Unexpectedly, I Became the Emperor’s Fiancé

Now that you’ve said so much, I find myself at a loss for words. In truth, it would be more accurate to say that not a trace of negative emotion remains, rather than I have nothing to say.

Indeed, if I were in that situation, I would have acted just like Ruth.

Muttering this to myself, I fiddled with the newspaper in my hands. Then, I let a smile slowly spread across my lips, hoping this wasn’t just a fleeting emotion.

Noticing my improved mood, Ruth, who had been watching me for a moment, soon took a step closer.

“Is there nothing else you’re upset about now?”

“No, not really. And it wasn’t so much that I was upset, just felt a bit empty, I suppose.”

“That’s good to hear.”

With a relieved expression at my response, Ruth then pointed to the newspaper I was holding with his index finger and said, “Speaking of which, I wanted you to see this. It’s my present to you.”

“Oh? The part about Duke Hazel being sentenced to life imprisonment for embezzling from the royal family?”

“Huh? You already knew about it?”

“Yes. Ian, I mean, my brother came to show me earlier because he had just gotten hold of it. Actually, seeing that helped ease some of the resentment I had towards His Majesty.”

“Oh dear. I’m a step too late.”

Ruth showed a somewhat disappointed expression at my answer, but soon burst into a hearty laugh. It felt like he was laughing uncontrollably at his own childish behavior.

Seeing him like that, I remembered a question that I had forgotten until then and clapped my hands. And just as Ruth’s attention returned to me, I cautiously asked my question.

“But why life imprisonment?”

There were various punishments that could be meted out to nobles who committed corruption against the royal family, ranging from the most severe, execution, to the mildest, a fine.

The appropriate punishment was given according to the nature of the crime committed. For example, the Obelton family, although it was a case of being wrongfully accused, was exterminated.

But considering the corruption committed by Duke Hazel, from what I knew, it seemed the crime was severe enough to merit execution, let alone anything else.

So, I wondered why the option of life imprisonment was chosen. If it were me, I would have chosen execution as a simple method to leave no hope for Duke Hazel.

At my question, Ruth seemed to ponder for a while, and then he leaned forward slightly to meet my eyes.

Then, placing his hands on either side of his waist, he showed a teasing yet serious smile, one that straddled the boundary between a boy and a man. The smile he offered from just a palm’s distance away was incredibly seductive.

“Execution would be too lenient, don’t you think?”


While I was blankly staring at Ruth’s smug face, he replied in a dry tone. Only then did I snap back to reality, finding myself tilting my head in confusion. The reason was that Ruth’s answer was completely unexpected.

Death penalty being a lenient treatment?

For me, it was a disagreeable notion, making me involuntarily furrow my brow. Instead, isn’t the death penalty, which tramples upon life, the most cruel and unethical punishment? The very fact that the death penalty allows one human being to dictate the life of another already far exceeds the bounds of leniency.

Noticing my troubled heart, Ruth lightly flicked the tip of my still wrinkled nose.

“Think about it, my lady. Of course, the moment of receiving and facing the death penalty would be miserable and painful. But that would end as soon as one stops breathing. Besides, someone like Duke Hazel might actually consider it fortunate to avoid a more miserable and embarrassing fate, given his great pride as a noble.”

“That may be so. But isn’t this a different case?”

“It’s different if it’s different, and it’s the same if it’s the same. I don’t wish for Duke Hazel to suffer even a little. I’d rather he lives a long and miserable life, knowing the pain of those whose lives and rights have been stripped away by his tyranny. That’s why, among many punishments, I chose not to opt for the death penalty but life imprisonment.”

“Do you really think Duke Hazel will feel as we hope he does? In my opinion, he’ll just be ready to flee at any time. After all, his people are plentiful outside the prison.”

“Ah, don’t worry about that problem. I plan to detain the Duke of Hazel in Aritra Prison.”

Upon hearing my concerns, Ruth waved his hand dismissively and shrugged his shoulders.

My eyes widened at the mention of “Aritra Prison” from his mouth. Located on Aritra Island in the southwest of the empire, Aritra Prison looks like a tall circular tower.

Constructed with numerous stones piled upon each other, it has a feature of showing no gaps when viewed from the outside, leading to rumors that once someone enters, they can never escape.

