Unexpectedly, I Became the Emperor’s Fiancé

“What the only daughter of the Abyss family wants?”

At my words, Ruth briefly showed a puzzled expression and then let out a sigh. Then, with a small nod, he urged me to continue talking.

Hesitating slightly, I cautiously broached the subject. This was because mentioning the shortcomings of the imperial law, which was stagnated under the Emperor, was akin to pointing out flaws in the Emperor’s governance, and could easily be seen as rude.

“As you know, Your Majesty, the imperial law has been used as it was initially created by the first Emperor. However, there are parts that do not fit the changes of the times.”

As time passes, inevitably, the era changes, and people change.

But the imperial law, which determines the quality of life for these changing people, remains the same. Remaining unchanged, it all too naturally infringes on the rights of the powerless few.

Then, does it hold value as an imperial law?
This was a question that Helen threw at me, and one that Ruth should consider at least once.

A stable imperial authority is based on solid support. That’s why Ruth is making such efforts to gain the support of the four major ducal families.

However, not only Ruth but also the previous Emperors had overlooked something. That is, those they need to gain support from are not just the nobles.

Based on the current situation, more than half of the empire’s population were commoners or the impoverished. This meant that the very people who were indispensable for the empire’s development were the ones being ruled over.

Therefore, even if the nobility didn’t like the emperor who had the support of the ruled classes, they had no choice but to accept him. What use was there in opposing the emperor if those who operated the empire were on his side?

This was evident in the case of the 8th Emperor as well. At that time, the nobility were displeased with the weak emperor, but because the lower classes fervently supported him, they did not oppose him.

However, as life gradually became harder, the commoners and the impoverished stopped supporting the emperor.

Of course, it would be more accurate to say that the population did not support the emperor before Ruth’s father, despite his commendable achievements in war.

Returning to the main point, the essential issue was this: the root cause of the increasingly difficult lives of the ruled classes was the stagnation of the empire’s laws.

Hence, if Ruth were to amend the empire’s laws, it could gain the support of the lower classes, strengthening the unstable imperial authority amidst continuous rebellions and insurrections, just as he wished.

After carefully examining the benefits of amending the empire’s laws from Ruth’s perspective, I then said,

“And among the things prohibited by the empire’s laws is granting women the right to inherit titles. It seems that the sole daughter of the Abyss family wishes to change these imperial laws so she can become the head of the Abyss family.”

“I see. If she’s the only daughter of the Abyss family, it would make sense for her to think that way.”

“…Is that all?”

Even Ruth’s typically indifferent personality was expected to be slightly displeased after hearing such a statement, as Helen’s remark suggested ambitions too great for a duchess.

However, Ruth, rubbing his chin, seemed unperturbed and accepted Helen’s desire with a calm expression.

Caught off guard by this unexpected reaction, my head tilted in confusion, not understanding.

“Hm? So, what more do you expect?”

“To start with, changing imperial law would lead to problems for the empire; secondly, it’s almost the same as questioning the way His Majesty runs the empire. Aren’t you displeased by this?”

“Of course, that’s a concern, but I agree with the thoughts of the Abyss family’s only daughter. Those who are qualified to lead the family should exist regardless of gender. If we limit this only to males, we are essentially losing the talents needed to lead the empire.”


“And I also recognize that the current imperial laws are not absolutely correct. So it’s not that I’m not displeased; I understand.”

If it’s not that he’s not displeased but that he understands, does it mean he’s indeed displeased but chooses not to say anything because he understands Helen’s opinion?

Trying to parse the cryptic words of Ruth, my thoughts were suddenly interrupted by a sweet low voice.

“One thing, this is just my opinion, but what about yours?”


I was utterly surprised by his sudden question, my eyes widening.

Ruth saw this and let out a short laugh.

“What do you think about what the only daughter of the Abyss family wants?”

“Why ask me that?”

“I don’t want to act unilaterally, my lady. We are supposed to be cooperating, aren’t we?”

The resonance of the word “we” was immense. What started as a small ripple turned into a massive wave, sweeping through my heart with a blurry yet familiar feeling, making it silently throb.
Come to think of it, Ruth said something similar before.

“Am I just a decoration here?”


