Until The Real One Shows Up​

She couldn’t believe such a mishap had occurred while she was away! 

Seeing Louis, whom she trusted, playing with Anastasia instead of kicking her out made her blood boil. 

‘Doesn’t she have any pride? If a six-year-old kicked you out, wouldn’t you stay away instead of crawling back?’ 

She wanted to vent her anger, but she had to restrain herself for now—after all, the woman in front of her was the Empress. Damn it, she had to put up with it.

“It’s not right to seek him out without any notice, Your Majesty. He was late for class today because of your hasty actions,” Olivia said, masking her anger with polite sarcasm.

Anastasia, unperturbed, replied calmly, “I didn’t intend for that to happen, Lady Fontaine. I was having such a wonderful time with the Prince that I lost track of time.”

“What exactly were you doing that was so much fun?” Olivia’s voice quivered, betraying a blend of anger and jealousy that Anastasia quickly detected.

“You didn’t play with this hideous thing, did you?”

“Oh, Lady Fontaine, you don’t know what it is. It’s actually a very interesting toy. Despite its appearance, it’s oddly relaxing to fiddle with,” Anastasia said with a bright smile. “It’s perfect for calming your emotions when you’re distressed.”

“…Distressed? Him?”

“You wouldn’t know since you didn’t see his face. He was as red as a tomato, like someone who’s very upset.”

“…Your Majesty the Empress,” Olivia said through gritted teeth, warning Anastasia. “Don’t come back.”


“Don’t come here again.” She took a deep breath, trying to control her emotions, but her next words still came out a bit shaky.

“Your Majesty had him play with such crude things. This is unacceptable. As the Crown Prince’s nanny, my teachings take precedence over those of his aunt.”

“I didn’t expect to hear this from Lady Fontaine, who doesn’t even allow her children enough time to play. Care to place a wager on which approach benefits the Prince’s emotions more?” Anastasia retorted coldly.

“And who do you think you are to speak so impertinently? Have you forgotten who I am?”

“If my words have offended you, I apologize.”

“And as for ‘Don’t come here again,’ have you forgotten everything I mentioned yesterday? Who are you to arrogantly forbid my return?”


“Be cautious with your words, Lady Fontaine. Your actions seem to suggest disapproval of my bond with Prince Louis,” Anastasia remarked, hitting the nail on the head, causing Olivia to involuntarily flinch.

Observing Olivia’s reaction closely, Anastasia questioned, “Am I correct?”

Olivia responded, “…Impossible,” with a natural smile. 

“I am simply acting in the best interest of the Crown Prince. I fail to see, with my common sense, how such a ghastly thing could be of any benefit to him,” Olivia added.


“Moreover, it’s crucial for His Highness to focus on his studies and be punctual in class if he wishes to thrive.”

“I wouldn’t press further if you were sincere,” Anastasia replied. However, her expression didn’t seem to align with her words. 

Olivia couldn’t help but betray her disbelief with a curious, sneering glance, inadvertently clutching the hem of her dress.

“But it would be wise for you to act accordingly from now on unless you want unsavory rumors to spread.”

“Such as,” Anastasia began, her tone sharp, “Lady Fontaine attempting to sow discord between the Emperor and his wife, all while using the Prince as a pawn.”


“Of course not.” Anastasia continued, her smile carrying a hint of mystery.

“Such rumors could arise based on your current behavior. I say this out of concern, so please take heed. It would be unfortunate if your position as the Prince’s nanny were jeopardized due to unsavory circumstances.”


“Then I’ll come again. Be sure to return the toy to the Prince,” Anastasia stated before leaving Olivia alone in the room after their brief exchange.

“Bah, benefit!”* Olivia muttered.

*TN: Anastasia was saying she’s doing it for Olivia’s own benefit

Left to herself, Olivia finally released her suppressed emotions. With a strange groan, she clenched her fist and shook it in frustration. Unable to contain her anger any longer, she began throwing objects around the room.

Glass objects shattered, debris scattered, and various items collided, producing jarring noises as Olivia vented her frustration.

After her outburst, Olivia gasped for breath, her eyes bloodshot as she stared relentlessly at the spot where Anastasia had stood. 

