Unexpectedly, I Became the Emperor’s Fiancé

Walking as if on thin ice, I gripped my dress more tightly.

The piercing gazes, loaded with a variety of emotions, felt overwhelmingly persistent. Among them, mockery and disdain were the most prevalent.

It was at that moment, as I tried my best to ignore those stares and look straight ahead, that I spotted Helen in the distance, with a small smile on her face.

It was as if she had been waiting for our eyes to meet, her lips moved. “Long time no see,” she seemed to say.

Although silent, I immediately understood what Helen meant and slightly curled the ends of my lips upwards. It felt like finding an ally amid foes, even though, strictly speaking, Helen wasn’t exactly one of ‘my people’.

Without hesitation, I headed straight towards Helen. It seemed best to be with someone friendly, even if only to feel a bit more at ease.


“Oh, Serbia.”

Smiling broadly as I approached, Helen was chatting with a few young ladies.

Noticing me, the other young ladies hesitated before carefully greeting me.

“Hello, Lady of Obelton. I am Isaiah, the legitimate daughter of the Parfera Marquis.”

“I’m Oshalia, the third daughter of the Count of Anrlotte.”

“Ah. And I am…”

After finishing all the greetings, I looked around for Helen, who had disappeared.

She was receiving a glass of white wine from a servant carrying a serving tray.

I had something to say to her, so when I approached Helen, she looked at me with a puzzled expression, as if she didn’t expect me to talk to her rather than the other ladies.


As I called her, Helen twirled the wine glass in her hand.

“Did you want a glass too?”

“No, it’s not that.”

Since the engagement party, I’ve somehow become hesitant to drink alcohol in the presence of many people, afraid that something like that day might happen again.

I quickly denied, shaking my hand, and then fidgeted with my fingers before looking directly into Helen’s eyes. She being taller made me look up actually.

“I received the letter you sent. I was going to write back, but I suddenly got busy with the preparations for the ball.”

The fact that I checked Helen’s letter late and couldn’t reply was my mistake. So, although there was a bit of a lie, I was sincerely sorry.

At my honest apology, Helen made a meaningful hum and shook her head as if it was nothing.

“It’s alright. I’m just happy that you gladly received my letter.”

“Thank you for understanding. Helen is kind.”

Despite a situation that could hurt her pride, she was thankful for her easy understanding. It was then that she felt a weight lifting from her heart, and as she tried to ease her stiff smile, Helen spoke.

“Actually, I sent it expecting no reply. I thought Serbia might regret agreeing to form a bond with me, coming forth belatedly.”


Isn’t it the other way around?

As I asked back in a flustered tone, Helen chuckled.

“Yes. As you know, the only benefit Serbia could get from being close to me is connections, since I have no power in business or politics, being a woman.”


It was surprising. That both thought the only thing they could gain from each other was connections.

At the same time, it was bitter. The fact that a brilliant lady like Helen could only offer connections to those she associates with, merely because she is a woman.


My flowing thoughts suddenly halted.

I heard the Abys family has yet to formally declare an heir, because Helen is the sole eligible female.

As stated in the imperial law, a woman cannot inherit a family lineage.

Even if she does, it is her husband who actually receives it. However, Helen doesn’t have a spouse, not even a fiancé.

What is the Abyss family planning to do? No, what is Helen planning to do? I felt frustrated, as if I was facing a complex riddle.

If the condition remains, and the Duke of Abyss, suffering from a chronic illness, dies, then her cousin or uncle would naturally take over the family head position.

After that, surely, Helen will have to find a suitable marriage and settle down.

What on earth is Helen’s scheme? I eventually gave up trying to figure out Helen’s intentions and opened my mouth, “Helen. I said I would follow your lead, not that I wanted to become friends in your way. So, don’t think about it.”


Helen, who was surprised by my firm declaration, soon narrowed her eyes with warmth. It was the first genuine smile I saw from her.

“As expected of Serbia. My worries disappeared in an instant.”

Then, I couldn’t quite ask Helen what she was worried about. So, I simply followed her with a shallow smile.

As our conversation was coming to an end, nobles who seemed to have been waiting nearby began to approach one by one.

Then, without discriminating between young and old, they each shared stories about their businesses, the tea parties they will soon host, the social gatherings they are organizing, and various other topics.

In response, I recalled the story about a jester that I had heard from the Countess of Sirael a few days ago and greeted them with a professional smile.

I was subtly prepared to be shunned due to unfavorable rumors, but surprisingly, the atmosphere was not as bad as I had anticipated.

While I was having pleasant conversations with the people gathered around me, a heavy sound of the banquet hall doors opening was heard.

