Until The Real One Shows Up​

Left alone, Wilhelm still had a deadpan expression on his face, making it difficult for anyone to perceive his thoughts.

However, there was a definite crack there, caused by the intense and uncontrollable wave of emotions.

I told you to rest.

Anastasia’s activities were reported by Colton almost every day.

She ignored what I said and kept working.

And he felt weirdly tangled every time. Perhaps it was anger since she continued to defy him.

“I want to thank you for what happened the other day.”

He recalled what Duke Barantes had said to him earlier.

“What are you talking about?”

“For recognizing Her Majesty’s achievements.”

“I’m just stating the obvious. I don’t think it’s something to be thankful for.”

“You could have taken it away. There were a lot of precedents like that.”


“Her Majesty is trying hard to change her reputation these days. The Emperor’s acknowledgment settled that.”

“It’s good for me too. Now that the Empress is finally doing her job, everything’s back to normal.”

Yes, the whole situation has entered a stable orbit as he had hoped.

Even if their marital relationship was as cold as ever, it was not that important to him.

Such a trivial matter. Moreover, he didn’t like her.


Why does it feel so uncomfortable?

He felt uneasy. It was annoying and bothersome. Problems concerning her were quite peculiar.

“I’m here to report on today’s work.”

The sound he heard from her small mouth was like a frightened sob, not someone stoically reporting to him.

Nevertheless, when he heard the impersonal tone in her voice, he got angry.

He recalled the overwhelming emotions he felt from the moment he received that letter and the unnamed inner turmoil he experienced that was absolutely dismissed.

“…… Should I go back and pretend I didn’t see you?”

When he heard that question, he nearly said yes.

He had pondered over it ever since he got the letter. If he could send a response right away, he would have certainly sent it.

Come back. Just, come back. Right now.

“You understand that if I prolonged it further, I won’t be able to succeed today.”

He knew that. But that was when he realized, he just wanted her to safely come back, which was quite different from his usual self.

He – who prioritized the Empire’s safety above all else – should never think of such a thing. He shouldn’t tell her to put aside the Empire’s welfare for her own safety.

So he found it strange. Yet, at that moment, his first thought was her safety, not his long-cherished desire. Not his beloved Empire, but the woman he hated.

And when he realized that, he was horrified.

This confusing and inexplicable emotion instinctively dominated his whole body.

It’s unpleasant. It’s annoying. And I hate it.

So, he deliberately got angrier.

“I’m not happy and I’m not grateful.”

He rebuked.

“…go back now.”

Like a child who was doing his best to hide his fears, he promptly sent her away.

It wasn’t like him.….

But at that time, wasn’t it unusual of the Empress?

“There is no need for you to thank me. Although, I thought you’d like it.”


“I thought you’d like……it.”

Why? Those eyes of hers seemed distraught and were about to shed tears. She looked upset.

Wilhelm clenched his fist, recalling the urge he had to hug her. 

This is ridiculous.

That stubborn woman wouldn’t be worried no matter what his reaction was.

What he was feeling wouldn’t mean anything to her.

It was just– They were both acting weird that day.

It seemed the abnormality in the Empress was revealing itself in him too. Her weirdness was contagious. 

He just thought so. And he had no choice but to rationalize over that bizarre moment.


In the Rosenberg Empire, they worshipped the goddess Rosenia. And under the guidance of the temple, a ceremony for the goddess was held every odd month.

It was a grand and meaningful event attended by nobles from various provinces, as well as the Emperor’s ministers.

This observance was also the first event Anastasia would attend since her return.

“Just a plain white dress. I better wear accessories made of gold, though not excessive.”

Anastasia decided, just in case.

Turned out – at the last ritual for the goddess – she dolled herself up as if she was about to attend a party. 

She also said that time, “If I dress up nicely, won’t the goddess like it?”

It was not surprising to learn about it now.

“By the way, the Emperor is likely to arrive a little late today.”

Mrs. Rochester told Anastasia, almost forgetting about it. Anastasia’s eyes widened when she heard it.

“There must have been an unexpected problem in the area he inspected yesterday after he left. Sir Colton previously told me that he wouldn’t be late.”

“I see…”

That’s a relief. 

Anastasia unconsciously breathed a sigh of relief.

I don’t know about other times, but this time feels uncomfortable.

No wonder she hasn’t seen him again since she last came back from the Santoro’s.

It was perhaps natural that he would not visit her, and that the boundary of his actions did not deviate much from the Empress Palace.

If he arrived in the middle of the ceremony, they wouldn’t have to talk to each other. Maybe she could return to the Imperial Palace without any problems.

“As expected, you have dressed casually, but you still look beautiful. You look amazing!”

