Unexpectedly, I Became the Emperor’s Fiancé

So, trembling inside, I gathered my courage and casually linked my arm through his, wearing a leisurely smile.

“Yes. That’s fine.”

Ruth, who had been silent as if surprised by how much more natural I acted compared to my first attempt at pretending, soon responded playfully.

“I have had a carriage waiting outside in advance.”

“Ah. We’re going by carriage.”

I thought we would use teleportation magic again, but it seems we’re using a carriage. Maybe it’s because of the concern about the public eye.

While internally guessing why we are using a carriage instead of teleportation magic, I suddenly remembered a question that came to mind.

“Is the carriage with the family crest on it…”

“Don’t worry. I have prepared an ordinary rented carriage for us.”

“That’s a relief.”

Ruth briskly answered my question even before it fully formed and then stepped forward, slowing his pace for me, perhaps in consideration, which was quite different from usual.

I internally welcomed his silent consideration and began to follow him, my heart uplifted by his kindness yet also eager to leave this place as soon as possible.

However, we hadn’t gotten far when I had no choice but to stop because someone called out to me from behind.

“It must be nice to have such a well-prepared husband, madam.”


Startled by a sudden voice, I turned around to find the manager with his thin lips stretched into a long smile.

Though a chill ran down my spine at his somewhat creepy smile, I composed myself. I didn’t want my subjective feelings to lead to rudeness.

It was only after I managed to hide my fluster that I nodded casually and opened my mouth to speak.

“That is…”

“Of course.”

Although Ruth spoke simultaneously just as I gathered the courage to start speaking, forcing me to bite my lip without saying anything.

Ruth, as if to show off, tightly clung to my side and wrapped an arm around my shoulder, twisting his lips into an attractive smile.

“Wouldn’t that be nice?”

Is this an extension of the newlywed act?

I glanced sideways at him as he added in an unexpectedly playful tone and swallowed dryly.

My stomach churned as the familiar scent of cedarwood intensified suddenly.

Clinging to my fading rationality, I took a small deep breath, and the storm inside me gradually calmed.

Thanks to regaining my composure, I carefully stepped onto the stage he had set.

“Yes, it’s nice, really nice.”

“I’m glad to hear you’re enjoying your honeymoon. By the way, was your night in Lorante comfortable?”

“It was very comfortable.”

Of course, just the bed.

I killed the pointless addition I was about to add at the end of my sentence in my mouth.

After finding out what Count Dright was up to with the money he made through the Lorante Hotel from the casino yesterday, my heart has been heavy throughout my stay here.

Even though it was just for one night, staying at this hotel felt like I was participating in the crimes committed by Count Dright.

However, there was nothing to gain from unnecessarily provoking the manager’s mood here. At best, it would only sow seeds of dispute and arouse suspicion from Count Dright.

Hence, forcing myself to leave a falsely positive review, the manager’s lips were adorned with a beaming smile as if even insincere praise was pleasant to hear.

“Thank you for the kind words. Farewell then.”

Seeing the manager’s eyes change with just that bit of praise, I put more strength into the hand holding Ruth’s arm.

Although the manager’s gaze had clearly become much more friendly than before, for some reason, it only felt more uncomfortable.

Sensing my discomfort swiftly, Ruth seemed to ponder for a moment before gently patting the back of my hand, as if to remind me that he was right by my side.

With my discomfort slightly eased, I slowly lifted my gaze only to meet Ruth’s eyes, who had been watching me since when, I don’t know.

He, who fully entered my sight, smiled affectionately as if he had been waiting. Unlike the awkward, feigned smiles when dealing with the manager, it was his own smile without a hint of pretense.



Somehow, it was also a smile that reminded me of a young boy.


As we rode in the rattling carriage for about 40 minutes, the Lorante Opera House, exuding an antique atmosphere, revealed itself. It was indeed a magnificent building, as famously constructed by master craftsmen who were renowned over a hundred years ago.

That such a place could host a slave auction…

I was caught in a bitter aftertaste and quietly sighed.

Ruth, who had been keenly observing me, slightly leaned towards me from where he had been leaning back.

“Do you have something troubling you?”

“No, it’s not that.”

“Then why have you been sighing?”

“It’s just sad that a slave auction is held in such a beautiful place.”

It was quite paradoxical that in a place where some come to enjoy art, the lives of others could be turned into mire in an instant.

Hearing my reply, Ruth appeared lost in thought for a while, and just before the carriage arrived at the Opera House, he spoke.