Who could it be?

Before the question had fully formed in my mind, Helen, who had been quietly standing among the people, beat me to it.

“They must have finally arrived.”

“Who has?”

“Who else? The wizards.”

No sooner had she finished her answer than the voice of the knight who had announced my entrance earlier once again filled the banquet hall.

“The wizards have arrived!”

With that gruff voice directing me, I saw ten people clad in navy robes embroidered with lavish gold and silver thread.

So, those are the wizards.

While watching the sorcerers from the Mage Tower, whom I was seeing for the first time, with a fluttering heart, someone walked forward from among them.

It was a tall man with a faded black earring on his left earlobe.

His freely untied dark red hair and the silver-gray eyes visible beyond the thin glasses were charming.

Charming silver-gray eyes… Silver-gray?


Good heavens. I hastily covered my mouth.

The tips of my fingers covering my lips trembled finely. I knew a sorcerer with such an appearance. Better than anyone, I knew him.

My childhood friend, who appeared out of nowhere 17 years ago and became my support, and then suddenly disappeared 11 years ago, teaching me what parting was.



I couldn’t continue speaking and bit my lip hard. If it weren’t for the banquet hall filled with many people, I would have run to him right away. I would have run to him, hugged his neck, and cried while rebuking him.

Asking why he was so late. Saying how much I missed him.

Asking if he had been doing alright all this time. However, this was the royal palace’s banquet hall, full of watchful eyes.

Therefore, I shouldn’t act recklessly like I used to when we were young.

After regaining my composure with difficulty, I tried not to contort my face as I stared intently at Tommy.

Perhaps it was because we had been apart for 11 years, but Tommy somehow felt unfamiliar. It was surprising to see the once utterly innocent boy had become such a mature man.

Tommy… There were too many eyes around to call out his name aloud, so I called it silently in my heart.

“Little Miss, from now on, don’t forget the name Thomas Levin. Someday, when I have grown strong enough, I will come to see you, so please remember me until then.”

Just as you asked, not even once, not a single time have I forgotten your name.

Thomas Levin. Thomas Levin. Thomas Levin. See, I didn’t forget.

The words I wanted to say to him rose to my throat, but I forced them down. I told myself there would be another time to say them. Perhaps he sensed my intense gaze.

Tommy’s scanning eyes met mine directly, without missing a beat.

Hello, my childhood friend.

Gazing into his deep, silver eyes, I couldn’t help but smile broadly, hoping my feelings would reach him.

But despairingly, our eyes cleverly missed each other.


The momentary embarrassment soon vanished. Regrettably, I realized belatedly that I am not Selena, but Serbia.

“His Imperial Majesty partakes!”

And then, as if by a twist of fate, a knight announced Ruth’s entrance.

I erased the blank expression on my face and turned my head in the direction everyone was looking. That’s when I locked eyes with Ruth, impeccably dressed. He was looking straight at me.

After staring at me for a while, Ruth averted his gaze and sat down on the prepared throne, crossing his legs nonchalantly, seeming tired.
He must have been busy.

I felt relieved inside.

“Greetings to His Majesty, the Emperor of the Iker Empire. I am Thomas Levin, the principal of the magic tower.”

As soon as Ruth sat down, Tommy, standing in the center of the banquet hall, bowed gracefully and greeted him.

Ruth, glancing down at Tommy, propped his elbow on the throne and rested his chin on his hand, an expression of ennui.

“Ah, good. I hope you enjoy the ball we’re hosting for you.”

“Thank you for your hospitality. Seeing the dazzling beauty of the ballroom seems to relieve the fatigue of travel.”

“I’m glad to hear that.”

“In that regard, as a gesture of appreciation for the beautiful ball, we were thinking of showing you fireworks. Would you accept?”

“Do as you like.”

Hm? Why does Tommy’s tone seem so stiff?
Am I the only one feeling awkward? Ruth signaled with his hand that this was enough.

Following his signal, the orchestra began to play, and the nobles, who had been chatting in small groups, started looking for partners to share the first dance with. It was customary to dance the first dance with the partner you entered with, but it wasn’t strictly necessary.

Since I didn’t have a partner to enter with, I leaned against the wall, watching the nobles bloom with laughter as they found their dance partners.

Glancing at Ruth, I noticed ladies I hadn’t seen before asking him to dance.

Unable to watch any longer, I clenched my fist and turned away, only for someone to suddenly appear in front of me, extending a well-shaped hand.

Nothing much , just a guy doing his best to make everyone happy. If you've liked my translation, leave a comment ❤️


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