Unexpectedly, I Became the Emperor’s Fiancé

He said so and soon let out a small, hearty laugh as if trying to dissolve the hardened atmosphere.

“It’s still a relief, though. If His Majesty hadn’t resolved the matter with Duke Hazel, I would have tried to handle it somehow. It seems fortune is on our side, sister.”

“Indeed… I just hope this isn’t a small hope given before the worst of setbacks.”

It was a rule that always tormented me, to the extent that I could suspect it to be God’s jest, that a bad event always follows a good one.

This wouldn’t allow me to even briefly let my guard down. Thus, I couldn’t fully enjoy the happiness currently given to me, feeling as if it’s the calm before something bursts.

Noticing my psychological state, Ian gently stroked my shoulder and brushed off the hair that had fallen onto it. Then he murmured softly.

“Don’t be too anxious and enjoy the good luck you have now. Otherwise, you might regret wasting time later.”

“Okay, I’ll do as you say. Thanks.”

As I deliberately laughed loudly so as not to worry Ian, who was concerned for me, Ian shook his head as if he couldn’t handle me anymore.

“By the way, how is life in the imperial palace? Seeing that His Majesty mentioned revealing your true identity later, it seems your relationship with him isn’t too bad.”

“Ah, that’s…”

After being asked by him, I momentarily recalled the past few months I had spent with Ruth, tightly holding onto the corners of my lips that naturally began to curl up. I didn’t want to giggle foolishly in front of Ian for no reason.

Clearing my throat needlessly, as if to ease the tightness within me, I started to gradually talk about the general episodes that happened with Ruth. Since there had been so many incidents, I summarized them into major ones such as completely settling our agreement over a meal, incidents that occurred at the casino, and events at the library.

Ian, who had been listening to my story attentively, soon made a ridiculous face and suddenly countered.

“But if His Majesty went to such lengths, doesn’t that mean he already knows your identity?”

“What? No way. If he knew, he would’ve asked first. He would’ve asked if I was ‘that child’. He’s not someone who would just watch quietly without saying anything.”

I flatly denied Ian’s thought, which didn’t make sense to me at all. It might have been unfounded confidence, but I prided myself on knowing Ruth well enough.

Thus, I could also speculate on how he would react when he found out my real identity.

And if Ruth were to know that I was ‘that child,’ he would immediately come looking for me, bringing a multitude of questions and sharing the stories we hadn’t been able to tell each other.

But Ruth has been quiet about ‘that child’ so far, not even budging. That means, the likelihood of him having realized my true identity is significantly low.

Additionally, I have never left any clue for Ruth to recognize who I really am. Therefore, the assumption that Ruth knows my true form is nearly impossible to begin with.

Upon my assertion, Ian raised his eyebrows in a puzzled expression for a few seconds, and then playfully lifted a corner of his mouth.

“Then bet with me, Sister.”

“On what?”

“Whether His Majesty has recognized you or not. I will bet that he did, um… I’ll put a wish on the line.”

“Fine. Then I will bet he didn’t, and like you, I’ll put a wish on the line.”

“Alright. Let’s find out the result of the bet when the hunting contest is over and you reveal your identity to His Majesty.”

“That sounds good.”

I was surprised by Ian’s sudden suggestion to make a bet, but soon chuckled as if I were a mischievous child. It felt like playing a wicked prank, secretly from our parents. It was a naughty, yet exhilarating feeling.

After all, I was bound to be the winner of the bet. Except for Lilia and a few royal servants, I’ve been with Ruth the most over the last three months, and from what I see, he is completely unaware that I am ‘that child’.

Yet, Ian’s insistence on making a bet was so adorable that I decided to indulge him.

While pondering where to use the wish coupon I won from Ian in a bet, I was suddenly brought back to reality by something Ian said.

“Then, I’ll make sure to speak to Mother about it. Sister, you must be tired, so please rest up until we return to the palace. You look much more tired than the last time I saw you.”

“Do I look that tired in your eyes? Then I really must rest. I’m grateful that you’re willing to speak on my behalf, Ian. It would be great for me if you do that. Can I count on you?”

“Of course. Please, trust me.”

Ian and I exchanged words in a light tone and looked into each other’s eyes for 3 seconds, eventually bursting out laughing together. The similar pairs of eyes, filled with each other’s reflection, shimmered.

