Unexpectedly, I Became the Emperor’s Fiancé

“If you say it’s as the owner of the Golden Blood…”

“I’m thinking of announcing you to everyone as the owner of the Golden Blood.”


I couldn’t hide my astonishment at Ruth’s assertion. It was a natural reaction. The Golden Blood was unique to the royal family. And the fact that such Golden Blood had disappeared had always been a sort of shameful secret of the royal family. Now, to announce that I have the Golden Blood in such circumstances.

“It might not be a good choice.”

“On the contrary, it could turn out to be a very good choice.”

“I’m not sure. But can you tell me exactly what the plan is?”

“One of the topics to be discussed at this conference is my engagement. Well, up until a few days ago, the subject came up with the intention of how to fill the vacancy after breaking off my engagement with you, but unexpectedly, since no one will know you, it seems we’ll be starting from scratch, discussing who might take the seat beside me.”

“So, what should I do?”

“Just come in when I say I’ve already decided on someone myself and prove that you have the Golden Blood, in front of as many people as possible. And come stand by my side, without feeling inferior to anyone. I’ll handle anyone who dares to oppose.”

Ruth slowly lowered the hand that had been stroking my head, catching the ends of my hair.

Then, he lightly kissed it before staring into my eyes as if waiting for the desired answer until it came.

After a brief pause, I gave an awkward smile and kissed Ruth’s forehead before stepping back, allowing my hair, previously held in his grasp, to regain its freedom.

“Can I take some time to think about it? Or is there not enough time?”

“No, it’s not that. What is it that you want to think about?”

“It’s just that… I feel apprehensive about standing in front of people. Ever since I was young, I’ve been taught to hide, and I still believe that. Plus, I’ve never thought this could be beneficial for me since it hasn’t only brought me advantages. So…”

Ever since I was very young, ever since my parents realized I had the golden blood, I have never once shown my abilities to others.

The reason being, I couldn’t trust them. Being powerless, I could easily become a target and ruin my life. Thus, I only learned how to hide my golden blood.

But suddenly being asked to reveal my abilities to everyone was utterly disconcerting. I thought the status quo was for the best until I was abruptly faced with reality. Strangely, it didn’t feel entirely negative.

“I understand your feelings completely. So, I’ll give you a day to think about it carefully, Selena.”

“…Yeah. Thank you, Ruth. For understanding.”

As I sincerely expressed my gratitude, Ruth, with a faint smile, checked his watch and raised his eyebrows as if he really regretted having to leave.

“I guess I must go now. I have a lot to do and only stopped by for a moment.”

“Then you’d better hurry on. It was nice to see you, even if just for a short while.”

“I feel the same. I’ll come back a day later, so have a think about it.”


After a brief goodbye, Ruth disappeared as quickly as he had arrived, even leaving a peck on the cheek.

I watched Ruth disappear in a daze and then slowly got off the bed. Silently, I moved in front of the full-length mirror and stared at myself, my skin looking somewhat pale. Eventually, my gaze settled on the vivid blue veins on the inside of my wrist.

I shouldn’t tell anyone. No matter what happens, I must remain silent.

Soon, the voice that seemed faded, almost painted in black and white, transformed into a voice all too familiar.

“You were already enough, healthy and right, but I overlooked that. And I silenced everything you wanted to do, your dreams. I’m sorry for that.”

“I wish you would meet a dad who is wiser and more excellent than I am, always living happily with a smile. I hope you meet a dad who watches over your growth process from the side and always becomes a strength by your side when you are lonely or sad.”

These were the words of the father Tommy met in his dream, a gift. The words added a new color to the voice of the father who, 11 years ago, urged me to silence. Then, at some moment, a lightning-like realization struck my mind.


Why do I have to be silent?

“Selena is not Serbia.”

I recited a clear fact I’ve learned based on my experience until now, and I felt as if life was breathed into these mere words. The inanimate phrase seemed to live and breathe in my heart. Thus, a nameless desire that had been long asleep also begins to breathe to life.

“Selena is Selena.”

Loves the sea.

Is very affectionate.

