Unexpectedly, I Became the Emperor’s Fiancé


At the unexpected appearance of a figure, I momentarily forgot to breathe, fixating intensely on the doors of the banquet hall. Laszlo Hazel. He was the head of the Hazel Dukedom, and 11 years ago, he collaborated with the previous emperor in a rebellion, which is why he’s now treated like a tiger without teeth.

He was also the very person who drove my father to the brink and ultimately led to his death. I hadn’t seen him at any official events so far, so I didn’t expect him to come to this banquet, but why…

My thoughts, tinged with panic, could not find closure, overwhelmed by an indescribable emotion.

“The little miss seems surprised to see me.”


“I am Laszlo Hazel, the head of the Hazel Dukedom.”

Soon after, memories that had been purposefully suppressed began to insidiously make their presence felt, as if they had never been hiding, clearly emerging.

The weight of someone stepping on my shoulders that day, the chilling curve of his gaze as he looked at me, and the clumsy excuses forcefully spoken in a voice seeking refuge likened to that of a mouse in its hole.

All of these feelings wrapped around me too vividly, traversing the long span of 11 years.

…I clenched and unclenched my fists as if feeling ants crawling all over my body, biting down hard on my lower lip.

My gaze stayed fixated on Duke Hazel who was leisurely crossing the ballroom.

Duke Hazel looked significantly older than he did 11 years ago.

His once-dark hair had turned to gray, filled with streaks of white, and the brown eyes that used to constrict my younger self had become dim and lifeless.

Moreover, the wrinkles that now covered his face seemed to have multiplied, in stark contrast to his once imposing demeanor which now appeared deflated.

But no matter how aged, fear remained fear.

Like a wild animal acting on instinct, I fought the urge to shrink my shoulders and made a conscious effort to expand them. I slowly moved my eyelids in an attempt to calm my restlessly wandering eyes.

It’s okay. It will be okay, Selena. This is the ballroom of Duke Dright’s mansion, and there are many people around. So, no one here can harm you.

I muttered these words to myself, keeping the mask from twisting in agony.

Even in such a situation, I had to become ‘Serbia’, the emperor’s fiancée, and not ‘Selena’.

While I struggled to control my tumultuous emotions, Cedrics, who had keenly noticed my troubled state, quietly asked, “What’s bothering you?”

“Oh. It’s nothing. Just feeling a bit dizzy…

It was a lie. However, I did not feel much guilt for lying to the pure knight, because it was a lie filled with good intentions, not malice.

Cedric frowned suspiciously at my shameless answer, but seemed to decide against questioning the facts too deeply, as he clenched his lips tightly.

Recognizing his small act of consideration, I swallowed the indifferent laugh that almost burst out. Then, catching a glimpse of the approaching Duke Hazel, I opened my mouth.

“Sir Cedric, if I’m not mistaken, you must know the secret that the young Duke Dright hides from the public. Am I right?”

“…Yes, you are correct.”

Cedric answered after a brief silence, to my question filled with certainty.

At that moment, feeling slightly intoxicated by the joy of an unexpected gain, I smiled faintly, and he added a few more words.

“To be precise, I know the secrets that my brother is hiding.”



If what I knew was correct, the only secret the young Duke Dright was hiding was his involvement in running a casino under the guise of doing charity work for the children of the slums.

But it’s not just a secret, it’s ‘secrets’.

Am I misunderstanding something, or are there more secrets I’m unaware of? I pondered this issue for a moment before giving up on it.

Maybe I was too distracted, but I just couldn’t concentrate.

Whenever my thoughts tried to wander just a bit, the sound of footsteps from somewhere would consume all my attention.

So, without any other choice, I decided to delay solving this problem to another time and instead voiced another question that lingered in my mind.

“What does Sir Cedrics see as the purpose?”

“Exactly what purpose are you asking about?”

“The purpose of this collaboration. What does Sir believe will be the purpose if this collaboration succeeds?”

Although we needed Cedrics as a card for me and Ruth, if the direction he and I were looking toward was different, this collaboration could instead become poison.

Therefore, this was an essential procedure before holding his hand.

Not only this, but I also needed to find out why he had reached out his hand, but that could wait for later.

I waited for Cedrics’ response, who seemed deep in thought, while occasionally checking on Duke Hazel. Duke Hazel was not far away, having a relaxed conversation with Duke Dright.

