Unstoppable Affection

Xu Jingyu felt a bit awkward for a moment, but he quickly covered it up. While steering the car and keeping his eyes on the road, he calmly replied, “The hospital you’re going to was funded by my dad, so technically it’s our family’s. So saying you’re going to my house isn’t wrong. Plus, I’ll be introducing you to my mom.”

Ying Huan: “…”

She couldn’t argue with that, but something still felt off.

Frowning slightly, she explained to Ying Chi, “I’m just hitching a ride with him to the hospital.”


Ying Chi was still uneasy. You can’t judge a book by its cover, and considering Xu Jingyu had used a fake name to deceive people before, who knew what else he was capable of? With his abilities, he could probably trick ten of her with ease.


After a few more reassuring words, Ying Huan finally calmed Ying Chi down. However, the strange feeling still lingered in her chest, and she occasionally glanced over at Xu Jingyu.

When they stopped at a red light, Xu Jingyu turned his head and caught her staring, grinning lazily as he remarked, “Didn’t you say you’re not interested? Why are you looking at me so intently?”

Ying Huan choked for a second, then quickly turned her head away. “Fine, I won’t look anymore.”

He chuckled softly. “I didn’t say you couldn’t look. The more you look, the easier it is to remember.”

Ying Huan: “…”

She exhaled softly and looked out the window.

When they arrived at the hospital, Xu Jingyu glanced at Ying Huan and asked, “How much longer do you need to wear your braces?”

The mention of her braces made Ying Huan feel a bit down. She sighed and said, “Dr. Du said the correction isn’t progressing as quickly as expected. I might need another year, so it’s going to take a while. If I had known, I wouldn’t have gotten them in the first place…”

Xu Jingyu leaned back in his seat, glanced at his phone, and saw that Shi Lei and the others were talking about inviting Ying Huan into their group chat. “Are you worried that wearing braces will stop people from pursuing you?”

Ying Huan unbuckled her seatbelt and, looking down, replied, “Not really. I’ve had people interested in me.”

Although, none of them were particularly attractive. Plus, she wasn’t involved in any clubs and spent most of her time between classes and part-time jobs, so she hadn’t met many guys. Despite wearing braces that affected her appearance, her skin was clear, her eyebrows and eyes were lovely, and her face was small. Even with the braces, she was still prettier than most girls, so of course, there had been some interest.

Xu Jingyu paused for a moment and looked up at her.

Ying Huan raised her head and smiled at him, “Thanks, I’m heading in now.”

“Wait a second.”


“Add me on WeChat. They want to add you to the group.”

Ying Huan glanced at his phone screen. His WeChat name was just his real name. She took out her phone, scanned the QR code, and they added each other. Xu Jingyu then added her to the group chat.

As soon as she got out of the car, the group chat exploded with notifications.

[Little Doctor, did you really go home with Xu Jingyu?]

[Check the screenshot.]

Someone posted a screenshot of Xu Jingyu’s earlier message.

Ying Huan: “…”

Standing at the entrance of the hospital, she thought for a moment. Xu Jingyu really was a troublemaker, always saying things that could be misunderstood. She quickly typed out a message.

[I just hitched a ride to the hospital with him. I’m not his girlfriend, so why would I go home with him?]

Xu Jingyu was just about to drive off when his phone buzzed again. He glanced down, “…”

The group chat was already filled with laughter.

[Little Doctor’s first message in the group is a slap in King Jing’s face. Well done!]

[Little Doctor is amazing.]

[King Jing, does your face hurt?]

Xu Jingyu clicked his tongue and tossed his phone into the glove compartment.

That night’s group dinner was arranged at a club in the city center, where they could eat and then hang out afterward. The group loved that spot, and Zhou Baihao had his assistant set everything up. Ying Huan arrived at the private room right at 6 p.m. As soon as she walked in, her eyes landed on Xu Jingyu, who stood out in his red T-shirt, looking strikingly handsome.

Ying Chi waved her over, calling out, “Sis, over here.”

Ying Huan walked over and sat down next to Ying Chi. To her right, coincidentally, was Xu Jingyu. Remembering the earlier events in the group chat, she felt a bit too shy to look at him directly.

Someone raised a hand and asked, “Coach, can we drink tonight? Just a little?”

Drinking wasn’t ideal for athletes, especially before competitions, but since their next match was still a ways off, Wu Qi waved it off. “Go ahead, just don’t overdo it.”

Shi Lei immediately went to grab the alcohol, while the others helped distribute cups. When it came to Ying Huan, they asked, “Little Doctor, can you drink?”

Ying Huan hesitated for a moment and replied, “Just one glass.”

“What about you, King Jing?”

“I’m not drinking.”

Xu Jingyu declined outright. He was famous in the club for his strict self-discipline and high standards for himself. When he said he wouldn’t drink, he wouldn’t touch a drop.

Ying Huan turned to him, curious, “Are you not able to drink alcohol?”

