Unexpectedly, I Became the Emperor’s Fiancé

It was a light-hearted joke, but coming from Ian, it didn’t feel like one. I momentarily imagined him sneaking into the palace and immediately regretted such thoughts.

It was a relief that nothing of that sort had actually happened.

“Anyway, the potion?”

Although it was the palace’s back entrance, it was still reachable from the outside, meaning someone could appear at any moment.

Therefore, I wanted to take the potion as soon as possible.

Seemingly understanding my intention, Ian unceremoniously pulled out three small bottles of potion from his possessions.

“Here they are.”

I quickly glanced at the orange liquid inside the transparent glass bottles he offered and promptly took them.

After storing two bottles in my bosom, I immediately opened one bottle and poured the potion into my mouth.

The sticky liquid was unpleasant as it went down my throat, but it was bearable. After all, this wasn’t the first time I had experienced it.

While I was trying to suppress the rising urge to vomit after swallowing the rest of the potion, Ian carefully grabbed the end of my hair.

“Looks like the effect is taking place quickly since your hair color is already darkening.”

“Yeah, it should completely change in about 20 minutes,” I replied, based on my previous experience, and followed his gaze downward.

Just as Ian had said, the tips of my hair were already turning a dark brown.

At this rate, not only my hair but also my eyes would have changed color by the time I returned to my bedroom.

Thank goodness.

It was tough pretending to be sick all day. I sighed deeply, remembering how I had to stay in bed all day to prevent my changing appearance from being discovered.

It was a relief that Isabella didn’t suspect anything, as it would have been troublesome if she had even the slightest doubt.

“Thanks for bringing me the potion, Ian. But how did you know to prepare it in advance?”


This situation was something I hadn’t anticipated either. I had no idea the effects of the potion would wear off so suddenly.

So how did Ian manage to have five bottles of potion ready? As I asked him with a curious heart, Ian shrugged as if it was nothing and answered,

“I had taken some potion previously, hadn’t I? I analyzed its components to find out what kind of potion it was and prepared in advance for such an emergency.”


I suppressed the sigh that rose to the tip of my throat. I now understood why he had suddenly come and taken a few drops of the potion when I first started taking it.

So that was why he took the potion.

I thought he had taken it to check for toxicity. While I was internally admiring his foresight, Ian suddenly asked with a worried look in his eyes.

“Was there any trouble?”
“Hm? What do you mean?”
“Like someone seeing you reverting back to your original form… Did that happen?”
Ian, who added examples when I couldn’t understand the question and looked puzzled, seemed strangely eerie. Precisely, there was an indescribable atmosphere emanating from him, almost like a demon tempting a human to cross the line.

I shook my head in dismay, just moving my lips in vain upon seeing this unfamiliar side of Ian.

“Fortunately, no. I pretended to be ill and stayed in my room.”

“I’m glad to hear that.”

“Yeah. It was boring not meeting anyone, but now that I’ve met you, I feel like I can breathe.”

“Is that so?”

As I muttered, almost whining in an attempt to dispel the dark shadows in his eyes, Ian’s expression softened as expected.

There it is again. That look.

I swallowed my sigh at the familiar gaze he often showed, feeling a premonition that delving deeper would lead to misfortune.

So, I tried to ignore it, making an effort not to throw stones on the calm water surface, as I always did.

Ian, who failed to notice my true feelings, burst out in laughter and then suddenly seemed to remember something, letting out a short breath.

“Ah, right. Please take this.”

“What is this?”

“It’s the casino entrance card you asked for in your letter.”

Looking down at his hand, there was a card with a black background and gold borders. The card, half a palm smaller than Ian’s hand, had the name “Lorante” written on one side.


After rolling the familiar name around in my mouth several times, I finally remembered where I had seen it. It was the name of the hotel run by the Marquis of Draite that I had read about in a newspaper before.

Our prediction was right.

I wanted to cheer with joy but managed to keep my composure and said calmly,

“Thank you for not forgetting to bring it.”

“It wasn’t a big request. But, are you really planning to go to the casino?”

“Of course.”


