Upon The Scandal With My Rival

I sighed deeply before asking, 


“Your Majesty, what is the reason for opposing the relationship between the Commander and me so strongly?”


The Emperor, who was about to mention the name of another unmarried son from some noble family, stopped mid-sentence. 


After a brief pause, he shook his head, expressing his disapproval.


I could vaguely guess the reason. 


‘Ashed Astrea is not a “human.”‘


There wasn’t any other justification aside from that. 


The Astrea Duchy had long been a loyal vassal family to the imperial family, pledging their loyalty before many other noble households. 


Despite being a powerful and influential family that had produced numerous Saintesses, they remained more loyal to the imperial family than the temple, contributing to raising the imperial status. 


As a result, in the Kentry Empire, the emperor’s authority surpassed even that of His Holiness the Pontiff.


If someone unaware of the intricacies were to overhear this conversation, they might not comprehend the Emperor’s feelings. 


Actually, Ashed wasn’t a true member of the Astrea family. 


He had been residing there even before the Duke and Duchess had produced an heir, and upon their premature deaths, Ashed took over the position to protect the Astrea Duchy’s legacy.


The Emperor knew Ashed’s true identity, and knowing everything, I chose to simply understand his feelings.


“Instead of all this talk, it would be better for you to meet and talk directly.”


“I am truly fine, Your Majesty.”


“Don’t just say you’re fine. Syren is worried about you, saying you haven’t been home since her marriage.”


There was a trace of sympathy in the emperor’s eyes. 


It seemed that distancing myself from my family was a matter of concern.


“…I understand.” In the end, I reluctantly agreed. 


I left the garden shortly after. 


Allowing the rumors to spread led to facing the talk of prospective marriage partners. 


And then, such talks led to another set of rumors.


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“I heard that His Majesty is looking for a marriage partner for the chief of the Counseling Center?”


Another rumor started spreading inside the palace. 


When Phill—always quick for gossip—brought the news, I wanted the earth to split in two and swallow me.


“Haaa. Why don’t they just put up an announcement like ‘Duchys’ Youngest Lady Shaterian’s marriage partner recruitment’?!”


“That’s a good idea. Would you like me to suggest it to His Majesty? Putting up an announcement might help you find a marriage partner, Chief.”


“That’s not what I’m saying.”


“Is it not?” Phill tilted his head, mocking me. His innocent face, except for a slightly mischievous smile, was enough to deceive anyone. 


I glared at Phill, who intentionally teased me whenever there was an opportunity.


“I’m at fault for treating you well. What do you know about your boss?”


“That you’re not as crazy as the rumors say.”


“Aren’t I completely different from the rumors?”


“Could you say that, though?”


“…Anyway. Don’t you think people in the Imperial Palace like rumors too much?”


“It’s the only entertainment in this strict workplace.”


“Haaa. Let’s get back to work.”


There was no room for delay today since there were a lot of things to handle. 


We stopped chatting and focused on our work for a while.


Knock, knock.


After some time, someone knocked on the door of the counseling room. Phill paused his work and opened the door.


“Who is it?”


“I came to meet Lady Shat–I mean, the Counseling Office’s Director.”


I looked up at the voice of the man looking for me. He was a man I knew.


The man was undoubtedly…


“Brooke Robeltaire?”


He was Count Robeltaire’s second son. 


We were Academy classmates, and currently, he serves in the Imperial Foreign Affairs Department. 


He was a man I had little contact with, so I wondered why he was looking for me.


“Come in for now.”


“Nice to see you after a long time, Chief.”


“Yeah, it’s been a while. Have a seat here. Phill, bring some tea, please.”


I directed him to the sofa in the corner. The shabby counseling office, lacking in proper decor, looked a bit awkward. 


Brooke and I sat facing each other on the sofa.


Brooke, looking uncomfortable, shifted his gaze away when I stared at him. Rubbing his palms on his thighs, he seemed uneasy and avoided making eye contact.