The fact that there are no times when knights do not patrol and the walls extend even beneath the ground have added credibility to these rumors.

If he was sent there, it was safe to assume that his chances of escaping were close to zero.

To go to Aritra Island, one must board a ship that sails only once a day, and only those permitted by the emperor could do so. And it was highly unlikely that Ruth would send anyone capable of aiding Duke Hazel’s escape to that island.

As my thoughts organized, I gradually relaxed, feeling relieved. The anxiety that had arisen from matters related to Duke Hazel disappeared, calming my mind.

“When will he be sent to Aritra Island then?”
“Who, ah, Duke Hazel? Perhaps after the hunting competition ends? Sending him now might cause too much commotion.”

“That makes sense. If you’re not sending him right away, would it be alright for me to visit Duke Hazel later?”

“Hmm? Why? What good would it do for you to see Duke Hazel?”

“I have something I want to ask.”

I was curious about what kind of things Duke Hazel had done related to my father, and why he did them. It felt like only by knowing this could I erase the fear ingrained in my bones.

At my request, Ruth hesitated for a few seconds. It seemed he was reluctant to give permission straight away, perhaps knowing I was afraid of Duke Hazel. Still, with patient waiting, Ruth eventually nodded up and down, curling the corners of his lips as if to say he couldn’t help it.

“Do as you please. But this time, come with me.”

“Yes, I’d like that.”

Going with Ruth was even better. I wouldn’t be scared then. With him by my side, I felt I wouldn’t be consumed by fear when facing Duke Hazel, as the anticipation bubbled up from deep within.

Pleased with my eager reply, Ruth glanced at the wall clock placed on one side of the bedroom, then made a face of disappointment.

“Oh no, we’ve been delayed more than I planned. I must go now, my lady. Unfortunately, I left with work still postponed.”

“There’s nothing to be done about it. Please return safely, your highness.”

As much as I wanted to hold onto him, I knew I shouldn’t. Ruth was a busy person, and the fact that he made time to see me was significant in itself. Moreover, we were bound to see each other often once I returned to the imperial palace.

Hence, I could let him go gracefully.

As I pushed back the strands of hair that had fallen into my face behind my ear and greeted him, Ruth briefly twitched his lips and eventually reached out slowly to grasp the ends of my hair. Then, he kissed it so quietly that not a sound was made.


Startled by his sudden touch, I flinched my fingers. I didn’t even think about moving as if my whole body had turned to stone. No, it wasn’t that I wanted to move away from Ruth; I simply couldn’t think of moving because I didn’t want to be apart from him.

Seeing me like this, Ruth took a step back and murmured softly, “We’ll meet again soon, my lady.”

With those final words, he disappeared again like the wind. He was gone in the blink of an eye.


Left alone after Ruth’s departure, my legs weakened, and I plopped down at the end of the bed. For some reason, my heart wouldn’t calm down. The loud pounding of my heart wasn’t simply because he had kissed my hair, nor was it just because of the emptiness that the spot where Ruth had disappeared so suddenly left behind.

“It can’t be.”

It was because, for the first time in a long time, his eyes, bidding me such a meaningful farewell, seemed to see through me and onto someone else.


Time passed swiftly.
I wondered if my message had been properly conveyed to my mother; she seemed to know something but chose not to speak of it. Because of this, our peaceful atmosphere continued endlessly.

I spent my time reading books in the study, tending to the garden, and learning to knit from my mother. All the while, I kept receiving updates on the current situation from Ian. Though I told Ruth it was okay, I was just as curious.

According to Ian, unlike usual when the nobility council would end in a day, this time it lasted for two days. He added, somewhat surprisingly to me, that this was due to the multitude of pressing issues they had to address.

Fortunately, it seemed the sentiment of the nobility council went as Ruth and I had hoped.

If what Ian said was true, the meeting mostly proceeded with Helen, acting on behalf of Duke Abyss, voicing her opinion, which Ian and Cedric supported, and finally, Ruth swaying the other nobles.

Hearing that the empire’s laws were amended in the direction Helen had hoped, thanks to the successful conclusion of the nobility council, made me feel unexpectedly emotional.

As days passed, suddenly, Ian came to tell me that the Council of Elders had finally begun to take action.

Nothing much , just a guy doing his best to make everyone happy. If you've liked my translation, leave a comment ❤️


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