Ian hesitated as if he was about to hand me the card at my gesture for him to give it to me. His hesitation was evident.

What could he possibly be hesitating about?

Gazing into his clear, conflicting blue eyes, I waited for his mouth to open.

“You know what kind of place it is, sister. It’s a den of filth. Even the good ones come out corrupted. And yet, you still insist on going?”

As he spoke, his emotions surged, twisting his face suddenly in distress, much like a crying child.

I quietly watched him pour out his heightened emotions and then spoke.



“I know. I know it’s a mire. A place for those obsessed with money, with alcohol, with women.”

“Then why…!”

Ian cut off his own rising voice and ran his hands roughly through his hair.

I bit my lip firmly.

I knew. I was well aware that the casino was a space for those led by intangible powers, chasing after pleasure. I knew it all too well.

Yet, despite this, I wanted to go. Even when talking with Ruth, my thought of needing to go had transformed into wanting to go. Since Ruth would be with me, I was certain it would be alright.

Of course, I could understand the part that Ian was worried about, but his worry crossing into intervening with my decision was too much.

“But I still want to go despite all those risks. Do you still want to stop me?”


“I’m not a child, Ian. Nor am I a greenhouse flower. So it’s up to me, the master of my life, to decide whether to live safely or dangerously. Understand?”

Yes. This was it. The speech I had longed to say day and night. The words Ruth had comforted me with. This was it.

I am the master of my life. Thus, no one has the right to intervene in my life, under the pretext of doing what’s best for me.

Not Ian.

Not my sister.

Not even my father…

I bit my lower lip hard to prevent tears from welling up in my eyes that were becoming hot.

The moment I carelessly recalled my father, I felt as if a huge hole had been pierced through my heart. A creepy, dark emptiness enveloped me.

This is why I’ve been desperately trying not to think about it, but it was all in vain.

As I struggled with my blurring vision, Ian, who had maintained his silence with a shocked expression, finally managed to speak.

“I apologize, Sister. I was momentarily blinded by worry and made a mistake.”

His mind, lost in thought after his apology, quickly returned to reality.

“…All right, Ian. That’s enough.”


It truly was. Just knowing was enough.

Yet, despite my genuine forgiveness, Ian’s face showed no sign of relief. Instead, it bore even more regret and self-reproach.

This wasn’t what I intended… Did I push too hard?
Seeing Ian with his shoulders slumped like a beaten puppy washed away the lingering resentment, and in its place, sympathy welled up.

“Ian. Are you that sorry to me?”

“Yes. I’m so sorry that words can’t express it.”

“Hmm, is that so.”

I deliberately dragged out my words with a playful tone.

I didn’t want to see Ian so disheartened.

What excuse could I find to brighten his face?

After pondering for a moment, I found a suitable pretext and my lips curled into a smirk.

“Then, as an apology, could you tell me more about the casino?”

“…What? I’m sorry, but I don’t know any more…”

Ian drooped his eyes and shook his head.

But I didn’t believe his words.

“If what you say is true, there should be some evidence left somewhere that Duke Dright killed the second son of the Harvest family. But there’s no evidence anywhere.”

He had provided a lot of information.

However, all those pieces of information had ambiguous sources. Even if he heard about Duke Dright operating a casino when he was getting his entry pass at the tavern, how would he explain the source of the Harvest family matter?

“What you’re saying means that Duke Dright has hidden the evidence somewhere… Doesn’t that sound strange?”

“What does, may I ask?”

“How would you know about the evidence that Duke Dright deliberately hid?”


Moreover, Duke Dright was a thorough person, enough to deceive even Ruth. The assumption that Ian came to know such a person’s secret by sheer luck was indeed improbable.

Therefore, I was convinced. There was still information that I had to hear from Ian.

“Where is the evidence, Ian?”

When I asked him with a voice full of conviction, Ian stayed quiet for a few seconds and then soon let out a hearty laugh.

“I guess I can’t hide anything from you, sister. When did you start thinking that far ahead?”

While saying this and tapping my head lightly, Ian’s lips had already relaxed.

Nothing much , just a guy doing his best to make everyone happy. If you've liked my translation, leave a comment ❤️


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