‘Wait a minute, is this a counseling session right now?!’


I glanced at Phill, who brought tea. He gave me a subtle nod, he seemed to have the same expectations as me.


Gulp~ Swallowing once, I cautiously asked, 


“Do you need counseling?”


“No… It’s not that. I came to discuss tomorrow’s business in advance.”


‘…Darn it.’ Unconsciously, I leaned back, resting my body against the back of the sofa. I couldn’t hide my disappointment.


Watching Phill return with a cold expression, I lifted the teacup again.


“Tomorrow? What’s special about tomorrow?”


‘Tomorrow is a holiday, a day I plan to spend rolling in bed all day. What’s there to talk about tomorrow?’


“I’m talking about our arranged meeting tomorrow.”


“Cof—cof. cof. cof!”


I was so surprised that the tea went down the wrong pipe. Brooke, looking slightly red, quickly took out a handkerchief from his pocket and handed it to me. 


Then he flinched, as if surprised by something.


‘Why are you acting like that?’


I took the handkerchief and wiped my mouth. It took a while for the coughing fit to subside.


“Thanks. I was just too surprised.”


Brooke, who stood awkwardly, sat back down. I looked at him curiously.


“What is it?”


“No, it’s nothing.”


Even though he denied it, Brooke continued to watch my reaction carefully. 


Then, I recalled.


There was a time when Brooke handed me a handkerchief, and I threw it away. 


I was walking back to the classroom after checking the grades posted on the bulletin board. The weather was bad, and I was in a bad mood. 


Then Brooke approached me.



“Use it.”

“Ha. Who are you pitying now?!”



I snatched the handkerchief from him and threw it on the ground. I even stepped on it as I walked away… 


‘Goodness. What kind of personality did you have? Seriously.’


“Ehem. But what about this sudden meeting arrangement?”


“You didn’t know?”


I did know. However, I didn’t know that the other party was Brooke, and the date was tomorrow.


“If it’s about that, you could have sent someone.”


“I came to express something I wanted to say. …Director, if you don’t mind me asking, do you have any plans on marrying me after this potential arrangement?”


He tried to act bold, but his face showed tension, probably because he was careful not to touch my feelings.


I responded casually as if it didn’t matter.


“I don’t want to. I was forced into it. It won’t happen, but sorry if you had any expectations.”




He sighed and glanced at me.


‘Was he actually expecting something?’ He smiled with a satisfied look as if my words were what he wanted to hear.


In a nonchalant tone, he added, 


“Actually, I came here to ask you to cancel this meeting altogether.”


“Then, why didn’t you refuse it from the start?”


“A Count’s household wouldn’t dare refuse a Duke’s household. Moreover, His Majesty personally called for this meeting. “


It meant that he gave in to power. I nodded in understanding.


“That must have been difficult.”


Showing sympathy, I looked at Brooke, who was staring at me intently.


“What? Why do you keep looking at me like that?”


“You seem to have changed a bit, Director.”




“Yes. If it were before, you would probably have called me presumptuous the moment I came in.”


“Would I have said just that?”


‘Wouldn’t I have caused an uproar over how dare he ignore the dukedom?’


“Well, that’s true. In fact, I hesitated countless times before coming here, but it was unnecessary worry.”


“Your courage is remarkable. Although it’s not something for me to say, some people don’t change easily.”


“Is that so? Haha.”


Brooke chuckled. I didn’t understand what was so funny.


“I apologize for the brief relief, but unfortunately, I don’t have the authority to reject this engagement either. Unless His Majesty retracts, I can’t refuse. It’s awkward for me too,” I said.


“Oh, you don’t need to worry about that. His Majesty promised me that he would understand if I broke our arrangement if you treated me carelessly.”


“So, unless I treat you recklessly, you can’t refuse.”


Brooke nodded in agreement.


If I reject it, the emperor won’t be pleased, and for him to refuse, there needs to be a reasonable cause.


