Unexpectedly, I Became the Emperor’s Fiancé

However, it soon seemed she realized we were inside a banquet hall filled with numerous people, as her face turned red and she lowered her voice as much as possible.

“Do you not know what that gesture means?”

“I do. I’m not so uninterested in social circles that I wouldn’t know.”

“Then why… why do that… no… aren’t you worried what would have happened if it wasn’t me but another man who saw you?”

“In the end, it was Lady Winter who saw. Doesn’t that settle it? And I was looking exactly at you. So, there’s no way someone else could have misunderstood.”


As I continued with a bold response, filled with a hint of playfulness, Lady Winter let out a deep sigh from below, as if communication with me was impossible.

Yet, why doesn’t this seemingly rude behavior appear hateful?

I briefly glanced at Lady Winter, who was making a sulky face, with a faint smile.

Like her family name suggesting winter, Lady Winter was dressed in a pure white dress reminiscent of winter, adorned with pearls. Perhaps that’s why she exuded an aura so noble, she could be mistaken for a bride just married if seen elsewhere.

“You look beautiful today.”

As I sincerely complimented her, perhaps a bit flattered, Lady Winter’s red lips twitched slightly.

“I did put in a bit of effort. There’s someone I want things to go well with.”

“Someone you want things to go well with?”

“Ah, ah… This is not what I meant to say…”

As I did not miss the seemingly unintentional words she let slip, Lady Winter’s face turned completely beet red as if she was a red radish.

It seemed she herself was aware that her face had turned bright red, as she continuously stroked her cheek with her hand covered in a lace glove. It was of no use, however.

Unable to contain my growing curiosity, I took a step closer to her.

I still vividly remembered Lady Winter getting slapped in the face by her father at the royal palace. I wasn’t sure about the details of their conversation, but I guessed it had something to do with issues related to Lady Winter’s marriage arrangements.

Of course, it could be my misunderstanding, so I wasn’t certain.

But to think that there was someone Lady Winter wanted to be well off with. This realization brought me not only surprise but also a faint sense of relief.

It could even be described as a feeling of joy. At that moment, I became curious about who could have captured the heart of such a prickly Lady Winter.

As I tilted my head in eagerness for an answer, Lady Winter, unable to bear it any longer, pursed her lips and slowly began to speak.

“…It’s Duke Ozer, Your Excellency.”

“Duke Ozer? That means…”

Who is that?

If the person isn’t someone I’m fated to remember, it’s hard for me to recall them, so I had to spend quite some time pondering who this ‘Count Ozer’ she mentioned was. Although I had memorized all the existing noble families, and the name wasn’t unfamiliar, the problem was that I couldn’t recall his face.

At my appearance, Countess Winter chuckled lightly and, with a mischievous pout of her lower lip, pointed with the tip of her folded fan towards a particular spot in the banquet hall.

“That gentleman over there is Count Ozer.”

“If it’s that person over there….”

Following the direction she pointed, I turned my gaze and saw a man surrounded by people, wearing a pleasant smile.

The man, with black hair and green eyes, wore round silver glasses which, perhaps, made him look quite intellectual. Not only that, but his slender physique combined with his tall stature made his handsome features stand out even more.


Now I remember. He was said to specialize in importing foreign goods, wasn’t he?

The moment I saw him, I could recall everything about Count Ozer from the blurry details that had previously eluded me. His personality was also rumored to be very kind.

“You’ve taken a fancy to a good man.”

This time, speaking sincerely, Countess Winter fidgeted with her shy fingers. It gave me the impression of watching a younger sister who has just begun her first romance, and before I knew it, the corners of my mouth had lifted into a slight smile.

“How did you come to like him?”

“A few weeks back, about three weeks ago, the Duke of Ozer came to our mansion to discuss business with my father. That was the first time I met His Grace, and at that time, I was crying. Actually, it wasn’t just that I was crying. My father had said he could wait no longer and told me to marry Baron Roims, who lives abroad, so I was hiding and crying in the garden. The man is thirty years older than me and even has two sons.”

“Ah, I see.”

As the conversation opened up, Lady Winter couldn’t stop talking, like a fish in water. Her actions reminded me of Isabella, but unlike with Isabella, I didn’t interrupt her. I wanted her to feel comfortable enough to share her story with me, at least.

