Upon The Scandal With My Rival

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“The entire palace has been strangely busy since this morning.”


As Ruth entered the training ground of the First Knights order, he found himself puzzled by the unusual excitement of the knights.


‘Is there some business today?’ he wondered, thinking hard but unable to recall any special events. It was just a usual day filled with training schedules.


“Vice Commander!”


The knights who spotted Ruth rushed towards him with shining eyes. A large man asked in an agitated voice, 


“Is it true that our Commander is dating the Counseling Office Chief?”


Ruth, who was undoing his armor, stopped abruptly. For a moment, he was speechless.


Looking at the knights with questioning eyes, all of them seemed to firmly believe in the scandal involving the commander.


It was a baseless rumor.


“…If you have time to waste on silly rumors, then go do ten more laps around the training ground.”


“But it’s true. Someone saw the Director coming out of the Astrea mansion.”


“There’s also someone who witnessed their intimate moment in the garden during the party!”


“They must have been mistaken.” Ruth, who knew their relationship well, firmly believed that such a thing could never happen.


‘The Commander having a romantic moment?’ It was a rumor that did not suit him at all.


Who was Duke Ashed Astrea, anyway? 


He wasn’t just indifferent to women, but to people in general. 


He was considered even more clean and pure than the priest in the temple.


‘Who spread such absurd rumors?’ 


Ruth firmly believed that it was just baseless gossip.


‘But what if the rumor is true?’ 


Until a moment ago.


After hearing the rumor and seeing the reactions of the parties involved, vivid images played out in his mind. 


Ruth, who had opened the office door as usual, was bewildered. 


“The fact that I came out of the duke’s room that morning is true.”


The Commander and the Director were together, and it seemed like they were having a serious conversation about the rumor. 


Unintentionally overhearing the conversation, Ruth felt a cold sweat running down his spine. It was his own mistake to simply open the door as usual. 


The commander probably noticed his presence in the corridor long before. 


He usually never answers when you knock, so Ruth just decided to skip the formality and enter without asking for permission. After years of repetition, it became a habit for him to open the door without waiting. 


Today, after this incident, Ruth resolved to break that habit. 


However, what surprised him more was the word “room” used by the Director. 


Not only did the Commander bring the Director into the duke’s residence, but he also brought her into his bedroom.


‘On top of that, the unexpectedly calm demeanor…’ 


“What’s the matter?” 


Ruth absentmindedly watched Shaterian leave the room, but he snapped back to reality at the sound of Ashed’s voice. 


“Ah… A letter has arrived from the Azure Plains patrol unit. It seems that the number of monsters in the Haltania Forest is increasing.” 


“Any requests for support?” 


“There’s no request for support. With Talthos there, it should be fine, unless it’s a formidable monster.” 


Ashed nodded while flipping through the paper. 


“If it’s Talthos, it should be okay.”


Ruth was relieved that Talthos wasn’t currently in the palace. Despite being reliable, Talthos had a gossipy and mischievous personality. 


Given his temperament, he would undoubtedly show great interest in this scandal, buzzing around the entire palace like a migratory bird.


“And…” Ashed called Ruth just as he was about to leave the office.




“Don’t misunderstand; there’s nothing between me and the Young Lady.”


‘If that’s the case, why did you let the Director stay at the duke’s residence? And not in a guest room, but in your bedroom at that. And what about the romantic moment supposedly displayed in the garden?‘ 


There were many questions, but he couldn’t ask them—thorns seemed to sprout in his mouth.


“Yes, of course.”


Setting aside his curiosity, Ruth regretfully went back.


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The next day, as I prepared for work, the Emperor’s messenger arrived.


“His Majesty invites Lady Shaterian for morning tea.”


The messenger conveyed the Emperor’s wishes, not forgetting to add that I should come immediately. 


Because of this, I didn’t even get a chance to enter the office, so I headed straight to the main palace.


“I wonder what kind of lecture he’ll give today.”


After our parents’ sudden deaths, the Emperor—my father’s elder brother—took on the responsibility of raising me and my sister. 


While it could be said that we were close enough to think of him as a real parent, I still didn’t like meeting the Emperor because I felt uncomfortable every time.


Walking down the corridor, I spotted Orgon standing behind a wall, far from my position.


‘Why is he doing that?’


As I passed through a D-shaped corridor and reached the spot where Orgon was, he suddenly leaped out. 




It seemed like he was hiding to surprise me. I shot him a cold, icy gaze.


“Please, grow up.”


With a protagonist like this, it’s no wonder the original work failed. No matter how I think about it, Ashed should have been the male lead. 


Even the narrative suggested the same.


Ashed had waited for Anella, who reincarnated over and over again, for around 500 years.


“That look is hurting me.” 


Orgon followed me, ignoring my dismissive attitude.


“How can you not get surprised even once?”


“You’re a baby.”


‘Even a five-year-old wouldn’t be surprised.’ 


‘Wait a sec.’


I stopped and glared at Orgon.


“Orgon, did you dare push me to that *sshole?”


“That *sshole? You’ll be in trouble if someone hears you. Fix your tone.”


“Cut the crap.”


Orgon laughed, saying, “Indeed, you won’t give in easily.”


“You insisted on not going home, sprawled on the garden bench. I needed someone able to handle that.”


He was talking nonsense as if he were too delicate. 


‘It’s ridiculous. Even if you look at it, my size doesn’t even compare to yours.’


“So, you left me with Ashed?”


