Villainous Lady, The Obsession Begins

【 Chapter 5 】



After Minuelle left, Esadien was left alone and had a strange expression on his face. It seemed as though something in his chest had sunk coldly, but also as though he was feeling uneasy. For him, who had pursued a simple and calm life since being adopted by the Emperor, it was a very unfamiliar feeling.




With an inexplicable feeling, Esadien let out a sigh. And at the end of it, naturally, Minuelle’s voice followed.


“Why suddenly… did I make a mistake today?”


It was right after he said he didn’t want our relationship to get any closer. Startled, Esadien calmly explained the reason to the surprised Minuelle. He accepted the engagement to repay the Emperor and the Grand Duchess’s favor. He originally had no intention of getting involved with anyone, so he cannot return the same emotions she has for him.


“Ah, I…. I acted too much, did I?”


After listening to Esadien’s story, that was the first thing Minuelle said after a long silence. She was someone who usually expressed her emotions clearly, and her hurt expression showed.




Esadien, who was about to say no to her, quietly bit his lip. Come to think of it, he couldn’t say no.


“At first I thought you wanted to break the engagement.”


Esadien was not the son of the Emperor. He was just a prince who was adopted for various reasons and has no power or influence. So it was natural for the Duke family to refuse him. Minuelle did not deny this and just looked down at her knees.



“But you didn’t. Then I thought it would be better to at least stay calm.”


What Esadien wanted was a dry and formal relationship, just like the usual upper-class aristocrat. Love, after all, was fleeting. Esadien knew that better than anyone else. Therefore, excluding such emotions from the beginning was better. And that was the only way no one would get hurt.


“Did I harm Your Highness’s peace?”


Even though his heart hurt a little now, Esadien believed firmly. But he couldn’t figure out why he felt so uncomfortable.

“Your Highness, Lady Karinen is getting soaked in the rain.”

The startled voice of the attendant closing the windows for ventilation awakened Esadien from his thoughts. He knew that the Emperor and the Crown Princess had taken care of various things for the sake of just one person, Minuelle. But why was she getting wet in the rain?

‘Are you protesting or something?’

As he approached the window, he could really see the pink-haired head. It was a moment when he was feeling annoyed, and his eyebrows were furrowed. As if she felt the gaze, Minuelle turned around, and their eyes met even though they were a bit far away. Her soft sky-colored irises swelled up.


And in the next moment, like a deer meeting a tiger, Minuelle rushed into the hallway. Even though Esadien didn’t say anything.

Watching her figure, which he thought was running hard but was getting slower and slower, Esadien’s mood became strange once again, even though he didn’t say anything.


The next day, the sun shone brightly through the long clouds like a lie. The Emperor’s garden, always impeccably maintained, glimmered even more beautifully with water droplets.

“Please come in, Your Highness the Third Prince and Lady Karinen.”

The person in charge of the entire management of the imperial garden greeted them with a smile. It was the first time for Esadien to step into the garden, but all he could see was not the beautiful scenery, but only Minuelle who was admiring the surroundings with constant admiration.

“Oh my gosh, it’s so pretty!”

Considering yesterday’s reaction, he thought she wouldn’t visit for at least a few days, but Minuelle appeared at around the same time as usual as if nothing had happened.

‘It turned out that this woman also has a pretty thick face.’

Despite her lax appearance, she was the daughter of a high aristocrat.

Esadien thought so.

“This garden was created by the late Emperor for his Empress. Originally it was a plain, but the ground was dug up to create a lake, and the two hills, which were full of your memories, were moved here as they were.”

“The late Emperor? Wasn’t it created over several generations?”

“Hahaha. It is said that many magicians were mobilized and it was completed in three months, My Lady.”

The sound of a casual conversation between the manager and Minuelle could be heard. The manager explained in detail, even the things that were not asked, with excitement, and her honest reactions without holding back.

“Then the place where the original hill was….”

As Minuelle was questioning him, her eyes suddenly met with Esadien’s. He instinctively stiffened his body, thinking that she would run towards him as usual. However, Minuelle simply gave a faint smile and a brief greeting before continuing her conversation with the manager.


Esadien felt a strange feeling again as he deliberately looked away from Minuelle without returning her greeting.


‘I am very concerned.’

It’s impossible, but it feels like Esadien’s gaze keeps falling on me. Of course, it’s probably just my imagination.

‘It’s hot…..’

Even though she was wearing a summer dress, it was still hot. She lightly pressed her sweat-drenched forehead with a handkerchief to prevent her makeup from smudging. Normally, she wouldn’t worry about it, but she had a fever overnight after feeling upset and frustrated yesterday when she got caught in the rain for a moment. The protagonist of a romance novel may be healthy, but she was only human.

“You know it was raining, why are you getting rained on! Are you stupid?”

Ramande gave a sarcastic lecture and infused me with divine power. It was almost unbearable and I thought my ears were bleeding, but it did give me some strength back. Worried about my remaining feverish skin getting irritated, I asked my maid to bring me thicker bedding, but Ramande simply told me to rest until I felt better.

‘Still, stopping immediately seems like a protest.’

It’s not that I wasn’t hurt by it. However, as I pondered over Esadien’s words, I realized that I had pushed my emotions too much onto someone who wasn’t prepared for it. Honestly, I reflected on my actions.


