Unexpectedly, I Became the Emperor’s Fiancé

I had only skimmed to check if things were in order earlier, so I didn’t properly review the conditions of the contract. I just assumed they were the conditions we had agreed upon.

But now, I see the content of the conditions has slightly changed. From securing the support of a majority of the four ducal families for Ruth, it has changed to working towards ensuring that the relations between the four ducal families and the royal family are friendly.

“The conditions have changed a bit.”
“Yes. From now on, your job is to help strengthen my position so I’m not eaten alive by the four ducal families.”
“How so?”

Changing the conditions like this was beneficial for both Ruth and me. However, because my actions had been based on the idea that I only needed to secure the support of a majority of the four ducal families, I had no idea how to adjust my plans now.

As if to answer my question, he placed his hand on the table and began rhythmically tapping his index finger.

“The method is simple. For the houses that will stand behind me, offer them a carrot,”

After saying that and pausing for a beat, Ruth gave a small smile. The gentle curve formed by the angle of his eyes was both carelessly indifferent and thrilling.

“And for the houses that will cross swords with me, they get the whip.”
Carrots and whips…

I mulled over Ruth’s response.

The meaning of the carrot and stick that came from his mouth was clear. The carrot meant coaxing with kind words and good things, while the stick meant using power to press down and force submission.

Yes, it was definitely clear… but why do I keep feeling like I’m missing something?

Mulling over this uneasy feeling for a moment, I slowly opened my mouth.

“Your Majesty is not only trying to solidify your position but also the position of the royal family.”


The conclusion I reached after a short contemplation was this: If he just wanted to solidify his position, he wouldn’t necessarily need to bother creating friendly relationships with all four major ducal families. It would be enough to join hands with a few powerful families.

However, the fact that he is handling things this way must mean there is a bigger goal.

For instance, it seemed like he wanted to also solidify the position of the royal family, which had become unstable due to consecutive rebellions and insurrections.

Hearing my words, Ruth let out a meaningful snort, his gaze flashing coldly.

“Sometimes, you are too clever for your own good.”

The tone was somewhat ambiguous to be considered purely a compliment.

Therefore, I wondered if I had said something wrong.

Because it was strange for his tone, which was not kind but had a subtle care in it, to suddenly become sharp.

No matter how much I think about it, I didn’t make a mistake in what I said… As I was coming to that conclusion, meticulously going over the words I had uttered, Ruth opened his mouth.

“Yes. You are right. I will rectify this corrupt power structure and restore the dignity of the royal family.”

“But in this situation, it will be quite difficult to achieve His Majesty’s goal. We should proceed step by step…”

“Step by step?”

He let out a disdainful laugh at my expression.

But I was serious.

Ruth had collapsed from overwork just a week ago. And from what I could guess based on that, he doesn’t have the capacity to take care of himself in the struggle he’s engaged in, let alone have any allies to rely on. The best he could hope for were the Harvest and Obelton families.

Moreover, the royal family had caused him harm. They took away his only mother, isolated him when he was young, and ultimately drove him to death.

And he cares about the royal family in such circumstances? When it’s hard enough just taking care of himself?

While his intentions were good, I didn’t want Ruth to overexert himself. I would rather he acted selfishly.

Yet, frustratingly, Ruth, failing to understand my feelings, irritably swept back his platinum hair.

“Listen well, young lady. The royal family is already trapped in a vicious cycle. Treason to seize the throne is the norm, and most heirs become nothing more than pawns of power-hungry nobles, emperors indistinguishable from puppets.”

“So, I’m going to end this vicious cycle on my line. I don’t want to leave a burden to the future generations that they can’t handle.”

Ruth, realizing too late that his voice had risen, let out a long sigh, ending the stormy narrative.

I felt as if I had been doused with cold water, my lips twitching before I firmly bit down on them.

A vicious cycle will continue forever if no one puts an end to it. It was not a problem that time could solve, nor could it be solved by mere thought.

The vicious cycle he was talking about was the same. Because no one had stepped forward, this cycle had already taken my father from me, and taken Ruth’s mother from him.

If this vicious cycle doesn’t end with our generation, the same things will happen to future generations. Someone will lose a loved one, and someone will be deprived of their rightful rights.


A small sigh escaped.

Somehow, seeing the bending back of my father before my eyes, I blinked slowly. Only now did I realize how naive my thoughts had been.

