What Does That Evil Dragon Live For?

“Hmm…Is there anyone?”


The atmosphere was so serious that Daniel was questioning because he had high expectations.


At that time, Elaine cautiously raised her voice.


“Out of the darkness of the beginning, the One God opened his eyes, and light came into being. When light divides the darkness, all things begin to emerge from the darkness.….”


Since it was the beginning of the scriptures, passages that everyone roughly knew but could not fully memorize flowed out of Elaine’s mouth.


Elaine’s voice echoed in the silent class until the last word was uttered and it faded away, and Daniel nodded with an invisible smile.


“Excellent. The saint’s name is…?”


“Elaine Newt.”


“Saint Elaine. You will get your first point in catechism class.”


Daniel smiled as he wrote something in a notebook that looked like an attendance list.


As the saints members started talking about ‘point’, Daniel started talking about the scholarship system.


The catechism will literally consist of the teacher’s questions and the saints’ answers, and the answers would be scored and totaled once every half year, with scholarships awarded to the top three.


“Scholarships don’t just mean receiving a few pennies. it means you’re pious and studious enough to be in the top three among the sons and daughters of a prominent family, and it’s a matter of honor for your family.”


The class seemed taken aback by the unexpected competition, but Daniel actually seemed happy.


“Over the years that I have been teaching this class, I’ve had numerous requests to give away the questions in advance. Usually, it was done with dishonest bribes. I warn you in advance, if you do that, you will get points deducted. I will only look at ability, so saints, please work hard.”


Some people were already sighing at the sight of Daniel standing upright as a board.


Daniel continued his class without paying attention to such an appearance.


“Okay, shall we move on to the next question? There are three hardships that Lord Bara faced after creating this world. What is it?”


After the topic of scholarships came up, everyone competitively raised their hands, and Daniel received an answer in the order in which raised their hand first.


However, due to the sudden situation, no one could come up with a perfect answer, and then Elaine raised her hand again and answered.


“The devil sleeping in the darkness was jealous of Lord Bara’s glory and planted seeds of evil throughout the world that Lord Bara had created. Selfishness grew in the hearts of all things that lived in harmony and began to break Lord Bara’s rules. Among them, there are three people whom Lord Bara loved the most who doubted Lord Bara and fell away.”


“Exactly. That’s amazing, Saint Elaine.”


Daniel, who had only smiled lightly until now, smiled broadly and clapped his hands.


After just two questions, everyone in the class turned curious glances toward Elaine.


Of course, not all of those views were favorable.


‘It looks like Lorina is really annoyed?’ 


Elaine could feel it without seeing it.


‘I thought that what happened after the second catechism class in my previous life could happen after this session if I did well in this life.’


‘It would be better for it to happen now rather than after I had become friends with other saints. Then I won’t be disappointed…’


After the catechism session ended and Daniel left the class first, as expected, Lorina got up and came in front of Elaine.


“I don’t know how you knew in advance what questions would come up today, so don’t act arrogant.”


“That’s funny, Lorina. Priest Daniel said this earlier. He can’t tell us the questions in advance.”


“Hahah! I’m sure L’Arch would have told you. He is afraid you will ruin the family’s reputation.”


“Are you afraid that L’Arch may have told me something that he didn’t tell you, his fiancé? Don’t worry, nothing like that happened.”


Elaine tried to respond nonchalantly as much as possible.


However, Lorina seemed displeased that L’Arch’s name had even come out of her mouth.


“How dare you mention L’Arch’s name? On the subject of a commoner’s illegitimate child!”


The eyes of the surrounding saints widened at the shout.


“Illegitimate child?”


“What are you talking about?”


Lorina, who successfully attracted everyone’s attention, smiled wryly and revealed Elaine’s identity.


“I’m sure everyone has heard of the nickname ‘Newt’s stain,’ right? Elaine here is the main character of that name. If she’s the illegitimate daughter of a commoner….then she’s not even a noble, is she?”


There were gasps and intakes of breath from all around.


The children who grew up only among nobles took a step back from Elaine as if she were some kind of contagious disease.


However, Elaine did not feel embarrassed or sad like in her previous life.


‘This kind of thing happens the same way. that’s interesting.’ 


It was just amazing to see something that had already happened once happen over and over again.


And remembering her immature response at the time, Elaine felt a little embarrassed and bitter.


‘I couldn’t say a word back then and ran away from here.….’ 


What on earth had she done wrong to be so ashamed?


It was not Elaine’s will that she was born as an illegitimate child, was enrolled into the Newt family, or came here as a saint.


‘So why should I be criticized?’


‘Of course, I didn’t mean to be so easy this time…’


Elaine said while looking directly at Lorina, who raised her chin in front of her.


