What Does That Evil Dragon Live For?

If the contractor died of natural causes before making all three wishes, the contract would normally expire, but if she was killed by someone, Rabes could not escape the bondage of the contract.

To have to wait until Lancer’s third reincarnation was terrible, even though Rabes lived forever.

‘I can’t help it. I have no choice but to protect her until she finishes her wish.’ 

He had to protect her because she was not interested in survival to the extent that she had no will to use it even if she held Rabes power’s.

However, it was ironic that the cunning and calculating Lancers Aquinal was reincarnated as such an idiot. 

‘Let’s wait for the right time while watching over her.  Looking at the situation, I think she will use the second wish quickly.’ 

Rabes sighed a little when he saw Elaine surprised even though he only healed her wound, but he snorted, thinking that making Elaine’s wish come true wouldn’t be too difficult.

* * *

[What is this place?] 

“Hahaha, this is my room.”

Elaine answered, breathing heavily after climbing the stairs.

The attic of the Newt mansion, which she saw again for the first time in 10 years, was as it was in her memory. 

The old bed, small table, a window without even curtains, and moldy wallpaper made her nostalgic for some reason.

“It’s really just like my memory.”

Elaine gave a faint smile at the sight of the old room after a long time, but Rabes’ expression was very strange.

[Have you grown so bold that you can joke with me?]

“Oh, no. I never joked.”

[I can transform into a human form. Even before being sealed, even before returning, I pretended to be a human and acquired knowledge about the human world.]

“Do you…?”

Elaine barely swallowed her comment that she didn’t seem to know too much about such things.

[I don’t know if it’s a commoner, but I’ve never seen a noble use a room like this.]

“Ah, you’re right… But I don’t really qualify as a noble.” 

Elaine took a deep breath and placed the wooden tray in her hand on the small table. Then she sat down on a small stool and began to eat the brown bread and the plain soup from the tray. 

“Because of Lord Rabes, I am not starving. Thank you.”

[What do you mean, thanks to me?]

“It’s just something like that.”

Rabes didn’t pay much attention to Elaine’s words as he was busy looking around the small and shabby room, but Elaine was a little pleased with the small change Rabes had made.

She still wasn’t sure if she could call it a past life, but on this day in her past life, Elaine starved.

It was because she came in with a bleeding wound that made Ellie scream when she saw it.

“That poor bastard! Didn’t you purposely come in to scare Ellie without wiping your blood?”

“To reflect on that wicked mind, there is no dinner tonight! Emily! Don’t give that girl a grain of flour!”

Having received the order, Emily felt sorry for Elaine’s situation, but a lowly maid could not dare disobey the count’s orders.

But this time, thanks to Rabes’s healing her wound, she was able to pretend nothing had happened and get her dinner.

The cousins, who had clearly seen the blood earlier, exchanged surprised glances with each other and seemed bewildered.

She was only determined to survive the tough times again, but thanks to Rabes, the memory of starving on her 16th birthday faded, and she felt like she had received an unexpected gift.

‘I was overwhelmed with gratitude because the soup felt warmer than usual…’

‘Maybe Lord Rabes is a birthday gift from my mom’

A very, very big gift was prepared by a mother who felt sorry for her daughter who was suffering alone and was not at peace after she died.

Elaine was lost in such sentimental thoughts when Rabes broke the mood with a crooked voice.

[I ask again, are you really not going to kill those humans earlier?]


[After all, you are a saint. I mean, a real saint who has risen to the ranks of adults.]

“No. I’m not holding it in because I’m a saint, it’s just that you shouldn’t be killing people just because of something like that.”

Rabes laughed at the absurdity of Elaine as she tried to teach him. 

He clearly saw the table of the count’s family, whom Elaine had just passed by.

Freshly grilled chicken with brown skin dripping in oil, soft-looking white bread, steaming tomato stew, and seasonal fruits, the table was full. 

Rabes looked at the pale soup and crumbly brown bread on Elaine’s table, then looked back at Elaine.

[Anyway, since I think you haven’t realized it yet, so I’ll let you know how to use my power.]


Rabeth flapped his wings, circled the room once, and landed across from Elaine. 

[It’s very simple. closes your eyes and recites a spell while thinking of me. Recurro Rabes!]