Shi Lei jumped in to answer, “He’s always like this. A month before competitions, he goes alcohol-free. Don’t mind him.”

Yang Jingcheng teased with a grin, “So, if he gets a girlfriend in the future, does that mean he’ll have to go celibate too?”

“Hahaha, who knows?”

Some of the guys in the group were still minors, including Ying Chi, who wouldn’t turn 18 until the end of October. Normally, the guys would crack a few dirty jokes in private, but with Ying Huan present, it felt awkward—like getting caught by your parents while watching something inappropriate.

Zhao Jingzhong, a 91-kg boxer, asked with a serious expression, “So, does he actually abstain or not?”

Everyone turned their attention to Xu Jingyu, eager to see how he’d respond.

Xu Jingyu glanced at the young woman beside him, who had her head lowered, her ears turning slightly red. He suddenly remembered what she had said earlier in the group chat. Slowly, he picked up an empty glass from the side, “clinked” it on the table, and poured himself a glass of plain water.

“Whether I abstain or not is none of your business. You guys are really nosy.”


At this point, Wu Qi laughed and said seriously, “For a boxer, abstaining from alcohol, staying celibate, and not staying up late before a competition is basic discipline.”

Someone chuckled, “But don’t heavyweight champions like Tyson have notoriously messy personal lives? They’ve always got women around, and it doesn’t affect their performance in the ring. They still walk away with millions in prize money…”

The conversation started going off the rails…

Zhou Baihao noticed Ying Huan, who had kept her head down the whole time, and cleared his throat. “Alright, that’s enough of this topic.”

He raised his glass to the new team members, including Ying Huan, and said, “Welcome, everyone.”

Ying Huan clinked glasses with the others. Only Xu Jingyu remained seated without moving. She glanced down at the liquid in her glass—was this baijiu? It seemed like Chen Senran had deliberately poured it for her.

She could only drink red wine or beer; she couldn’t handle baijiu. Frowning, she sat back down, intending to take just a small sip.

Suddenly, a hand reached over, snatching the glass from her hand and replacing it with another cup.

It happened so swiftly that no one seemed to notice.

Startled, she looked down at the man next to her.

Xu Jingyu placed the glass of alcohol in front of him and calmly continued eating, without taking a sip.

From across the table, Chen Senran leaned in with a teasing smile, “Little Doctor, why aren’t you drinking?”

With a blank expression, Ying Huan took a sip. It was warm water. She then downed the whole glass in one go, leaving Chen Senran dumbfounded. Shi Lei’s eyes widened, “Wow, Little Doctor, you sure can handle your liquor!”

Ying Huan smiled modestly, “Not really.”

After sitting back down, she shifted slightly toward Xu Jingyu, and her arm brushed against his. His body was naturally warm, and even in the air-conditioned room, his arm felt hot. His skin, a bit rough, was a stark contrast to her smooth, cool arm.

Both of them paused for a moment.

Xu Jingyu turned to her, lowering his voice, “Hmm?”

Ying Huan quickly moved her arm away and whispered, “Thanks for that.”

“How do you want me to thank you?”


Ying Huan picked up her chopsticks and served him a chicken leg.

Xu Jingyu: “……”

He lowered his gaze, raising an eyebrow slightly. Ying Huan winked at him, and the corners of Xu Jingyu’s mouth curled up into a faint smile.

The day after the gathering, the logistics department came to order team uniforms for the new boxers. Several guys reported their sizes, and after Logistics’ Xiao Li noted them down, she headed out with her notebook.

At the door, Xiao Li ran into Xu Jingyu and cheerfully said, “King Jing, I’ve put your new team uniform on your desk.”

Xu Jingyu nodded. Glancing at the sizes she had recorded, he asked, “Are you ordering uniforms for them?”

“Yep!” Xiao Li replied.

Xu Jingyu glanced at the list, recalled something, and then added, “There’s one more. We have a part-time little doctor joining the team; order one for her too. If she’s going to travel with the team for competitions, she’ll need it. Her height is 163 cm, and she weighs about 90 pounds—pretty slim.”

Xiao Li was taken aback for a moment but quickly noted it down. “Got it!”

Ying Huan was unaware of this, as were the other team members.

Ying Huan’s part-time job at the training institution wouldn’t end until the end of August, so she couldn’t go to the club for now; she had agreed to start working there only when the new school year began.

At the beginning of September, Ying Huan officially reported to the club, becoming part-time medical staff, and the HR department even had her sign a contract.

The area around A University was always bustling, with plenty of graduate students and those returning early for school. Jiang Meng and Lin Siyu had also returned early, saying they couldn’t stand being home too long because their parents nagged them incessantly.

One evening, when Ying Huan returned to her dorm, her roommates were shocked to hear that she was working part-time as medical staff at the club. Jiang Meng immediately asked, “Are they still hiring?”

Ying Huan thought for a moment and replied, “Not anymore.”

Jiang Meng felt disappointed but didn’t give up hope. She grabbed Ying Huan’s arm and whined, “Ah, I want to go too! Can you ask for me?”