“I couldn’t leave you with some unknown noble, right? There’s no man as safe as Commander Ashed. I’m certain about his status, and I was also certain he wouldn’t touch you.”


“He is also the type of man who could have thrown me into the streets if he was feeling bothered.”


At this, Orgon smiled and shrugged his shoulders.


“Well, I can’t help it.”


“Can’t be helped? What’s the difference between being thrown on the street and sprawling on a bench?”


“My… feelings?”


‘What should I do with this guy?’ I suppressed the rising irritation with great effort.


“But I didn’t know such rumors would spread. Was there any progress?”


Seeing him subtly inquire, it was clear he had some ulterior motive.


“Progress? What progress? Between us, there’s only regression. Even if we take a step forward, we won’t get any closer, not even by a million steps.”


Of course, I had no intention of narrowing the distance.


Leaving Orgon behind, I approached the maid standing in front of the Emperor’s garden. The maid immediately conveyed my presence inside.


Waiting for a response, I addressed Orgon.


“Orgon, from now on, don’t make unnecessary trouble.”


“Human relationships are unpredictable.”


“There are relationships that won’t happen. And that goes for me and Ashed.”


As permission to enter was given, the garden door opened.


“I can’t say… We’ll see how it goes.”


Ignoring Orgon’s murmurs from behind, I stepped inside.


The Emperor’s Imperial Garden was a magical space within the main palace. It always maintained clear weather and a constant temperature, a place where flowers bloomed regardless of the season.


The Emperor stood by a stream, gazing at fully blooming yellow daffodils. It was his favorite flower in the garden.


“I greet the Empire’s Sun.”


“Come here.”


The Emperor took a seat at the tea table, where a two-tiered tray with untouched cookies and a teapot filled with hot water awaited.


“You don’t like sweets, so the table is simple.”


Ironically, the person making such a comment wasn’t fond of sweets either. 


The Emperor poured water from the teapot into a cup containing dried flowers. As the dried flowers soaked, a fragrant aroma filled the air.


“The tea prepared by His Majesty always smells delightful.”


“You’ve become good at flattering.”


“About half of it is sincere.”


Despite the straightforward flattery, a pleasant smile appeared on the Emperor’s face.


“How have things been at work lately?”


“Fairly well. Same as usual.”


“Good. You’re capable enough to handle things on your own, so I don’t have to worry. But Terry…”


“Yes, Your Majesty?”


“There have been strange rumors circulating in the palace. Is it true that you and the Commander are dating?”


The urgency of looking for me in the morning was due to these rumors. 


I sighed heavily.


“If so, then… how about meeting another man?”


“Actually… Wait, what? Pardon me, but what did you just say?”


For a moment, I questioned my ears.


The Emperor was wearing a sly expression.


“You and Commander Ashed don’t seem to match.”


“Please don’t misunderstand. We are not involved in any way.”


I looked straight at him, trying to look sincere.


“I don’t need you to lie just because I oppose the commander, Terry.”


“I assure you, there is truly nothing between me and Ashe—the commander.”


The Emperor’s eyes narrowed with suspicion. I looked at him with pleading eyes, insisting on the truth.


“Are you two really not dating?”


“Yes. It’s just a baseless rumor.”


“Then, is the rumor about you leaving Duke Astrea’s residence the day after the party also fake?”


I sighed heavily, finally managing to speak.


“That, well, that rumor is not false. B-but! Nothing else happened.”


I hastily added, anticipating misunderstandings. However, the Emperor, with a shocked expression, muttered in disbelief.


“All night… at Duke Astrea’s residence… Is that true?” 


He spoke as if each word was too delicate to pronounce.


“Then, the rumor about you and the commander… Well, in the garden the night of the party, you two… ehem, that rumor?”


The Emperor couldn’t bring himself to say the word ‘kiss.’


“The thing is… on that day, I drank too much, and I don’t remember…”


*Bang!* The Emperor suddenly slammed the table. The dishes clattered, and the dessert tray crashed down.


I was startled. 


“Your Majesty?”


The Emperor, trembling with anger, was muttering furiously.


“You… How dare you…”


“Your Majesty…”


“Throw her away?”


‘Wait a moment. What?’


The Emperor lifted his head, looking at me. His dazzling golden eyes were intense.


“Terry, I will introduce you to sons of other noble families. You don’t need to worry about such a guy.”




“What about the youngest son of the Mon Fellinier Duke’s family?”


If it’s their youngest son, he was skilled enough to have won the recent swordsmanship competition and was an excellent knight. 


However, he would dislike “Shaterian.” The memory of him hurling insults at me during our academy days was still vivid.


‘He said I’m trash who can never defeat Ashed in my lifetime.’


Seeing that I didn’t respond, the Emperor quickly mentioned another name.


“Or perhaps the youngest of the Arthrito Marquis family?”




The youngest of that family was as talkative as he was sociable. Of course, he was also one of those who insulted me.


“Third son of the Kiulency Marquis family? Among the Count families… Right, there’s also Brook Loberalter.”




Why did it seem as if every person mentioned insulted me in the past? 


It was at that moment that I realized how unpleasant my past personality was.




₍ᐢ._.ᐢ₎♡ ༘ Hello~ I'm Jess. I translate K-novels. I hope you enjoy my work as much as I enjoy working on it for all of you to read.


  1. arwendolyn says:

    1000% Orgon knows something we don’t know

    1. Jesshi says:

      He surely does! I love him already lol

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