At that, I sighed, realizing he was gradually getting closer to me.

If we lingered here any longer, we would undoubtedly run into Duke Hazel. And then, I would have to look into those snake-like eyes once again.

The moment I became aware of this fact, I instinctively hid my trembling fingers behind my back.

No matter how hard I tried to steady my wavering heart, the fear remained.

It seemed my emotions were still trapped 11 years in the past.

Eventually, unable to wait any longer for Cedric’s answer during what felt like an eternity, I forced myself to speak in the calmest tone I could muster.

“It seems you might need some time to think, Sir. Unfortunately, I’ve just remembered some urgent business I need to attend to and can’t wait any longer.”


“So, let’s say our goodbyes here for today. Whenever you find the answer to my question, feel free to write, Sir Cedric. I’ll be waiting.”

It was a terribly irresponsible reason, but there was no time to consider that.

After all, who looks after others when they are themselves facing death? Besides, I was the fiancée of the Emperor.

Therefore, I could not afford to look disheveled in such a setting.

Of course, I had already shown myself in a mess at the end of the engagement ceremony, but that had to be the end of it.

I rationalized my actions in my mind and with those words, I immediately headed for the entrance of the banquet hall.

Normally, I would have regretted not concluding a conversation with clarity, but at this moment, with the ticking of the clock sounding like thunder, I lamented not ending the conversation sooner.

As I walked in such confusion and finally got within a few steps of the banquet hall door, I felt slightly relieved. It was prideful of me.

“Oh, are you leaving already?”


My body stiffened at the deep voice coming from behind. It was a familiar yet resentful fear. My goodness.

I was surely with Duke Dright, but when did he arrive? My heart sank at this encounter I desperately wanted to avoid, yet a sweet temptation whispered that if I just left the banquet hall as if I hadn’t heard anything, nothing would happen.

But as the fiancée of the emperor, as ‘Serbia’, it was taboo to leave any sort of itch unscratched.

Thus, even though I certainly heard, I couldn’t pretend otherwise.


Despite my legs working fine, the truth that I couldn’t run away but had to walk into the trap myself made me feel nauseous.

But, putting on a brave face and turning around slowly with a creaking body, I then faced the intruder who shattered my small world.

He was smiling kindly.

“Ah. Just in case you didn’t know, I am…”

“Duke Hazel, right?”

I preempted, not wanting to see the same scene again, making Duke Hazel’s smile deepen.

“Yes, you knew me.”

“Is there anyone in the Iker Empire who does not know His Excellency?”

I retorted sharply by accident, but Duke Hazel seemed not to mind. Instead, he laughed heartily as if pleased and changed the subject.

“By the way, I am very glad to see the princess looking so healthy.”


“I saw the princess being carried to His Majesty during the engagement banquet. I was quite worried, but thankfully, you seem to be in good health now.”


What does that mean?

I tried to figure out why Duke Hazel brought up this topic but failed. Honestly, my whole mind was focused on acting composed in front of Duke Hazel, leaving no room for other thoughts.

Having found no other strategy, it was clear what I had to do next.

To play along with Duke Hazel’s pace.

“At that time, I was in a weakened state due to personal reasons. I regret that you had to see me in such an unworthy condition.”

“Is that so.”

After some hesitation, he responded, and the arrogance masquerading as benevolence vanished from Duke Hazel’s face.

“But it seems a bit problematic to say that the lady was in a weak mental state at that time.”

“Excuse me? What do you mean by…….”

Before I could even try to understand his ambiguous words, Duke Hazel started to approach us with big strides.

As he got closer, my forehead wrinkled involuntarily due to the pungent smell hitting my nose strongly.

Soon, Duke Hazel, who arrived in front of me in a few steps, his pupils shimmered with a strange light. It was like the gaze of a snake ready to hunt.

“Because, to my memory, the lady didn’t collapse due to a weak mental state,”

Duke Hazel stopped there and suddenly grabbed my right wrist roughly.

Because of his swift movement, I couldn’t react properly and groaned in pain as I was caught.
With a twist in his lips, as if my reaction was of no concern to him, Duke Hazel continued.

“It seems you wanted to hide this wrist.”

Nothing much , just a guy doing his best to make everyone happy. If you've liked my translation, leave a comment ❤️


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