Unexpectedly, I Became the Emperor’s Fiancé

“If we get the chance later, it would be nice to see it together.”

I spoke softly, picturing her sibling whom I had seen before, vaguely in my mind. From the silver hair that fell to the shoulders, the pitch-black eyes resembling the night sky, to the unusually thin cheeks for someone their age.

Thinking of the child who seemed like a small animal, with eyes that appeared to pierce into my very soul, a smile naturally formed on my lips.

Moreover, seeing how close Cayena and her sibling were reminded me of my own sister.

That’s because, until my sister left, we maintained a relationship so close that the whole village knew about it, just like them.

Not only that, but even after she left, I’ve been waiting for her return while still harboring resentment towards her.

Seeing Cayena and her sibling getting along well seemed to alleviate the longing nestled in a corner of my heart somewhat. It was a hope born from that assurance.

“Yes. We would be grateful if you could do that.”

Cayena immediately responded positively with a bright smile to my suggestion. In turn, I couldn’t help but smile back, not even thinking to stop myself.

“Then, see you again soon.”

Knowing that spending more time here could make me late for a gathering of noble ladies, I decided to wrap up the conversation.

With a last smile in my eyes, I greeted her, then, withdrawing my gaze from Cayena, who was gracefully bowing, I started walking in the direction of the Obelton family’s camp.

After all, even if I don’t keep Cayena here any longer, it would be easy to meet again if I simply decided to find her. Besides, she has her own matters to attend to.

If I had not taken Cayenne from that place with Ruth, we wouldn’t have met like this. The moment I had that thought, my heart felt inexplicably warm. Surely, at that time, I was not without a small doubt about Ruth spending so much money, but seeing the outcome now, I felt I would have done the same.

Hurrying back to the tent, I encountered my mother who was preparing to go out with a wide hat on. It seemed she was going to have tea with the ladies while I met with the young ladies.

Expanding the family’s network was important not only through the influence of young nobles but more significantly through the ladies who held a part of the actual power.

“Where are you going?”

“Ah, I’m going to a tea party hosted by the wife of Duke Deans at the Deans’ family tent. Seri, do you have plans to go somewhere?”

“I’m going to a place where Lady Winter, the countess, invited me. See you later.”


After a short conversation with my mother, I left the tent again. In a little while, participants of the hunting contest would all ride out to the forest at once. I heard it’s quite a sight, so I planned to watch it before heading to the tent of Countess Winter.


With my arms crossed, I stood near the tent, watching the gathering nobles.

“……Therefore, you all…… I hope but no more than that……”

Even though it was faint, I could partially hear what Ruth was saying to the nobles. However, it wasn’t in the form of complete sentences, so it was difficult to understand. Because of that, I just let it go in one ear and out the other.

While waiting for them to head out to the forest, I recalled receiving a letter a few days ago from Lady Winter, a countess. It was an unexpected invitation from an unexpected person, leaving quite a strong impression.

Although her manner of writing was ticklish, within it hid a warm sincerity. Lady Winter’s letter mentioned a plan to hold a tea party at her family’s camp on the day of the hunting contest and invited me to join other ladies there.

Seeing it as an opportunity with more benefits than losses, and perhaps because it was Lady Winter who had invited me, I didn’t hesitate at all to accept the invitation. And then, time passed, and today arrived.

“Ah. It seems we’re leaving now.”

Following the nobles preparing to mount their horses brought me back to reality. Right after regaining my sense of the present, the warmth at my fingertips seemed to carry the fragrance of blooming spring.

Looking closely, I saw Lilia, Ian, and Ruth among the large group, getting ready to ride into the forest. A bit away from them, Cedric and Helen were also preparing.

Once everyone was mounted and no one was left standing on the ground, a loud sound of a horn resounded twice in quick succession. It was the signal to start.

Upon hearing that sound, people who were waiting immediately started driving their horses forward and began to run. The sounds of dozens of horse hooves overlapped and merged, eventually sounding as though they were one. The thick sandstorm they stirred up flew towards me, lightly brushing against the hem of my skirt.