[Yes. Then my power will be on you and you will naturally realize the extent of what you can do. Then, think of anything you want to do within that range. It’s easy, right?] 

Actually, this was possible because a part of Rabes’s magic core was already in Elaine’s body, but Rabes refrained from talking about it.

“Can you lend me your power like that? Then there is no need to decide on three wishes.”

[As expected, humans use their brains in a sneaky way first. But don’t worry. The power you can borrow is only a small part of my full power.]

Elaine tilted her head while chewing on the soup-soaked bread as if she didn’t understand well after hearing the explanation.

Rabes was frustrated with Elaine, so he tapped the floor with his tail.

[It will be easier to understand if you try it yourself. Try it quickly!] 

Elaine didn’t really believe it, but it wasn’t like she couldn’t do it, so she wiped her hands roughly on her skirt and closed her eyes.

“Recurro Rabes!”

Even at the moment of reciting the spell, recalling the already cute figure of Rabes, Elaine didn’t think much of it.

However, as soon as she finished reciting the spell, the heat began to spread from the middle of his forehead to her whole body, and she opened her eyes with a sense of exhilaration that Made her feel like she could really do anything. 

Rabes, who was watching this, smiled in satisfaction and whispered.

[how is it? Did you realize the greatness of my power? Now think about what you want to do.] 

Unfortunately, however, Rabes was not omnipotent.

He could control water, fire, earth, and air at will, and he could achieve things like healing wounds, moving through space, killing or reviving plants and animals, and changing the weather for a short period.

It was obviously a great power, but Elaine, who was hungry right now, was more desperate for white bread and meat stew. 

“I want to eat freshly baked white bread and a meaty stew…Can’t that be?”

The arrogant expression on Rabes’s face instantly turned pouty.

[Are you going to do just that with my power?] 

“Sorry. I’m hungry…” 

Rabes let out a long sigh.

[It’s God’s domain to create something out of nothing. But I can threaten humans with my own power and ask them to serve such food! The results are the same!] 

“I don’t want to eat it that way.” 

At Elaine’s answer, Rabes’ brow wrinkled.

[I can’t believe this weak-minded kid is my contractor…?] 

“I am not weak-minded but this is common sense… No, no, I’m sorry.”

[Yeah, well… it’s better than being a crook, Eat the food first.…I’m sorry I couldn’t change it to something delicious.] 

Rabes’s confident shoulders, no, the wings drooped. He also seemed quite embarrassed.

‘I shouldn’t have talked about bread or stew.’

Elaine felt sorry for hurting Laves.

However, for Elaine, who had to fight hunger not only in Newt’s days but also for most of her life, eating was a very important issue. Delicious meals are more important.

‘Well, I can’t help it.  I will be careful next time…eh?’ 

Elaine was startled as she lowered her head to eat, slightly sour brown bread and pale soup.

The brown bread had become soft and chewy white bread with a hint of butter, and the soup had turned into a flavorful creamy soup.

“How did this happen…?!”

[I can’t create something out of nothing, but I can change something that already exists into something similar in shape. It’s attribute conversion magic. If there was anything in the soup, I could have replaced it with meat, but there was nothing…]

Rabes still had a low voice, but Elaine’s eyes were colored with joy and delight as she ate the soup.

“It’s amazing, Lord Rabes!”

[Eh? Really? But it’s not a meat stew.]

“This cream soup is so delicious, too! How long has it been since I last had white bread! I think I’m going to cry…” 

Elaine wasn’t just talking empty words, she really tore and ate the bread with tears in her eyes.

Without the support of the Newt family, Elaine could only eat white bread when the emperor or a distinguished guest visited the temple, and it was even more delicious than what she had eaten before.

Seeing Elaine expressing the joy of eating delicious food with her whole body, the corners of Rabes’ mouth went up.

[Hmm. In fact, attribute conversion magic is also a great thing.]

“Sure! Lord Rabes is really… really the best dragon in the world!”

[Now you’re saying something like that.] 

no matter what Rabes said, Elaine nodded her head loudly and happily filled her stomach.

* * *

Hello! if you want to buy me a coffee you can click here thank you(⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠)


  1. Archont says:

    I like their interactions 😁😁😁

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