In conclusion, if I cause trouble, he will use it as an excuse to refuse…


“Even if I refuse, I’ll probably get scolded by His Majesty. What’s in it for me if I go along with it?”


‘Such a materialistic person.’ I could feel Phill’s intense gaze as he was handling documents on his desk.


‘You just wait and see. I’ll catch something big.’ I held on to my expectations.


“You won’t have to marry against your will, Director.”


“Well, I don’t know.”


I shrugged at Brooke’s words.


“That applies to you too, Brooke, doesn’t it? Even if this engagement falls through for me, I’ll have to meet another man. If that’s the case, then it’s okay not to drag it out any longer and just do it with you. Is there anything else? Something worth it.”


Brooke remained silent.


“Though my personality is like this, my appearance isn’t one that you see everywhere.” I crossed my legs, flashing a seductive smile. 


According to the original work, my appearance was more attractive than the heroine’s. I wasn’t just a captivating villain who was everyone’s first love for nothing.


Even a slight smile from me would make people of all ages blush, but Brooke’s gaze remained straightforward.


“There’s someone I have feelings for.”


‘Is that so…’ I smiled slyly. I had thought of a good plan.


“Alright. Approved.”




“If this engagement is successfully called off, come to the counseling room. I’ll give you counseling. That will be our deal.”


“Will that really be enough?”


“For a counseling room with zero achievements in two years, what could be more important than a client? Oh, of course, give us good reviews and promotion as well.”


With a triumphant expression for securing a client, I looked at Phill.  Our eyes met, and he shook his head with a pitiful expression.


‘It’s all because of the director that we have no clients.’ I could almost hear him saying that.


Ignoring Phill’s gaze, I cheerfully spoke to Brooke.


“So, shall we make a plan?”


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Last night, as soon as I got off work, I was taken as if kidnapped to the townhouse, and from early morning on, I became a doll for my sister and Kirin.


“Because your skin is fair, every dress looks good on you, milady.”


“I think this jewelry is better. Jewels should be bold, after all.”


“A silver pin would suit the lady’s hair the best.”


“Go for bolder makeup. Don’t lack.”


Conversations that didn’t quite match continued incessantly. With each conversation, something was added to my appearance.


Checking myself in the mirror, I swallowed a sigh. 


Excessive makeup on my face, extravagant jewelry, and on top of that, a flashy dress. 


It was too much. 


I had adorned myself with expensive jewelry as if trying to succeed in this matchmaking.


‘Do you want me to succeed or are you trying to ruin it?!’


“Stop it now. It’s time for the appointment.”


As the appointment time approached, the sound of clashing jewelry echoed when I removed Kirin’s hand, which was touching my hair.


Sir Ruhel stood in front of the prepared carriage at the main gate. He was initially wearing a smile, but as soon as he spotted me, he gradually lost it.




‘Surprising, isn’t it? I was surprised, too.’ 


Ruhel’s eyes shook intensely. I smiled bitterly.


“I couldn’t handle it.”


While receiving his escort and getting on the carriage, he whispered for me to hear.


“Terry, don’t behave rudely, be kind. Got it?”


“Got it. I’ll be back soon.”


I wanted to quickly leave the mansion, so I closed the door and urged the coachman. Sitting on the soft velvet chair, I sighed.


“Even if I act kindly, anyone would run away at the sight of this face.”


No matter how much I looked in the mirror, the sight made me sigh. 


Instead of a matchmaking meeting, I could just jump into a wrestling ring right away. The makeup on my face made me look fierce.


Anyway, I didn’t bother removing or toning it down. The worse the impression, the better for me.


“Well, even without all this, it’s a date destined to fail anyway.”


I didn’t have to do anything; just showing the old Shaterian would be enough. 


The carriage headed faithfully towards the central district, where the appointment was scheduled.


₍ᐢ._.ᐢ₎♡ ༘ Hello~ I'm Jess. I translate K-novels. I hope you enjoy my work as much as I enjoy working on it for all of you to read.


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