The water lilies, planted around the lake, were said to be a symbol given by the former emperor to his empress, and as I listened to the explanation, I suddenly met eyes with Esadien. It was the second time.

‘It’s a coincidence. A coincidence.’

I clenched my hands tightly, trying to suppress the urge to link arms with him under the excuse of being escorted.

‘Let’s hold it in. I have to hold it in.’

Even cats run away when approached with cuteness. I startled the wild ca— no, I startled the prince too much.

“Okay, I think I’ve given you a rough guide. Shall we now take a boat ride on the lake?”

My stamina was dropping to the floor. But the guide’s words made me laugh out loud.

‘Finally, I will see Esadien’s muscles!’

But after a while.


High expectations lead to great disappointment.

‘No, Miss Flendena! Are you serious?’

Slim muscles like leopards….. No, I was expecting a cozy time for the two of us while calling out for the boat. What caught my eye was a large gondola decorated with brilliance.

“I am honored to serve you, Your Highness and Your Grace.”

There were even boatmen with friendly smiles on their faces. Even though it didn’t seem like the Emperor would come here to enjoy a boat ride, what was this golden and splendid boat for….

“Now, shall we get in?”

Despite my disappointment, other people were already boarding the boat. I took Esadien’s outstretched hand in front of me and tried to control my expression.

‘Where should I sit?’

A gondola is a narrow and long boat. I hesitated whether to sit next to Esadien or on the opposite side because it felt a bit awkward to be with him. But Esadien naturally held onto my hand and sat on the opposite side of the boat, ignoring the objection from the guide.

‘Is it okay?’

I briefly glanced at the side of Esadien’s face, which was as beautiful and composed as usual. Well, he said what he wanted to say, so he must feel relieved. At that moment, I felt a pang of disappointment that I was the only one still conscious of yesterday’s events.

“What’s wrong with you?”


“Is it hot?”

“Oh, a little bit, but it’s okay.”

I was startled by the sudden conversation. Even though it was probably just a courtesy question as we are engaged, my heart was pounding. Moreover, we were still holding hands.

‘Ugh. Should I let it go?’

I thought about it for a while, but I decided to stay like this.

‘He’s not gonna say anything because he’s holding my hand.’

Despite the heat, the warmth of Esadien was comforting. It was true love, even just thinking about it made my face blush with joy. I turned my gaze towards the lake so as not to show my burning face to Esadien.


It is not a waterway, but a wide lake, even an artificial lake created by humans. Every blade of grass and every stone is placed with calculation, but the beauty was real. The gentle breeze and the long boat slicing through the waves caused the sunlight to collide and break brilliantly on the clear water.

‘If it weren’t for my gloves, I’d dip my hands in the water.’

But the regret soon disappeared.

“Oh, my sunshine-like love, shine your light on me too. Even if it’s far away, I won’t turn my eyes away.”

I opened my eyes wide, unknowingly, at the boatman’s low and rich singing.

‘You sound like a real gondolier, don’t you?’

The lyrics, longing for love, and the sweet melody made me feel as if I were melting away.

‘Ah, it feels so good.’

Despite the heat, it was a good weather, with a slightly cool breeze, beautiful scenery, and singing voices. And next to me is a broad and sturdy shoulder. 

I was so carried away by the mood that I unintentionally leaned my head on Esadien’s shoulder, but then quickly regained my senses and glanced at him.

 However, it seemed that Esadien also turned his gaze toward me at that moment. My feet were numb as our eyes met, and I smiled awkwardly.



There was not a hint of a tremble in Esadien’s eyes. He didn’t even smile back at me. I had no choice but to straighten my back and look straight ahead.

‘I should have leaned on you a bit earlier.’

Overflowing with regret, I stomped my feet in my mind. In the midst of doing so, the gondolier stopped for a moment.

“This is the deepest part of the lake in this area. If you look down at the surface, you’ll see that the watercolor is different from other places.”

“Wow, that’s true…..”

How deep did you dig?

I looked down at the water, which was now slightly darker than before, and felt a shiver down my spine, so I straightened up. The gondolier laughed at my reaction.

“And now this will become your grave.”

‘Eh? Why such a murderer line all of a sudden?’

It was so sudden and unrealistic that it didn’t feel real at all. But before I could even open my mouth, Gondoriya moved like a lightning bolt. He plunged his knife into the chest of the guard who was right next to him, and his friendly smile disappeared.

‘What is this? It’s real!’

The person he had been talking to just a moment ago sank into the lake, bleeding.


While I was shocked, Esadien instinctively felt for his waist but then clicked his tongue as if he was dissatisfied. It occurred to him only then that the sword he had always carried with him when entering the entrance to the garden, the emperor’s space, had been left behind.

“Who sent you?”

And yet, despite the shock, Esadien covered me and sharply asked.

“It’s a rule not to disclose about clients.”

While I was trying to regain my composure, the gondolier, or rather the assassin, rushed towards us with bloodshot eyes.

“Just die quietly.”

“Oh no!”

There was no time for me to regain my composure or anything. Somehow, I gathered the strength and lunged at the killer, blocking him like a shield by pushing aside Esadien’s arm.


Thank you for reading!

Thank you for reading! ♡ Feel free to check my other novel on my carrd!


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