Unexpectedly, I Became the Emperor’s Fiancé

If it turns out that they’ve gone as far as forging documents and now even fabricating the case itself… then things are really getting out of hand, just like Ruth said.

I suppressed the snicker that threatened to burst out and pressed down the rising irritation. Ruth’s expression, not much different from my own feelings, had hardened.

His face was as pale as a sheet, noticeably so.

Silent for a while in that state, He eventually spoke in a dry, emotionless voice, slowly saying, “There’s some merit to your thoughts. We definitely need to reinvestigate this case.”

Then, seeming tired, He washed his face with his dry hands and glanced at the ticking wall clock before adding,

“By the way, it’s already been an hour; aren’t you uncomfortable staying in that outfit?”


Only then did I realize I was still in my ball gown.

I had been so focused on our conversation that I completely forgot about the dress. Glancing down at the flowing gown, I found my words.

“It’s not uncomfortable……”

I started to say it wasn’t uncomfortable but then hesitated. In Ruth’s eyes, there was a somewhat clumsy yet urgent request for me to leave, unmistakably firm.

And so I understood. He wanted to send me away now.

Knowing this, I couldn’t just smirk and pretend I wasn’t uncomfortable. At least, I couldn’t.

“Yes. It feels a bit uncomfortable.”

“If that’s the case, I can’t hold you back. You may leave if we’re done talking.”

When I answered as he wished, Ruth’s gaze softened significantly, like early spring when the buds start to sprout.

I watched this quietly before slowly getting up from my seat.

Since our conversation was over, and if Ruth wanted to be alone, it was right to leave him alone.

“Thank you for understanding. I wish you a peaceful night.”

“I wish you a peaceful night as well.”

As I placed my hand on my chest and gave a formal goodbye, Ruth returned the same greeting in a tone that carried no variation.

With that, I allowed myself a brief smile before leaving his bedroom, trying my best not to let my precarious steps falter.

The gesture of comfort made me feel as though the distance between us had somewhat closed. Even if Ruth didn’t open his heart to me, I felt he wouldn’t push me away.

But that was a misjudgment. There was another barrier between him and me that I hadn’t known about, one that I currently couldn’t dare to cross.

“…Really, this isn’t the time for that.”

Just before falling into a pit of deep thought, I barely managed to regain my consciousness and murmured. And I shook my head to get rid of the random thoughts.

But the more I tried, the random thoughts clung to me even more persistently.

Eventually, I gave up on discarding the useless thoughts and hurried my steps. I wanted to lie down in bed and rest, to close my eyes and not think of anything.

Today had too many tiring events. That’s probably why I was easily swept away by the slightest disturbance.

Concluding as much, what greeted me upon arriving in the bedroom was none other than a flower ring crumbling away as its magic expired.

The moment I saw the disintegrating flower ring, an indescribable emotion surged over me like a calm tide. In the end, I was devoured by that tide.

Chapter 5. The Jester’s Tears

Magicians had started to stay in the palace’s east annex since two days ago. The fact they haven’t returned to the Mage Tower suggested they would stay for a while.

That must mean a significant problem has arisen in the empire. I wonder what the problem could be.

Basking in the lethargic winter sunlight pouring through the window, I fell into a dreamy state of thought, curious about the problem the magicians came to solve.

However, it wasn’t long before I gave up trying to find an answer. No matter how much I pondered, sitting idly in the palace like this, I wouldn’t be able to figure out what the problem was.

Seeing that Ruth hasn’t told me, it seems to be a secret, but it’s no use being curious about it.

Having finished that thought and stretched, I got up from the plush armchair.

“It’s been a while since I’ve had nothing to do, maybe I should visit the royal library.”

It was only two days since the ball ended, so I had to wait another day to receive messages from the nobles. This was because there is time involved in the nobles sending letters and Wilson sorting them out.

Furthermore, my lesson with Countess Sirael was a few days away.

So, today was a rare day with absolutely nothing to do. At most, listening to Isabella’s chatter was all.

After a short contemplation, I decided to go to the library and immediately pulled the bell rope.

“What can I do for you? Shall I bring some tea?”

Isabella came running breathlessly in just a few seconds. Seeing her face flushed red, it seemed she was quite far away.

I turned my gaze from Isabella, who was adjusting her appearance, to the window, noticing the particularly nice weather outside.

“Not that, I was thinking of going to the royal library for a change.”

“Understood. Then, wait a moment please, I will bring your shawl!”