“Maybe it’s the selfish hearts of the nobles wanting to hide their darkest aspects from the public that made a slave auction take place in such a location.”


“We’ve arrived already. The slave auction will start soon, so we better hurry.”

As soon as the coachman opened the carriage door, he stepped down and extended his hand to me in an escorting gesture.

I stared at him from a distance with an impassive face, as he precisely pinched the instincts of the nobles, and then hurriedly got out of the carriage.

After confirming that I had gotten down, Ruth left a message with the coachman to wait a bit away and entered the opera house with me.


I burst into genuine admiration at the majesty of the opera house, which I was encountering for the first time.

I could pride myself on being accustomed to anything fancy after visiting the imperial palace and various noble houses, but the opera house felt different.

Despite being built a century ago and clearly decorated according to the fashion of a bygone era, it was not at all outdated.

On the contrary, it was elegant because of that. Other places undergo renovations over time to keep up with fashion, but it seems it hasn’t been done here since it was built.

Maybe that’s why it’s so unique. While I was unwittingly parting my lips as I looked around the unfamiliar yet artistic interior of the opera house, Ruth flicked my chin.

“Your mouth.”

“Ah, sorry.”

I then regained my composure and pretended not to notice my cheeks turning red with embarrassment.

Ruth glanced at me and chuckled as if hiding it was futile.

Then, he whispered to me in a hushed voice as we headed towards the second hall where the slave auction was being held.

“You must have found it quite fascinating.”

“It was my first time.”

“Hmm? Then you’ve never seen a play or opera before?”

“That’s right.”

“Well, you’ve lived almost half your life as a commoner. Watching plays or operas is one of the hobbies among nobles, so it makes sense you haven’t seen them.”

It seemed that his reaction reminded me that I had forgotten I lived as a commoner for a long yet short period of ten years, unlike other nobles.

And since commoners, unlike nobles, can’t afford expensive entertainments like opera, he seemed relatively easy to accept the fact that it was my first visit to the opera house as a logical extension of my realization.

“So, what are your hobbies?”

“My hobbies?”



I was caught off-guard by his unexpected question, as I thought he would change the subject.

After being demoted to a commoner, I had been busy working every day just to avoid starvation. Naturally, I stopped pondering about myself.

Things like what my tastes are, what my hobbies are, and what my dreams are.

For that reason, I didn’t even know what I liked or enjoyed doing, except for the one hobby I’ve had since I was very young: reading.



“Nothing else.”

After hesitating, I revealed my only true hobby to him without a hint of falsehood. Then, looking at me from the door marked “[Hall 1],” Ruth murmured,

“Reading as your only hobby. That’s truly a taste befitting a lady.”

“Is it?”

“Yes. It suits you well.”

I’ve never imagined reading suited me, but hearing him say so made it feel genuinely fitting.
“Then, what are your hobbies, Your Highness?”

“My hobbies… Ah. I enjoy reading and playing the piano.”

“Playing the piano?”

I had to ask back since it wasn’t fair I was the only one being questioned, and his answer took me by surprise.

He can play the piano, too? I hadn’t expected that at all.

Surprised, I pictured Ruth playing the piano in my mind and pressed my lips together to suppress a smile that threatened to spread.

Before I knew it, we had reached the front of Hall 2, and I was trying my best not to grin too widely when Ruth looked down at me and smiled with his eyes.

“Would you like to learn it sometime? I’m quite a decent teacher, you know.”

“That would be great. Please teach me.”

I nodded with a determined gesture, and the curve of his smile deepened.

After finishing our conversation and entering Hall 2, we were greeted by the sight of a vast stage and seats filled with an audience.

We were the last to arrive, so the only seats available were at the back row, which was actually a relief. Being in the front row would have definitely been uncomfortable.

As Ruth and I took our seats, a woman who had been waiting nearby approached us.

“I need to check your membership card.”


“Ah, you’re a VIP. I hope you have a good time today.”

After taking what seemed to be a membership card from Ruth and examining it, the woman’s expression relaxed slightly and she handed us a sign marked [101].

Then she disappeared back into the crowd, and soon after, the surroundings became noticeably darker. The main lights illuminating the stage went off, indicating that the slave auction was about to begin.

The room was plunged into darkness, and an eerie silence filled the air, broken suddenly by a chilling voice from behind the stage, followed by a well-dressed man walking onto it.

“Hello, everyone. Thank you very much for participating in the 203rd slave auction. My name is Marker Patru, and I will be conducting the auction today.”

Nothing much , just a guy doing his best to make everyone happy. If you've liked my translation, leave a comment ❤️


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