Villainous Lady, The Obsession Begins

【Chapter 13 – Can I Kiss You?】


The reason why the Karinen family holds power is to protect the empire from monsters coming over the northern mountains. Most of the imperial citizens knew it that way. Even I knew it. 

But there was one more reason.

“We guard the spirits.”

More accurately, the spirit stone that holds the Fire Spirit.

The location of the sealing magic is confidential, but those who try to find out manage to do so no matter what. They said that ten years ago, there was an incident where someone retrieved a spirit stone that had wandered off its designated location.

At that time, I, no, ‘Minuelle’ grabbed the spirit stone. Even an extremely trained knight, magician, or Apostle, would not have been able to withstand the power that an ordinary child received…

‘That’s how the real Minuelle disappeared.’

Of course, there were knights and my mother, but everyone didn’t notice Minuelle’s approach as if something possessed them.

“Although it may sound pathetic, no one has yet figured out how you managed to sneak into our midst.”

It was said to be a very brief contact. Just like holding a hot pot and dropping it, “Minuelle” screamed and immediately collapsed. However, with that brief contact, a part of the power of fire entered her body and a scar that would never be erased was left on her hand.

“The spirit…. I…..”

I unconsciously pressed my chest as I listened to the story. As always, I felt a trembling heat.

‘Wait, so this wasn’t ‘anger’ but just leftover spirit residue?’

Usually, at this point, you should change the genre to ‘The Hidden Princess with Power,’ but this can’t be used but attributed to an illness, unfortunately.

“It was to ensure a continuous supply of divine power that I left you in the temple, but on the other hand, it was also because there are many insane magicians in this world.”

My mother added that there are many magicians who would even kidnap a duchess, not just a princess, if it was for the sake of their research.

This world is a place where magic is deeply intertwined with daily life, and magicians are everywhere.

However, fortunately, there was an exception.

A place where magicians don’t enter. A place where the weakened life force can be captured and stimulated to the slightest degree. The place where Karinen has a close relationship and is willing to keep this secret. 

That place was the Temple of Flendena.

“My child, I know why you are asking this. It’s because of the recent emergence of the Church of Fire, right?”

I actually wanted to know the reason why I absorbed the fireball.

The identity of the assassin, the Masked Man, as Second Prince is still just a hypothesis. But if that’s true, I will also be targeted by him, as Esadien said. The more Esadien’s heart came to me, the more he targeted him.

‘Since I’ve also witnessed some kind of unusual power(?).’

However, my mother still seemed to feel guilty about me touching the spirit stone. I didn’t want to add any more worries to someone like her.

“There is no information that connects that group to the spirits. So, Minuelle, maybe… “


I am someone who wants to live comfortably.

“I hate those fake religion. Really.”

Even though my mind was complicated, I was relieved that my parents felt reassured by those words.


My vivid explanation must have reassured my parents, as they allowed me to go out again. Of course, I immediately went to Esadien without delay.

‘Capturing Esadien alone is overwhelming, but why are so many things exploding like this?’

At least I could try to find out more about Second Prince. Since I could neither meet nor talk to the spirits, I couldn’t see any way to do it.

‘I want to get healthy too.’

So far, everything has been relatively okay. The temple was peaceful, and Ramande was always by my side. But after going through this incident, I realized that it didn’t feel good to always be behind someone else when in danger.

‘Is my body really that weak?’

Esadien also… seems to dislike weakness, perhaps because of the early loss of his mother.

‘The only thing I can do right now is… to prepare a lot of potions and to have Ramande accompany me when I go out.’

A delicate finger snapped at my cheek as if to say that my determination to live like that was foolish.

“Are you thinking about the Prince again?”


Lost in my thoughts, I couldn’t come up with any other excuses and just stammered.

“Hey, cute little lady. Can you pay attention to this sister chattering beside you?”

“Sorry, sorry!”

Sister Juella seemed quite annoyed. Even though I smiled and apologized, she grabbed my cheeks and pulled them taut. It was a merciless touch.

“You’ve known your sin.”

“I’m sorry… I’m sorry.”

My older sister kept saying that I was wrong five times before finally letting go of my cheeks.

“Uhh, it hurts.”

Rubbing my reddened cheek, I glared at her, but she didn’t even raise an eyebrow and spoke.

“We have to start preparing from next week.”

“Well, you’re right. Time flies so fast…”

I forgot about the important event that is a month away, Sister Juella’s wedding, due to Esadien and the spirit problem.

“Our youngest, you didn’t forget, did you?”

“Ah! No, of course not! Hahaha!”

She’s sharp. 

My sister doesn’t show it in front of me, but she’s a perfectionist that no one can beat.

‘Thanks to that personality, she gained recognition from our mother and ended up leading the top of our family.’

I thought there wouldn’t be anyone in my sister’s eyes as much, but she’s getting married. I became sentimental for no reason.


I quietly counted the days in my head and came to a conclusion.

‘Before I get into full swing with the wedding preparations, I’ll have to stay up all night to prepare a gift for Esadien.’