Has golden blood.

Selena is Selena. There is no other anomaly.


“Are you really okay?”

Ian, who had been waiting with me in front of the firmly closed door, asked with concern.

Honestly, I was very nervous and tense, but I pretended otherwise. I wanted to appear as composed as possible, especially since the moment was approaching when I would stand in front of people as Selena, the owner of the golden blood, for the first time.

The problem I thought would be long ended relatively quickly. After all, it was something I would have to face sooner or later.

And what was the use of trying to hide it? Using the golden blood, which had never brought me anything good, for my sake, how could that be bad?

“Yes, I’m okay.”

“It seems we’re getting in later than expected. Should I go check the situation inside?”

“No, it’s okay. It looks like the quarrel among the nobles might have ended, and it seems we’ll be able to enter soon. Let’s get ready, Ian.”

I pricked up my ears as much as possible and focused on the sounds coming from inside the room. It felt like the voices heatedly debating the pros and cons of dam construction had quieted down a bit. This seemed to signify that my turn was approaching soon.

As I waited with a pounding heart, Ruth’s voice soon came from inside.

“Do you all know this?”

“What do you mean, Your Majesty?”

“There exists among us someone with golden blood.”

“What are you saying…?”

At Ruth’s words, a stir arose among the nobles. While some showed disbelief, others contemplated the shifting power dynamics that the emergence of the owner of the golden blood might cause. The situation was truly typical of high society; I slightly lifted the corners of my mouth.

Then, out of nowhere, a deep voice rang out. The immediate silence following the voice suggested that its owner was likely one of the members of the Council of Elders.

“Does this mean, Your Majesty, that the golden blood has returned to the world of humans?”


“If Your Majesty is not the person in question, then who might…”

“So, I’m thinking of calling that person here; does everyone agree? It seems you all have taken quite an interest in my companion, so I brought him here, though not without difficulty. The golden blood belongs to the royal family. Hence, the one who possesses golden blood should also belong to the royal family, right?”

“…Is that really the truth?”

Still seemingly unable to believe, yet no longer able to find a reason to doubt Ruth’s words, they asked in a slightly lowered tone. Ruth responded with a light chuckle.

“I have always spoken the truth. Now, whether you believe it or not, decide after seeing this person.”

His words were like a starting signal for me. Therefore, I tensed my stomach and stopped listening to their conversation midway. I discreetly made eye contact with the knights who then promptly opened the door for me. It was a thankful glance.

Through the opened door, my eyes met with Ruth’s, who was sitting on the throne. The cold look in his eyes turned incredibly gentle upon seeing me. The discernible change as I ran towards him naturally drew people’s attention to me; it was an expected sequence of events.

“Come in.”

After a moment, Ruth broke the silence and gestured for me to come.

I started walking towards him, feeling strangely as though I was taking my first steps ever. It felt as if I had never walked on land before. Perhaps that’s why the red carpet felt so alien as I walked towards Ruth.

People’s gazes moved in sync with my steps. The emotion contained within those gazes was so earnest that I couldn’t fully grasp it. However, where once I would have been frightened by such attention, I now welcomed it. If they could serve as a stepping stone for my new leap, I would climb on top of it, even if it were just a humble cabin.

Soon after, I reached Ruth and, after greeting him with formality, I turned towards the nobles.

“I am.”

As I took a moment to look at each of the nobles, I saw Cedric, Helen, and Lilia. They seemed not to recognize me, yet somehow appeared confused.
I observed the scene with satisfaction before continuing.

“The second daughter of the Obelton family.”

Click, clack.

A shell that had been enveloping me began to peel away slowly. Piece by piece, thousands of pieces were shed. Those pieces contained the old me.

I took one of those pieces in my hand and brought it to my palm, then, like the first time I saved Ruth 11 years ago, I drew a line across my palm. The blood that began to bead was a radiant gold.

“Selena Obelton.”

Owner of the golden blood.

The emperor’s fiancée.

Selena Obelton.

That was my name.


Nothing much , just a guy doing his best to make everyone happy. If you've liked my translation, leave a comment ❤️


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