“I can ask around.”

Lin Siyu then inquired, “Can we still visit the club?”

Ying Huan wasn’t sure since it was where the boxers trained, and there were restrictions; visitors had to register. Knowing Jiang Meng had always wanted to see it, she thought for a moment and said, “I’ll ask about that too.”

“Alright, make sure to ask!”


This year’s National Games are scheduled from September 13 to October 3.

The club is busy preparing for the National Games. Following the last internal competition to select boxers to represent the provincial team, each team can send six or more athletes and can report three staff members (including the team leader, coach, and doctor).

Each team can send 11 athletes, with two weight categories allowing for two representatives each.

The competitors have already been decided: Xu Jingyu will represent the 81 kg weight class. As for the last opponent who defeated him, the older Jiang has left the club to compete professionally in the United States. Ying Chi currently can’t compete against Chen Senran and Shi Lei, so he won’t be participating in the matches. The 69 kg weight class representative, Wu Qi, has reported Shi Lei and Chen Senran, and he’s feeling so frustrated that he wants to bang his head against a wall.

When Ying Huan arrived at the club, Shi Lei had just taken off his gloves to rest. Seeing her, he scratched his head and pointed to the large balcony. “Are you going to check on Ying Chi? That little brat is about to cry because he can’t compete.”

Ying Huan glanced over at the balcony and sighed. “Alright.”

Before she could find Ying Chi, he walked in with a sullen face and directly approached Chen Senran. “Let’s spar again.”

Chen Senran looked up at him and chuckled, “You still can’t beat me, and there are no judges.”

“Then I’ll be your sparring partner.”


The boy had a lot of spirit, and Ying Huan didn’t stop him; even Wu Qi remained silent.

She sat by and watched, cheering him on from time to time while Chen Senran became increasingly indifferent during the sparring session. Ying Huan placed the medical kit by her feet so she could attend to any injuries if an athlete got hurt.

After Xu Jingyu finished his shadow boxing training, he walked over, dripping with sweat, and casually said as he passed her, “Come here for a moment.”

Ying Huan exclaimed and quickly followed him. “What’s up?”

Xu Jingyu opened the door to the lounge, took a bag from the shelf, and stuffed it into her arms. It was a fairly large bag and felt a bit heavy. Ying Huan hurriedly held onto it, her face almost entirely obscured by the tall paper bag, leaving only her confused eyes visible as they looked up at him. “What’s this?”

She lowered her gaze and buried her face in the bag, discovering that it was filled with red fabric—clothes, both thick and thin.

“Team uniforms.”

Ying Huan was taken aback and looked up at him. “I have team uniforms?”

Xu Jingyu leaned against the edge of the table, crossed his arms, and looked at her. “Of course you do. It should fit. Try it on later, and if it doesn’t fit, just let Logistics know.”

Ying Huan smiled at him. “Okay.”

Xu Jingyu raised an eyebrow and nodded toward her. “Ying Huan, show me a smile.”

Ying Huan: “…… No.”

She felt silly for smiling just because of her braces.

She pursed her lips, holding onto the uniforms as she walked out. Just as she was about to head to the changing room to try them on, she heard Ying Chi arguing loudly with Chen Senran, and it sounded like they were about to fight. She quickly turned around and handed the bag back to Xu Jingyu. “I’ll come back for it later.”

After saying that, she hurriedly turned to leave, but her feet moved too fast, and she stumbled over the edge of a table, losing her balance and falling forward with a startled cry. “Ah!”

Xu Jingyu reacted quickly, reaching out to catch her, pulling both her and the bag into his arms.

Ying Huan’s back pressed tightly against his firm chest, and she felt a slight pain where his hand held her. Glancing down, she froze in place. The man’s hand was still wrapped with a band, his long fingers resting just below her chest—an area that was sensitive and private. No wonder it hurt so much…

Her face turned bright red in an instant.

After catching her, Xu Jingyu loosened his grip. As soon as he relaxed, she hurriedly wriggled free, jumping out of his grasp like a startled rabbit.

Ying Huan raised her gaze, her eyes shimmering as she looked at him, almost like she had been bullied.

Xu Jingyu frowned. “What’s wrong?”

The young girl opened her mouth but couldn’t say a word.

Finally, she stomped her foot. “I’m going to check on Ying Chi.”

Then she turned and ran away.

Xu Jingyu: “…”

He placed the bag of uniforms on the table, feeling that something was off. Leaning against the corner of the table, he reflected on the moment, his gaze momentarily distracted, his ears suddenly warming. A rush of blood surged through him, leaving him feeling uncomfortable all over.

He glanced down at his hand.

After staring for a few seconds, he suddenly ran his fingers through his short hair, leaned back, and let out a breath, covering his eyes with his hand. A suppressed, frustrated sound escaped from his throat.

“Damn it.”


Author’s Note:

Xu Jingyu: Damn it, Ying Xiaohuan, do you want to…?

Ying Xiaohuan: …



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