Unexpectedly, I Became the Emperor’s Fiancé

The moment I relaxed my tightly clenched fist, strong arms wrapped around me.

The person who lifted me so effortlessly and with such stability moved forward without saying a word.

Hidden by the outerwear, I couldn’t see the face of the person holding me, but I felt like I knew who it was without looking, just like 11 years ago when they found me crying.

It’s you again, Ruth.


Ruth’s unwavering steps stopped upon reaching my bedroom.

While nestled in his embrace, I had closed my eyes to regain my composure and opened them only when I felt myself being set down on a chair. Then, I saw Ruth’s back as he gave instructions to a servant.

“…and, bring some hemostatic and bandages, that would be good.”

“Understood, Your Majesty.”

After finishing his conversation with the servant, Ruth approached, pulling his tightly knotted tie loose. His darkened purple eyes were filled with fatigue.

His gaze drifted towards me sluggishly as if he was lost in thought before finally meeting mine.

“It seems you’ve come back to your senses.”

He muttered this indifferently, not a hint of worry in his tone. Then he rolled up his sleeves loosely and placed the back of his hand against my forehead.

Startled by the sudden contact, I instinctively pulled back. My clear attempt to avoid him seemed to annoy Ruth.

At that moment, I realized I had made a mistake.

“It’s not that I…”

“You don’t seem to have a fever.”

Before I could even speak, Ruth acted as if he had no interest in my excuses. I bit my lip hard in response.

“Why did you do that at the banquet? I’m sure I told you not to play coy and to behave properly.”

He asked, looking at me with emotionless eyes as I struggled to keep my smile from faltering.

I could tell by his expressionless gaze that Ruth wasn’t genuinely curious; he was questioning me to scold me for appearing weak at the banquet.

“…I was embarrassed to have shown such an unsightly scene in front of many people…”

When I vaguely lied, he let out a small scoff.

“So, the lady’s actions earlier weren’t unsightly?”

“It’s my mistake. I won’t do it again…”

“Enough. I don’t want to hear promises of improvement from someone who’s still shaking. How would I know whether it’s just a momentary impulse or not?”


At Ruth’s words, I finally realized I was still trembling.

It was when I was trying to hide my trembling hands on my dress.

“Your Majesty. I’ve brought the hemostatic, bandages, and wine you requested.”

The servant’s voice came from outside the door, pulling Ruth’s gaze away from me.


I tilted my head in confusion as I watched Ruth head towards the door to receive items from a servant.

Wine aside, why would he need hemostatic agents and bandages…

Could it be because of my injuries? Soon, Ruth came back with a silver tray holding the items he had asked for from the servant.



Looking puzzled at his sudden, cryptic remark, Ruth flicked his hand as if urging me to understand. Still blinking in confusion, he explained to me.

“Injuries need to be treated, don’t they?”


Only then did I understand Ruth’s meaning, and I slowly extended my hand before halting.

Checking out of caution, I saw that blood was still oozing from the wound on my wrist.

If I showed Ruth my injury in this state, I would surely reveal the fact that I had golden blood.

That must not happen… Absolutely not.

“I can do it myself, Your Majesty.”

I quickly hid my wrist behind my back and looked up at Ruth, insisting.

“It’ll be difficult to do it alone.”

“It’s okay. So, please let me do it alone.”
He, looking at me with a meaningful gaze as I pleaded desperately, soon handed me a hemostatic agent and a bandage.

“Alright, then. As you wish.”

“Thank you.”

I expressed my gratitude to him for willingly letting me have my way, and carefully turned around, fearing that he might catch me treating my wound.

As Ruth said, treating my wound alone was difficult, especially since it was my right wrist that was injured.

After struggling to tie the bandage and looking back at Ruth, he stared at my wrist for a while and then murmured,

“Your skill is terrible. With such craftsmanship, you couldn’t properly handle a dagger.”

“I am aware that my skill is terrible, Your Majesty.”

I retorted, unable to help becoming irritated at his lightly teasing rebuke.

Ruth chuckled at my response, and while pouring wine into a glass, he gestured with his head.

“It’s good you recognize that. Would the lady like a glass?”

“I’m fine.”

“It’s quite a fine wine. It’s a 35-year-old wine made from grapes grown in the Halverton domain.”

