Unexpectedly, I Became the Emperor’s Fiancé

Chapter 10. Another World

Not long after the banquet hosted by Abyss, I heard from Ruth that Derena had been captured. The charges were for falsifying her identity to insult the royal family and spreading baseless rumors to undermine the royal family’s prestige.

Unfortunately, because Derena remained silent and steadfast, we couldn’t yet reveal that Duke Hazel was behind her. However, it seemed like everything was heading towards an end. Perhaps knowing this brought an unprecedented peace over me, making me feel languid.

I heard from Ruth that the negotiations with Duke Hazel had also successfully concluded, but whether it was a genuine negotiation or a negotiation masked as a threat was known only to him.

Anyway, thanks to his efforts in concluding matters, we could finish all the preliminary preparations for the upcoming noble conference as planned.

Maybe it was because we found a moment of respite, but I decided to start tackling one by one the tasks I had been putting off while I was so busy running around.

Sitting at my desk, I listed them in order of priority as they came to mind. To my surprise, what I thought would be two or three tasks had grown to five.

[1. Reveal the truth to Ruth that I am ‘that child’ (as carefully as possible…).

2. See the family. (While at it, discuss when we might stop this whole thing.)

3. Talk to Tommy. (Tommy might know something more. Let’s carefully draw out the truth!)

4. Find out what the ‘barrier’ the wizards talk about is. (I remember Tommy saying I shouldn’t know about it yet, need to find out what that means.)

5. Create a place for ‘Selena’.]


After finishing organizing, I tapped my lips with the end of my fountain pen as I swept through the list with my eyes.

This was to check if there were things I had omitted that came to mind or, conversely, if there were items included that didn’t necessarily need to be addressed.

Finally, after confirming that there was nothing amiss with my list, I hesitated for a moment before drawing a small circle next to item number 2.

Although it wasn’t considered the highest priority, it was equally important and therefore intended to be addressed first.

Moreover, having not seen the family for such a long time felt odd. Even though I’ve seen Ian from time to time, it’s been a while since I’ve seen my mother.

First off, I should send a letter to Ian. It’s necessary to find out when would be the most convenient time for both of us.

Having decided on what to do now, I looked back and forth between items 3 and 4. These two items, both related to ‘Tommy’, could potentially be handled at once, assuming, of course, that things proceed as I hoped.

Thinking of Tommy suddenly reminded me of our last conversation. It was such a shocking memory that it remained vividly clear and unforgettable.

After dwelling on this bitter memory, I swallowed dryly to moisten my throat and, after some deliberation, I put a star mark next to items 3 and 4.

This indicated that I still wasn’t completely ready mentally and that more time was needed.

If we just handle numbers 2, 3, and 4, then numbers 1 and 5 will be taken care of automatically during the hunting contest.

So, let’s take it one step at a time. I muttered to myself inwardly and pressed the corners of my eyes with the back of my hand.

My chest, which had been under severe pressure at times due to the assumption that I could be murdered, was calm today, of all days.

Could this calm before the storm be my imagination? Come to think of it, it seemed like Duke Hazel knew I had golden blood.

“What should I do?”

I mumbled quietly as I aimlessly stared at the ceiling. It was the first time someone who wasn’t family had discovered that I had golden blood.

It irked me consistently, like a thorn under my fingernail, popping into my mind unexpectedly, no matter how hard I tried to forget about it deliberately.

Given Duke Hazel’s nature from what I’ve observed so far, he wouldn’t recklessly spread the story that I have golden blood because if the secret becomes known not just to him, its value would plummet infinitely.

Unlike other types of secrets, the fact that I possessed a secret that could shake the entire empire meant that keeping silent was definitely his best move.

The problem, then, was what Duke Hazel would demand in exchange for his silence.

As mentioned earlier, Duke Hazel was a shrewd individual.

This meant that catching a weakness of someone like Miss Obelton, who is also the emperor’s fiancée, he wouldn’t just let it go.

It would be easier to respond if I could figure it out in advance.

