Until The Real One Shows Up​

Shortly afterward, a court physician came and examined Anastasia.

“It looks like it took longer than expected for you to regain consciousness because you have overworked yourself.”

Fortunately, there were no concerning health problems. The court physician prescribed her a medicine that would aid her to regain her energy and then left.

The next person to visit the Empress was Duke Barantes.

“Your Majesty, I’m so glad you have woken up safe and sound!”

He brought with him the medicine – which was encased in a box – he had previously sent to her after her return from Santoro.

“If you don’t have enough medicine, feel free to tell me. I’ll send you more.”

“T–Thank you, Father.”

Anastasia nodded, giving off an awkward smile. Inside, she felt complicated.

That medicine tastes bad….

No matter how good that medicine was to her body, it was too bitter as if all the horrendous things in the world were put in it. 

However, she couldn’t blatantly refuse it, especially when she saw his father’s eyes saying, “It’s good for your body if you ingest it all.”

“I have greatly worried you, haven’t I? I’m sorry. I’ve given you nothing but distress.”

“Of course. I haven’t heard from you for three days; you don’t know how nervous I was.”

Duke Barantes shook his head as if it was a terrible time to think about it again and changed the subject.

“But I am very proud of you. You’re acting like a real Empress now.”


“When you lead the people. You don’t know how impressed I was by Her Majesty in the midst of all that chaos.”

Anastasia was a little embarrassed by that remark, but Duke Barantes continued to exalt her in an excited voice.

“You saved those people. This old man can now die in peace……!”

“Oh, Father. You’re doing it again. You have to live long.”

“That’s how much I am thrilled. I wonder though, what were your thoughts when you led those people in that critical situation?”

“Well… ‘What if my father gets hurt in such a mess?’ I didn’t want anyone to get hurt, especially my father.”

“Oh, then you were thinking of me……!”

Heartfelt emotions flashed through Duke Barantes’ eyes.

“I’m really touched. Your Majesty is the only one who thinks of me!”

Anastasia ended up smiling at the turn of events. Later on – after his lengthy conversation with Anastasia – Duke Barantes left. Before long, another guest arrived.

“Your Majesty, how are you?”

It was Melina.

“I was very worried. I was so surprised to see Her Majesty fainting at the chapel.”

“Thank you for your concern, Melina. But I’m glad everyone got home safely that day.”

“It’s all thanks to Her Majesty’s excellent leadership, isn’t it? Oh, how wonderful His Majesty the Emperor was that day!”

“……His Majesty?”

“Just before the Empress fell to the floor, the Emperor caught you in his arms. He hugged you and princess-carried you, leaving gallantly from the chapel!”

Melina reminisced and admired what happened four days ago. Meanwhile, Anastasia naturally pictured it in her head thanks to Melina’s detailed description.

Feeling her heart beating fast, Anastasia unwittingly squeezed the hem of her dress to calm her emotions.

“He was so charismatic. He was frantically looking for a royal physician. He appeared genuinely worried. His Majesty seems to care a lot about you.”

“It’s just…… He would do that to anyone. He’s a warm-hearted man.”

Apparently, the words were directed more to herself than to Melina.

In reality, he was an upright man, so there was no need to put too much meaning into his actions on that day. With that thought in mind, Anastasia stubbornly held herself together.

“Whenever the young ladies gathered, all they talked about was how awe-inspiring and reliable His Majesty was that day.”

“…is that so?”

“Yes, he looked so hot on that rainy day…! I thought he was really seductive and charming; everyone thinks the same. But the eyes of the other young ladies, when they stared at His Majesty the Emperor, were quite unsettling……”

“L–Lady Lutent, you’re going too far.”

At that moment, a small voice came from somewhere and rebuked Melina. As Melina turned her head at the panicky voice, Selene was staring at her with a flushed face.

“Gee, you must have forgotten who is in front of you.”

“Ha! It’s you again?”

Melina shot back sharply, turning completely to Selene with a face that looked as if she was amazed.

“I heard that the Empress was kind enough to have you as her maid. But don’t you think we should get the subject right? Who’s saying something to whom now?”

“Melina, speaking like that—”

Anastasia tried to stop Melina before she became more impolite toward Selene. However, a stimulated Melina didn’t recognize the Empress’ voice and cut her off, eventually crossing the line.

“I am an old friend of the Empress. Her Majesty only felt sympathetic about your poor situation. And now that you’re fortunate enough to become a maid, shouldn’t you hurry up and educate yourself on how to speak to those above you? Who the hell did you get your education from?!”

“Lady Lutent!”