“The cheek…! We’ll see how long you can hold your head high and mock me,” she muttered, vowing to retaliate for today’s humiliation. With a determined resolve, Olivia tossed the liquid monster that Louis had made into the trash can.


The class was supposed to end at 6 o’clock, but today, Louis found it difficult to concentrate until the very end.

“Your Highness, are your fingers feeling itchy?”

“Huh? Why?” Louis replied, surprised.

“You keep wiggling your fingers. Should I call the court doctor?”

“Oh, no. It’s alright. You don’t have to,” Louis reassured.

Only then did Louis realize that he had been moving his fingers unconsciously. But why?

‘My hands feel…empty.’ The sensation of the moist, soft dough lingered in his fingers, refusing to fade away.

‘My dough… Did Olivia throw it away? She probably did,’ Louis speculated. Knowing Olivia’s strong dislike for Anastasia, it seemed likely.

‘I wish the Empress would come again and make flour dough with me. I had so much fun earlier…’ Louis’s sudden thought startled him. He felt embarrassed for even considering it.

‘Calm down, Louis. Olivia said Her Majesty was the one who caused my parents to die. What are you even thinking?’

Recalling what Olivia had repeatedly emphasized during her persuasion, Louis battled with his emotions.  

‘I’ve been so careless today. I should’ve just told her to leave instead of making excuses about homework.’ In his interaction with Her Majesty, he hadn’t considered that option.

‘Next time… Even if she does come, I have to stand my ground and send her away.’

Despite making that resolution, Louis couldn’t shake off his concern for his pink dough, likely discarded by now. It seemed to have already carved a place in his heart.


Throughout the evening after class, Louis endured Olivia’s piercing reprimands.

“I’m deeply disappointed in you, baby. How could you play with the Empress while I was away, especially after I asked you not to?”

“Sorry, I’m sorry,… But I didn’t have a good reason to refuse…”

“That’s just an excuse. You disobeyed me. You betrayed my trust!”

Olivia’s voice rose; her anger reignited. She gripped Louis’ shoulders, her tone ominous.

“From now on, if the Empress comes, send her away. If that’s not possible, just leave.”


“Did you understand what I said? Do you understand me? Baby, do you understand me?”


Louis nodded, feeling utterly embarrassed as Olivia’s intimidating gaze bore into him.

With furrowed brows, Olivia suddenly pulled Louis’ small, cowering frame in a tight hug.

“Oh, my baby. You must be quite taken aback by my anger.”


“Don’t be disheartened. Do you understand why I’m doing all this?”

“For me…”

“Yes, to shield my baby from the wicked witch’s harm. She despises you very much and is scheming to remove you one way or another. You must realize how much I’m sacrificing for your sake.”


“Remember, I’m the only one in the world who loves you. I’m the only one who’ll never abandon you. Before, now, in the future—forever! Everyone else is insignificant. I’m the only one you need. Do you understand?”

After a few minutes of brainwashing, Louis felt somewhat free. Well, partially free.

“My baby, you have a lot of homework today, so go sit at your desk immediately. Doing all your homework is essential for becoming a great Emperor in the future.”

After dinner and a bath, he had to go straight to his homework.

Sitting at his desk, Louis found it impossible to focus. The memory of the flour dough clinging to his hands during the day kept replaying in his mind. 

‘I’m too scared to ask Olivia if she threw it away…’

It’s fine if he didn’t play with her, but Louis found himself earnestly hoping that Her Majesty would appear and give him another piece of dough.

“Louis, what are you doing?”

The voice from earlier in the day echoed once more, accompanied by the same familiar lines. 

Startled, Louis turned to see Anastasia entering the room, her smile as bright as it had been in the morning.


  1. formemy says:

    in here…i miss anatasia’s slap
    hope that nanny get a taste of anastasia’s slap…hundred times 😤

  2. Shin says:

    My baby my baby palelu, go to hell olivia 😡

    Thanks for translating ^^

  3. daedae says:

    will this arc be too long? not fond of adult using kids for their own agendas. it’s all very icky and i would it just be short.

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