“Anyway, I was crying because I didn’t want to get married, and then I met the Duke of Ozer. I heard he had my father’s permission to visit the garden. As you know, His Grace of Ozer doesn’t have an ordinary appearance. So, without realizing, I stared at him, and feeling embarrassed, I acted aloof, but then he offered me a handkerchief.”

“Did you fall for him then?”

“Well, at that moment, I thought he was a good person, but it wasn’t like I fell for him right then. Rather, at that time, I mean, then…”

Lady Winter, who had been eagerly telling her story, suddenly trailed off and glanced at me as if trying to gauge my reaction. Then, after a few seconds, as if she had made up her mind, she clenched her fist tightly.

“I was reminded of you, My Lady.”

“My thoughts?”

I was startled by her declaration that she had suddenly thought of me, and as I pointed at my chest with my index finger and asked, Lady Winter nodded without a hint of hesitation.

“You once gave me a handkerchief, my lady. So, when His Excellency the Duke of Ozer gave me a handkerchief, I think I saw your figure overlaid on his.”

“It seems you’ve looked upon me quite favorably.”


Somehow, as the atmosphere became as serious as if a confession of love was being made, my attempt at a joke was met with nothing but silence. That made me feel even more awkward.

As I awkwardly scratched my chin, Lady Winter, looking at me, let out a small chuckle.

“But now that I see, it’s not only me who has changed.”

“What do you mean…?”

“You’ve become much more at ease, my lady. Before, it was as if, how should I say, you were being chased by something intangible. It looked as though you were oppressing yourself. But now, none of that seems to be visible.”

“…Is that so.”

“You’ve overcome your sorrow. Congratulations, my lady.”

Lady Winter said with a slight twinkle in her eye, a continuation of the consolation she had offered me at the gala held at the Duke of Dright’s estate.

I immediately noticed the truth and didn’t even think to hide the smile that came with a surge of emotion; I burst into laughter. Somehow, I felt relieved.

Do you have the courage to find an answer for yourself?

Suddenly, I remembered the question asked by the voice in my unconsciousness earlier. I couldn’t answer it while talking with Helen, but now I can answer it with certainty.

I’ve already moved forward.

You are the powerless and insignificant Selena.

Even the powerless and insignificant me has moved forward.

So, answer me.

“Thank you, lady.”

Who are you to see me as a powerless and insignificant being?

For the first time, the positions of the voice in my unconscious and me were reversed. Now it was the voice’s turn to answer.

While continuing the conversation with Lady Winter, heavy footsteps were heard approaching, and soon they stopped in front of us. The source of the sound turned out to be a man whom Lady Winter had just introduced as Duke Ozer.

“If I am interrupting, I apologize, Lady Obelton, and Lady Winter.”

“Oh, no. Not at all. You weren’t interrupting, so there’s no need for apologies, Your Excellency.”

The Duke of Ozer, who offered an apology with a pleasant bass tone, wore a warm smile. However, given that his interest seemed solely focused on Lady Winter, a Countess, the smile was clearly meant for her alone.

I thought it was unrequited love, but it seems it was mutual after all.

I twitched my nose amusedly at the unfolding situation and couldn’t hide my fluster as I switched my gaze between the stuttering Lady Winter and the Duke of Ozer, who, despite his cheeky demeanor, looked affectionately at her.

It would be polite to excuse myself at this point.
Just as I thought to speak, the Duke of Ozer beat me to it.

“If Lady Obelton does not mind, I would like to take Lady Winter with me; would that be alright?”

“Of course. Please do take Lady Winter with you, Duke Ozer. Just ensure that you stay together until the end of the ball. After all, escorting a beautiful lady is the virtue of a gentleman.”

“That goes without saying. We shall take our leave now, so please enjoy the rest of the ball.”

With that farewell, the Duke of Ozer, with Lady Winter whose eyes were wide with surprise, disappeared into the crowd. It seemed like a beautiful pair of lovers would soon emerge.

Watching Lady Winter drift away, I shook off the lingering concerns in my heart.

The way for a girl to become an adult is simple. It is to endure a long fall and, upon finally reaching the flat ground, to regain one’s balance.

If someone cannot endure that long fall and gives up, while another may regain their footing upon finally reaching the flat ground, they may only find themselves faltering. Therefore, it is difficult for a girl to become an adult.

However, if she does not give up, the girl will eventually shatter her own small world and then,

“…it’s finally over.”

She will face another world.

Nothing much , just a guy doing his best to make everyone happy. If you've liked my translation, leave a comment ❤️


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