Maybe it was because I was with a family that would never turn their back on me, no matter what.

I felt at ease.

So much so.


Ian left, and after a long time, I indulged in an afternoon nap. At the palace, I always had to be on edge, or was so full of thoughts that, even lying in bed, I would only daydream, not fall asleep. For this reason, stretching out comfortably and taking an afternoon nap like this had been really long overdue.

I had been lost in a heavy nap for a while and woke up when the sky outside the window was dyed a deep orange. It was an ambiguous time, neither evening nor day. Soon, it would be the time of dogs and wolves, a time which I personally favored the most.

Just as I sat up drowsily in bed, looking out at the orange sky where stars and the moon were weakly shining, a gentle breeze suddenly came through even though the window was closed, followed shortly by a calm voice from outside the long window, toward the terrace.


It was Ruth.


I couldn’t hide my surprise and quickly looked around. It was impossible for Ruth to be here at this time when he should be finishing up work at the palace. Therefore, the voice reaching my ears must surely be a hallucination born of longing, yet for some reason, my heart kept racing.

“Milady. Over here.”

As I struggled to suppress my perplexed feelings, once again, the voice came from the direction of the terrace, this time a bit louder.

Thanks to you, my gaze, which seemed to deny reality, immediately turned towards the terrace. It was irresistible. It was the first time I had ever cursed my instincts, which screamed that no matter if it were an illusion, I wanted to see it just the same.

There, where I looked, was
“Uh… why is Your Majesty here…? Am I still dreaming…?”

Ruth stood there, waving one hand in greeting while holding a bundle of papers in his arms, a soft smile on his lips.

If it were an illusion, it might feel surreal, but there was no such hint, and the fact that pinching my cheek resulted in vivid pain suggested that this was likely reality.

My jaw dropped, and I had no thought to close it, then Ruth’s eyes curved into a smile, and he moved his red lips.

“I’m sorry for showing up so suddenly, but I had something urgent to convey. I’ll leave right after I deliver this, so could you open up? I’m not fond of conversing with a window between us.”

“Um, that, ah.”

After stammering for a while, I finally came to my senses, hastily straightened my disheveled appearance, and rushed towards the window.

Carefully, I unlocked the window that had been closed and invited Ruth, who had been standing idly on the terrace, into my bedroom.

As if thanking him, Ruth flicked his chin and then, rolling his violet irises as if he were touring my bedroom, handed me the bundle of papers he had been holding.

His eyes wore a look of commanding pride, urging me to hurry up and open it.

Silently wondering about Ruth, who came unannounced and handed me this mysterious bundle of papers, I opened it.

Even though I knew it shouldn’t be strange because it was from Ruth, I couldn’t control the faint, pounding excitement in my heart.

“…This is.”

“It’s a gift, young lady. Do you like it?”

As soon as I realized what was in the paper bundle, I could only trail off. I was speechless. I struggled to find words for the emotions swelling up to the brink of my throat.

Whether it was touched, sorry, or happiness, even I, the owner, didn’t know what emotions suddenly surged.

The paper bundle that Ruth presented as a gift was none other than the final version of the newspaper Ian had shown me a few hours earlier.

Unlike Ian’s draft, which was merely a rough draft, this one looked completely ready for publication, without a single flaw visible.

“You came to show me this, all of a sudden?”

“Actually, because I told you not to come to the palace for a week, I was worried that you might misunderstand. I was going to make an excuse that there were some things I needed to take care of, but was that unnecessary?”

“It’s not that I didn’t need it, I just wanted to say thank you. Actually, I wasn’t misunderstood, but I felt a bit disappointed. I also helped out a lot while fulfilling the contract with His Majesty, but now I’m sad that I can’t see with my own eyes how all these things are being concluded.”

“I have nothing to say to that. I’m sorry. The Duke of Hazel isn’t someone who would just sit idly by after I’ve intervened, so I wanted to minimize the risk of you being in danger, but it seems I was mistaken.”

Ruth, who readily offered an apology upon my confession, fiddled with the back of his head and slightly stretched his lips.

“It was a decision made in my own way to protect the young lady.”

Nothing much , just a guy doing his best to make everyone happy. If you've liked my translation, leave a comment ❤️


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