“Then, just a little…”

Refusing to this extent of conversation wouldn’t have been polite.

Upon hearing my response, Ruth, as if he had been waiting, poured only a bit of wine into another glass. Then, he handed that glass to me and sat opposite me.

“Then, shall we continue the conversation from yesterday that we couldn’t finish?”

“Yes, I’d like that.”

I nodded, clutching the glass placed before me with both hands. I had been looking forward to this moment since yesterday, so I was already mentally prepared.

Where to start? Should I first talk about the benefits that Ruth would gain from accepting my proposal? Or maybe elaborate on the proposal…
While I was contemplating which of my swirling thoughts to express first, Ruth spoke up.

“I’ve mulled over the proposal you made last night several times. No matter how I think about it, the contract seems to benefit me more than it benefits you.”

It was true. In reality, the only benefit I would get from this engagement contract was the honor of the Obelton family, and even that would lose its power if Ruth and I broke off the engagement.
I blinked slowly to show that I understood what he was about to say.

Seeing that, Ruth continued softly,

“Therefore, there’s something I want to ask you.”


“What does this contract mean to you?”


“I’m asking what your real reason is for wanting this contract.”


Real reason? I have indeed committed a grave sin, and I have already shown myself as a sister to the people…

I could list any number of reasons for suggesting this contracted engagement to him.

But why? My thoughts could not continue. A question that had crept up from somewhere tossed a stone onto the still water.

Really? Is that all there is to it?

Then what more……

As I pondered over that elusive question, I suddenly realized.

…Personal desire.

Yes, that small and selfish desire played a part too. To stay by his side, having already committed the grave sin of insulting the royal family and having presented myself as a sister to the people, this was the only way to be with Ruth.

What’s so great about this so-called love.

“Personal desire…”


Ruth’s eyebrows twitched when he unwittingly heard the word I muttered.

Regaining my senses, I quickly made my excuses.

“Ah. No, it’s not that. There’s no real reason. It’s just what I told you yesterday.”

“Is that so,” he said, taking a sip of wine with his eyes downcast after hearing my answer.

“100 days.”


“That’s the period of our contract. Let’s make it 100 days.”

100 days… 100 days, huh.

As I repeated the period Ruth proposed, I slyly extended it.

“…150 days. Let’s make it 150 days.”


“I need more time to fulfill the condition I proposed to His Highness.”

To be honest, 100 days was more than enough time to accomplish the task I had promised Ruth. It was more than sufficient.

However, my desire to extend the contract from 100 days to 150 days was merely my own selfish wish.

Worried that Ruth might oppose extending the contract period, I anxiously awaited his response.

Please, please.

Did my earnestness reach him? After a brief moment of contemplation, Ruth responded positively.

“Hmm, alright. Then let’s set the contract duration to 150 days, and now all that’s left is to specify the details of this contract.”

Relieved that he agreed to extend the contract period, I couldn’t help but let out a sigh of relief.

As I was drawing a small smile, having been somewhat relieved, Ruth put down his glass and tapped on the table with his index finger, asking,

“Do you have any additional requests?”

“Yes, I do.”

“What is it?”

“I would like you not to forget that you are my fiancé during our contract.”

“So, even if it’s a contract engagement, you’re saying I should fulfill my duties as a fiancé.”


I replied with a determined expression. I worried if I was asking for too much, given it was a contract engagement, but I pushed aside those concerns.

Ruth’s gaze, which had been intently on me, soon turned self-deprecating and dried up.

“Fine. Then I’ll add one thing as well. I hope you also don’t forget that we are in a contractual relationship.”


“So what I mean is, if you act recklessly like today again next time, I won’t just let it slide.”

Acting recklessly like today. Mulling over his words, I couldn’t hide a bitter feeling.

I hadn’t hoped for Ruth to worry.

Yet, it hurt that the behavior I exhibited at the banquet was merely described as reckless.

Despite knowing that might well be the expected reaction.

I swallowed the bitterness rising in my throat and managed a faint smile.

Then, I brought out the best response I could muster at the moment.

“…Yes. I will bear that in mind, Your Majesty.”

With this, our misaligned reunion was complete.

Nothing much , just a guy doing his best to make everyone happy. If you've liked my translation, leave a comment ❤️


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