Isabella, without needing further explanation, quickly caught on to what I intended and went to fetch the shawl.

I took my gaze off Isabella’s retreating back and blankly stared at the flower ring, which was now just crumbs left.

Right after I hurriedly ended the conversation with Ruth, I didn’t understand why he suddenly gave me an eviction order. I thought maybe he just wanted to push me away.

But upon calming down and thinking it over, it seemed that wasn’t the case. Since the time I spoke about the incident being fabricated, his face turned pale as if he was someone who wanted to hide something.

“Here, I brought a shawl for you, my lady!”

Just then, Isabella came with a shawl, and my thoughts stopped there.

Due to my scattered focus, I decided to look into this matter later and draped the shawl over my shoulders. I enjoyed the light warmth it provided to my upper body.

“I’ll be off then.”

“Alright. Don’t forget to come back before dinner.”

“Got it.”

I’m not a child.

I muttered quietly, watching Isabella add playfully.

Ever since that incident, whenever I went to the imperial library, I always left Isabella behind. It was much easier to concentrate on my reading when I didn’t have someone waiting for me.

With a smile hinting at laughter, I gave Isabella a last look and stepped out.


The sunlight was warm, but the wind was still sharp. However, perhaps because there was no snow, it wasn’t so cold that it stung the flesh.

I wrapped my shawl tighter around myself as I headed towards the library.


Absorbed in my thoughts, I suddenly found myself in front of the library, about to enter, when I saw a familiar figure not far away.

It was Tommy, with his dark reddish hair and dull silver eyes.

What was Tommy doing there? I stood still, staring curiously at Tommy as he gazed blankly at a bird flying by, then I cautiously approached him.

“What are you doing here…?”

I almost slipped into the informal speech of our childhood.

I added a polite ‘yo’ at the end of my question, trying to calm my fluttering heart.

When I spoke to him, Tommy turned his gaze from the bird, looked down at me, and replied in a low voice, “Hello, my lady. I was just watching a bird for a moment.”

“Watching a bird?”


His tone was so matter-of-fact that I couldn’t even bring myself to ask why.

He must have developed an unusual hobby since I last saw him.

As I was glancing at a white bird wandering in the clear blue sky, swallowing my words, I became aware of Tommy standing next to me and opened my mouth.

“Ah. I’m late in introducing myself. My name is Serbia Obelton.”

“Serbia Obelton, you say.”

Tommy’s eyes, repeating my name, became enigmatic. A mix of perplexity and astonishment mingled in his star-like pupils.

What? Did I make some mistake?

While I was curiously looking at him, who showed quite a bit of disturbance, Tommy reverted to an expressionless face and slightly bowed.

“My name is Thomas Levin.”

“I know your name because I heard it at the ball the day before yesterday. Thomas Levin… That’s a pretty name.”

Pretending as if I learned his name for the first time at the ball, I secretly let slip my genuine feelings.

It was what I wanted to say to Tommy from the moment I learned his name, “Thomas Levin.”

Blushing like a pink rose on his cheeks, Tommy awkwardly took out a pocket watch and then heaved a deep sigh.

“Oh dear. I must go to a meeting now. It was short but pleasant.”


It was internally disappointing that we had to part so soon when we had met only a few minutes ago.

As adults, different from when we were children, we each had our own responsibilities and duties to fulfill. There were also many responsibilities we had to bear.

Therefore, today, we had to part ways. For Tommy, and for myself.

“It was fun for me too.”

As I nodded briskly, Tommy casually let his pale lips stretch into a thin line and then left a small kiss on the back of my hand.

Just like he did on the day he left me.


“Farewell, then.”

In the moment I was surprised by the sudden kiss and widened my eyes, he had vanished from sight, leaving only the faint scent of the breeze behind.


A sense of déjà vu and belated suspicion washed over me in the suddenly emptied surroundings.

But how did Tommy know I was a noblewoman? At that time, I hadn’t even introduced myself yet.

Even if, giving him the benefit of the doubt, he had memorized the names of all the nobles of the Iker Empire, remembering my face would have been impossible.

How on earth did he…?

“……My god.”

I clapped a hand over my mouth, feeling as if I had been struck on the head.

I had completely forgotten.

The fact that he had worked as a servant in the Obelton’s laundry room for six years.

And the fact that he knew my and my sister’s faces just as well.

Nothing much , just a guy doing his best to make everyone happy. If you've liked my translation, leave a comment ❤️


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