Hearing the sound of the horse hooves, which was almost like the sound of drumming, I finally understood why people unanimously said this spectacle was magnificent. There was no grand event, nor any noticeable fancy decorations, but somehow, I felt submerged in the feeling that I would remember this scene for a long time. Whether this feeling was positive or negative remained uncertain.

“Shall we go now?”

After watching the group disappear into the distant forest until the very end, I slowly turned around. The young lady of the Winter Earl must be waiting. It was time to step out of this indescribable nostalgia and get on with my duties.

“Be wary of the dragon’s tears with roots facing west, young lady. I could not stop it once again, this time either.”

Before I knew it, Tommy’s mysterious note had long been forgotten.


Upon arriving at the encampment of the Winter Count’s household, there were about five or six young noble ladies present. Among them, the Lady of the Winter Count, seated in the middle, brightened at the sight of me and quickly composed herself before greeting me.

“You’re a bit late.”

“Yes. I got a little delayed watching over those heading to the forest. I’m sorry, Lady Winter.”

“Hmm. There’s no need for you to apologize, my lady. After all, we were also running a bit late, about to start the tea party just now, so I have no complaints.”

“That’s good to hear. Then, where shall I sit?”

“Please, sit next to me, my lady. Ah. This is the only seat available, there’s no other meaning behind it.”

“Got it.”

Watching Lady Winter turn as red as a beet while saying this, I couldn’t help but curve the corners of my mouth. Initially, her dishonest demeanor slightly repelled me, but lately, it has come to look endearing. Especially knowing that this was the best effort she could express to me.

As I took my seat, the young ladies, their eyes sparkling, shyly introduced themselves.

Each mentioned their house, name, and even their personal impressions towards me, which I quietly listened to and politely responded.

This alone seemed to thrill them, as they excitedly chattered among themselves—a reaction that was far from displeasing, rather excessively the opposite.

“By the way, there was a question I wanted to ask you all here.”

I turned to gaze at the young ladies, who indeed looked youthful, but all the more pleasant for it, and broke the ice. The conversation had drifted off course, and I intended to finish before I forgot the ultimate reason I came here.

At my significant preamble, the attention of everyone in the barracks turned to me. Their expressions urged me to quickly ask the question, as if prompting me.

“Has anyone heard rumors that His Majesty and I are not on good terms?”

“Uh… me.”

“Ah, me too. Me too.”

“Hmm? I’ve heard it too.”

The moment I quietly posed my question, voices popped up from here and there. Specifically, all the young ladies, including Lady Winter, responded that they had indeed heard that rumor, just in different order.

The conclusion was not particularly shocking, as it was quite predictable. My goal in raising this question was not to find out how widespread the rumor was, but to correct it.

The rumor that things were not good between Ruth and me was clearly going to disappear naturally once our contract ended and we called off our engagement.

However, primarily, even if the contract ended and we didn’t divorce, it was right to correct the rumor that Duke Hazel had deliberately spread.

Moreover, secondarily, even if we really broke off our engagement and the rumor disappeared naturally, the nobles would still remember Ruth as someone who had a bad relationship with his previous fiancée because of his first love. And I wanted to prevent such a thing from happening at all costs.

“First of all, I want to make it clear that the rumor is completely false. There has been absolutely no discord between His Highness and me, and we are getting along well, even making smooth preparations for our marriage. So, I hope you wouldn’t believe that rumor, and I would appreciate it if you could communicate my thoughts to others as well, everyone.”

I was torn between subtly hinting that things were amicable between Ruth and me or just stating it outright. Eventually, I opted for the latter, unsure of how effective the former would be. Additionally, this was a situation that required a straightforward approach.

Upon my request, the ladies blinked their large eyes for a while and then suddenly burst into laughter.

What’s happening?

I tilted my head, puzzled by the odd turn of events. Then, Lady Winter, who had wiped the tears at the corner of her eyes, informed me, “That rumor had already disappeared a while ago, my lady.”

Nothing much , just a guy doing his best to make everyone happy. If you've liked my translation, leave a comment ❤️


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