A cold, stern voice interrupted Melina. Only then did Melina come to her senses. She looked back at Anastasia with a panicked look on her face.

Clad in a white dress, Anastasia sat on her bed with regal, eyes sharply fixed on her. The confident and formidable aura emanating from those sharp eyes was enough for Melina to feel as if the Empress was on her throne, looking lowly at her.

Only then did Melina realize that she had made a grave mistake and began stammering.

“E–Empress, I…… She’s being so arrogant to me…….”

“It appears that you still don’t know who the most arrogant person here is.”

Hearing the hard and formal tone, and not the intimate voice she usually heard, Melina realized that something was very wrong.

She hurriedly tried to save the situation by putting on a silly grin.

“Y–Your Majesty the Empress, I must have made a mistake and offended Her Majesty. I was so angry that she interrupted….”

“But the lady also dared to interrupt me.”

Anastasia sardonically laughed and blocked Melina’s excuse.

“Then will you shamelessly continue? Saying that my husband is an alluring and attractive man and that the other young ladies wanted to covet him?

“Your Majesty, I’m just…….”

“I wonder how far the lady would have been rude to me if Selene hadn’t stopped you from talking.”

“I apologize, Your Majesty. I’m…… I’m sorry!”

Realizing that the situation was becoming serious, Melina hurriedly knelt before Anastasia and bowed her head.

Her behavior now was a 180-degree change from when she was haughtily lecturing Selene.

“I’m just… Her Majesty the Empress, who has such a charming person as her husband, is great and enviable……. I don’t have any impure intentions. Please believe me!”

“Well, I’m very disappointed with the lady today. I didn’t know you were so rude and selfish. As the lady said, we have been friends for a long time. I believed I knew you well enough.” 

Anastasia spoke without relieving her cold expression.

“But I guess I was mistaken.”

“Your Majesty, please……!”

“Apologize to my maid.”

Melina flinched at Anastasia’s fierce tone.

At the same time, she stared at Anastasia in disbelief. Unfortunately, Anastasia only pressed Melina with an unfaltering gaze.

“You can’t do it?”

“Your Majesty, to me…… Don’t do this to me.”

“You mean you can’t?”

Anastasia no longer gave her another chance. Calmly, she spoke to Melina.

“Get out of here. I don’t want to see anymore.”

“Your Majesty!”

“I won’t force you to apologize. There is no meaning in forcing someone to apologize. But be aware of this…”

Anastasia softly warned while staring at Melina with a glimmer of warmth.

“I didn’t arrange for Selene to be my maid out of sympathy. Keep in mind that I won’t be idle if you spread such spiteful remarks anywhere. Slandering her education is also an insult to the Duchess of Rochester, the handmaiden of the Empress. Do you understand?” 


“As the lady said, I will let this one slide because of our long relationship. But if you insult my maids again, I won’t let you go.”

Finished speaking, she raised an eyebrow but then asked:

“Still not leaving?”

Melina fidgeted and eventually left Anastasia’s bedroom, crying. For a while, her cries echoed throughout her bedroom.

When Anastasia touched her head, seemingly suffering from a headache because of the noise, Selene was startled and hurriedly approached her, asking.

“Y–Your Majesty! Are you okay? Should I call the court physician?”

“No, you don’t have to. It’s because of the sudden noise. I’ll be all right soon.”


Selene hesitated and opened her mouth, appearing as if she were about to cry.

“I guess I shouldn’t have intervened. My apologies, Your Majesty.”


“I thought I offended Lady Lutent for nothing……. B–But she was so rude in front of Her Majesty…….”

“You don’t have to blame yourself, Selene. There’s nothing for you to apologize for. Don’t do that.”


“I’d rather give you a reward.”


“Yes, when you became my maid, I’m already aware that everything would be hard and daunting for you. Nevertheless, you overcame your fear and plucked up your courage for me, didn’t you?”

Anastasia smiled with sincerity and stroked Selene’s head.

“I’m so proud of you. I’m glad to have you as my maid.”

“Your Majesty….”

“I didn’t take you in because I pity you. You’re a very capable and good child. I’m proud that I can recognize capable people.”

“Well, thank you for saying that……. That’s too much of a compliment…….”

“No, it’s not too much at all. I’m sure one day you’ll prove me right.”

Anastasia asked, looking at Selene with a warm smile.

“Please continue to do your best for me, okay?”

“Of course!”

Selene clenched her fists and solemnly vowed.

“No matter what happens, I’ll protect you!”

The figure was so cute that Anastasia laughed without realizing it.



  1. Hannah says:

    I hate Melina… She’s like that garbage fake best friends from those cheating threads on reddit r/relationships…

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