“Your Majesty…”

Ruth, you,

“Truly had a remarkable idea.”

I was looking at such a wonderful world.
As I said this with a slight smile, Ruth’s indifferent gaze softened.

“It’s not a great idea. It’s an obvious one.”

“But sometimes, what’s obvious is not so obvious.”

There’s no rule that what’s obvious will always be so. Nor is there any guarantee that what’s obvious to me will be obvious to you. In that sense, Ruth was thinking something obvious that wasn’t obvious to everyone else.

And this contradiction felt surprisingly wonderful to me.

It was like this 11 years ago, too, probably.

I dredged up a memory that was lying dormant in a corner of my mind.

“The nanny used to say. Thinking too much makes a child grow up too quickly.”

“I’m not sure what you’re trying to say.”

“Think a little less. It’s complicated enough as is.”

Even then, Ruth, in his contradiction, shone dazzlingly. So, I wanted to share that light, if only a bit. It seemed like I could shine just like that too.

…Yes. When I was young, I wanted to share your light.

But now it’s different.

I let the smile on my lips grow and looked at the dark eyes that resembled violets.

I want to help you shine endlessly now.

“Your Majesty. I told you before. No matter how you treat me, I will faithfully fulfill our contract.”

“That’s right.”

When I mentioned what happened in Ruth’s bedroom, his face stiffened for a moment. It seemed he remembered the mistake he made.

But I didn’t care much. Since I had received an apology, I intended to act as if it never happened.



As I maintained a brief silence, a hush fell over the dining room.

Thanks to that, the faint sound of a beating heart could be heard clearly.

Amidst all my blurring senses, I managed to suppress a snicker, seeing only a kind shade of purple.

“Your Majesty. Now, I promise you again. I, Serbia Obelton, am.”

Apparently, Ruth.

“I will always illuminate the path you wish to take. Definitely.”

It seems I’m destined to love you, even if you bring about my destruction.


After the long dinner with Ruth, the first thing I did when I returned to my bedroom was to write a letter to Ian.

I had been thinking of calling him for a while but hadn’t found the right moment and kept putting it off.

But I no longer intended to delay. Because my resolve grew stronger after dining with Ruth this evening.

No matter what the situation between Ruth and me was, I wanted to help him with all my might. I wanted to be part of the wonderful world he envisions.

I gently looked down at the blank stationery and lightly gripped the quill pen. Pondering how to start, I then moved the quill across the paper.

[To my beloved sibling,

Have you been well?

I hope you’re not too buried in work and surviving on tea as usual.

If so, go out to the garden as soon as you read this letter. The weather is nice, perhaps because winter is ending. The sky is high, and the clouds seem close enough to touch – it’s truly a spectacle.
Anyway, the reason I’m writing to you after such a long time is that I need your help.

I’ll tell you exactly what help I need when we meet. So, I hope you will come to me.

Oh, right. I realized I haven’t updated you on my recent life.

I’m doing better than I worried, and my relationship with His Majesty isn’t that bad either. So don’t worry too much, Ian.

Oh dear. I know you’re busy and the letter turned out to be this long.

I hope it doesn’t waste your time. So I’ll end the letter here.

Please take good care of yourself. ]

Always worrying about you, your sister.

The letter fortunately didn’t go over one page. I would have felt sorry for busy Ian if it had.

After finishing the letter, I quickly read it over, carefully folded it, and put it in an envelope.

Then I sent it to the Obelton family, and a reply came back the very next day.

[To my always worrying sister, As you said, the sky was indeed beautiful. Thanks to you, I was able to take a break from the dreadful paperwork for a bit.

And I’m very glad to hear you’re getting along well in the palace. I was actually quite worried.

You always seemed fragile to me.

Do you remember? When we went to see herbs in the past.

You saw a bug eating the herbs and said we must catch it immediately while hiding behind my back.

Since seeing that, I’ve always wanted to protect you. That’s why I’ve been building my strength.

So, the reason I’m saying this is to tell you that everything I have belongs to you, sister.

Therefore, if you ever need me, I am always here to help you.

Looking at my schedule, it seems I am free this Friday, how about you, sister?

I hope we can meet soon. Until then, please take care of yourself. From your loving brother.]

Nothing much , just a guy doing his best to make everyone happy. If you've liked my translation, leave a comment ❤️


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