Unexpectedly, I Became the Emperor’s Fiancé


The moment I grasped what Duke Hazel meant, my mind seemed to go blank. Precisely, I fell into panic as if I’d lost my senses due to a flood of thoughts pouring out.

When did he even see that? No, more importantly, was he at the engagement banquet that day? If so, I would have known… But that’s not what matters right now, Selena.

What should I do? How do I handle this now?

As my thoughts spiraled, my hand, held captive by Duke Hazel, trembled like a leaf in the wind.

I racked my brain for a solution, like a broken toy desperately trying to work again, spinning and spinning, as if that was all I could do.

Yet, despite my urgency, no solution to escape Duke Hazel’s suspicions came to mind. Instead, the sharpened sense of reality, contrary to my intentions, stung my skin.

I was at the banquet hall of the Dright Duchy, surrounded by countless nobles, and Duke Hazel and I were in a standoff that would definitely attract attention.

It would be disastrous if others took Duke Hazel’s words seriously. My secret could be exposed to the world in an instant.

Realizing that the people around us, with their ears and eyes, posed a greater threat than Duke Hazel himself, I quickly scanned the banquet hall.

Just as I feared, almost everyone’s gaze was directed at us, their interest piqued as if we were clowns put on for their entertainment.


I let out a hollow sigh.

Why do ominous premonitions never prove wrong?

If I were to run away now without properly answering Duke Hazel’s question, those who heard our conversation would be certain I had something to hide. They would try to uncover it. Perhaps they might discover a secret that could become my weakness.

Given what I know of Duke Hazel’s character, it was impossible for all of this to have been mere coincidence. Thus, the only conclusion was:
I had been completely had.

Given the situation, I would have to offer up even a small bone for Duke Hazel to chew on and enjoy as he wished. He would then use it to secure whatever he wanted.

Hypocritical man.

I muttered under my breath and bit my lower lip.
I never dreamed that a single mistake could spark such a disaster, nor did I realize the ripples it would cause.

“Why do you ask? Does your wrist still hurt today?”


Despite my confusion, Duke Hazel, with worry filling his eyes, asked as if he knew nothing.

However, contrary to the seemingly kind voice, the grip on my wrist only grew stronger.

At that moment, I found myself increasingly engulfed in an emotion that overshadowed the fear that had been constricting me until now; I swallowed down a sneer.

The name of that emotion was none other than anger. It was a mix of anger towards myself for still being overshadowed by fear even in such situations, and anger towards Duke Hazel who hadn’t changed a bit from before.

Reflecting on the past, Duke Hazel was like this even 11 years ago. He knew full well my father’s intention to hide me, yet he deliberately cornered my father. He aimed to dig into my father’s vulnerabilities to bring him down.

Could it be that my father had gone through the same ordeal as me?

At that moment, an odd question sprang to mind, and I remembered something my father had said in a dominating tone.

“The outside world is too dangerous for you, Seri. People are greedy and selfish. There are also numerous variables that could be poison to you. Once you step out of the mansion, nothing will be guaranteed anymore. Still, do you wish to leave? This safe mansion?”


It finally made sense. The reason why my father was so intent on hiding me from the outside world was now perfectly clear to me.

My father knew. He knew that if I stepped out into the outside world, I would inevitably encounter the same experiences as him.

That leaving a place where no one and nothing could threaten me, I would face insurmountable mountains.

Moreover, I had the golden blood, considered legendary by others.

Of course, being a symbol of absolute power, it could also become a means to amass wealth and honor. But for someone powerless like me, it was no different than a weakness. Moreover, it was a vulnerability that could dictate my life.

Therefore, my father protected me from the greedy world in his own way. Even though it ended up cutting off my wings.

I once read in a book that a bird whose feathers have been cut dies because a bird that cannot fly does not have the strength to live independently. Therefore, the only thing a bird with its feathers cut can do to survive is to receive adoration while singing in a cage, safe and sound.

When I read that passage, I laughed, thinking how much I resembled that bird with its feathers cut. The bitterly ironic smile that lingered on my lips for a moment is still vivid in my memory, proving that it’s not a distorted recollection.

Then, why did I think that my situation was similar to that of the bird with its feathers cut?

Ah, yes. It was because of my inability to be independent. Like that bird, I could not be whole on my own without someone’s help. Naturally, I was already ostracized from the flock, emitting a strong scent of fence.

But now, I have neither my father to be my fence, nor Ruth, Ian, Tommy, my mother, or even my sister. Moreover, the distance between me and Helen, my only ally, is uncertain, and Cedric is still a stranger to me.