“As per our agreement, don’t you think we should be acting together?”

While sifting through not-so-distant memories with a sense of familiarity, suddenly such a fleeting thought arose, like a mirage.

Could Ruth and I indeed be bound by the term “we”?

A relationship lacking deep connections cannot coexist within a single circle, especially if the other person is just a stranger without even a hint of closeness.

Ruth and I were perfect strangers, merely standing together because we were looking in the same direction for a moment.

Therefore, we could never become ‘us.’


A suppressed sigh brushed my lips and vanished. A terribly bitter feeling was so intense that it made my fingertips ache as the emotion slowly died.

Ashamed of being upset over unrequited feelings, I twisted my lips cynically and asked in a calm tone, “If I say this isn’t right, would you not join hands with the Abyss family’s only daughter?”

Among all uncertainties, one thing was clear: it was beneficial for Ruth to collaborate with Helen. However, something about partnering with her immediately caused hesitation.

An unnamed emotion kindled distrust. Thus, I needed time to put on a blindfold to cover minor discomforts and extinguish the sparks of distrust.

“Hmm, in that case, I might hesitate, but I wouldn’t oppose it.”


“Because the person I’ve observed you to be doesn’t draw conclusions without reason. And even if not specifically with the only daughter of the Abyss family, there are ways to gain support from the Abyss family.”

Is there really a way to win the Abyss family’s support aside from joining hands with Helen?
I frowned upon hearing this for the first time.

“What is this method?

“We’ll have to see about that.”


My lips, having lost words to say, closed slowly.
It was somewhat bewildering. Given how confidently he spoke, I thought there was a clear way, but it turned out to be a statement with only plans. Moreover, it didn’t seem to fit with the meticulous nature of Ruth.

There was only one reason he could make such unplanned remarks, so it didn’t take long to figure out Ruth’s intentions.

…Did he say that to give me a choice on purpose?
I lightly touched my burning face as confidence slowly grew within me. It was certainly a kind gesture, but it was something that could also be extended to others.

Yet, my heart fluttered because it was Ruth. Not someone else, but Ruth.

As I tried to conceal the drumming sound near my heart with a deep breath, Ruth put his hand on my waist and lightly tapped my forehead with his finger. It was so gentle that I could barely feel the touch.

“So, I asked what you think. Do you plan not to answer?”

“Can I answer that question after meeting with the Abyss family’s only daughter once more?”

As I belatedly regained my composure and cautiously responded, Ruth’s smile grew broader.

“Yes, let’s do that.”

“Thank you for understanding, Your Majesty.”

“It’s nothing. So, is that all you found out at today’s banquet?”

“Ah, there’s one more thing.”

“Oh? There’s more, you say?”

I intended to relay to Ruth what I discussed with Helen, as well as what was shared with Cedric.
Seeing my determined expression, Ruth seemed puzzled for a moment before chuckling lightly.

“It seems you’ve been busier than I expected, my lady.”

“It was just seizing an opportunity that happened to come by.”

Though it wasn’t purely by chance, the playful mischief in my refutation made me reluctant to agree outright.

Besides, these days, there’s such a thing as deliberate coincidences, so it’s not entirely a falsehood, right?

Musingly rationalizing to myself, Ruth, observing me, spoke in a more solemn tone.

“A coincidence, you say… Well then, what is the remaining matter?”

“It’s about the Dright family. It seems that Sir Cedrics wants to join hands with us.”

“Sir Cedrics, as in the commander of the paladin order who took a brief holiday for his birthday, correct?”

“That’s right.”

“But why would someone of his stature, a commander of the paladin order, want to join hands with us?”

Although similar to the question I had at the banquet, unlike mine which lacked a definite answer, Ruth’s question could be answered precisely.

I recalled the conversation I had with Cedrics and began to speak.

“He said he knows a secret that the Viscount Dright is hiding.”

“A secret that Viscount Dright is hiding, you mean, the one we know about? The casino.”

“Well… yes, but at the same time, no.”


Ruth looked at me with a desperate gaze, urging me to continue as I slightly glanced at my lightly pursed lips and added,

“It’s not only that.”

Nothing much , just a guy doing his best to make everyone happy. If you've liked my translation, leave a comment ❤️


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