“So that’s your official position as the future Newt’s daughter-in-law, right?”




“Like I said last time, I was always curious. Why did my uncle go to the trouble of enrolling me into the Newt family and giving me a noble status instead of kicking me out?”


Elaine shook her head as she slowly packed textbooks and high-quality stationery into the high-quality leather bag that L’Arch had bought her.


“Look at this. Even though I said I didn’t need it, they bought me these expensive things. In your view, all of this is wasteful and pointless, right?”


“of course!”


“My uncle is so stupid for not knowing what you also know, right?”


Only then did Lorina’s mouth shut. 


But Elaine had no intention of seeing it at this level.


“Let everyone around you know that Count Newt is so stupid that Count Dardil’s daughter, who is not even an adult, points it out. How can a commoner become a saint? Count Newt is out of his mind. his future daughter-in-law is worried about his family name.”


As Elaine spoke loudly to the saints around her, Lorina’s complexion turned pale.


“What are you doing now?”


“What do you mean? I’m taking your side. You don’t like what my uncle decided, right? So do I.”


At first glance, Elaine looked like a follower of Lorina as she placed her hand on her chest and nodded with a serious face.


At that point, Lorina began to make excuses to the saints around her that it wasn’t like that.


However, it was true that Lorina came forward and insulted Elaine by calling her an illegitimate child, it was true that Lorina was the one who would become the daughter-in-law of the Newt family, and it was also true that Lorina confirmed everything Elaine said earlier.


So it was hard for the Saints around her to understand what was wrong.


Elaine, who was smiling inwardly, held the shoulder of the embarrassed Lorina and spoke gently.


“But Lorina, you are so brave. How dare you publicly criticize your future father-in-law. I also want to learn that kind of courage from you. Stay strong in the future! I will support you.”


After saying those words, Elaine lightly turned around and walked out of the classroom.


In the previous life, Elaine, who ran away first, was the loser, but this time, Lorina, who stayed behind, was the loser.


‘I feel refreshed inside! It was like openly admitting a fact that I wanted to deny in my past life, so I felt relieved.’


Others were using the term illegitimate to hate Elaine, but if the proud Count Newt had not dragged Mariel away, Elaine would not have been an illegitimate child.


‘Who said I wanted to be a noble or something? If he had left it alone, my mother and I would have been living happily as commoners.’ 


Therefore, she did not want to insist that she was not an illegitimate child or a commoner, nor did she want to be ashamed of not being a formal noble. The people who should be ashamed were Rubaine, the main culprit who created this situation, and Lorina, who attacked without knowing what was coming.


‘I hope they end up fighting among themselves.’ 


Elaine, who was having a naughty mind for the first time in her life, did not realize that she was smiling faintly.


* * * 


As the clear spring light spreads everywhere and the new- saints begin to adapt to temple life, Elaine’s familiar days begin to unfold.


The saints, led by Lorina, began to see Elaine with cynical eyes.


[What is it about her that makes her treat the others like subordinates?] 


“Count Dardil is a powerful man. The saints of the temple are probably nobles after all, and they try to somehow stick with the children of powerful families. Lorina is also the daughter-in-law of the Newt family.”


[A cub, no, a child, and they’re already thinking about that?] 


Rabes, who had been taught by Elaine that young humans should be called ‘child’ or ‘kids’ rather than ‘cub’, corrected the sentence brilliantly.


Elaine nodded, feeling proud inside.


“These are children who grow up receiving such an education from the time they are born.”


[Certainly not like 500 years ago. At least they were as naive as children then.]


“That’s good. I wonder if the saints back then would have been able to get along—?”


[Uh….probably not.]


Laves had an awkward expression on his face as he thought of Lancers, who hadn’t been able to blend in with the nobility even after he began to wander the empire and be treated as a ‘great wizard’.


Of course, Elaine didn’t say that because she wanted to become close to the saints.


This is because she has seen in a past life how they become vicious as they get older and start to be influenced by social circles.


[You gave that girl a real punch last time. Nothing has changed since then?] 


“I guess he went through a bit of trouble making excuses and saying that wasn’t what she meant, so nothing fundamentally has changed. In fact, I feel like she’s getting more and more evil.”


[Keukeukeukh. I regret that I wasn’t there!] 


When Rabes heard what happened after the last catechism class, he rolled around on her bed and laughed.


It was a bit surprising that the dragon’s rolling laughter looked similar to a human’s, but Elaine was in a good mood after that, thanks to Rabes, who praised her several times and said, ‘Good job!’ 


But she didn’t think Lorina would be quiet after something like that happened.


* * *

Hello! if you want to buy me a coffee you can click here thank you(⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠)


  1. Nova says:


    TY for the translation, Chewyy!

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