With Selene fussing over her, the other maids also added:

“That’s right. Even pearls cannot hide their true value, no matter how much they are buried in mud.”

“You look like an angel that descended from the sky. How holy and majestic!”

“Everyone might mistake the Empress for the Goddess Rosenia!”

“Haha, thank you all.”

Anastasia was finally able to divert her attention from thinking of Wilhelm thanks to the cheerful voices of the maids.

It was embarrassing to hear that she was a descending angel, but…….

“Madam, isn’t she beautiful to look at?”

At Selene’s question, Mrs. Rochester stared at Anastasia for a long time then she opened her mouth.

“Of course. Every item Her Majesty wears is like those in a fashion book.”

“Right! Right!”

“As expected!”

“I don’t think anyone can deny that. It’s just….”

It’s just…? Anastasia and the other maids have their eyes wide open and waited with bated breath for Mrs. Rochester’s words.

“If you don’t want to be late, you’ll have to leave now, Your Majesty.”

Anastasia smiled and helplessly nodded at Mrs. Rochester’s reminder.


The weather was fine and without clouds.

When she arrived at the Rosenberg Cathedral in a carriage, many nobles had already gathered for the ceremony.

“The Empress has arrived!”

When someone noticed Anastasia’s carriage, they announced her presence. Everyone’s attention steered in her direction as she was getting off the carriage.

“I see the Moon of the Empire!”

“Greetings to Her Majesty.”

Countless nobles bowed their heads before Anastasia. Meanwhile, Anastasia – albeit puzzled – cordially smiled at their greetings.

It feels like it was just yesterday when I received those mocking stares here.

Compared to the memorial service for Emperor Charles, the change in these people’s attitudes was somewhat awkward and gratifying.

“Your Majesty, you are here.”

A priest approached Anastasia and greeted her.

“I welcome the Moon of the Empire. Let me guide you to your place.” 

Anastasia, guided by the priest, approached the altar and found the empty seat reserved for Wilhelm. The seat next to it was hers. Also, the designated seats for the Emperor’s ministries were close to the altar, far from the other nobles.

As she waited for the ceremony to begin, Anastasia started to become a bit bored.

But this is better than having Wilhelm next to me.

Besides, the wait didn’t take too much of their time. Anastasia sat down and soon the crowd gradually dispersed. In time, the sound of drums and trumpets was heard periodically. Eventually, the ceremony began in earnest.

Appearing before everyone, Riel – the presiding priest – went up to the altar in his white robe.

With him were the items symbolizing Goddess Rosenia – the red roses and olive branches. Combined with the acrid smoke coming from the incense, the scene appeared more sacred.

Afterward, more than 10 female priests came up to the altar and ignited the torch. Right away, the flames blazed around the altar where Riel was. 

Engrossed in what she was seeing, Anastasia unconsciously held her breath as she watched this series of enigmatic events happening on the altar.

“Goddess Rosenia, creator of all life and the light of truth, who sowed the seed of the beginning in Rosenberg.”

Standing before the statue, Riel shook the red roses and olive branches, speaking in a solemn voice.

“It is a glorious and prosperous month of art that resembles the beauty of the goddess. Honoring the greatness of the Goddess Rosenia on the day of the sun, when the goddess first set foot on this land.”

Riel slowly turned before kneeling in front of the statue, his movements elegant and restrained.

“In return for the grace of the goddess, who gives joy and hope in Rosenberg, I, Riel, the vicar of the goddess, offer his gratitude with unfathomable respect and affection.”

When Riel finished his prayers – his arms outstretched – he piously lay the roses and olive branches in front of the statue.


Dark clouds suddenly began to form in the clear sky, the surrounding area turning dark in an instant.

The sound of thunder was constantly heard, creating a bizarre and dreary atmosphere.

People who were confused by this strange and sudden phenomenon began to chatter. However, Riel continued to pray firmly without giving in to the noise around him.

“On behalf of all the lives of Rosenberg, I offer my undefiled and virtuous faith to the great goddess……!”

It was at that moment.

Rumble! Boom!

Accompanied by the ear-splitting roar of thunder, lightning fell from the sky and struck Riel.




  1. KK H says:

    GAHHHH THANK YOU SO MUCH SIENNA FOR PICKING UP THIS NOVEL!!!!! You have my deepest appreciation!!!

  2. Nazifa says:

    Thank you sooooo much for picking this novel up🥺🥺I was heartbroken on hearing it was dropped. I’m so thankful 😭 n great translation of course ❤️

  3. Skandi says:

    i saw that his novel begin with the chapter 38, where i can find the beginning?
    It seems very interesting. Thanks you!

      1. Skandi says:

        Oh … Thank you so much!!

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