“I wonder what would serve as bait to catch a fox.”

Considering the absence from the last trial, even a rabbit wouldn’t tempt him to show even a paw.
I turned my head to gaze at the magnolia flowers outside the window, deeply immersed in thought.

Various possibilities came to mind, but I couldn’t confidently settle on any.

It somehow felt that what Duke Hazel wanted wasn’t something trivial floating around in my head, but something more significant.

After thinking for a while, I finally got up, stopping my pondering. If it was a puzzle I couldn’t solve on my own, then I should find someone who could find the answer for me. Someone like Ruth, for instance.

Besides, I need to pass on that my secret has been discovered to my family as well. They’re bound to be shocked, but how should I word it?

My thoughts shifted from Duke Hazel to my family concerns. I could somehow manage to tell Ian, but if Mother found out that someone noticed my secret, she might faint again, and I desperately wanted to avoid that.

Especially since Mother’s health has rapidly declined since Father passed away, I didn’t want her to go through the unpleasant experience of fainting again.

“…It’s probably better to set the right atmosphere. I’ll need to ask Ian for help with that.”

After pondering for a few more minutes, I soon pulled the bell cord. It was to ask Isabella to bring me paper and an envelope to write a letter.


Ruth seemed very pleased when I said I would meet with my family. It seemed to have been bothering him that I had not met with my family and was only fulfilling our contract in the palace all this time, even though he didn’t express it.

Although it was a bit much that he banned me from entering the palace for a week so that I could rest well with my family since I was going anyway.

“Does a week mean… I’ll be returning right before the hunting contest?”

I calculated the time in my head while riding the carriage Ruth provided to the Duke of Obelton’s residence. I was wondering why he specified exactly a week, but now it seemed like I knew why.

But then, I wouldn’t be able to attend the noble conference…

The thought of the noble conference made me tilt my head in curiosity once again.

It was a principle that only the heads of each family and the council of elders could attend the noble conference.

However, nobles who weren’t heads could also observe if they applied in advance. This was a method of the royal family to show that there was not a single bit of corruption in the decisions made on the agenda of the noble conference.

So, naturally, I was preparing myself, thinking Ruth would ask me to observe the noble conference. But to issue a palace entry ban for a week, including the noble conference. I wondered what Ruth planned to do in that week without me.

“Well, it’s not bad for me.”

I muttered softly and pouted my lips. Still, I was disappointed he hadn’t informed me in advance.

“He’ll manage it somehow.”

After acting like that for a while, I finally sighed and straightened my back. Dwelling on regrets was nothing but poison. It would be far more beneficial to look forward to seeing my family after a long time.

As I was lost in various thoughts, killing time, the carriage soon arrived in front of the Obelton Duke’s mansion. My eyes naturally curved at the sight of the familiar mansion I hadn’t seen in months.

It’s home.

“We’ve arrived.”

Eventually, the carriage stopped, and the coachman opened the door for me. Then, the bright sunlight pouring in from outside the carriage seemed to welcome me, tinting my dress in yellow.

Taking a deep breath, I got out of the carriage with the coachman’s escort.

Right after getting off the carriage, I spotted Ian waiting for me in front of the gate.

Whether he rushed down from his work, Ian, with his casual indoor attire and glasses perched on his nose, seemed tired yet his expression was fluttering as he looked around, as if he was expecting my carriage to come from the north.

Thinking it was divine intervention that I came through the busy city streets, taking the western road contrary to his expectation, I tiptoed towards Ian.



He lightly hit Ian on the shoulder and smiled brightly. Ian, who glanced at me, had a gentle smile on his lips.

Despite suddenly encountering someone, his calm demeanor made me realize that he had already been aware of my existence. Ian took the suitcase, which was about four spans wide, from my hand and then extended one arm. It was a gesture for an escort.

When I didn’t refuse his offer of escort, Ian matched his steps to mine and asked in a sweet voice, “How have you been, big sister?”

Nothing much , just a guy doing his best to make everyone happy. If you've liked my translation, leave a comment ❤️


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