily find Elaine’s location. But that guy won’t stand still either. So you have to hurry.”


“Yes, I understand. I will look for more demons to use as vassals. Master, please bring me plenty of the monster’s magic core.”


“Okay. By the way, is the maid I mentioned last time doing well?” 


“You mean Emily?”


Hubert grinned at the mention of Emily.


“It’s a good thing she’s a rather obtuse human being because she caught a couple of guys using magic in front of her once, but she had no clue what it was.”


“Even if she notices, she will cooperate with us. She is a human being with nowhere to go anyway.”


“But if you bring back Miss Elaine, I’ll make Emily her personal maid, so it’s better if she doesn’t know anything until then.”


“Very well, I’ll trust you to take care of that. You’ve lived for over five hundred years, you should be capable of that.”


Sergey passed all responsibility to Hubert and stood up.


“See you later.”


“Yes, see you.”


Sergey walked to the window and opened it. He jumped from the second-floor railing into the sky and transformed into the black dragon Rabes.


The sound of flapping wings created a strong wind, but it only lasted for a moment.


When Hubert opened his squinted eyes again, Rabes’s figure was already far away on the other side.


* * * 


“You have now been given the title of new saints. So, starting next week, you will begin to take on the duties of a saint. Everyone knows what ‘Day of Service’ is, right?”


At the beginning of the priest standing on the podium, small sighs were heard here and there.


The saints who had been in the temple for a year were finally getting to participate in the Day of Service.


However, not all saints were mobilized for the same work.


The places from which saints were selected varied depending on what family they came from or how much the family gave in donations.


“Saints Lorina Dardil, Amy Weiss, and Lily Lumen, you will be helping Priest Cicero in his office.”


“Saints Cyril Ehud, Lucas Daforet, and Arthur Camden, please help us manage the library shelves.”


While saints from good families were selected for positions that would not be very difficult, saints from poor families were assigned to difficult positions on a differential basis.


“Saints Evelyn Pinet and Catherine Dale can help with the laundry room work, and Saints Elaine Newt and Brianna Otis can help with the work in the dormitory management office.”


Elaine, who thought she would only be selected for the job of cleaning up trash, just like in her previous life, was selected for a job that was so easy that it was no different from the job assigned to Lorina.


It was clear that this was a change that only happened to Elaine, as Evelyn, who was in a similar position to Elaine, but with a prettier face and a better sense of humor, was assigned to the laundry room, just as she had been in Elaine’s previous life.


* * *

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