This meant that, right now, the only one who can protect me is myself. Even if my wings have been clipped, it means I must leap with the readiness to face death. It meant that survival must take precedence over the right to be free from oppression right now.

My train of thought, unceasing up to that point, vanished in the blink of an eye.

Realizing that my anger faded and rationality returned thanks to the thoughts that flowed like water and ended with a full stop, I began to ponder deeply.

If I must give up a piece of my flesh anyway, I wanted to offer it in a way that would result in the least damage.

Remember, Selena. You’ve done well until now. So, you can do well this time too. Remember.

As I kept repeating “remember” to myself, I tried hard to diminish the significance of the facts I was about to reveal as my vulnerabilities.

Forging truths with lies could lead to more troubles.

Engulfed in these thoughts, suddenly someone from behind embraced one of my arms, just as a lover would.

Then, a cheerful voice called me.

“Lady Obelton!”


If it were Helen, she would not call me “Lady” but just by my title. And it couldn’t be Isabella either, as she wouldn’t address me by adding my family name when calling me.

Who could it be, then?

I forgot that I was confronting Duke Hazel and turned my head towards where I felt the weight to dispel the rising confusion. And then I saw her. A woman with vibrant red hair, hanging onto my arm and smiling brightly.

She was Lady Winter, the Earl’s daughter.


I discreetly wrinkled my nose as I identified the woman.

Perhaps it was because most of my memories of Lady Winter were filled with her being hostile, her behavior now seemed very unfamiliar to me.

Despite my reaction, Lady Winter, still snickering without minding me, glanced at my wrist still held by Duke Hazel and muttered,

“Oh dear. To dare touch the noble body of a princess soon to be the Empress. How can the attitude of a Duke, who should set an example for other nobles in treating those above them, be so messy?”

“…What did you just say, my lady?”

“It’s just to myself, Your Grace. Please don’t mind it.”

Claiming it was to herself, yet speaking loudly enough to echo through the banquet hall, clearly indicated she intended to publicly ridicule Duke Hazel for losing the noble elegance expected of a duke.

I internally marveled at Lady Winter’s audacity.

Even though Duke Hazel might be treated no better than a toothless tiger, he was still a duke. Thus, it was bold of Lady Winter, merely an Earl’s daughter, to confront him so fiercely.

Is there any reliance to believe in? Or is her appearance part of a play orchestrated by Duke Hazel?

Full of doubt, while contemplating various possibilities, Lady Winter soon spoke again.

“Right. Hearing the conversation between His Excellency and the lady, it seems like the lady tried to hide her right wrist during the engagement party. Rather than trying to hide it, it was probably because the lady had dropped a wine glass and injured it that day.”

At Lady Winter’s words, gasps could be heard around the ballroom, and I was among them.

It was something I could have thought of myself if I had been more at ease, but what was beyond my imagination was that Lady Winter took the lead to mention it.

What on earth was she thinking?

The adversary, who had been malicious, was now coming forth with goodwill, leaving me utterly baffled.

In the midst of me sternly staring at her with an innocent smile, after a short silence, Duke Hazel asked with a tension-filled tone,

“How can you be so sure?”

“Because I was watching right beside her. Surely you wouldn’t distrust the words of a reliable witness?”


Her rebuttal closed the lips of Duke Hazel that, despite my efforts, had not closed before.

The scene could have made me laugh, but the chill went down my spine quickly due to his gaze, which reminded me of a twisted snake.

Just as I flinched from a bad premonition that Duke Heizel wouldn’t back down so easily, Lady Winter, the countess, added, “By the way, I remember not being the only one there. Why is it so quiet? It’s not like the people here didn’t see what I saw…”

She spoke meaningfully and slowly looked around the ballroom. The nobles, whose eyes met hers, all coughed in unison and busied themselves pretending otherwise.

The implication was crystal clear. They already knew. Yet, they had kept their mouths shut.

I clenched my fists so hard that my palms got scratched. It stung to realize that I had really been playing the fool all this time.

The feeling of being dragged down was momentarily reversed by the sound of lively clapping from Lady Winter.

What is she going to do now?

Although I was thankful for being pulled out from a crisis, I was on edge not knowing what she might do next. I just hoped she wouldn’t make any dangerous statements.

With a fervent heart, I stared at Lady Winter. However, my wishes didn’t reach her.

“Ah! Are you pretending not to know even after seeing it?”

It was truly a heavy blow.

Nothing much , just a guy doing his best to make everyone happy. If you've liked my translation, leave a comment ❤️


  1. niki1da1 says:

    I’m starting to like Lady winter more than the main character tbh

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