I wanted to give Esadien a present. A repayment for the date and an apology for the messed up cotton candy from that day. Most importantly, since it would be difficult to meet for almost a month once the wedding preparations began, I hoped that Esadien would think of me while looking at my gift.

“All right.”

I clenched my fists, mentally preparing myself for an all-nighter. But it seemed like my sister’s mind was preoccupied with wedding preparations.

“Our youngest has grown up so much that she can help with this sister’s wedding preparations.”

My sister was deeply touched and gave me a shower of kisses on my face, murmuring in a moist voice. It was as if it was just yesterday when she pulled my cheeks like this!

“Ah! Did you purposely choose the date around my coming-of-age ceremony?”

“I did.”

Her beautiful eyes, like rubies, squinted in the bright sunlight.

“That was aimed at achieving maximum efficiency.”

Looking at her smiling like that, I could tell it must have been a real struggle for her fiancé, even without watching any soap dramas.

“Yes, yes. I will pass on your message and relay it.”

Laughing playfully, I replied with a smirk. Then my sister returned a mischievous smile and started tickling me.

“Where did you learn to talk like that, you little rascal?”

“Oh, no! Hahaha! Stop it!”

As I rolled around, gasping for air, I suddenly caught a glimpse of the sunny sky outside. The red light of the setting sun was spreading over the water like spilled ink.

‘Ah, I should make a present that resembles the color of Esadien’s eyes.’

I already wanted to see him again.


“I’ll take my leave now, Your Highness.”

Minuelle said with a smile, and Esadien’s eyes flickered between her face and the clock. 



His long, straight eyebrows twitched slightly at the neat answer.

After the ‘date’, Minuelle had recovered and was stamping her attendance again at the Imperial Palace.

And at the same time, a large number of boxes and letters were sent from the Second Princess of the Grand Duchess’s household, along with a lot of formalities and etiquette. If we stripped away the long-winded formalities, the contents were as follows:


「My younger sibling already eats as little as a baby bird, and it became even more severe after one bout of illness. I will provide the food for her, so I ask for your cooperation. Of course, if you refuse, it will create considerable difficulties.」


Despite the threatening tone in the final passage, Esadien agreed sincerely. Minuelle was too small and slender, and that was one reason why he could not resist her relentless onslaught of persuasion. Therefore, from that moment on, he made sure to feed her something whenever she came over.

“Meal? I already ate before coming….”

“Then think of it as a snack and eat it.”

Minuelle seemed to find it a little strange, but she didn’t refuse Esadien’s urging. Before they knew it, those days became routine. It had already been three days since Minuelle left early before he could even feed her anything.

“I’ll just have some tea today.”


“It’s okay. You don’t have to prepare meals for me for a while.”

Esadien swallowed the retort he couldn’t bring himself to say.


Normally, Minuelle would endure until sunset and only return home when Esadien persuaded her to do so. However, these days, she was repeatedly going home immediately after drinking just one cup of tea, which was quite unusual.



When Minuelle’s clear eyes looked straight at him, Esadien was once again at a loss for words. Asking why she was leaving early and if someone was waiting for her also seemed strange. It wasn’t a problem that he should have been involved in from the beginning.

“No, it’s nothing.”


As Minuelle tilted her head in confusion, Esadien felt his ears heating up little by little every time her long eyelashes blinked.

“Then see you tomorrow. I’ll miss you!”

It was fortunate that at least their farewell did not change. And Esadien struggled without realizing that he thought it was “fortunate”.

‘What is the reason?’

In a moment, the face of the priest with purple eyes flashed through his mind, but he shook his head and brushed it off. However, the same thing happened on the fourth day.

“Your Highness, today too, I miss you again.”

As always, Minuelle came in energetically and placed the teacup down, and at the same time, she smiled brightly at him.

“Your Highness, I’ll be leaving now.”

“Are you leaving?”



Esadien’s gaze scanned over Minuelle’s face and he noticed something strange. There was a slight darkness under her usually flawless eyes.

“What, what did you ask?”

For the first time, Esadien stared so piercingly that it surprised Minuelle, who astonishedly touched her own face.

“No, it’s nothing.”

Guessing that it must have been an illusion due to the reflexive denial, Minuelle greeted him again and left. As he stood by the window, watching her get on the carriage, Esadien suddenly remembered one fact.

Since ‘the date’, Minuelle never called his name again.


She has been calling him by name all the time. Esadien, who couldn’t find the answer, stayed up all night.

On the fifth day of their meeting, the dark shadow under Minuelle’s eyes had become so dark that it could no longer be denied. It was as if she had also spent sleepless nights like Esadien.

“Oh, young yady Karinen. It’s been a while since I saw you, and you’ve become a raccoon.”

At around the same time Minuelle visited the Imperial Palace, Theodore also visited and made a joke.

“Ra- raccoon? Is it that bad?”

Minuelle’s soft cheeks turned red like an apple.


Thank you for reading!


Thank you for reading! ♡ Feel free to check my other novel on my carrd!


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